Female Genital Mutilation


Paint it Black
Registered Senior Member
This is a widespread practice, mostly in Africa. Though also in Asia, Austrailia, North America, and Europe. It includes sewing the vagina shut and removing the clitoris. Frequently the female is physically (even fatally) damaged as well as psychologically affected.

What are your opinions or solutions?
It is just another natural way that blacks treat their women.

Primitive is, as primitive does.
J.B said:
It is just another natural way that blacks treat their women.

Primitive is, as primitive does.
Yes... there are sooooo many 'blacks' in Asia.. :rolleyes:

In case you weren't aware JB, some Asian countries also practice forms of female genital mutilation.
The doo-gooder western nations should get together a coalition and invade those countries and FORCE them to quit doin' whatever it is that we don't like!!! Dammit, I'm tired of other nations gettin' to do anything they want ....just who the fuck do they think they are?

Invade, take over, force those nations and all cultures of the world to be westernized or suffer the consequences!!

Baron Max
I guess everyone agrees with my last post, huh? I've often wondered how one post seems to just stop the discussion ...without anyone making a rebuttal or comment.

Baron Max
Yes, you already built a McDonalds pretty much everywhere you wanted culture annihilated.

That's not fair. Define culture. Do so and I'll show that you're biased in your definiton of culture.

Also, McDonalds is a restaurant. Not a museum.

Ever been to EuroDisney? Is it still open? Do you think that if some European bought it and changed the theme to something more European if it would do better? Say Beowulf Land? Well. That's more German than French. It is in France, right? (What the hell were they thinking building it in France?! Idiots. Should have been apparent that the French would hate it.) What would you suggest? Napoleon Land? Escargot Land? Obnoxious French Waiter Land?

Ah. I know. Anti-America Land. That'd draw them in in droves. Might even make a killing if you offered a discount to Al Quaeda members...

wikapedia says:
The word culture, from the Latin root colere (to inhabit, to cultivate, or to honor), generally refers to patterns of human activity and the symbolic structures that give such activity significance.

McDonalds would fit this definition perfectly I would say.
Well. I was looking more for your personal feeling on what culture is. That is the heart of the matter, you realize.

But, regardless, if McDonalds fits the definition perfectly (i.e. you feel that it is a symbol of culture) then why do you say that it destroys culture?

Answer? You feel that it actually destroys the other definition of culture. I.e. the culture that validates your existence. And replaces it with one that doesn't.

Is McDonalds so insidious or are Europeans so wishy-washy that they can't withstand a McDonalds on the corner selling Quarter-pounders with cheese? Is that really such a threat to your culture?

Hmm. Speaking of Quarter Pounders with Cheese. I learned from Pulp Fiction that the name has actually been changed to Royale with Cheese for all you metric system users (a measurement system I envy you for, by the way. Your water supply may be poisoned with centuries of human waste and pollution, but at least you got your shit together with the metric system. I wish America had changed over back when Europe did... I digress.)

Anyway. Look. McDonalds changed for YOU. They could have forced that Quarter Pounder with Cheese down your throat. But no. They alter their symbol solely for the European community. They don't even want to threaten your metric system culture. Let alone what's taking place down at the Louvre.

I think that far too much is made of things like McDonalds and American Cultural Hegemony. If you don't like it. Don't buy it. If you don't buy it. Then it won't make money. Then it won't stay. It's basic economics.

I suppose to get back to topic... how about deep fried Female Gentialia Mutilations? Dipped in beer batter, of course. With a side of sweet and sour... Mmm.
ive seen pictures of american girls who get zippers implanted in thier vagina...and razor blades, spikes...there was one with barbed wire, but i think that was probably just for the picture
McDonalds would fit this definition perfectly I would say.
Then you contradict yourself.

Monkey one: “Yes, you already built a McDonalds pretty much everywhere you wanted culture annihilated.”
Monkey two:

wikapedia says:
The word culture, from the Latin root colere (to inhabit, to cultivate, or to honor), generally refers to patterns of human activity and the symbolic structures that give such activity significance.

