Fantasy gods.

If there is not a God then we can kill all the aliens and it wouldn't matter. We would effectively be dead matter with no soul.
Just as long as it's Gods EP then that's cool...
The soul does not exist in the physical world thus it's undetectable by the physical world.
The mind is different than the soul. The mind is just a collection of data that the soul intereacts with.

The mind is different than the soul. The mind is just a collection of data that the soul intereacts with.
And that is again pure fantasy.

Can you prove your claim?

The soul does not exist in the physical world thus it's undetectable by the physical world.
So there is no possible way you can know a soul exists since you are entirely physical. Ah but you believe that the soul interacts with the physical mind. But how is that possible?

For the soul to interact with something physical there must be some type of physical component to the soul, ah but then how would that physical component interact with the non physical part? Hmm, so there must be another physical component to interact with the non-physical component of the physical component. Hmm, looks like an impossible infinite series.

But if we work perfectly well in the physical realm why would we need a soul. For this to make sense you need to explain how all the memories and emotions and personality properties that we hold in our brains can be reflected in some imaginary non-physical soul. How does one upload the data held in the patterns of 200 billion neurons to a non physical soul?

But, wait, what happens if the brain is damaged through a serious accident, and most of the personality and memories are lost? How does a soul now interact with only part of a mind? Is the soul also damaged? Or is the soul independent of the mind and doesn’t reflect personality and memory, but in that case the soul doesn’t seem to have any value or purpose.

I’m sorry but when examined more closely the concept of a soul is entirely ludicrous.

And if I am right and souls are just fictional fantasies then who cares if gods exist or not? It requires a soul for an afterlife or heaven or hell to make any sense. Without souls God can’t punish those who he wants to go to hell.
How was the soul created and how does it function, the only thing that could create and function the soul would be the brain, and nothing else.

How was the soul created and how does it function, the only thing that could create and function the soul would be the brain, and nothing else.

The Soul is purely a creation of an undamaged brain.
So if there is a direct 1 to 1 correlation couldn’t we assume that there is no such thing as a soul, just a brain, right?
No doubt we could say Santa Clause exists but we could not say that he exists as a physical entity in this universe. Since God must exist outside of the universe we don't really have any place to qualify where God exists.

I guess my post went by unnoticed, maybe you all got me on ignore...
Nah, I'm giving you extra special time, so I can produce the high quality reply you deserve.;)
No doubt we could say Santa Clause exists but we could not say that he exists as a physical entity in this universe. Since God must exist outside of the universe we don't really have any place to qualify where God exists.

Ok, so how does that answer the question, or make ANY sense whatsoever?

But just so I could shoot you down a bit...:D

If you were to say Santa Claus exists, then we could prove you wrong. The thing he is proposed to do, he does not do. We would have interviews with the parents who went and bought the presents, the children who saw Mommy and Daddy putting the gifts under the tree, and the cashiers at the malls who will all vouche that the only thing they ever saw Santa doing was ask for money, not buy toys.

The saving grace for your relgion is that your God promises a lot, but is very vague about when he'll do it. Aside from the occasional "After a thousand years" claim, it's all up in the air as to when these things would happen. He always made unproveable promises, such as curses that were terrible because they would affect someone's entire lineage, or the claim to Abraham that his line would live on for all time. So, basically, you get to walk around claiming all these terrible things, and no one can prove you wrong, because the time it was to take place hasn't passed yet. There hasn't been a Y2K for Christianity, so to speak, for your ludacris beliefs to be called out onto the carpet and proved wrong in front of the masses. (Though there are a few times in which semi-specific times are metioned and nothing happened; such as when Peter told his followers that the world would end during the lifetimes of some of those who heard him preech. Hmm...I'm here now, aren't I? And there are no apostles now, nor is there anyone who God is speaking to directly, or walking physically in front of, as there were in those times, but nobody notices.)

It's just too convienent that you can pretend to know exactly what you're talking about (99% of which you don't even get from the Bible; you make up yourselves) yet the second someone makes a point that you cannot defeat, you fall back on the nonsensical, stupid comments such as the one I quoted at the top of this post. The second you cannot sway us, you just talk bullshit. But even there you are swaying from the teachings; in the bible, you're taught to skip the swaying part, and go right to the bullshit.

JD *Edit was becuase I typed "YK2" in origional post...had to fix that one!*