Female sexual assult and how it's treated


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
i was reading through the news when i came across this story:

Woman accused of sex with boy, 12, claims affair with his dad and i thought that the way the story was reported was just odd.

So i have been digging back through the news paper to find similar allegations against men to compare and its very interesting when you read through not just how women accused of these crimes are treated by the media but how the courts treat them as well.

For instance look at this:

In sentencing Rafei to an 18-month community based order, judge Liz Gaynor described Rafei as an extremely immature woman who became infatuated with the boy.

Judge Gaynor said Rafei was unprepared and ill-equipped to deal with the student's pursuit, due to her lack of experience with the opposite sex.

The judge said she did not consider Rafei to be a predator.

But Noel McNamara of the Crime Victims Support Association says the sentence is too lenient and points to female bias as a possible factor.

"I think they seem to be mainly in most cases female judges who hand down these sentences and think that it is okay for female teachers to interfere with young boys," he said.

"We don't know what the end result is going to be with this lad."

The judge told the court Rafei's ill-fated affair has left her alone, deeply ashamed and riddled with guilt.

The court heard Rafei has been shunned by her family and community and her marriage is in ruins.

Throughout the case her family did not attend court. Her husband now lives with her parents while she lives alone in her marital home.

Judge Gaynor said Rafei's actions had brought disaster upon her - she was sacked from her job and she will never be allowed to teach again.


"You leave court with a life of extraordinary difficulty," the judge said


Then of course we have this story

Serial pedophile Dennis Ferguson not guilty of molesting young girl

Now yes this is not a direct comparision because a) the child was younger and b) the person has previously been convicted but i am having a hard time trying to find an exact mirror of the story because it doesnt apear that adelaide now keeps records of older stories and google cant seem to directly search the site. The abc does but its language on all cases is more factual rather than emotive
Dude. Seriously, get Firefox installed on your system. I can barely understand any of this. At least firefox can get rid of spelling errors.

You are saying women get off easy and then link an example where a known pedophile(male) gets off Scott-free?

I don't really understand this post.
no, he was found not guility and the thread was NOT about the conviction or the allegations themselves. It was about the language the media uses to report them and then the sentances handed down. If he\she is innocent then thats fine, however giving a suspended sentance and sitting there talking about how hard the womens life is going to be because she raped a 15 year old is not right.

Can you see ANY judge (man or women) complaining about how hard the life of a male teacher who raped a student would be?
Yeah women are allowed to be sexist and men aren't. This is another example of it. I think you could have picked a better male example though.

Just like "White"/Caucasian/European-looking people cannot show any prejudice, where everyone else can be damn near openly racist and not fear reprisals.

Just like I whenever I fill out an application and they have that "Are you a white guy?" question, under the lovely laws of "Equal opportunity" in Canada...I never get an interview(even if I'm over qualified) - EVER.

Suck it up and overcome I guess.
i did want to put in a better example but the only one i could find was of the minster from the solomon islands who was acused of raping a 15 year old male in australia and the problem with that story was that it was about the fact that we couldnt get him extrodited rather than a report on the case itself.
I think that women can be sexual predators. I think they can be just as dangerous as men. But yes. People underestimate them. How could that pretty looking woman be a predator? I mean good God she's a woman! :rolleyes:

It's an unfair bias. It's the same thing that goes for old people. Just because an 86 year old man is being tried for war crimes, people go up in arms. How dare you accuse this poor old man of raping and torturing prisoners! He's old! As if old people weren't once young and able to commit atrocious acts. Sheesh.

I agree that the media plays to the stories of 'women as sexual predators'. People eat it up. They find it unbelievable that a good looking 24 year old woman could possibly rape or engage in sexual intercourse with a 15 year old male student.

It all comes down to where people draw the line. Is it statutory rape, child molestation, or consensual sex? The law is so muddled and has so many grey areas that nobody knows what to think and the media downplays suspected women as predators, but sensationalizes the stories just as they crucify suspected male predators and it becomes old news. Just another male pervert. But this is how it is for many things.

