Female genital mutilation

I don't agree with the practice of female circumcision. I think its funny that people say women who have been circumcised can not enjoy sex, but if you ask them most of them say that they have very satisfying sex lives and do enjoy sex. One woman said that these women were just delusional and did not know what real what sex was supposed to feel like and just imagined that they enjoyed sex. How could she know? If she isn't circumcised then how does she or any other woman who likes to judge know what they feel? My friend has been circumcised and she can still have orgasms (at least that what she says).

If you are talking about the removal of the clitoris your friend is wrong. Anatomically it has a purpose and it is the most sensitive part of a female's reproductive organs. It is the equivalent of the male penis. Removing it is another way in which to control a woman's sexuality.
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my apologies SkinWalker. Myles I strongly recomend that you go and talk to someone who has had it done. Especially someone like Cutsie's friend for example rather than just "i know people in the UK who go over to stop this happerning"
thats nice, have you ever had a patient ask you to redo it after you cut through the tissue so they can give birth. Have you ever had the MOTHER ask for you to do it to her daughter

It was at that point i stoped beliving that its "male dominance over women" its no more about that than MGM is females showing sexual dominance over MEN

I do think its child abuse but if an ADULT wants it done what right do any of us have to tell her she cant as long as she can give informed concent (ie she a) knows what she is doing and b) isnt being forced into it)
Fatwas published:
Fatwas are published opinions by Muslim religious scholars. They are non-binding in law. But Muslim believers are expected to follow them. In Egypt, a number of Fatwas have been issued by the influential Egyptian Fatwa Committee on FGM:

1949-MAY-28: They decided that it is not a sin to reject female circumcision.
1951-JUN-23: They stated that female circumcision is desirable because it curbs "nature" (i.e. sexual drive among women). It stated that medical concerns over the practice are irrelevant. 1981-JAN-29: The Great Sheikh of Al-Azhar (the most famous University of the Islamic World) stated that parents must follow the lessons of Mohammed and not listen to medical authorities because the latter often change their minds. Parents must do their duty and have their daughters circumcised.


Why the selective posting?

A Egyptian conference of Muslim scholars from around the world declared female circumcision to be contrary to Islam and an attack on women, and called today for those who practice it to be punished.

The conference, organised by the German human rights group TARGET, recommended that governments pass laws to prohibit the tradition and that judicial bodies prosecute those who mutilate female genitals.

"The conference appeals to all Muslims to stop practicing this habit, according to Islam's teachings which prohibit inflicting harm on any human being," the participants said in their final statement.

Egypt's two top Islamic clerics, Mohammed Sayed Tantawi, the Grand Sheik of Al-Azhar, the foremost theological institute in the Sunni Muslim world, and Grand Mufti Ali Gomaa, attended the conference, which drew scholars from as far afield as Russia.

Tantawi's and Gomaa's edicts are considered binding.

Though I will say that the women towards whom this is directed, are ignoring it. They do not feel that the imams have a right to tell them what they can do with their bodies. Go figure.
Why the selective posting?


Though I will say that the women towards whom this is directed, are ignoring it. They do not feel that the imams have a right to tell them what they can do with their bodies. Go figure.

Your answer is ambiguous. You have merely shown that Al-Azhar was present at the conference. It does not necessarily follow that he agreed with those who objected to genital muttilation. Was a unaminous vote carried ?

Assuming he did change his mind , then he was going back on an earlier fatwa. This would be typical of the way religion operates. Muslinm women are expected to submit to whatever nonsense emanate from so-called scholars, not to mention the suffering inflicated on them. Why did an outside organization have to call the conference ? Had they not done so, it can be assumed that the earlier ruling would still apply

Catholics are expected to folow ex-cathedra prouncements made by the Pope of the day. One Pope can overturn what one of his predecessors said.

I cannot understand how a rational person can accept such nonsense.
Your answer is ambiguous. You have merely shown that Al-Azhar was present at the conference. It does not necessarily follow that he agreed with those who objected to genital muttilation. Was a unaminous vote carried ?

Assuming he did change his mind , then he was going back on an earlier fatwa. This would be typical of the way religion operates. Muslinm women are expected to submit to whatever nonsense emanate from so-called scholars, not to mention the suffering inflicated on them. Why did an outside organization have to call the conference ? Had they not done so, it can be assumed that the earlier ruling would still apply

Catholics are expected to folow ex-cathedra prouncements made by the Pope of the day. One Pope can overturn what one of his predecessors said.

I cannot understand how a rational person can accept such nonsense.

Al Azhar has binding fatwas. The others do not.
SAM said:
Though I will say that the women towards whom this is directed, are ignoring it. They do not feel that the imams have a right to tell them what they can do with their bodies. Go figure.
The issue seems to be more what they can do with other women's bodies.

The old Chinese footbinding was done by women to girls, as well.
yeah but when a man has his fore skin cut it doesnt make him not enjoy sex anymore. he can still orgasm a woman cant

They aren't really supposed to.

I just had to dredge up this thread to say:

I really don't see how male circumcision (rather brutally and without anaesthetic crushing and tearing off the foreskin, impairing the function of a perfectly healthy penis) is perfectly acceptable in the USA whereas female circumcision (essentially removing a vestigial penis and scrotum with the only tools available, dirty instruments and no anaesthetic because, shock fucking horror, third world surgery is rather primitive) is apparently such a horrible crime to you yanks.
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They should circumsize the males fully so they can't have kids and their stupid race dies out.
Did he change his mind or stick to his guns ?

Al Azhar
being a university, does not have guns, but yes, the fatwa is still binding, since it has not been overwritten by a later one.


Shockingly, no one can be forced to follow a fatwa, so it has little effect on those determined to follow the practice.