

Registered Member
This forum is filled with comments about extremist muslims doing this and that and yadda yadda yadda. Christians say that "they don't go around chanting Allah's name and sawing peoples' heads off" (I'm paraphrasing). I'm of the opinion that all major religions go through periods of (relatively) widespread extremism, and that Islam is no different.

Monotheistic Fanaticism Through the Ages:
Judaism -> The Old Testament is the very definition of extremism
Christianity -> the Crusades (back then Muslims were, for the most part, very tolerant)
Islam -> Right now.

I don't think that we really have any right to rip on Islam given Christianity and Judaism's track records.

I think the best protection against extremism is to turn the other cheek, which in this day and age we should be sensible enough to do. Sure, defend against it... but don't square up against them. The only thing squaring up to religious nutjobs will do is give them a recruiting tool, and something to fight against (in the name of god).

Turning the other cheek may not make you immune from attacks, but it's far more sensible than declaring a war.
Yeah, let's just turn the other cheek so they can destroy us.
W.T.F???? :mad:

Don't fight them?
W.T.F??? :mad:

Unbelievable... :mad:
Yeah, let's just turn the other cheek so they can destroy us.
W.T.F???? :mad:

Don't fight them?
W.T.F??? :mad:

Unbelievable... :mad:

Clearly you haven't been listening to a word Jesus said.

Don't you understand? You can't win if you FIGHT terror, because there is an endless supply of terrorists waiting to strap a bomb to themselves too. You can not tell terrorists between civilians... how the fuck are you then supposed to win the dramatically named 'war on terror'?

Nobody can win a war on terror, and with it being called a 'war', it gives them exactly what they want.

The events in the UK in the last couple of weeks go to show you can DEFEND against terrorism... just a shame they went to war in the first place and now have a bigger threat of terrorism than before the 'war'.
So we should just turn the other cheek and let them bomb the F out of everyone and everything they want? :mad:

This isn't about us. It's about their hate and their following what Islam and the Koran tells them to do. :mad:

Get a freakin clue. How old are you? 9?:mad:

Let me guess: you're under 40, living at home with Mom and/or Dad, not in the USA, and not getting the whole picture at all...
So we should just turn the other cheek and let them bomb the F out of everyone and everything they want? :mad:

This isn't about us. It's about their hate and their following what Islam and the Koran tells them to do. :mad:

Get a freakin clue. How old are you? 9?:mad:

So you're saying Jesus is wrong then? We shouldn't be listening to him, turning the other cheek and all that?
I liked his "eye for an eye" comment better. That means we need to destroy about 2 million more of them (evil muslim terrorists.)
I liked his "eye for an eye" comment better. That means we need to destroy about 2 million more of them (evil muslim terrorists.)

So you're choosing to actively ignore one of Jesus' teachings?
So we should just turn the other cheek and let them bomb the F out of everyone and everything they want? :mad:

Did I say that? I said we can defend against them doing that. You'll be glad to hear that this includes tougher immigration laws for people from those countries. And did the UK not foil several terrorist attacks already? But here's an interesting point, if the UK did not join the 'war on terror', how many of those attacks would have even be planned? We are more at risk of terrorist attacks purely because of this war that the American's have started.

I liked his "eye for an eye" comment better. That means we need to destroy about 2 million more of them (evil muslim terrorists.)

You just don't get it do you? If you kill 2 million extremists, then they will be replaced by 4 million extremists. The war will never end with this murderous attitude of yours.

I think you are a parody... You aren't for real, are you?
I'm choosing to destroy evil.

The majority of Christians hold the view that believers may support or join in defensive wars against evil aggressors—a position known as the just war theory.

God Commissioned Government to Punish Evildoers

In the New Testament, Paul declares that God empowers governments to punish those who do evil. Civil officials are told to bear the sword as avengers and execute wrath on those who practice wickedness.
Read (Romans 13:1-7) "Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities"...
1 Peter 2:13-14 is in agreement—God ordained government to ensure order in society by punishing evildoers:

Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority, or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of those who do right.

