Favorite artwork

Many 'artists' use colour to hide their lack of compositional and technical ability

Many 'artists' use compositional and technical ability to hide their lack of originality.

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Many 'artists' use compositional and technical ability to hide their lack of originality.

Sorry, but there are very few 'artists' trained ("educated") in either of those areas these days. Those that are do not need fear being "unoriginal", whatever you mean by that. :shrug: Some few, yes, but not many. (Does read like a clever repartee, however. ;) Personal emotional investment of some kind?) Most appear to have just decided they were "artists" and go for the gusto. I do notice the large number of those psychedelic person mirror-symmetry paintings on this thread...those are all personal favourites, eh? That type of painting has been around for along time, though in places like Tibet and India. Glad to see they still have fans out there.