
zero mass im just about fed up with your personal attacks agasint me. u continualy bash me for bein an idiot and etc. you just have to say that once to get your point across whcich is you think im a moron and an idiot. besides, your little sophisticated words dont really impress me.
I am only pointing out what everybody on this forum knows, you are ill-informed, you are not opinionated be yourself, but rather what you have been told to believe, and you do not contribute to valuable discussion on this forum.

I would love to hear your opinion, when you get your own. Until that time I think that it would be best for you to either shut up and listen once and a while, or not post so many ignorant posts


Zero Mass is right, we would like to hear what YOU have to say. It is never good to blindly accept something without seriously analyzing it to the extent where an intelligent conclusion can be made.

You have a mind of your own..... use it
Originally posted by Zero Mass
Faith is belief, i am pretty sure the two words are synonyms.
Although belief and faith have similar meanings, they are not interchangeable words. Belief and faith both mean acceptance of something as true. Belief may or may not imply certitude in the believer, whereas faith almost always does, even where there is no evidence. Basically belief is acceptance of something as true and faith is belief without evidence or in spite of contradictory evidence. So don't ever let a theist accuse you of having faith! ;)
Faith is from God. Man does not chose God. In fact Jesus, contrary to popular belief, did not come to save this evil world (He is going to destroy it and put His people in the new earth in the new heavens)... He came to save/rescue the lost sheep (those that belong to Him). People without faith are simply those that do not belong to Him.
Originally posted by GhostWorldAgent
Faith is from God. Man does not chose God. In fact Jesus, contrary to popular belief, did not come to save this evil world (He is going to destroy it and put His people in the new earth in the new heavens)... He came to save/rescue the lost sheep (those that belong to Him). People without faith are simply those that do not belong to Him.
Then who the fuck cares? If it's not up to us then there is nothing we can do about it... so why bother worrying or even talking about it?
