Experience Life people!!!


Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey
Valued Senior Member
Why everyone LOVES the human brain?!?!?
What's wrong with you people? Can't you stop a little bit and live your lives?!? Experience Life!!!!!!
Love is essential. This is why our world is like this!! People thinks that knowledge is more important than Love!!
Jesus Christ was one of the most wise people, if not the wisest, that lived in our world. If you don't Love your enemies, who will Love them? Who will help them?

If we don't learn compassion, our world will turn into a piece of junk. Is this the world you want for your children? Care about other people. And Love yourselves too...

Originally posted by TruthSeeker
People thinks that knowledge is more important than Love!!
hmmmm... I can't remember seeing that in anyone's thread. For many of us, part of experiencing and enjoying life are the discussions about life.
If you don't Love your enemies, who will...?
Their moms?

Re: to goofyfish

Unfortunatly, there are people here that if not thinks, feel this.
And the prove you can see in the world. Look of what we have done in the name of Science. How many people were killed, for example, in Hiroshima and Nagazaqui (I don't know how to write it). And everything because they wanted to test the effects of it in people!! This is horrible!!
And Religion? How many people did the "Holy Wars" killed. False Christians, for example, killed many people in the Inquisition and in the "Holy Wars" in the name of... I don't even want to write this...! This is too much ignorance!
Jesus was one of the wisest mans in this world, teaching compassion to everyone. And what we have done with Him?
After that, goofyfish, do you still think that people don't think that knowledge and power (now I add power...) are not more important than Love? You, as I see, don't think this. But many people unfortunatly do.

P.S.1: About the moms loving your enemies... :) Actually is true... but not always...
P.S.2: Very good Quote!!! :)

Jesus, one of the wisest men on Earth?

Perhaps you can see him that way, yes. I guess this jesus was Psychic. Don't forget that in the ancient times, humans were much more aware of Nature and 'things' close to Earth, because they didn't have the Science and technology humans do have now-a-days.:) In that perspective, jesus can be seen as a wise man. He tried to teach the humans more love for one another.

And I do agree with you Truthseeker. Try to love your enemies. They hate it when you do that.;) Humans who behave themselves bad toward you or others, don't like it at all when they are treated with kindness and forgiveness.

So perhaps this is a solution. No more violence, no more bombing. Just LOVE one another...:cool:
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
Unfortunatly, there are people here that if not thinks, feel this.
Here? In this forum? Well, I'll have to take your word as I am not good at the whole "mind reading" thing.
And the prove you can see in the world... How many people were killed, for example, in Hiroshima and Nagazaqui
Come on, now... which one of you guys dropped The Bomb on Japan? Tiassa? Xelios? Bebelina? Cris? Come on, fess up!!
...do you still think that people don't think that knowledge and power are not more important than Love?
Actually, I believe that the majority of people, if give a fair chance, would choose love every time.

On a more serious note, as far as False Christians, Holy Wars and the IQ of Jesus, you'll have to drop those in the appropriate forums and see which way they bounce. I do note, however, that your apparent rejection of science in this thread seems to be in contradiction with the Taoist acceptance I recall you espousing in your first posting here in the SciForums.

In any event, as this is our first chat, allow me to extend my welcome to you.

Re's to Banshee and goofyfish

First, thanks for the support of Banshee which is easily seen as an awaked person (or in process of...) :)
Second, I wasn't talking about people in this forum. I was generalizing it to the world (eventhoght there are people in this forum that completely see Love just as a kind of funny thing in their lives).
I don't completely reject Science, but for me, Science is nothing without Love. Banshee was very true when he said that we were much more aware about the Nature and the Earth at that time. I had already realized that 2 years ago, when my interest on Science started to drop. And this is what is really important here, we become ignorant of our own world and started destroying ourselves after we "discovered" Science. It's why I don't like Science anymore.
For a Biblic vision of Love, see 1Corinthians 13.

Re: Re's to Banshee and goofyfish

Originally posted by TruthSeeker
I wasn't talking about people in this forum.
I understood that. I just like injecting a little humor now and then. I'm sorry it was not more obvious. :D
It's why I don't like Science anymore.
So perhaps rather than the yin and yang relationship to which you referred, which is about the balance of opposites (very simplified), you see the religion/science relationship as...?

