Faith is not blind


I'm always me
Valued Senior Member
Faith is what allows us to "see" what is hidden.

If I have faith in you, if I trust you, then I don't do that based on evidence.

If I share a secret with you and trust you with it. Then I don't constantly ask you if you have said anything, if I did then I wouldn't trust you.

Faith is trusting something to be true, allthough there is no evidence for it.

If we had no faith, then we would get suspicious and would doubt what people did, so to a certain degree we all have faith - at least most of us.
Cyperium: Faith is what allows us to "see" what is hidden.
M*W: No. You still CANNOT 'see' anything, but you believe it to be there whether it is or not.
Cyperium: If I have faith in you, if I trust you, then I don't do that based on evidence.
M*W: How can you 'trust' someone you don't even know? In an auto accident, you are injured and a bystander tries to help you or call an ambulance. In a case like that, I would call that 'trust' or 'faith' in that person to help you out. Whether they be family or friends, having 'faith' in them and 'trusting' them are two different issues. 'Faith' and 'trust' are not synonymous.
Cyperium: If I share a secret with you and trust you with it. Then I don't constantly ask you if you have said anything, if I did then I wouldn't trust you.

Faith is trusting something to be true, allthough there is no evidence for it.

If we had no faith, then we would get suspicious and would doubt what people did, so to a certain degree we all have faith - at least most of us.
M*W: We all have faith in something and we all trust someone, or at least I hope we all have someone to trust. The most important thing any person could have is 'faith' and 'trust' in themselves. It really doesn't exist elsewhere.
Medicine Woman said:
Cyperium: Faith is what allows us to "see" what is hidden.
M*W: No. You still CANNOT 'see' anything, but you believe it to be there whether it is or not.
It's a sense, I used "see" because it is one of the uses faith can be for. We can use faith to "see" what's hidden to us. We could use faith to "hear" words never spoken.

Cyperium: If I have faith in you, if I trust you, then I don't do that based on evidence.
M*W: How can you 'trust' someone you don't even know? In an auto accident, you are injured and a bystander tries to help you or call an ambulance. In a case like that, I would call that 'trust' or 'faith' in that person to help you out. Whether they be family or friends, having 'faith' in them and 'trusting' them are two different issues. 'Faith' and 'trust' are not synonymous.
I can trust someone I don't know to a certain degree.

I can trust you to a certain degree even though I don't know you that well.

I can have faith in a person, that the person will make it. I can also trust a persons ability to make it. I agree that they aren't completly synonymous, but they aren't all that different either.

Cyperium: If I share a secret with you and trust you with it. Then I don't constantly ask you if you have said anything, if I did then I wouldn't trust you.

Faith is trusting something to be true, allthough there is no evidence for it.

If we had no faith, then we would get suspicious and would doubt what people did, so to a certain degree we all have faith - at least most of us.
M*W: We all have faith in something and we all trust someone, or at least I hope we all have someone to trust. The most important thing any person could have is 'faith' and 'trust' in themselves. It really doesn't exist elsewhere.
I agree that we should have faith in ourselves.

I have to say though, that faith in God can help you to have faith in yourself.

All things come from God.

It's what I believe.
Cyperium: It's a sense, I used "see" because it is one of the uses faith can be for. We can use faith to "see" what's hidden to us. We could use faith to "hear" words never spoken.
M*W: What you call 'faith,' I call 'insight.' For example, have you ever listened to a person who was talking about something, but during the conversation, you are picking up messages from the speaker that are contradicting what the speaker is saying? It's like reading between the lines. Whe people talk to me, I listen, and I can hear what they DON'T say. Oftentimes, I can tell what's on a person's mind from what he DOESN'T say. Even if the speaker is trying to hide portions of what he or she is saying, the 'hidden' messages come out loud and clear.
Cyperium: I can trust someone I don't know to a certain degree.
I can trust you to a certain degree even though I don't know you that well. I can have faith in a person, that the person will make it. I can also trust a persons ability to make it. I agree that they aren't completly synonymous, but they aren't all that different either. I agree that we should have faith in ourselves. I have to say though, that faith in God can help you to have faith in yourself. All things come from God. It's what I believe.
M*W: As a positive person, I see the glass is half-full instead of half-empty. The more you trust others, the more likely you are to have faith in others. As a minor statistical analysis of the Religion Forum members, the Christians have more negativity than the Muslims or Atheists. Therefore, all things, as you describe it come from God. So, tell me, what do you believe God is? I see God as a pure force of positive energy (i.e. bioelectricity) that dwells within all living creation. This God doesn't judge nor does it condemn. Everyone alive has this God dwelling in them or they would be dead. In this day and time, it is simply impossible for me to believe what Christians say. For 2000 years, Christians have trusted a dying demigod savior to save them from hell. This is what they call 'faith.' If all things come from God, then why do Christians not have faith in themselves? Why do Christians believe they are inferior to God? Why do they believe they can never see or understand God? It's because they don't want to. Christians simply DO NOT trust themselves. If they did, this would be a different story.
Faith is not an abstract belief in the Word of God, nor a mere mental credence, nor a simple assent of the understanding and will; nor is it a passive acceptance of facts, however sacred or thorough. Faith is an operation of God, a Divine illumination, a holy energy implanted by the Word of God and the Spirit in the human soul -- a spiritual, Divine principle which takes of the Supernatural and makes it a thing apprehendable by the faculties of time and sense.

