FEMA Concentration Camps

“… The special hollow point effectively passes through a variety of barriers and holds its jacket in the toughest conditions. HST is engineered for 100-percent weight retention, limits collateral damage, and avoids over-penetration.
When the US government is serious about killing people, it doesn't buy this crap. It issues Predator rounds.
I think FEMA should have that power, and they should shoot anyone that resists. Remember, they would only use such power if there were some severe emergency like a disease outbreak. I'm not going to die just because some stupid nutcase thinks they are going to gassed by our lizard overlords.

lol exactly. I love that "lizard overlords." :D
Several states, perhaps most with budget problems, have "for profit" private prisons owned by corporations and if the corporations is owned by Judges as was case a few years ago in PA they become legalized concentration camps for many innocent young people.

http://email.angelnexus.com/hostedemail/email.htm?CID=13968154097&ch=578B96856E75633E1341E6EB8263E77E&h=14742ec7ff470841e5eb6559fd69eb2a&ei=WqUpuhkNJ said:
1.7 Billion Tax Dollars:
On the day of the “drug raid,” Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), the for-profit prison company that sent employees to Vista Grande High School {in Arizona} dressed similarly to police officers, added three units of inventory — i.e. processed and warehoused three students, two for the equivalent of one marijuana cigarette.

And with the processing and warehousing of those “violent” criminals, CCA got a few more bucks from Uncle Sam.

You see, the company makes money on every prisoner and detainee it warehouses. And all revenues are derived from government contracts that pay an actual per-prisoner rate. This has resulted in annual revenues of $1.7 billion for CCA.

That's 1.7 billion taxpayer dollars — a nice score when you have friends in the right places.
In the PA case the judge was eventually disbarred, but not before he had sent several thousand young people to the prison he profited from. His "trials" of someone with no criminal record but caught with just one marijuana cigarette in their car rarely lasted even one minute. Some teenagers spent more than a decade in jail after a one-minute "trial" as the profit making corporation did not let them file an appeal etc. for obvious reasons.

This unconstitutional abuse of the constitution´s prohibition against unreasonable search and seizure law* in this Arizona case is particularly illegal as not even the police are doing it - just the corporation that would profit more the more people it can send to jail. This is another reason why US jails hold many times more on a per capita basis than any other advanced economy. (More than 10 times more in many cases, but I still think the main reason is that large fraction of US population gets such a poor education that they are not equipped to get the jobs available. Thus many turn to crime, as the only way to earn the good life they see on TV. Again I say: We need quality schools even in neighborhoods too poor to fund them - Ergo: Federal funding of schools. That would cost less as cost of a person in prison is greater than sending one to several "Ivy league" universities and all state universities!)

The Federal government also kills (with drones) even Americans the President does not like. - Worst example, a few months ago, was a 16 year old boy with no criminal record or any anti-American activity, who had gone to look for his also US citizen father, who was actively making anti-American propaganda in Yemen. A US drone found and killed his father before he did but only a few weeks before another killed the 16 year old American boy.) Their father and grand father, also an American who still lives in the US as did the 16 year old, is suing many high US officials for these killings, especially the completely innocent 16 year old American.

The constitution is increasing ignored by the US government since 9/11. Thus FEMA concentration camps are a real possibility, if a failing economy causes wide spread food riots , etc. as the US no longer needs to do "due process" in the courts.

* As you can read at the link, they searched EVERY locker in the school with trained dogs, with no basis to suspect anyone. Possibly one of those now in jail is there because the prior user of that locker left a tiny bit of one marijuana cigarette on the floor, which the dogs found.
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Four letters (no, not FEMA)- NDAA. If the government makes indefinite detention "legal", with no requirement of due process, trials in military court, etc... than it follows that the government can, technically, imprison any citizen they want. It is not simply a "conspiracy", it is a civil rights issue that is being raised by a number of civil rights organizations. In this context, FEMA would be just the place where someone would end up in, if they were to be, well... kidnapped by the government. Incidentally, that reminds me of a bill that was recently introduced in Kansas.