And this is what is really important here, we become ignorant of our own world and started destroying ourselves after we "discovered" Science. It's why I don't like Science anymore.

Then I suggest you sell your computer, cut off your telephone, get rid of your washer, dryer, stove, vehicle, TV, VCR and/or DVD, stereo system... in fact, just leave your house altogether and go live in a cave. That way, science need not bother you ever again.

btw, don't forget to take your bible. :D
Let's give a better world to our children... please... :(

I don't like Science anymore, I don't respect it as I used to do, but I still use it. There are too ways to the Truth here: Science and Religion. They are opposites. But I almost completely reject Science because many people almost completely (or completely) rejects Religion!! Then, I have to emphasize my rejection.
The same thing above goes to you. And about what you said, it's not a bad idea, but I don't need to do that, as people are starting to be more aware about the stupid things we have been doing, so we will soon be changing the way we USE Science from an insane way to a sane way. Our Science will be soon starting to have a better and more respectful approach to Nature (I hope...).

P.S.: For the last time I say: I don't like Science because it almost made us destroy our own world... (Remenber the Cold War...)

Blessings and Hope for a better world... :(,
Re: Re: to goofyfish


How many people were killed, for example, in Hiroshima and Nagazaqui (I don't know how to write it). And everything because they wanted to test the effects of it in people!! This is horrible!!
So here is where trusting your emotions rather than knowledge let’s you down. Ignorance leads you to the wrong conclusions.

The bombs were dropped not to see the effects on people or to kill people but to save countless thousands of allied and American lives. It was clear that WWII was going to continue for some time and that meant many allied lives were going to be lost. By demonstrating such awesome power the war was ended significantly sooner than otherwise and resulted in the saving of countless lives, soldiers and civilians.

And Religion? How many people did the "Holy Wars" killed. False Christians, for example, killed many people in the Inquisition and in the "Holy Wars" in the name of... I don't even want to write this...! This is too much ignorance!
And how many billions of people died through terrible diseases over hundreds of years because Christianity persecuted, tortured and murdered so many scientists that many potential scientists never started any research. If the development of antibiotics could have occurred just 100 years earlier then many millions of lives could have been saved.

The ignorance and superstition spread by Christianity and especially the suppression of scientific research is one of the greatest disasters of mankind, far exceeding the effects of any nuclear bombs.

Jesus was one of the wisest mans in this world, teaching compassion to everyone. And what we have done with Him?
It is doubtful he even existed, but the concept of compassion was known long before his time. So why after trying for 2000 years hasn’t Christianity been able to get its message across? Perhaps if Christians, instead of teaching that an imaginary Jesus will save everyone they should have been out practicing compassion. Even a powerful Christian like G Bush seems quite happy to kill his enemies.

The Old Dispute of Power

Cris... what will I do with you...
First quote:
The U.S. always killed millons of people to "save" theirs, isn't it?
No. The stupid sick power that the United States of America, the country that most killed innocent people in the world, the same country that have his bases on freedom, EVENTHOUGH THEY TURN HIS OWN PEOPLE SLAVES OF THE ECONOMY AND OF THE MATERIALISM!!!... just as you..., is the most most sick and depressive MANIFESTATION OF IGNORANCE AND LACK OF COMPASSION!!!

Just an example: the united states of america gave money to kill MILLIONS and MILLONS of people in MY COUNTRY, Brazil, in the 60's, everything in the name of the "national security", against an "invisible danger" that they called Socialism. There were NO Socialism in my country and they killed MILLIONS OF INOCENT PEOPLE. IT'S HISTORICALLY PROVED. You certainly didn't learn this in your school, but I learnt in mine. You probably think that we live in trees and our capital is Buenos Aires....

I will give you an example of an episode that happened in my own city on those days. The US paid our army to control some students that were protesting against this corruption. The students started to throw stones at them. Do you know what did our army do, in the name of YOUR country? They shoot one student with an UZI SPLITING HIM INTO TWO PARTS!! He was... I think... about 18 years old. Would you like to be his mother?

Those false Christians that uses violence are spread all around the history (I think I already talked about that, didn't I?:rolleyes: )
Anyways... I say it again... those were ignorant Christians. They don't even deserve this title. Do you even know what Christ means? I'm sure not... Christ is NOT the surname of Jesus. Christ is a power called Love. So, how could they do that if they Loved? The answer is simple: they didn't. They were only Christians because they wanted money and power (Can you see a conncetion here with the United States?... :))
And how can you censure Christianity if you don't even know it?
I'm starting to doubt your capacity of analysis...

