Faith vs Reason


Here is an announcement from our sponsor, God.

The lake of fire is nothing like as bad asa man called Adstar makes it out to be. Once the skin cells have been destroyed and with them the nerve endings, pain will no longer be felt. It will be justa warm , cosy glow.
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Personally I don't think humans can "know" anything. Ever. Not with the small and very limited minds we have. We can never know anything. We don't know with 100% surety that gravity exists, we don't know with 100% surety that an apple will fall everytime we drop it, we don't know with 100% surety that the sun is a giant ball of fire; we just "think" all of those things are true.

I also don't think humans could really ever believe anything with 100% belief. I don't think it's possible. We can generally "think" something is true, but we can never believe it true with 100% faith. That includes global warming, economic theories, and the existence of a god or gods. No one believes anything 100%. We can think that we believe something 100%, but we really don't.

So we can't "know" or "believe" anything with 100% surety. Any objections?
Personally I don't think humans can "know" anything. Ever. Not with the small and very limited minds we have. We can never know anything. We don't know with 100% surety that gravity exists, we don't know with 100% surety that an apple will fall everytime we drop it, we don't know with 100% surety that the sun is a giant ball of fire; we just "think" all of those things are true.

I also don't think humans could really ever believe anything with 100% belief. I don't think it's possible. We can generally "think" something is true, but we can never believe it true with 100% faith. That includes global warming, economic theories, and the existence of a god or gods. No one believes anything 100%. We can think that we believe something 100%, but we really don't.

So we can't "know" or "believe" anything with 100% surety. Any objections?

You don't think that humans can know anything. So how do you know that if. like the rest of us you cannot know anything ?
Good point, I really don't know if we don't know anything. But just because we don't know something doesn't mean it still can't be true or that there isn't any truth. There must be truth out there. If anything exists, then the statement "Something exists" must be true. Since "we" or at least our minds definitely exist (Cartesian theory or something?) then truth must exist as well.
So we can't "know" or "believe" anything with 100% surety. Any objections?

Agreed NDS... I'm 99% sure you don't know anything

Now does God want to spend eternity with people whose minds are set on embracing lies as truth? Who see good in evil?

Apparently it wants to spend eternity with the most irrational naive fools on the planet.

So think of the message as a clever filtering process that weeds out all those who want to be weeded out, those who hate and mock the love of the truth.

So think of the message as a clever filtering process that weeds out all those who want to be weeded out, those who hate and mock the love of the truth.

Doesn't seem like much of a "clever" filtering process to an entity that need not do any filtering or have any process given that he is supposedly omniscient. The whole 'filtering' nonsense is nothing but pointless idiocy.
Man sends out the message on behalf of God

God is portrayed as an agressor who should be feared.I can give you plenty of examples where it has (according to the bible)caused genocidal attrocities,and suffering to people but can't think of any examples of it doing anything nice.In fact God only seems to do evil things to mankind in the bible in the name of good?????????????????????
I can see evil in good.

So be it. You have read and declared God to be evil. You have made your free willed judgement. And you in turn will be judged for this judgement you have made.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
What is the factor or criteria to determine "truth" other than a message just "resonating" with someone?

The criteria is Gods will.

What you see as good others may see as evil and vice versa.

Of cource that is what i just been saying. But something cannot be good and evil at the same time from the view of God. Therefore let each one embrace what He loves and reject what He hates. God will make the truth clear to all when He deems the time to be right.

From another faiths' standpoint you could be the one seen as mocking the love of the truth.

No doubt about it. Yes they think the Message of the Gospel is evil and blasphemy, there is no "could be" about it, they indeed do hate the message of the gospel. And it is there free willed and heart felt decision to do so.

In the end we will find out who has love truth and who has loved evil. me, i am very confident of the truth of the Love of the Messiah Jesus. Others are confident in other teachings. So be it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
So be it. You have read and declared God to be evil. You have made your free willed judgement. And you in turn will be judged for this judgement you have made.

