FAO: mythbuster - [God]

What does all this stuff about numbers have to do with god?

What caused god ?

No, that is only in the set of WHOLE numbers. If we are talking about Natural numbers it starts with one. If we are talking about integers it 'starts' with - infinity

0 is bigger then - infinity
If god is -1, how can he create 0 ?

Do you think -infinity was the first cause ? Then that means that the univerce would have never been created.

- and + are imperfection because there will always be a number much greater.
Zero is the middle of all this.

+Infinity > 0 > -Infinity

You should be asking God that - not humans.

Men created god

I can create 0 by pressing it on my keyboard - it don't mean diddly squat.

Zero is fundamentally necessary.

Computers use the binary system to work with data. All data in the computer is stored in binary code as 1's and 0's (bits).

You did not create 0, you created 8 0's (00000000) in BCD. All you did is create a number that means (nothing). By pressing 0, you did not create nothing.

In order to create nothing, all you have to do is to shut up.

Zero as no cause. Why should 1 or -1 must be the first cause ?

Can 2 create 1?

To create: 2 + 1 = 3
To kill: 2 - 1 = 1

It means having no end.

It means anything bigger or smaller then 0.

Your saying that God is AFTER or BEFORE the 0.

If god is after the zero, he as to blow him self to create space
If god is before the zero, he cant create zero because 0 is much bigger then him.

A multiplying zero with infinity.
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