Feel weird sometimes


Registered Member
I notice myself in my shell, not only at home watching television under a roof

between four walls,, but in my shell,, thinking and reminiscing and watching people in my shell.

This shell that I notice feels like a force or spell over me? What is this vibration that my life force is under? What makes me not concerned with the outside ( real ) world?

I notice...

I also notice when I am too caught up in my thoughts walking down the street, working at work, on the bus, etc. , just thinking "being in my own

zone"... just kinda,, not paying attention to the outside world too much,,, just really thinking, reminiscing, laughing and entertaining myself in my head to myself.

What is this that I notice ? ? I may describe it as a tenedency or prone-ness to something. This thing that I am prone to may be the vibration that is associated ( concerned ) with my life and how I am,, from the environment that shaped me

So in turn, all things that are in my favor and like,, are those things that I am prone to and have been prone to since birth.

And I am prone to space off and daydream and not be concerned with the outside real world

I am prone. This is typical because I am prone. What is it that I am prone to?
Enlightenment? You do know that consciousness is an empty shell in the first place? An illusion created by the brain? Maybe you are just becoming aware of it.

Or who knows, it could be something like autism or schizophrenia.
What is it that I am prone to?

What is this that I notice ? ? I may describe it as a tenedency or prone-ness to something. This thing that I am prone to may be the vibration that is associated ( concerned ) with my life and how I am,, from the environment that shaped me.

So in turn, all things that are in my favor and like,, are those things that I am prone to and have been prone to since birth.

And I am prone to space off and daydream and not be concerned with the outside real world

I am prone. This is typical because I am prone. What is it that I am prone to?

So you answered your own question. :itold:
Being human.
And rambling.

Yes I do ramble sometimes. But I know this comes from an unorganized thought pattern. I know things, but I cannot recite what I know or teach my knowledge effectively.

I know. I don't teach ( well ).

I might ramble to get you to understand a range of things in a post so that you will have all aspects of what I am trying to say,,, so you may not judge prematurely on what you think you know when you don't know.

Now tell me,,, is it so absurd to think there is something wrong with me?
Now tell me,,, is it so absurd to think there is something wrong with me?

There's something wrong with everyone, its just that some actually realize it and seek help!;)
Yes I do ramble sometimes. But I know this comes from an unorganized thought pattern. I know things, but I cannot recite what I know or teach my knowledge effectively.

I know. I don't teach ( well ).

I might ramble to get you to understand a range of things in a post so that you will have all aspects of what I am trying to say,,, so you may not judge prematurely on what you think you know when you don't know.

Now tell me,,, is it so absurd to think there is something wrong with me?

yeah. I mean do you look in the mirror and wonder how you got there . Who is that face in the mirror ? Is it even you ? Welcome to Human race . Our perceptions are limited by our senses . How did I get hear ! Is that my beautiful wife . This is not my car this is not my house . How did I get here
When I notice myself, I feel remorseful for the things I do not do naturally or automatically.

There are things I could be doing, but because of my person, I am not prone to them so I would be out of character if I did them. Yet am I any less of a person for not doing those things?

I wake up and notice myself.

Why do I notice myself? Wherein this forum does universal psychology help in identifying reasons why I am so self conscious and others around me are not so?
Wherein this forum does universal psychology help in identifying reasons why I am so self conscious and others around me are not so?
What makes you think others are not so?
This is a common state for humans - thinking that "everyone but me just gets on with it, without actually realising what they are doing".
What makes you think others are not so?
This is a common state for humans - thinking that "everyone but me just gets on with it, without actually realising what they are doing".

Because I am greatly hindered.

You can tell by my actions. And you can compare the actions of others.

I am hindered. They are not.

They may realize for a short while, but they do not stay contemplative. They do not stay in that perpetual negative thought.. And when that thought is perpetual,,, there will be a break down ( panic ) eventually.

But since there is no panic that has been building up over time,, then there is no thing seriously wrong with that person.

On the other hand,,, look at that other man ( me ),,, he is unstable mentally, and you can tell..
This is purely your own perception.
On the other hand if you're really worried get professional help.
Because I am greatly hindered.

You can tell by my actions. And you can compare the actions of others.

I am hindered. They are not.

They may realize for a short while, but they do not stay contemplative. They do not stay in that perpetual negative thought.. And when that thought is perpetual,,, there will be a break down ( panic ) eventually.

But since there is no panic that has been building up over time,, then there is no thing seriously wrong with that person.

On the other hand,,, look at that other man ( me ),,, he is unstable mentally, and you can tell..