"Representative Brett Hildabrand of Kansas’ 17th district has introduced a bill, HB2161, to nullify the so-called “indefinite detention” powers of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). HB2161 has many co-sponsors including Representatives: Bradford, Claeys, Garber, Grosserode, Hedke, Houser, Howell, Montgomery, O’Brien, Peck, Petty, Read and Rothlisberg. This bill is currently in the Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice.

This bill is different from and quite a bit stronger than previous bills introduced around the country to nullify NDAA indefinite detention. It includes kidnapping charges for federal agents attempting to arrest people in Kansas without due process. This concept stands on a strong leg, because when you remove due process from the equation, “indefinite detention” is little more than government-sanctioned kidnapping."


That is not to say that there is a 100% probability that the government wants to use the FEMA camps to do mass arrests like the Nazis did to the Jews (as some conspiracy theorists claim), however it does not nullify that possibility either, and considering other factors such as drone killings and drone "kill lists" even of American citizens, that makes the likelihood of their intentions even greater. In other words - it is wise to exercise caution and side with the civil rights organizations to revert such unconstitutional "laws".
I don´t want to start new thread so post following here.
http://www.globalwealthprotection.com/name-just-one-freedom-lost/ said:
Dishonesty from politicians is nothing new for Americans.
The real question is whether we are lying to ourselves when we call this country the land of the free.
Washington Post 15January2012 Summarized from link above:
10 constitutional rights cancelled by recent U.S. government actions (since 9/11):

Indefinite detention: … the president has the authority to indefinitely detain citizens accused of terrorism. … the Senate specifically rejected an amendment that would exempt citizens and the Administration has opposed efforts to challenge such authority in federal court.

Arbitrary justice: The president now decides whether a person will receive a trial in the federal courts or in a military tribunal, ... Bush claimed this authority in 2001, and Obama has continued the practice.

Warrantless searches: Bush acquired this sweeping power under the Patriot Act in 2001, and in 2011, Obama extended the power, to searches of everything from business documents to library records. The government can demand, without probable cause, that organizations turn over information on citizens — and order them not to reveal the disclosure to the affected party.

Secret evidence: The government now routinely uses secret evidence to detain individuals and employs secret evidence in federal and military courts. It also forces the dismissal of cases against the United States with declarations that the cases would reveal classified information.

War crimes: The world clamored for prosecutions of those responsible for water boarding terrorism suspects during the Bush administration, but in 2009 the Obama administration said that it would not allow CIA employees to be investigated or prosecuted. This gutted not just treaty obligations but the Nuremberg principles of international law.

Secret court: The secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, issues secret warrants on individuals deemed to be aiding or abetting hostile foreign governments or organizations. In 2011, Obama renewed these powers, including allowing secret searches of individuals who are not part of an identifiable terrorist group. The govenment ignores congressional limits on such surveillance.

Immunity from judicial review: Like the Bush administration, the Obama administration has successfully pushed for immunity for companies that assist in warrantless surveillance of citizens, blocking the ability of citizens to challenge the violation of privacy.

Continual monitoring of citizens: The Obama administration has successfully defended its claim that it can use GPS devices to monitor every move of targeted citizens without securing any court order or review. It is not defending the power before the Supreme Court — a power described by Justice Anthony Kennedy as “Orwellian.”

More discussion of each is given at the link above.
Strangely, the most serious constitutional violation was not even mentioned in the link:

Now any "high official" can order the execution of US citizens with zero "due process" in the courts. That was recently done to very innocent 17 year old boy - a good student, but a Muslim, who went outside the US looking for his anti- American father. AFAIK, no US citizen has been killed by high official´s order within the US, yet.

Just after the Constitution was signed, Mrs. Powel confronted Benjamin Franklin and asked, “Well, Doctor, what have we got — a republic or a monarchy?” His response was: “A republic, Madam, if you can keep it.”

We have lost much of it already and when economic chaos comes it will be Marshall Law or Military Government in the USA. Ben also said:

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”-quoted as published in Memoirs of the life and writings of Benjamin Franklin, but several other wording are used. An earlier variant by Franklin in Poor Richard's Almanack (1738):
"Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, nor Liberty to purchase power."