Favorite artwork

Apparently it's game art (Empire, Total War). Here's the largest I could find: http://www.listofimages.com/wallpapers/2012/11/ship-sea-battle-empire-total-war-games-2048x2560.jpg
Perhaps you could have your local photoshop make a poster of it (after you remove the text at the bottom of course).
Oh wow...
I thought it was a painting. I guess it's just some CGI deal... Disappointed.

I still like the style though.

I mentioned the reason I liked the other artwork... Are you familiar with the band?

I first saw them when I was a teenager... When the dinosaurs roamed, and we wore wooden underwear.

Yes, I fart dust... I think it's dust.

This would definitely hit a wall too...

I love when people see a pic, and say, WTF is that?

I love to keep my friends and family, off balanced and in check.

I have some collectables that scare the shit out of most people I know.

Don't ask me what I have, I won't say.

Just some bizzare things that I consider telling of the human condition.