experiences with your god?


Registered Member
if you believe in god, can you name an experience that led you to believe in god and/or a higher being?

DON'T SAY: faith, god is love, god must exist because it's the only logical explanation, etc. those aren't experiences. those are words.

SAY: an example in a real and tangible way which made you personally believe that he/she/it exists in some way, shape, or form.
I realised "myself" once, or I saw a reflection of something and it opened a door, or it "lifted the veil", for a while, and I saw reality. I could also see mind, or what we usually call ego, and how people wear a mask, which they believe is themselves, but it's an idea of themselves. My self isn't something that I think it is.

I don't concur with religious ideas, except for the bits that relate to my experience, of "God" as myself.
And every other self, because we all have a "same" self, which if we just saw it (and heard it, etc), would "show" us who and what, we actually are. I've since confirmed this principle via the practice of a certain Eastern set of "techniques", that direct your awareness inwards. There's a bit going on in there.
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I realised "myself" once, or I saw a reflection of something and it opened a door, or it "lifted the veil", for a while, and I saw reality. I could also see mind, or what we usually call ego, and how people wear a mask, which they believe is themselves, but it's an idea of themselves. My self isn't something that I think it is.

I don't concur with religious ideas, except for the bits that relate to my experience, of "God" as myself.
And every other self, because we all have a "same" self, which if we just saw it (and heard it, etc), would "show" us who and what, we actually are. I've since confirmed this principle via the practice of a certain Eastern set of "techniques", that direct your awareness inwards. There's a bit going on in there.

interesting! how did you come across this realization originally? meditation? randomness? drugs? etc.
Frud11 did you have a brain scan direct after, because a tumor causes halucinations, else see a shrink you could be bypolar. I not trying to pick fault this is genuine concern. These things can kill, especially the tumor.
if you believe in god, can you name an experience that led you to believe in god and/or a higher being?

DON'T SAY: faith, god is love, god must exist because it's the only logical explanation, etc. those aren't experiences. those are words.

SAY: an example in a real and tangible way which made you personally believe that he/she/it exists in some way, shape, or form.

generally, i've had a variety of physical manifestations of spiritual interactions ranging from answered prayer, to what i would describe i guess, as telepathic communications, to a variety of sensations and visible changes with my body.

once, when describing some of these sensations/interactions to a friend, she said she thought i was a medium. and at the time i thought that was an odd thing to say, just because i had never considered myself such a thing, or had any experiences with ghosts and whatnot. but the more i thought about it, i had to agree with her. my experiences do resemble those described by many mediums. many of the messages i've received, and the whole purpose of the interactions have to do with revelations bible prophecy and the end of times.
interesting! how did you come across this realization originally? meditation? randomness? drugs? etc.
I guess the trip had something to do with it. But this happened after someone had told me about something that got me thinking, I guess. About a week later, the "experience" happened (it certainly wasn't my first "induced state of mind", shall we say).

It was kind of cathartic, after looking at ideas (e.g. Huxley, Castaneda, Gibran, Leary--he was too "comic-book", but I got the idea).
We really aren't who we think we are.
What a long process it was for me! It took me over 25 years of not looking until my mind started to shift gears. I am not going to give a story of how I figured it out...its too long.

Instead I will tell you what has cemented my AWARENESS that there is such things as gods and god. Gods and men are all a part of the singular GOD. They are all in between! And GOD is never separated from self.

Where or what is GOD?

In the Beginning GOD is FEMALE!
And in the End GOD is MALE!
The TWO are ONE!...Never separated, not even for a quantom second!
Between the Beginning and the End is Reality!

You would do well to ponder this, as this knowledge does not come easy!

Now I will tell you what gave me the awareness!

It was when the Female aspect of GOD from the Beginning spoke directly into my mind! There is no sound on earth even remotely close to its beauty and awe! I melted and wanted to die. I can not, that is not why I was spoken to.
SHE said ONE WORD and ONE WORD only. And with ONE WORD SHE said EVERYTHING!:eek::eek::D

The world turned gray for 2 weeks after that, the contrast of the experience was so great that I did not see color as I normally do. It was gray and lifeless. When you are spoken to directly, there is no way you can even consider any other possibility. Such an experience changes one forever!
What a long process it was for me! It took me over 25 years of not looking until my mind started to shift gears. I am not going to give a story of how I figured it out...its too long.

Instead I will tell you what has cemented my AWARENESS that there is such things as gods and god. Gods and men are all a part of the singular GOD. They are all in between! And GOD is never separated from self.

Where or what is GOD?

In the Beginning GOD is FEMALE!
And in the End GOD is MALE!
The TWO are ONE!...Never separated, not even for a quantom second!
Between the Beginning and the End is Reality!

You would do well to ponder this, as this knowledge does not come easy!

Now I will tell you what gave me the awareness!