Faith deals with God, and is conscious of God. It deals with the Lord Jesus Christ and sees in Him a Saviour; it deals with God's Word, and lays hold of the truth; it deals with the Spirit of God, and is energized and inspired by its holy fire. God is the great objective of faith; for faith rests its whole weight on His Word. Faith is not an aimless act of the soul, but a looking to God and a resting upon His promises. Just as love and hope have always an objective so, also, has faith. Faith is not believing just anything; it is believing God, resting in Him, trusting His Word.

Faith gives birth to prayer, and grows stronger, strikes deeper, rises higher, in the struggles and wrestlings of mighty petitioning. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the assurance and realization of the inheritance of the saints. Faith, too, is humble and persevering. It can wait and pray; it can stay on its knees, or lie in the dust. It is the one great condition of prayer; the lack of it lies at the root of all poor praying, feeble praying, little praying, unanswered praying.

- E.M. Bounds, 'On Prayer' (19)

Fewer than this great theologian of the 19th century have encompassed the power and rewards of faith.

In God We Trust.
Cyperium said:
Faith is what allows us to "see" what is hidden.
no it doesnt.thats why its called faith!
If I have faith in you, if I trust you, then I don't do that based on evidence.
sure you do,
would you blindly trust some stranger to babysit your kids,or would you first check out if they arent a pedophile, serial rapist,murderer and then trust them based on this evidence?
Faith is trusting something to be true, allthough there is no evidence for it.
sad and silly,aint it?
"Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence." - Richard Dawkins

Faith in the supernatural begins as faith in the superiority of others. Ayn Rand.

faith is nothing more then the willing regection of reason, for the assertions of mystics. Godless.

Godless: Faith in the supernatural begins as faith in the superiority of others. Ayn Rand.

faith is nothing more then the willing regection of reason, for the assertions of mystics. Godless.
M*W: Faith, itself, is not blind. Faithful xians are blind.
M*W. faith is a word with two meanings, faith is closely related to trust, and faith in the theological sense is faith in assertions which can't be verified or proved.

I have faith, that the seat I sit on, will support my weight.
And I agree faithfull Xians are blind to accept assertions which they can't prove.


Faith is not an abstract belief in the Word of God, …………………………………….Fewer than this great theologian of the 19th century have encompassed the power and rewards of faith.

In God We Trust.

It is a good example of the prolific propaganda spread by Christianity and other religions over the centuries in continuous attempts to convince its gullible followers that religious faith is something special and magical, but when all the colorful descriptions and metaphors are reduced to their real foundations the message remains – you must believe without any evidence – that is the meaning of religious faith.

If you had anything else you wouldn’t need any of the propaganda.
Cyperium said:
Faith is what allows us to "see" what is hidden.

If I have faith in you, if I trust you, then I don't do that based on evidence.

If I share a secret with you and trust you with it. Then I don't constantly ask you if you have said anything, if I did then I wouldn't trust you.

Faith is trusting something to be true, allthough there is no evidence for it.

If we had no faith, then we would get suspicious and would doubt what people did, so to a certain degree we all have faith - at least most of us.


A: Humans are limited beings: human abilities, energy, time, knowledge are limited.
B: In order to survive, humans must act.
C: Humans can never be really completely sure when they act.


D: Humans want to maximize their survival -- maximization is inherent to survival.
A: Humans are limited beings: human abilities, energy, time, knowledge are limited.
B: In order to survive, humans must act.
E: Humans must choose.


C: Humans can never be really completely sure when they act.
E: Humans must choose.
F: Humans are surviving.
G: Humans have an internal quality that allows them
a) to overcome the insecurity of never being completely sure,
b) to choose.

This internal quality can be called faith or hope.

If one is unsure of something one need not choose that route. What helps in any given choice is some evidence that the choice will be of value.

It is true that there are very few things, if any, in life about which one can be absolutely sure. But the way rational people run their lives is not on baseless blind faith but on what is more precisely called inductive reasoning. For example, I am not entirely certain that in my journey to work this morning I will not meet with an accident, should I not go to work then? If I used that fear of everything then my life would become paralyzed and I would do nothing. Instead we look to evidence and evaluate whether the choice is worth the risk or not. In this case the evidence shows that I have made the journey many hundreds of times in the past without incident. It therefore seems like a good mathematical healthy probability that I might survive another journey.

Almost all aspects of life and most of science is based around evaluating probabilities. This is clearly not blind faith.

Now let’s examine beliefs of gods. What past historical or statistical record can we examine that shows a high probability for gods – there is none. Hence a belief in gods is pure blind faith.

