Federal Service required to vote

Federal Service should be required before gaining a right to vote:

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • No

    Votes: 10 83.3%

  • Total voters
i do think that the national identity would change because of service, however, i don't think that authority would not be questioned. in the military people question authority all the time, it's just that they are professional enough to know when to stop questioning and execute the plan. and we're saying that military isn't the only way to go. i'm sure the government would still hear the voices of non-voters who complain about things, and they would still have influence through lobbyists and all. but the vote should remain with the citizen who earned it.
I'd have to agree with Spymoose, both that Heinlein was a dick, and that the idea that some sort of federal service should be required to earn a franchise (IE the right to vote) is simply incompadable with America.

...especially since most Americans don't care enough to exercise their right to vote as it is. The use of enfranchisement as a compelling incentive for service is nonsensical when no one cares about democracy.
Fallen Angel said:
i do think that the national identity would change because of service, however, i don't think that authority would not be questioned. in the military people question authority all the time, it's just that they are professional enough to know when to stop questioning and execute the plan.
If your country were involved in a war in which you thought it was in the wrong you would have to choose between being a murderer or being disenfranchised.
Its unrealistic to think that people would join the military and say "I think this war is wrong and these people are innocent, but i'm professional enough to kill them anyway and wait till i'm out of the military to try and change things"

If being involved in active protest for a year was an alternative to military service this plan might make more sense.
no, but you can go and be a doctor, or firefighter, or whatever else, and after you're done with that, then go portest with your vote.
Democracy is not an exclusive club. This seems like a natural progression of the governments own self important pomp. Its purpose is to serve the people, nothing more, so that we can get on with our business. This system seems to assume that the primary business, and the only one that can validate you as a citizen, is service to the government. It’s a slave mentality. People have the right to decide how they are governed, regardless of what they give to the government.In a proper society we are not subjects ruled by an elite, we are given our own powers of self determination.
Asguard said:
one point

Doesnt the millatry teach people to NOT question authority?

Isnt that exactly the OPOSITE position that anyone (right, left, commi or fundi in there opionions) should have?

I mean people of ALL political perswasions have to QUESTION there goverment before they can CHOSE whats best

Maybe it should be that you are EXSCLUDED from voting if you serve as you are being trained to do exactly the oposite to what you need to do to be a responable citizen <- (please forgive how clumsy that sentance is, i cant think of how to refraze it)
That's a lot of rubbish. The military doesn't teach people to be mindless drones who don't think for themselves. While it's true that the military does condition people toward immediate obedience to orders from superiors while in combat, if you actually talk to military people when they're off duty you'll find that they're just as thoughtful, analytical, and independently-minded as anyone else. In fact, I've found that military people often have much more coherent and carefully thought-out opinions on political issues than most people do, because they all realize that political issues can have a much greater effect on their immediate lives than on most people's lives, ie. whether the politicians will decide to go to war or not. Of course that doesn't mean that they all agree with each other or think the same way, but they generally put a lot more time and effort into analyzing political issues than your average person.