Those verses indicate that God gives governments the responsibility of carrying out punishment on those who commit deadly atrocities—like those perpetrated on September 11. And that responsibility includes waging war when necessary against nations or groups that carry out such actions.

I liked his "eye for an eye" comment better. That means we need to destroy about 2 million more of them (evil muslim terrorists.)
Just pick was sounds right.

I'm with KennyJC. I don't think you're real.
God Commissioned Government to Punish Evildoers

Or so said men with an agenda that wished to use God to control the masses:rolleyes:

While Sandy you are right the west does have a right to defend itself.It would be better to rectify WHAT is motivating these islamic extremists to commit these atrocities.
When I once worked for a large company that had a lot of muslim workers,many of them conservative.It allowed me to see by conversing with them what is motivating their hate.
They feel the west,in particular the U.S govt jumps to the tune of Isreal too
easily without really trying to see the issue on all sides. The feel the U.S tries to act like a benevolent empire by extending a helping hand only in reality to obtain a presence in the mideast.
If the west,especially the U.S could really make an effort to try and resolve the palestinian/isreali conflict by helping to establish a palestinian homeland and really make the effort sincere rather than half hearted it would no doubt do wonders to easing the situation. Of course Isreal is not likely to allow the U.S to do this.
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I'm choosing to destroy evil.

The majority of Christians hold the view that believers may support or join in defensive wars against evil aggressors—a position known as the just war theory.

God Commissioned Government to Punish Evildoers

In the New Testament, Paul declares that God empowers governments to punish those who do evil. Civil officials are told to bear the sword as avengers and execute wrath on those who practice wickedness.
Read (Romans 13:1-7) "Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities"...
1 Peter 2:13-14 is in agreement—God ordained government to ensure order in society by punishing evildoers:

Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority, or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of those who do right.

Those verses indicate that God gives governments the responsibility of carrying out punishment on those who commit deadly atrocities—like those perpetrated on September 11. And that responsibility includes waging war when necessary against nations or groups that carry out such actions.


My conclusion after reading that part of Romans is that Christians weren't meant to be a part of government. That's because right before the part where the government is sanctioned to deliver God's wrath is this bit:


Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"says the Lord. On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head." Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
... I'm of the opinion that all major religions go through periods of (relatively) widespread extremism, and that Islam is no different.

Monotheistic Fanaticism Through the Ages:
Judaism -> The Old Testament is the very definition of extremism
Christianity -> the Crusades (back then Muslims were, for the most part, very tolerant)
Islam -> Right now.

Hmm, are you saying/implying that Islam is 1,000-2,000 years behind the other religions of the world?

I don't think that we really have any right to rip on Islam given Christianity and Judaism's track records. Thoughts?

Well, we can "rip" on them if we want to, I guess.

Baron Max
Did I say that? I said we can defend against them doing that. ...

Defending against them is hardly what anyone would consider "turning the other cheek". That term implies strongly to actually let people strike you if they want ....not turn the other cheek and block the blow!!

Baron Max
So we should just turn the other cheek and let them bomb the F out of everyone and everything they want?

This is clearly what jesus instructed of you. What is the matter exactly? You don't trust jesus to look after you and your best interests?

Those verses indicate that God gives governments the responsibility of carrying out punishment on those who commit deadly atrocities—like those perpetrated on September 11. And that responsibility includes waging war when necessary against nations or groups that carry out such actions.

Saddam wasn't responsible for 9/11 so you have disagreement with that war I take it?
I believe he also said, "The lord helps those who help themselves."

He also said: "Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."

So, all it takes is for one other person on earth to agree with Sandy and ask for it and there you go, that's the end of muslims or whatever other race/religion blah blah Sandy considers 'evil'.
Hmm, are you saying/implying that Islam is 1,000-2,000 years behind the other religions of the world?

Baron Max

Jesus was (supposedly) born in the year 0, whereas the Muhammad was around in the seventh century. That's a pretty big difference.

Also, I don't know if extremism is the result of a religion reaching a certain stage in its developement or if it's caused by outside factors. So I guess that in this case, yes Islam is very far behind.