Fair Chance?

TheERK said:
Yes, it is about evidence, because there is evidence that tells us things completely contrary to what you are claiming. So many times, what people feel in their heart is patently false. If you *really* need examples of this, I can elaborate, but hopefully you understand.

You can't always trust what people 'feel in their heart', as un-romantic as it sounds.
The feeling allways shows you the truth, it can't do anything else cause there will allways be a true reason for why the feeling was envoked. If you want to know what the feeling is telling you, you should look for the reason it was envoked cause that reason reflects the purpouse of the feeling. It can be that you did wrong in that situation before and so the feeling gives you a oppertunity to change that - since feelings often bring back memories you can see what you did wrong and make it right, or you won't succeed the next time either and you will remember that with a feeling attached to it.

There are feelings though, that gives you a "ride", this means that the feeling steers you right as long as you trust the feeling.

Love is blind, this is because any person deserves to be loved. That you love a person doesn't mean that she or he is the right one for you. Though I think that when you meet the right one there will be something else ontop of the love, something that tells you "this is right".

Trusting your feelings also have alot to do with how you treat the feelings, you could ask "why do I feel this way?" cause there are allways a explanation. The feeling is allways true.

You can't allways trust evidence, cause there are some situations where no evidence can show you the right way and allthough there are evidence that the first step is right, it can still ruin the third step and the fourth step. The evidence can only show you the first step, but that isn't allways right. There are a certain wisdom to know how to deal with situations and this wisdom doesn't come with knowledge, it comes with experiance and ...

At least that is what I believe.
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Cyperium said:
Because there will allways be something with a lack of balance, and there will allways be a need to compensate for that, so instead of balancing on a thin line, you should choose which side you want to be on.

Though balancing can give you alot of insights and trust me, it's not all that bad. But sooner or later you will find that there is allways some kind of unbalance and you have to struggle with that too.

To not take a stand and just plainly stop worrying about things is a nice idea, I give you that. I've also thought about doing that.

But not taking a stand means to accept nothing. To be moved by no force.

Two people can say exactly the same thing, one have a good purpouse and want to help you, one have a bad purpouse. The one that had a good purpouse will succeed in his help while the one with a bad purpouse won't.

There is no way of knowledge to know which one has a good purpouse and which one has not. This is why we have to trust a greater force. Some call it to be moved by the holy spirit. If you don't take a stand you will be like a bouncing ball, moving from good and bad, without meaning.

It's in the bible: If only people were either hot or cold...but now people are neither and I spit them out of my mouth.

But if no one would choose a side, there would be no good and bad. Things would just be. No worries no porblems. But no, there are tons of hypocrites and liars. There are too many sides struggling to establish thmeself as the good side and trying to destroy all the evil others. And that is just senseless, stupid and naive. As long as you go and propagade "good", you also have to propagade "evil" for one cannot exist without the others. But good and evil are not really existant, in my opinion, they are created by humans and can be abolished by humans, we just have to try.
But if you take sides, and if you say, some one has to take sides, then you advocate war, injustice, misery and death. And I will have none of that.
Katazia said:

Agreed, but where emotions fail is when we want to determine truth. Emotions are inherently unreliable in that regard, and as you say they are just your desires.

What the intellect can do is objectively filter out claims that have no basis and which cannot be justified, and use independent facts to find real truth. The outcome of that is to conclude that Christianity has no objective facts as its basis – it relies entirely on unreliable emotions.

Emotions are not just our desires - I never said it was (not because I have facts to support it, but because I feel I would not say that).

Intelligence can filter out claims that have no basis, that's true. But intelligence can also be used in a religious way if you choose to trust the Bible as a basis. Or if you choose to trust yourself as a basis.

The Bible say "ask and you shall receive", "knock and the door will open", if you do that and believe in it, then God won't let you down. There are alot of promises for those that believe, by those promises you can get "proof" allthough you won't be able to prove it to someone else.