It is hard to brake free my man . It is the hardest thing a human can do in my opinion . The best thing you can do is find what belongs to you . What you are natural prone to do . Enhance those abilities and just do the best you can . If you like cause you are good at it it will propel you to get better at it just by shear repetitiveness of doing it . As you completely understand the foundation of the matter you start to see the little things that separate a copy from an original and brother don't we all want to be gr8. Hells bells think about all those other sperms that tried to get to the egg . Brother you are that sperm that did it . Not only that but you dodged the old abortion cut and jerk too . That is quite an accomplishment in it self . Be proud to be human .
This is purely your own perception.
On the other hand if you're really worried get professional help.

i hope it is

So I ask humbly,, do you think that I cannot notice subtle things?

You think I can 't notice when I ' m going nowhere??

People are usually greatly affected by external things outside of their control,, but my pathetic self,,,

I defeat myself just with my mind but others don't let their minds defeat them. That's truly pathetic in my eyes.
i hope it is

So I ask humbly,, do you think that I cannot notice subtle things?

You think I can 't notice when I ' m going nowhere??

People are usually greatly affected by external things outside of their control,, but my pathetic self,,,

I defeat myself just with my mind but others don't let their minds defeat them. That's truly pathetic in my eyes.
No we all do that

It is the society we live in . The hole of media input is to make you want what you don't have . You are lacking so you need this . It is the campaign blitz that sucks you dry of your self worth . This it what you do " Look in the mirror and say "I am Great " Look your self in the eye and say " I am Great "

Do that every morning for a fortnight and then see if something about your self has changed . Input = out put . Just like a computer. What you put in is what comes out . Control your thought and shape your self to what you want .
No we all do that

It is the society we live in . The hole of media input is to make you want what you don't have . You are lacking so you need this . It is the campaign blitz that sucks you dry of your self worth . This it what you do " Look in the mirror and say "I am Great " Look your self in the eye and say " I am Great "

Do that every morning for a fortnight and then see if something about your self has changed . Input = out put . Just like a computer. What you put in is what comes out . Control your thought and shape your self to what you want .

THank you for your words, I'll try not to fight them to the best of my ability.

I can reflect on myself alot of the time and say 'wow that's brilliant, I'm brilliant!' but this is only when I am true to myself. And if I can say this truthfully then I can say other things truthfully.

I don't believe this is all twisted perception.

But I tell you man,, you cannot believe how a sheltered nature can manifest.

You cannot believe how many tens of years of television and cartoons can warp your mind. .. ( sadness ).....
You cannot believe how many tens of years of television and cartoons can warp your mind. .. ( sadness ).....

Ever try turning it off and doing other things like read a book, walk outside for awhile, go away for a vacation, shoot some pool at your local pool hall, bowl, and on and on. You defeat yourself and will remain defeated if you can't choose other things to do except watch TV. At least watch science, history, discovery channels if you really have to watch it.
I notice myself in my shell, not only at home watching television under a roof

between four walls,, but in my shell,, thinking and reminiscing and watching people in my shell.

This shell that I notice feels like a force or spell over me? What is this vibration that my life force is under? What makes me not concerned with the outside ( real ) world?

I notice...

I also notice when I am too caught up in my thoughts walking down the street, working at work, on the bus, etc. , just thinking "being in my own

zone"... just kinda,, not paying attention to the outside world too much,,, just really thinking, reminiscing, laughing and entertaining myself in my head to myself.

What is this that I notice ? ? I may describe it as a tenedency or prone-ness to something. This thing that I am prone to may be the vibration that is associated ( concerned ) with my life and how I am,, from the environment that shaped me

So in turn, all things that are in my favor and like,, are those things that I am prone to and have been prone to since birth.

And I am prone to space off and daydream and not be concerned with the outside real world

I am prone. This is typical because I am prone. What is it that I am prone to?

It sounds like you may have a creative mind and that you release that creativity with a myriad of thoughts for long periods of time. There is nothing wrong with that unless it prevents you from focusing your attention on things that you need to.
Dissociation is an altered state of consciousness characterized by partial or complete disruption of the normal integration of a person’s normal conscious or psychological functioning.[1] Dissociation is most commonly experienced as a subjective perception of one's consciousness being detached from one's emotions, body and/or immediate surroundings.[2] Van der Kolk et al.[3] describe dissociation as a "compartmentalization of experience." Under normal conditions, consciousness, memory, emotions, sensory awareness, affect, etc., are integrated; with dissociation, in contrast, these traits are discretely compartmentalized to greater or lesser degrees.

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissociation

You probably do not have a dissociative disorder, just ordinary daydreaminess. At least I hope you don't have a dissociative disorder.

Try this online quiz: http://counsellingresource.com/lib/quizzes/misc-tests/des/
And where it says "some people?" you should probably think yourself...weird wording...
Hmm...I got a 40...:shrug: