Eyjafjallajokull and the existence of God.

Really, why is he not doing? Because of his "eternal grand plan" maybe... We don't need his ash cleaning farting; bed time stories didn't help previous civilizations, it will obviously not help us.

I see two possibilities:
1. he can't be bothered
2. he doesn't exist.
I see two possibilities:
1. he can't be bothered
2. he doesn't exist.

This argument is from a false premise anyway - both Christianity and Islam predict (IIRC) that there will be no more miracles.

(Yes, I know they can't both be right, but that's between the christians and the muslims to decide).
This argument is from a false premise anyway - both Christianity and Islam predict (IIRC) that there will be no more miracles.

(Yes, I know they can't both be right, but that's between the christians and the muslims to decide).

Huh? Where does it say that?
Huh? Where does it say that?

Honestly? I don't remember - it could even just be a catholic teaching, or I could be confounding it with the statements that both religions regard themselves as being essentially 'true and finished' and the last true religion (or something like that).
Honestly? I don't remember - it could even just be a catholic teaching, or I could be confounding it with the statements that both religions regard themselves as being essentially 'true and finished' and the last true religion (or something like that).

I asked because I always hear Christians say that miracles still happen. It would be interesting if the bible, or even Jesus, says that no miracles will happen anymore.
Honestly? I don't remember - it could even just be a catholic teaching
Can't be Catholic teaching since Pope John Paul II canonised over 450 saints (and to be classed as a saint you must be officially recognised as having caused miracles).
For reference that's over 150 more than were canonised in the previous 400 years.
Lotta miracles...
How do you propose that I prove to you that you are petty?
What would you accept as evidence?
Nooo.... You said
More than capable of dealing with you on your terms .. if that's what you mean
And I said, Prove it. Prove that your god is "More than capable of dealing with you on your terms". Whatever that might entail.