
"Historians do not use a year zero — AD 1 is the first year or epoch of the Anno Domini era, and 1 BC immediately precedes it as the first year before the epoch" -Wiki
Extremist/extremism is a handle for people the government does not want to argue with. It is to be programmed into the public so they will not question the government's persecution of whomever they label as one form of extremist or another.
He also said: "Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."

So, all it takes is for one other person on earth to agree with Sandy and ask for it and there you go, that's the end of muslims or whatever other race/religion blah blah Sandy considers 'evil'.

Conversely, by the bible's own text, all it takes is for two people on earth to agree on an appropriate peace treaty between the "Westerners" and "Islam States" and it will be done. If of course we subscribe to the heebie-jeebie.

Of course I think it'd be much easier to find warlike theists...
Yeah, let's just turn the other cheek so they can destroy us.
W.T.F???? :mad:

Don't fight them?
W.T.F??? :mad:

Unbelievable... :mad:
Sandy, like most Christians you are a massive hypocrite who picks and chooses which parts of Jesus’ teachings you want to follow and which you want to ignore, based entirely on which of his teachings you find inconvenient or unpleasant.

Jesus explicitly says to be nonviolent, and to turn the other cheek. He didn’t qualify it with “unless you’re really pissed off at them” or “unless they’re just really bad guys.”

The fact that you seem to think it’s so blindingly self-evident that you should be fighting back only serves as further proof of how deep your hypocrisy runs. Thank about it – you just said “WTF? Unbelievable…" when someone suggested that you obey the commands of Jesus.

I liked his "eye for an eye" comment better. That means we need to destroy about 2 million more of them (evil muslim terrorists.)

Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: but I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.
Okay, I'm sorry that you like your idea better, but your idea explicitly contradicts what Jesus said to do.

Sandy, can you please explain to us all why you don't think you should follow Jesus's teachings here?
Sandy, like most Christians you are a massive hypocrite who picks and chooses which parts of Jesus’ teachings you want to follow and which you want to ignore, based entirely on which of his teachings you find inconvenient or unpleasant.

Jesus explicitly says to be nonviolent, and to turn the other cheek. He didn’t qualify it with “unless you’re really pissed off at them” or “unless they’re just really bad guys.”

The fact that you seem to think it’s so blindingly self-evident that you should be fighting back only serves as further proof of how deep your hypocrisy runs. Thank about it – you just said “WTF? Unbelievable…" when someone suggested that you obey the commands of Jesus.

Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: but I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.
Okay, I'm sorry that you like your idea better, but your idea explicitly contradicts what Jesus said to do.

Sandy, can you please explain to us all why you don't think you should follow Jesus's teachings here?

you know she is going to apeshit over this right?
Apeshit or not, it is the correct passage, Sandy has misquoted her saviour.

Will Sandy realise that today's morals have very little to do with the bible? Will any other fundamentalist of any theism flavour? Let's watch...
Remember, all the major religious figures of history were extremists.

God is an extremist!
I liked his "eye for an eye" comment better. That means we need to destroy about 2 million more of them (evil muslim terrorists.)
I think it was Gandi who said
with an eye for an eye revengfull attitude everyone would be blind!!
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jesus sets a very high standard. He states that none of us is perfect. He says that even thinking about "temptation" is the same as doing in gods eyes. Each stage of the bible expects a greater accountability of us and less legalistic attitude. From his first " don't eat the fruit" to the ten commandments to the bazillion laws and sacrifices of numbers ect. until finally in the new testament he says be like me. Even turn your other cheek man got in a tussel with the merchants who were running stores in his temple. The new law is far more about why than what and how. Killing someone out of hate and anger is far worse than with regret in self defense. The muslim religon is just going through a phase and until the moderate muslims find their courage and voice to reign in the death loving extremist we will have to contain them like children for their own good. Doing nothing only encourages more agression but there ought to be a better option than genocide.