It was when the Female aspect of GOD from the Beginning spoke directly into my mind! There is no sound on earth even remotely close to its beauty and awe! I melted and wanted to die. I can not, that is not why I was spoken to.
SHE said ONE WORD and ONE WORD only. And with ONE WORD SHE said EVERYTHING!:eek::eek::D

The world turned gray for 2 weeks after that, the contrast of the experience was so great that I did not see color as I normally do. It was gray and lifeless. When you are spoken to directly, there is no way you can even consider any other possibility. Such an experience changes one forever!

Wow...I'm totally enthralled. What was the word that she spoke and why?
generally, i've had a variety of physical manifestations of spiritual interactions ranging from answered prayer, to what i would describe i guess, as telepathic communications, to a variety of sensations and visible changes with my body.

once, when describing some of these sensations/interactions to a friend, she said she thought i was a medium. and at the time i thought that was an odd thing to say, just because i had never considered myself such a thing, or had any experiences with ghosts and whatnot. but the more i thought about it, i had to agree with her. my experiences do resemble those described by many mediums. many of the messages i've received, and the whole purpose of the interactions have to do with revelations bible prophecy and the end of times.

would you mind giving an example of one of these experiences you had? when/where/how/what?
I guess the trip had something to do with it. But this happened after someone had told me about something that got me thinking, I guess. About a week later, the "experience" happened (it certainly wasn't my first "induced state of mind", shall we say).

It was kind of cathartic, after looking at ideas (e.g. Huxley, Castaneda, Gibran, Leary--he was too "comic-book", but I got the idea).
We really aren't who we think we are.

if you remember, what got you thinking that way in the first place? :)
SHE told me HER name.:):):)
I am uncertain if it is always the same name for everyone, SHE could of used any name, it was the vibrations, tones, and overtones that unfolded such beauty. SHE has many names, I have done much research since then. SHE is in everything and everyone. The sound resounds and echoes through me still, like a gong that never stops ringing. I wrote down the experience afterwards on paper, I could even find it and tell you which day it happened. I was in the habit of recording everything that happened to me at the time.

When you hear people singing in a chorus you begin to hear overtones. The more people that sing the same note at the same time, the richer and deeper the overtone sound becomes. You can tell the difference between 2, 3, 6, 100 people singing the same sound. HER overtone was infinite.

It had no end. If everyone on earth through out time and everyone on every world through the universe through all time all sang the same sound, then maybe you could reproduce what I heard. I tried many times to reproduce it with my thoughts, but it is as futile as reaching for the moon with your tongue.

If you must know the WORD, which is HER name as SHE spoke to me, SHE spoke her name as KALI. Its a name that unfolds into more names, which unfold into more names, which unfold into more names. This continues on and on, until we reach the names of humans and animals, then smaller things.

Within each name is a memory of at least one lifetime, if not billions. Each life contains its own set of knowledge, its own experience, as a vehicle of time. Within that knowledge are words, sentences, paragraphs, books, different languages, sensations, and still more. Continuing like this and we end up with everything.

The Vibration is unfolding within me, I am remembering things that never happened. I remember HER. I had a dream about HER a few months later, SHE was twirling around and around smiling at me, changing HER form with each twirl. It was the best dream I ever had and I mapped it into the first year of the Mind Portal, though its meaning I cannot say.

My mind is in a strange vex, I cannot fully recall the intensity nor can I forget. I have not the brain power to summon up such a sound in thought. So
the memory is not pure as it was in the moment. The vibrations won't go way, nor do I want them to. But I feel pain now that I know I am here and not there. HER voice assured me I would return to HER. All I can do now is wait and fulfill my purpose, which SHE made clear to me.
we all have a "same" self, which if we just saw it (and heard it, etc), would "show" us who and what, we actually are.

Are you referring to the eternal 'observer' or 'higher self' entity as espoused in certain eastern philosophies?
Jozen-Bo said:
SHE told me HER name.
Right. Same kind of thing with me, but I saw it as well. It was extremely visual, like a "bulb" coming on (the world looked "brighter"), it was like a sense of seeing emotion or hearing colours, synaesthetic.
The world changed from ordinary/prosaic "green/blue" to happy/content "yellow/red" - I recall seeing a colour that was "colour", everywhere. Interesting how you see it as a harmonic, or resonant, phenomenon - one that "vibrated" in you, and is still "echoing", or "relaxing" into more harmonic states.

This stuff isn't easy to describe with ordinary old words, though, is it?
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if you remember, what got you thinking that way in the first place?
Yes, I can remember: someone who knew about some techniques or mudras, as the yogis call them. He told me about some stuff that essentially reflects a lot of scriptural ideas, about the inner "light", and other aspects of, I guess pretty much Eastern mysticism, as far as self-knowledge and so on. There's a lot of discourse (if you look for it) on Yogic practices, and the idea of inner knowledge.
I guess this person touched on something, or answered some questions, or I believed enough of what he had to say, to "flip the switch". And I was, at the time, into the self-knowledge/enlightenment thing, or looking for answers.
tablariddim said:
Are you referring to the eternal 'observer' or 'higher self' entity as espoused in certain eastern philosophies?
My Runic namesake is talking about what he experienced, and saw around him, with his eyes wide open.