Believing in God doesn't mean that you have to get rid of your intelligence, it just gives you alot of other things that can help you in your quest for finding the truth, cause that is what Jesus and God offers, the Truth. You can't get to the absolute truth with intelligence alone, you will allways be one step behind, and as long as you are one step behind you have failed in your mission cause you will allways need more. It doesn't matter where you are on the path of truth, you will allways be one step behind, the truth will allways be around the corner, but you never find it, cause it is within you. See? You go here and you go there, but you don't need to go anywhere.
Dreamwalker said:
But if no one would choose a side, there would be no good and bad. Things would just be. No worries no porblems. But no, there are tons of hypocrites and liars. There are too many sides struggling to establish thmeself as the good side and trying to destroy all the evil others. And that is just senseless, stupid and naive. As long as you go and propagade "good", you also have to propagade "evil" for one cannot exist without the others. But good and evil are not really existant, in my opinion, they are created by humans and can be abolished by humans, we just have to try.
But if you take sides, and if you say, some one has to take sides, then you advocate war, injustice, misery and death. And I will have none of that.
What you wrote now, is true. The Bible has also adressed this problem.

There were a time when we were all living in darkness, there was no Law and there were no sins (well, there were no sins to us. But there were sins in God's view. It's like a child, you can't blame it for doing wrong, it doesn't know better).

That time was when we all lived in darkness, not darkness because of evil, but darkness because we didn't know good from evil.

So we did sins but no one knew that it was a sin, except God that is.

You can see it as a time of relief, where we wouldn't have to worry about doing wrong or right (as children).

Ok? Follow me this far?

Then came the law, and the light was introduced to us, some didn't want the law, cause they were happy doing sins and they continued to live in darkness cause they didn't want their sins to be known.

Some wanted the law and ran towards the light, cause they knew that they were doing what was good and wanted it to be known.

We couldn't continue living in darkness, cause that wouldn't be fair to those that actually did right. And it wouldn't give the oppertunity for those that did wrong to start doing right.

So it's easy to understand that with the law came the first sin.

The Bible gives an example of this. The law said that we shouldn't follow temptations and the evil woke up all kinds of temptations in us. The evil is using the good tools (for example, the law) for evil deeds. Cause if there are a law, then sure there must be a way of breaking it, and sin showed us that way, but that of course wasn't the law's purpouse, the law isn't evil, but there are evil forces that takes advantage of good tools.

The people though, didn't follow the law, so God made a new promise with humankind. This was that He wrote the law into our hearts. So that we wouldn't only go away from God, but we would also go away from ourselves if we didn't follow the law. Cause we felt within what was right and what was wrong. Then Jesus (if you see it as a image) crucified the law. So that we didn't have to follow the law to become rightous as before, but only had to believe in Jesus to become rightous, cause the law was in our hearts and Jesus died for our sins.
NIce explanation, but it looks to me that we have different opinions on this. I think good and evil were created by humans. They do not really exist. Because of this, we can overcome both.
But from your explanation it seems that evil and good are higher forces influencing the humans. Making us something like puppets.
Dreamwalker said:
NIce explanation, but it looks to me that we have different opinions on this. I think good and evil were created by humans. They do not really exist. Because of this, we can overcome both.
But from your explanation it seems that evil and good are higher forces influencing the humans. Making us something like puppets.
Why would it make us puppets? We are still humans, with everything that comes with being a human. Comparing us to a lower life-form doesn't help us, humans have a distinct "charm" that is different from anything else, with our ability to see what's right and what's wrong we can choose to live a rightous life.

Ignoring good and evil doesn't solve the problem, it would be like going back to the darkness.

But humanity is heading there anyway...in the last times people don't have faith and loose their respect for their parents (loose respect for authority), and so on...a picture that is more and more like ours today...

Though your belief is your belief, do what you want.
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Dreamwalker said:
I did not say ignoring, I said overcoming.

But this is a moot point, I´ll stop.
Ok, but I don't see what "overcoming" would be like. We should be careful playing the role of God.