It all boils down to how reasonable you think your reasoning is.
No it dosen't. There is a way to ground this in every day experiential reality. It's called science. We all make scientific judgements every day. Even water.
And like lunatics, we point at all other men except ourselves and call them lunatics.
Then all hope of consensus on what is reasonable or rational flies out the window? Here's one simple definition of reason:
"Reason is the use of logical faculties to arrive at truth"
What is truth? It's what the universe shows us. Objective consensual reality. From the simple:
"How do you like my red hat?"
"It's a very fine red hat."
(The truth is that I have a red hat and we both like it.)
to the complex:
"I have repeatable experimental proof that the Higgs boson exists which shows that the Higgs field is real and is responsible for the masses of all elementary particles."
"Why yes, I see that. And your predictions based on this are accurate"
(The truth is that we have a valid explanation of the origin of mass and we both like it.)
You can philosophize all day about "truth" and "reason" but ultimately, if you can't show any real phenomena based on your claims, you might as well be discussing the effectiveness of garlic in repelling vampires. Religion has zero effect on reality, except in how it alters peoples behavior, just like any other psychosis.
Prayer is uncorrellated (except as a placebo effect, which has been reported) with effect (health, prosperity, the weather...)
Belief in god is uncorrelated with "good" behavior (wait, yes it is - a negative correllation. There are more believers in prison than non-believers by a factor of at least 10:1)
Religion is a purely subjective endeavor.