Favorite artwork


Like your art work for the most part

But is the procedure in posting this art

How do you do it ? I'd like to know


Like your art work for the most part

But what is the procedure in posting this art

How do you do it ? I'd like to know


Like your art work for the most part

But what is the procedure in posting this art

How do you do it ? I'd like to know


Find a picture on the internet, copy the url (for the 1 just above it is http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/29/Narcissus-Caravaggio_(1594-96)_edited.jpg) & paste the url between [I M G] [/I M G] making
. Except that I added a space before http & after jpg in order to not produce it again in this post.

Edit - That produced the picture anyway so I will take out the spaces above & put another url. If you press reply on this post, you can see the url for the picture in this post. I'm having trouble with what the url goes between. [I M G] [/I M G]. OK. Put the url between those but take out the spaces.
Last edited by a moderator:
Find a picture on the internet, copy the url (for the 1 just above it is http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/29/Narcissus-Caravaggio_(1594-96)_edited.jpg) & paste the url between making
. Except that I added a space before http & after jpg in order to not produce it again in this post.

Edit - That produced the picture anyway so I will take out the spaces above & put another url. If you press reply on this post, you can see the url for the picture in this post.

I'll give it a whirl , but to be honest I'm not quite sure what your saying

You take out the spaces and put in another url ?

How ?