C: Humans can never be really completely sure when they act.

So we use inductive reasoning instead.

E: Humans must choose.

They don’t have to choose a path that has no evidence to support it, to do so would be foolish and irrational (i.e. religionists).

G: Humans have an internal quality that allows them
a) to overcome the insecurity of never being completely sure,
b) to choose.

This internal quality can be called faith or hope.

No it is called induction. Blind faith is never needed.
Faith isn't blind.

We start there again.

So that we aren't blinded by facts and rumours - it is faith we are talking about.

Faith is our eye to see what is hidden. Everything has it's use, and is needed.

Faith gives us the possibility of finding hope in situations where there are no way out - and finding hope when all goes against us.

Faith is realising the divine, and the weakness.

Following faith, is following what is right in hope that it will be ok in the end - even if it means suffering 'now'. Following faith, is also following what's right allthough there is no reason for you to do so - even though no one is telling you to.

Finding faith, is realising you have it allready.
Faith is what allows us to "see" what is hidden... Faith is our eye to see what is hidden.

Yet, what exactly have you 'seen' that others have not?

If I have faith in you, if I trust you, then I don't do that based on evidence.

That is a contradiction. Do you automatically trust everyone implicitly upon meeting them for the first time? You would be foolish to do so, of course. Therefore, the evidence is in the experience and knowledge you have with that person.

If I share a secret with you and trust you with it. Faith is trusting something to be true, allthough there is no evidence for it.

The evidence is in the trust gained from that person prior to you telling them the secret. Do you tell secrets to people you've just met for the first time?

If we had no faith, then we would get suspicious and would doubt what people did, so to a certain degree we all have faith - at least most of us.

Faith in people is based on evidence. Faith in religion is not. Big difference. And if you cannot understand that difference then you shouldn't be commenting on faith.
(Q) said:
Faith is what allows us to "see" what is hidden... Faith is our eye to see what is hidden.

Yet, what exactly have you 'seen' that others have not?

If I have faith in you, if I trust you, then I don't do that based on evidence.

That is a contradiction. Do you automatically trust everyone implicitly upon meeting them for the first time? You would be foolish to do so, of course. Therefore, the evidence is in the experience and knowledge you have with that person.

If I share a secret with you and trust you with it. Faith is trusting something to be true, allthough there is no evidence for it.

The evidence is in the trust gained from that person prior to you telling them the secret. Do you tell secrets to people you've just met for the first time?

If we had no faith, then we would get suspicious and would doubt what people did, so to a certain degree we all have faith - at least most of us.

Faith in people is based on evidence. Faith in religion is not. Big difference. And if you cannot understand that difference then you shouldn't be commenting on faith.
Faith is not in the evidence.

If I have all the evidence I need and I tell you something. Then I still can't guarantee that you won't say anything about it. Faith is still needed.

But if you tell him something, then later check if he had said anything. Then you show that you don't trust him.

We should rest in our faith.
Cris said:
No it is called induction. Blind faith is never needed.

First of all, who said *blind* faith?

Secondly, to a 6-year old, will you tell that child to have hope, faith, or will you say that they should induce? To an unschooled simple person, will you tell them to have hope, faith or will you tell them to think inductively?

You lack practicality.

You managed to read and respond to my post in less than 6 minutes. Obviously, based on your response, you didn't even bother to think about it but instead responded with a knee-jerk reaction.

If I have all the evidence I need and I tell you something. Then I still can't guarantee that you won't say anything about it. Faith is still needed. But if you tell him something, then later check if he had said anything. Then you show that you don't trust him

See my above response - this is NOT religious faith. Please take the time to try and understand the difference in the two meanings of faith.

One definiton IS based on evidence while the other is NOT.
(Q) said:
If I have faith in you, if I trust you, then I don't do that based on evidence.

That is a contradiction. Do you automatically trust everyone implicitly upon meeting them for the first time? You would be foolish to do so, of course. Therefore, the evidence is in the experience and knowledge you have with that person.

If I share a secret with you and trust you with it. Faith is trusting something to be true, allthough there is no evidence for it.

The evidence is in the trust gained from that person prior to you telling them the secret. Do you tell secrets to people you've just met for the first time?

If we had no faith, then we would get suspicious and would doubt what people did, so to a certain degree we all have faith - at least most of us.

Faith in people is based on evidence.
This was what I responded to.

Here is what I didn't answer:
Faith is what allows us to "see" what is hidden... Faith is our eye to see what is hidden.

Yet, what exactly have you 'seen' that others have not?
I'm not more special than you.

(Faith in people is based on evidence.) Faith in religion is not. Big difference. And if you cannot understand that difference then you shouldn't be commenting on faith.
The difference is not as big as you seem to think it is.
I'm not more special than you.

Again, you failed to understand the question. Is English not your first language?

The difference is not as big as you seem to think it is.

Are you brain dead? The difference is huge. You should take the time trying to understand that difference. It is your inability to understand that difference that encouraged me to start a new thread, "Faith Defined."

Go and read it.