Many people don't want to see women as powerful in any sense, whether sexually, politically, or physically. People are ready to accept men as all of these things and therefore they become victims of the gender stereotype just as women do.

It sux, but what can you do?
in victoria the law is VERY clear, its unlawful sexual assult. Now if the person was anything BUT a teacher the courts probably would have gone easy on her justifiably. after all they would be less than a year off the age of concent so sa la vi. However for teachers and other people in authority over the teenager its a VERY strict 18
That's just typical...Women are harmless and have no violence in them, even if they just impaled a live kitten. (sarcasm)
Yeah women are allowed to be sexist and men aren't. This is another example of it. I think you could have picked a better male example though.

Just like "White"/Caucasian/European-looking people cannot show any prejudice, where everyone else can be damn near openly racist and not fear reprisals.

Just like I whenever I fill out an application and they have that "Are you a white guy?" question, under the lovely laws of "Equal opportunity" in Canada...I never get an interview(even if I'm over qualified) - EVER.

Angry white boy much?

On the flip side, when a minority experiences prejudice, we're sometimes patronized. Or sometimes, we get hurt.

In a year, I'm going to be a mortician. I also had the terrible audacity to be born with a vulva. This means in my field, although my school which receives federal funding and provides lower cost help for mortuaries/funeral homes will land me an apprenticeship, I may not get the low cost or free housing my male counterparts have. I still choose my field because I feel very drawn to it, but this bitch will cash in her privlege to call you a stupid honkey boy if I could just receive the same treatment.

If I sleep with a 16 year old, I'm more likely to get a slap on the wrist. You're more likely to get something more harsh. However, humans tend to categorize. Female sexual predators tend to be less violent. You'll find judges are less harsh on those who commit statutory rape as well.

That's just typical...Women are harmless and have no violence in them, even if they just impaled a live kitten. (sarcasm)

She didn't impale a kitten. She committed statutory rape, something a million guys make the simple mistake of doing and it never becomes a big fuss in the paper.
Women are gateways of new life, after all they are the main priority in our society. Even though they are a majority.
Women are gateways of new life, after all they are the main priority in our society. Even though they are a majority.

51%. We've got it all over you, sugar. :rolleyes:

I'm so flattered we're the main priority. And I have D cups and a 25 inch waist!

All the better to sexually assault you with, my dear.

51%. We've got it all over you, sugar. :rolleyes:

I'm so flattered we're the main priority. And I have D cups and a 25 inch waist!

All the better to sexually assault you with, my dear.


if you saw me, you would think twice before thinking of sexually assaulting me :eek:
if you saw me, you would think twice before thinking of sexually assaulting me :eek:

Psh, put up or shut up. There's a real lack of twelve year olds in my area, so God knows what I'll do. And I already impaled all my kittens! :p

In all seriousness, yeah, women are so often displayed as sex objects, but we're not really viewed as enjoying sex, so we tend to get away with more. Goldang patriarchy and Victorian period, always backfiring! ;)

It's Saturday, and I'm kind of pretty and pretty damn smart and nice. If I were a pedophile, I'd have a date. But noooo, I have to like the company of adults.
How old are you sweety? cause I am 22.

I just turned 24.

Darn, not young enough to be my kid!

Dare I post my nude where everything's covered? Then we can start a thread where no dude on the forums could get away with that! :D
2 teachers here raped and sodomized the same 13 yr old boy and neither knew about the other. They are both facing 1st degree felony charges.

I know that it's just the ol' male in me, but I just have a hard time buying that a woman can rape a young boy (or older one, for that matter!). If the boy is scared or nervous or whatever, his little dick ain't gonna' get hard ...how does a woman rape him?

Rape is about violence and power, ain't it? At least that's what "they" say about women being raped ...that it ain't about sex, it's about violence against women and power over them. So if that's really what rape is, then how can a woman rape a young boy?

Baron Max