Who or what gives you the authority to make that claim????
Who or what gives you the authority to make that claim????

I can make whatever claim i feel lead to make old boy. You can make whatever claim you feel like making too. Accept what you will. Reject what you will. But stop being a pathetic winger, whining about other people making claims.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
But something cannot be good and evil at the same time from the view of God.

from the view of the real god, good and evil are the same thing. two sides of one coin. otherwise he wouldn't have created evil, like he said he did, in the bible.

we see good and evil because we separated from god. the oneness was separated into yin and yang.
I can make whatever claim i feel lead to make old boy. You can make whatever claim you feel like making too. Accept what you will. Reject what you will. But stop being a pathetic winger, whining about other people making claims.

Oh. So its not like you have a DIRECT line from god substantiating your claims. OK :D
from the view of the real god, good and evil are the same thing. two sides of one coin. otherwise he wouldn't have created evil, like he said he did, in the bible.

we see good and evil because we separated from god. the oneness was separated into yin and yang.

i agree with you yorda. everything god has created is good and has a good purpose in his will, even evil. and there is a time and a place for everything.
Good point, I really don't know if we don't know anything. But just because we don't know something doesn't mean it still can't be true or that there isn't any truth. There must be truth out there. If anything exists, then the statement "Something exists" must be true. Since "we" or at least our minds definitely exist (Cartesian theory or something?) then truth must exist as well.

I think I see where you are coming from. Descartes practised what he called the methodod doubt. His idea was that he would doubt everything, including his own existence, till he found something that could not be doubted. This turned out to be his Cogito ergo sum, I think, therefore I am. He was only entitled to claim " there is thinking" but let's not split hairs.

From the "cogito" he proceeded to build an argument for god's existence, Descartes' argument was demolished by David Hume, and Kant. Descartes " proof"of god's existence has been rejected by all major philosophers.

Descartes did a lot of highly esteemed work in science and mathematics. If you have ever drawn a graph you will be familiar with Cartesian co-ordinates.

Truth exists in some sense but problems arise as to what is true,. We can say the earth is round; we know it to be true because we have evidence. God's existance cannot be proved . It is nothing more than a personal belief that lacks empirical evidence.

What I have said does not prove that god does not exist. There is no way that can be proved. But if one insists on empirical evidence to inform one's beliefs , then it's irrational to believe in god
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think we all know who was responsible for that, the Godless liberals who cannot stand having their immorality shoved back in their ugly face!! The defenders of free thought, the Big Bang theory and evolution, are not only striking out at me, but at all Christians. . Last night, while I was sitting on my front-porch swing, gazing up at Heaven, President Bush appeared to me in a vision. He told me that my work was not yet finished, there were still many liberals who had not yet seen the glory of the coming of the Lord!! President Bush would not be in the White House right now if God didn't want him there. President Bush was put in a position of leadership in order to wipe the devil's religion of Islam off the face of the Earth, so that the Christian God can fill the world with His message of peace and love. President Bush has stated numerous times that he speakes with God in the Oval Office, he even asked God for military advice before the invasion of Iraq. Modern liberalism is the equivalent of atheism, liberals are in favor of killing babies, raising taxes, teaching evolution, and same sex marriage. Jesus is opposed to all of these horrible things.

One might think that the above post from Truechristian is a prank
But .........
I talk face to face with people this brain dead way to often
I think science and religion or sprituality are basicly opposite ends of the same string. Both attempt to look into the face of God.
I think science and religion or sprituality are basicly opposite ends of the same string. Both attempt to look into the face of God.

Before looking into anyone's face you have to be satisfied he exists. So, how do you support your statement ?
Both science and spirtuality seek knowledge of truth. Early in our history, religion and science were the same. Only in recent years have the two diverged...history 101. Who were the first astronomers, priests. Who were the first scientists, priests. Who were the keepers of knowledge in the Dark Ages, priests. Who were the first medical experts, priests.