FAO: mythbuster - [God]


Valued Senior Member
1. God is not a mathemtical infinity, He is a theological infinity, meaning that His attributes have an infinite measure. You've mentioned time in your post, but it should also be noted that God is beyond time.
2. What is the basis for your decision to multiply by zero? What does that reflect?

Because 1 divided by 0 is also undefined. Does that mean that one doesn't exist? Anything (other than zero) divided by zero is undefined - but how does that prove that it doesn't exist?
Hello where have you gone? Anyone can answer this. Franky Mythbuster was talking out of his backside.
1 - God exist everywhere yet cannot be found anywhere. A multiplying zero with infinity.

2 - Everything as a beginning an as an end.

3 - The zero means nothing so zero was BEFORE him.

4 - Zero is more PERFECT then One Two Three ...

5 - Can you deny ''nothing'' ?

6 - Nothing is God

I think you should go back to your 1st grade lesson. Probably you didn't pay attention to class. :D
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"Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

Albert Einstein
Mythbuster said:
1 - God exist everywhere yet cannot be found anywhere. A multiplying zero with infinity.

2 - Everything as a beginning an as an end.

3 - The zero means nothing so zero was BEFORE him.

4 - Zero is more PERFECT then One Two Three ...

5 - Can you deny ''nothing'' ?

6 - Nothing is God

I think you should go back to your 1st grade lesson. Probably you didn't pay attention to class. :D

I still don't understand. Can you be more precise?
Muslim said:
1. God is not a mathemtical infinity, He is a theological infinity, meaning that His attributes have an infinite measure. You've mentioned time in your post, but it should also be noted that God is beyond time.
2. What is the basis for your decision to multiply by zero? What does that reflect?

Because 1 divided by 0 is also undefined. Does that mean that one doesn't exist? Anything (other than zero) divided by zero is undefined - but how does that prove that it doesn't exist?
if he exists without time, then he cannot change and he cannot change anything else. so that would mean that for all intents and purposes, god does not exist.
The idea of an infinite 'god' outside the boundless universe is absurd; there's no room for two infinitudes! The 'God' of traditional theology is supposed to be all-powerful and all-wise, and to have miraculously created everything -- including himself perhaps -- out of nothing. But for some reason he made us so feeble and imperfect that most of us succumb to all sorts of temptations, for which we are punished by being consigned to eternal damnation in hell -- another of his creations. Such a being must be either a monstrous fiend or a blundering idiot! Either way, he would have to be extremely limited and imperfect or cruel and unjust, and would hardly be worthy of our adoration.
Ophiolite said:
Please demonstrate that everything has a beginning.

Everything start from 0 to 1, 2, 3 ...
If there was a god, then it all started with 1 instead of 0

So, it doesn't make sense because if god was the first cause, this conclude that god is everywhere but unfortunaly, god cant be found anywhere so he's (the alpha & omega) a multiplying zero with infinity = 0.

Also this ''god'' cannot create (the nothing) since he was there AFTER the ZERO.
He simply cant create space.

1 cannot create 0.
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1 - God exist everywhere yet cannot be found anywhere.

No He doesn't. God is beyond the confines of our universe, ascended over His throne ('arsh).

2 - Everything as a beginning an as an end.

Can you show me the beginning of a line? (not line segment)

3 - The zero means nothing so zero was BEFORE him.

When we say 'nothing' was before Him, we mean to negate the existence of anything preceding Him.

4 - Zero is more PERFECT then One Two Three ...


5 - Can you deny ''nothing'' ?

What do you mean by 'deny'?

6 - Nothing is God

Not true, God is God, and He isn't nothing.

I think you should go back to your 1st grade lesson. Probably you didn't pay attention to class

That was totally uncalled for. Are you incapable of intellectual dialogue with respect? Instead of responding to any of my points, you simly listed a new set of questions and threw insults. Why? Did it make you so angry to have your points clearly refuted in a factual manner?
No He doesn't. God is beyond the confines of our universe, ascended over His throne ('arsh).

LOL, a human looking god means imperfection. To be like the god that you see in your mind he as to be made with something.

Can you show me the beginning of a line? (not line segment)

Lets say that there was nothing, and nothing has no sun to create heat so the universe become soo cold... very cold that something happened.

When we say 'nothing' was before Him, we mean to negate the existence of anything preceding Him.

Of course ! 0 created -1

Negative Infinity = Imperfect
Zero = Perfect
Positive Infinity = Imperfect

Zero created your god in your negative universe so he isn't god, he's just a normal imperfect being from another dimention.

Zero created our positive universe, we are here and we are imperfect beings just like your being from your negative dimention.

What do you mean by 'deny'?

It mean that peoples can stop believe in him and believe in nothing.

Not true, God is God, and He isn't nothing.

So God is God ? What do you mean God is God ? I will say the same, Nothing is nothing. :p

That was totally uncalled for. Are you incapable of intellectual dialogue with respect? Instead of responding to any of my points, you simly listed a new set of questions and threw insults. Why? Did it make you so angry to have your points clearly refuted in a factual manner?

LOL, Why are you mad at me ?
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there cannot be such a thing as the first cause. there is always something causing something else (nothing begets nothing). but 1 cannot come from zero. there has always been at least 1 and no less.
RoyLennigan said:
there cannot be such a thing as the first cause. there is always something causing something else (nothing begets nothing). but 1 cannot come from zero. there has always been at least 1 and no less.

Exactly, a small chaos in the perfect 0 caused 0.00000000000000000000000000000001
Is isn't a perfect MEGA lord judge, it simply a formation of a natural force like pressure, tempeture or other weak natural force that was responsable to all this mess without decision of choice. The right condition of certain outcome

Having god is like being on the top of a mountain already.
Things MUST start from the bottom of the mountain.
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Everything start from 0 to 1, 2, 3 ...
If there was a god, then it all started with 1 instead of 0

But by using that logic you are implying God is similar to everything else - this is not true: God is God, the Creator.

So, it doesn't make sense because if god was the first cause, this conclude that god is everywhere but unfortunaly, god cant be found anywhere so he's (the alpha & omega) a multiplying zero with infinity = 0.

Also this ''god'' cannot create (the nothing) since he was there AFTER the ZERO.
He simply cant create space.

You should be asking God that - not humans.

1 cannot create 0.

I can create 0 by pressing it on my keyboard - it don't mean diddly squat.

Everything start from 0 to 1, 2, 3 ...

No, that is only in the set of WHOLE numbers. If we are talking about Natural numbers it starts with one. If we are talking about integers it 'starts' with

So, it doesn't make sense because if god was the first cause, this conclude that god is everywhere


1 cannot create 0.

Can 2 create 1?

First your definition of infinite is incorrect. Infinite does not mean as to having no beginning. It means having no end. When we say God is infinite we are merely attributing to God's characteristics that are beyond our ability to understand. His intelligence, His awareness, His mercy, His forgiveness are all in this category.

Therefore your whole calculation is wrong from the very beginning. You are calculating a characteristic (infinite) of God by God himself.

That is like me multiplying you with your intelligence. Result = undefined!

A simple question:

What does all this stuff about numbers have to do with god?
