Eyjafjallajokull and the existence of God.

Nooo.... You said

And I said, Prove it. Prove that your god is "More than capable of dealing with you on your terms". Whatever that might entail.
First of all we have to prove that you are petty.
If we can't prove that, there's no means to prove that god is dealing with you on your terms.

So how do you propose that it be proved to yourself that you are petty?
What is acceptable evidence?
First of all we have to prove that you are petty.
If we can't prove that, there's no means to prove that god is dealing with you on your terms.

So how do you propose that it be proved to yourself that you are petty?
What is acceptable evidence?
Stop. This is not about pettiness. It's about your god dealing with me on my own terms, whatever that may mean.

I made a statement that your god seems petty by YOUR descriptions of he/she/it. I have no belief in the actual existence of this god thing of yours.

You need to first prove that the central subject of this discussion really exists before we can examine ANY attribute he/she/it may possess.
Stop. This is not about pettiness. It's about your god dealing with me on my own terms, whatever that may mean.
what it means is that the terms are pettiness

To establish how god is capable of reciprocating with you on that level, we have to have a clear understanding of just exactly how petty you are

I made a statement that your god seems petty by YOUR descriptions of he/she/it. I have no belief in the actual existence of this god thing of yours.

You need to first prove that the central subject of this discussion really exists before we can examine ANY attribute he/she/it may possess.
Perhaps you could pave the way that such a discussion on proof could progress.
I mean can you prove to me that a certain man and a certain woman are your parents?
Or is the nature of that question not really practicable given who, what and where I am?

My behavior in the face of some posters here should suffice, but that is not the point, as my previous post states.
What behavior?
we need not an affirmation from yourself that you are petty.
We need to know exactly what this behavior is.
I mean can you prove to me that a certain man and a certain woman are your parents?
Beyond a doubt. Of course, I'm not going to, but there are

1) Birth certificates
2) Genetic typing

Again, the rest of your post attempts to delve into behaviors and definitions of "pettiness" that I find absurd.

Don't prove your gods objective, real existence to me. Point me to a website that has experimental instructions for proving god, and repeatable, peer-reviewed evidence of phenomena that can ONLY be explained by invoking your god.

I don't need enlightenment. I just need some compelling, easily observed phenomena that are in accord with the behavior of your god, and not a simple natural explanation, like electrons.

Something that admits no hope of explanation without your god.
Beyond a doubt. Of course, I'm not going to, but there are

1) Birth certificates
Oh come on!
A piece of paper!
You might as well say that the bible proves god
2) Genetic typing
well cough it up
I'm sitting here at my computer waitin for you to hand me your proof on a silver platter
If you got the genetic typing show it otherwise stop talking out of your arse

Again, the rest of your post attempts to delve into behaviors and definitions of "pettiness" that I find absurd.
hey you are the one who's after proof
If it can't be proved to yourself that you are petty, it will be impossible to prove to you that god is capable of reciprocating with your pettiness.
Don't prove your gods objective, real existence to me. Point me to a website that has experimental instructions for proving god, and repeatable, peer-reviewed evidence of phenomena that can ONLY be explained by invoking your god.
Feel free to indicate ANY website that can meet that criteria through the eyes of an antagonistic cynic

(If you want to talk about normative issues that frame a claim - fine. If you want to talk as if any tom dick or harry has already achieved those issues ... and hence their explanations/critiques are warranted - forget it. I'm not being obtuse. Not even political science is so screwy to work that way)
I don't need enlightenment. I just need some compelling, easily observed phenomena that are in accord with the behavior of your god, and not a simple natural explanation, like electrons.
Er ... the claim that things like electrons can explain things like consciousness is an explanation.
IOW there is no proof (of the type you are demanding for god) that evidences the premise of your explanation

Something that admits no hope of explanation without your god.
(In philosophical terms, this is like two neutered dogs having sex - it gets nowhere and goes on and on)

Explanations are so porous in their nature that they can easily house the hope of absolutely anything - from the distraught wives of abusive alcoholic men to the latest and greatest material reductionist
Can't be Catholic teaching since Pope John Paul II canonised over 450 saints (and to be classed as a saint you must be officially recognised as having caused miracles).
For reference that's over 150 more than were canonised in the previous 400 years.
Lotta miracles...

Oh well, maybe I was getting my Dogmas mixed up after all, although, I suppose it depends on how the catholic church defines a miracle.