Eye for an eye rule

the best way to reform somebody is to introduce them into an enviroment where people are all model citizens, because people naturaly adapt to the enviroment and surroundings at hand, the worst thing to do is shove them into an over crownded dingy prison with hundreds of other criminals,

There is no best way to do it. There are better ways, yes, but we will never know unless we try them. If you put a psychotic serial killer into a suburban neighborhood, chances are that he will keep on killing. But perhaps this is more because of the flaws in that society, rather than the flaws in the person, though I would say that some people are by nature more susceptible to irrationality than others.

A better way to deal with the serial killer would be to look for what creates a serial killer and change that. Many people try to attack the symptoms, which only aggravates the problem. Instead, the root of the problem must be found and studied.

I also agree that sending criminals into an overcrowded prison is one of the worst things to do with them. This only breeds more hate, and then we let most of them out afterwards, naively thinking they have changed. Perhaps they have, but more often than not for the worse. Positive rehabilitation, death, or exile seem to be better solutions.
There is no best way to do it. There are better ways, yes, but we will never know unless we try them. If you put a psychotic serial killer into a suburban neighborhood, chances are that he will keep on killing. But perhaps this is more because of the flaws in that society, rather than the flaws in the person, though I would say that some people are by nature more susceptible to irrationality than others.

A better way to deal with the serial killer would be to look for what creates a serial killer and change that. Many people try to attack the symptoms, which only aggravates the problem. Instead, the root of the problem must be found and studied.

I also agree that sending criminals into an overcrowded prison is one of the worst things to do with them. This only breeds more hate, and then we let most of them out afterwards, naively thinking they have changed. Perhaps they have, but more often than not for the worse. Positive rehabilitation, death, or exile seem to be better solutions.

thats true, maybe we should look towards the animal kingdom and see what makes other animals reform, experiment on chimps that behave badly.

I think that's the same thing that the Hatfields and the McCoys thought.

It's also exactly what the militant Muslims think ...vigilantiism.

What's interesting about "an eye for an eye" is ....where and when does it stop? And who decides when to stop? If someone does something to you, and you return the "favor", what's to stop him from coming back on you using the same "eye for an eye" concept? See? It's virtually neverending.

I like the way the Saudis do it ...catch a guy stealing once, they cut off his hand. Catch him again, they cut off his other hand. If he steals again, they cut off his head.

Baron Max

Works for me, I think it's the delivery of the line that garners so much peace for me. When someone is getting in my face about something(and I mean serious stuff - dog pooping on my lawn can just slide), I say this:

"I never start something, but I always finish it."

If they are vandals the next line is:

"You are fucking with my property, I will in turn fuck with yours. If you do not value your property, I will keep fucking with something of yours until it starts to hurt."

If it looks to be going to get violent:

"You might win and beat me up, then if I can I will prosecute you to the maximum ability of the law. IF I feel that is insufficent, THEN you have earned an enemy for life, my life and yours. OR I might win and kick you around till snot flows from your asshole and be completely justified as self -defense."

Sometimes(rarely) the reply is:

"Well...what If i kill you?" - my reply "Then you gotta deal with my woman and she scares the shit outta me."

I have not been in a serious (angry)fight since highschool and my development of this dialog.

You just have to be clear with people. Luckily I have never just been "ambushed" and have always been able to perform the dialog.
Huh? So you post a stupid, idiotic solution to crime, then in one sentence, you negate all that you said previously??? ....LOL!!!!

That's why I didn't take it seriously .....no one on Earth would do such a thing! ....LOL!

Baron Max

i was not focusing on the solution part of my post it was a mere statement, i was focusing on the problem side of it, to find a solution one must identify and realise the problem.

A better way to deal with the serial killer would be to look for what creates a serial killer and change that. Many people try to attack the symptoms, which only aggravates the problem. Instead, the root of the problem must be found and studied.

So you'd suggest changing the entire society, all of the peaceful, law-abiding citizens, just because of the vicious acts of a few individuals?

Why does that seem like such a stupid, idiotic idea? Oh, wait, that's what all liberal, lilly-livered, doo-gooders say, ain't it.

Baron Max
So you'd suggest changing the entire society, all of the peaceful, law-abiding citizens, just because of the vicious acts of a few individuals?

Why does that seem like such a stupid, idiotic idea? Oh, wait, that's what all liberal, lilly-livered, doo-gooders say, ain't it.

Baron Max

Hey, man, I hate the "liberal, lilly-livered, doo-gooders" just as much as you do. But aren't you the one who's always complaining about how fucked up society (and the world in general) is these days? Where's the Baron Max I know who's lost all hope for the integrity of the common man? If its as you used to say it, then the society of "peaceful, law-abiding citizens" is merely a society of ignorantly blissful sheep who do harm without knowing it.
Hey, man, I hate the "liberal, lilly-livered, doo-gooders" just as much as you do.

Then why are you spouting those liberal, lilly-livered, doo-gooder" ideals? I.e., "it's no the fault of the criminals and murderers, it's the fault of society." ...and... "Don't punish the criminals, let's find the root of the problem." ...and other such useless, nonsensical statements?

Where's the Baron Max I know who's lost all hope for the integrity of the common man?

Lost all hope? Ha! I never had any hope for humans since I was old enough to look around. Humans are the most vicious, mean-spirited animals on Earth ....and more than that, they're actually getting worse as the population increases.

Baron Max
Then why are you spouting those liberal, lilly-livered, doo-gooder" ideals? I.e., "it's no the fault of the criminals and murderers, it's the fault of society." ...and... "Don't punish the criminals, let's find the root of the problem." ...and other such useless, nonsensical statements?

Lost all hope? Ha! I never had any hope for humans since I was old enough to look around. Humans are the most vicious, mean-spirited animals on Earth ....and more than that, they're actually getting worse as the population increases.

Baron Max

so whats your solution then mighty baron maximus? if searching for the root of the problem is not going to work for anything, how do you suggest we fix society as a whole and criminals? or is it fine the way it is?

if you think we cant be helped then what use is it to complain? just sit back and enjoy the ride. if you cant change something then fuck it,

so whats your solution then mighty baron maximus? if searching for the root of the problem is not going to work for anything, how do you suggest we fix society as a whole and criminals? or is it fine the way it is?

Just leave the law and the courts and the jails alone, and quit all the liberal, doo-gooder bullshit that keeps putting vicious criminals and habitual criminals back out on the fuckin' streets!! Liberals keep doing that, then when the crime rate keeps going up, they blame the government!!

Baron Max
man raped a woman or child what way can u balence that out with punshment?

Huh? Balance that out??? What the fuck does that mean?

If a man rapes a woman or a child, he should be shot three times in forehead with a 105mm howitzer. ...then he'd never, ever do that to another woman or child again ...ever!

Baron Max
I LIKE how this man thinks!

Well, if more people thought like that, and we were to actually do it, then how many men do you think would have the guts to rape a woman or a child and take that chance???

And if we kept doing that same punishment, perhaps we'd get rid of people who a.) were natural-born rapists, and/or b.) scare other men into being nice little boys to women and kids.

But we don't, do we? Nope ....we fine them, or jail them for a few years, then let 'em right back out to rape other women and children. Real nice of us, huh?

Baron Max
yea i think that it should be a death penalty we took it away here in the u.k and i want to stop these men