There are some witnesses to the "event". A female, in particular who spoke with him during his "apotheosis", remains intrigued to this day about what he was looking at, when he stood staring at her, with a wondering, sort of beatific look on his face. He stared so much, he could see right through "her".

P.S. Yes, folks, it's me.
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would you mind giving an example of one of these experiences you had? when/where/how/what?

what do they call it when you channel something in a written form? because that happened to me and it continues to, but once it was so intense that my feet felt like lead when i tried to walk and my eyes were dilated. i also had a pain in my head...the middle of my forehead while i was writing. i was in kind of a trance like state while i was writing, and when i got up to walk around, i asked to myself, "why are my feet so heavy?", but i got an answer...that it's about how a spirit isn't used to dragging a heavy body around with it. then i looked in the mirror and saw my pupils. there was no physical explanation for it, and it freaked me out. i stood there staring at myself in wonder and after a minute or so they shrunk to the size of a pin head, for no apparent reason, and then went back to normal. this kind of writing went on for over a month.
SHE told me HER name.:):):)
I am uncertain if it is always the same name for everyone, SHE could of used any name, it was the vibrations, tones, and overtones that unfolded such beauty. SHE has many names, I have done much research since then. SHE is in everything and everyone. The sound resounds and echoes through me still, like a gong that never stops ringing. I wrote down the experience afterwards on paper, I could even find it and tell you which day it happened. I was in the habit of recording everything that happened to me at the time.

When you hear people singing in a chorus you begin to hear overtones. The more people that sing the same note at the same time, the richer and deeper the overtone sound becomes. You can tell the difference between 2, 3, 6, 100 people singing the same sound. HER overtone was infinite.

It had no end. If everyone on earth through out time and everyone on every world through the universe through all time all sang the same sound, then maybe you could reproduce what I heard. I tried many times to reproduce it with my thoughts, but it is as futile as reaching for the moon with your tongue.

If you must know the WORD, which is HER name as SHE spoke to me, SHE spoke her name as KALI. Its a name that unfolds into more names, which unfold into more names, which unfold into more names. This continues on and on, until we reach the names of humans and animals, then smaller things.

Within each name is a memory of at least one lifetime, if not billions. Each life contains its own set of knowledge, its own experience, as a vehicle of time. Within that knowledge are words, sentences, paragraphs, books, different languages, sensations, and still more. Continuing like this and we end up with everything.

The Vibration is unfolding within me, I am remembering things that never happened. I remember HER. I had a dream about HER a few months later, SHE was twirling around and around smiling at me, changing HER form with each twirl. It was the best dream I ever had and I mapped it into the first year of the Mind Portal, though its meaning I cannot say.

My mind is in a strange vex, I cannot fully recall the intensity nor can I forget. I have not the brain power to summon up such a sound in thought. So
the memory is not pure as it was in the moment. The vibrations won't go way, nor do I want them to. But I feel pain now that I know I am here and not there. HER voice assured me I would return to HER. All I can do now is wait and fulfill my purpose, which SHE made clear to me.

This stuff isn't easy to describe with ordinary old words, though, is it?

Thank You, that helps to clarify the difficulty of explaining and sharing this!

It's almost impossible. We need to develop and evolve our vocabalary if we are to stand a chance of even getting close. Even then, words cannot confer the actual experience itself.

Ordinary words can only describe ordinary experiences at best.
First, the universe revealed itself, each distant luminous star twinkled and beckoned, the great omnipotence rang through the ages, my mind swallowed up in the infinite, irrepressible, magnificence.I sought and I found, I asked and was shown, I mewed like a lost kitten and was welcomed into a brethren and sisterthren ( is that a word, who cares, you'll forgive me as He/She forgives those who kissed arse against us)

For thine is the reason, the resonance and the Ringdom.
Ask not what your God can do for thee, askance only what yee can do forn thane.
Thank the spirit, thank the ghosts, thank thy neighbour.
Crank the volume, thank the choir, the angels let us shine for thine is the righteousness for thine hast spaken, God is in me, God is in you, God it's hot here in the dunny, God has shown us all and those and thine who can find a way to shine shall shine from the pine..noeth he sayeth drink not from one cup but beat your wife to phone.

Gawd spake and I answered, I answered with prayer " lord Huey, send us some waves you great smartarse, It's been flat here for weeks....AND LO AND BEHOLD, NEXT MORNING WAS SIX TO EIGHT AND BARRELING. I Believe!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yea, and were there great and mighty waves... and they did surf bulk.

No need to thank the choir, they sing for free.

Prayer is for those who doubt their faith, but how much faith do you really need in yourself? (I don't have much, personally, but I guess I'm a bit of a dead-loss on the devotion thing)
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