McDonalds would fit this definition perfectly I would say.
So which are you?

Come on simian you know you despise fast food, SUV's, Girls Gone Wild and the Brady Bunch. In your personal opinion America is a middle aged sow with no culture at all outside of MacDonald's and reality television.
To you this is no culture at all, hence your first post and why your second one does not make sense.

In my opinionated humility, McDonald' *is* this country's culture.
Football, reality television, phenomenal debt, fast food, and a crippling fear of fear in itself is this country's culture.
If we're going to define culture as social patterns replicating themselves via ritual and imitation, generation by generation, as memes, than McDonald’s is as American and respectively cultural as toy poodles and Southeastern inbreds.

I'm a little tired of people saying America lacks 'culture' as if dreadlocks and patchouli were "culture" and hamburgers not. What, we need to be brown and fuzzy with exotic beads and spicy food to be truly ‘cultural’?
On topic:

I love the irony in men that have beat and controlled a woman's mind and body from the first day he introduced his degenerate sex ..........and would assume she'd be actually enjoying sex with his body.
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gendanken said:
......would assume she'd be actually enjoying sex with his body.

Well, she'd damned sure better enjoy it .....or she'll get another goddamed black eye and bloody nose for it!!! :)

Baron Max
Gendanken said:
I'm a little tired of people saying America lacks 'culture' as if dreadlocks and patchouli were "culture" and hamburgers not. What, we need to be brown and fuzzy with exotic beads and spicy food to be truly ‘cultural’?

My point exactly.
Although, I'm not so sure that I'd call McDonalds a harbinger of our culture. At least not to the degree with which it is generally looked upon by outsiders as.

It's just burgers.
Ronald McDonaldland is not 'art'. It's just a way of making a turd.

However. In this, it is culture. Part of American culture is 'making a turd' rather than seeking out some 'culture'-filled restaurant serving snails and frogs legs (unless you want to impress someone with your sense of culture, that is...)

America is a utilitarian environment and McDonalds (as well as other 'fast food' restaurants) is an icon of this utilitarianism.

It is this utilitarianism that makes American English the best language for scientific papers (although I suppose this might be disputed). We're a very no-nonsense people. We don't put on many airs.

Of course. The country has been going through a vast cultural flux over the past 50 years. Decadence sinks in. McDonald's is taken as a sign of decandence, but I don't think it is. I think it's a victim of it.

I love the irony in men that have beat and controlled a woman's mind and body from the first day he introduced his degenerate sex ..........and would assume she'd be actually enjoying sex with his body.

I'm sure you realize that the real issue is paternity (and 'pure' women, of course...) rather than enjoyment. Well. At least in the case of sewing the damn thing shut. I suppose removing the clitoris and labia and depriving her of enjoyment would make her less likely to cheat.

The truth is that a women enjoys cheating more than sex with her partner. She is also likelier to impregnate because of it.

So. In this perhaps it is effective.

I've seen this done, by the way. Pictures. Had a link to a web site that showed pictures of various operations, had been planning on posting it, but the site was a geo-cities page and isn't there anymore.

Gross stuff.
Poor labia.
I fail to see the contradiction.
I say noise 'annihilates' silence because I consider them opposites or not the same thing.
When you say McDonalds would annihilate culture it is translated as you considering McDonalds the opposite of culture or not the same thing.
Thereby, it is translated as you saying McDonald’s is not culture.

True, your statement could be misinterpreted but we would not be in this hairy little nest had you said:
"Yes, you already built a McDonalds pretty much everywhere you wanted OTHER culture annihilated."

This statement without the operative word 'other' presupposes you saying that fast food is anticultural/anacultural.
You then go on to say the defintion of culture fits Macdonald's perfectly.
Which is contradictory to your first post.
Sevi ?


It's just burgers.
Ronald McDonaldland is not 'art'. It's just a way of making a turd.
Since when is culture 'art'?

Indians nod their head sideways in place of up and down for “yes” like 'we' do, so that if they agreed with you you'd think they were disagreeing.
This art?