Two things. First, the same above. Second, the message of compassion that many people tried to pass through the history, not only Christians, but all the Religions (like Dalai Lama today), could not be transmitted because of YOUR IGNORANCE TO ACCEPT THAT KNOWLEDGE IS NOT GOOD (in your ways) FOR YOU.
For example, did you accepted the message OF COMPASSION I'M TRYING TO TRANSMIT TO YOU!?!? Not really! You continue to respond with a sick love towards your own brain... as most of mans have a sick love to their... TOY too... HAHAHAHA... :D

Anyways... you finished by amusing me... Thanks. :)
I hope this answers ALL your question...

Re: The Old Dispute of Power

Originally posted by TruthSeeker
That statement might fly on many "message boards", but you won't get far flinging an unsupported statement like that into this group.
You probably think that we live in trees and our capital is Buenos Aires...
You might live in trees, I certainly don't have any way of knowing, but the capital is Brasila.
Those false Christians that uses violence are spread all around the history... those were ignorant Christians...
Well, which were they? False Christians or Christians? In either case it sounds like you and Cris agree on this one as far as the results, so I don't understand why you're foaming at the mouth over this one.
(the) message of compassion that many people tried to pass through the history, not only Christians, but all the Religions (like Dalai Lama today), could not be transmitted because of YOUR IGNORANCE TO ACCEPT THAT KNOWLEDGE IS NOT GOOD... You continue to respond with a sick love towards your own brain... as most of mans have a sick love to their... TOY too... HAHAHAHA...
I usually try not to make it personal, but you rant. Try a valium. You are probably only one post away from taking an intellectual "beating."

Why don't you understand the message I'm trying to pass?


I won't loose my time arguing about that. It's in the History books. Not the modified ones that your government might use with you but you can be SURE and find out by yourself that all the countries victims of yours have them. If your government do brainwashing on you along with the things (such as scientific discoveries and UfO's) that they hide from you, I can't do nothing about it.

Good to see that someone in your country know our capital...as we know yours. We don't live in trees... :). But some americans thinks that we do anyways. The same thing goes to our capital.

For the last time I'll say: there are Christians and False Christians. The real Christians are not violent because Christianism is a Religion based on Love and Compassion (as all the others). The False Christians... I don't even need to say... they are like your country...

Why you cut a little bit of my quote? This is all the quote:

the message of compassion that many people tried to pass through the history, not only Christians, but all the Religions (like Dalai Lama today), could not be transmitted because of YOUR IGNORANCE TO ACCEPT THAT KNOWLEDGE IS NOT GOOD (in your ways) FOR YOU. For example, did you accepted the message OF COMPASSION I'M TRYING TO TRANSMIT TO YOU!?!? Not really! You continue to respond with a sick love towards your own brain... as most of mans have a sick love to their... TOY too... HAHAHAHA...

This make it a little bit different isn't it? No cheating... :p
The message I tried to pass here (or I passed, otherwise you would not cut the part that gives the explanation) is that your way to use Knowledge and Science is a sick way to destroy yourselves. And as you can see, you didn't accepted the message of compassion, otherwise, you would not have cut it off!

So, if you think that I'll suffer an "intellectual" beating, you can be sure you are wrong! And this is NOT an intellectual discussion, as I'm not talking about intellect here. I'm just trying to wake you up to the reality that we are humans not because we think, but because we Love.

Thank you for your attention. Hope have answered all your questions.


i didnt read the whole thread but let me just say I totally disagree with your jesus escapades

1. I have no enemies, I just dont like some people very much, I'm a humantarian. The bombs were dropped on japan to end the war, not to test it and kill people. Having enemies is fine, but loving those who hate you is just stupid. If you have a psycho after you, you wouldnt chase him with a hug would you?

2. Some people love knowledge and thats how they enjoy life. They want to know the secrets of the universe. Its that philosophy, that knowledge isnt important and we should be lovey dovey that spiralled us into the dark ages. Education is the key. People can live very happy lives if they know how to, and people can help and love eachother more if they know how to. You're taking things to extremes, and although I still respect your opinion, I really think of it as bizzare and polarized.

I'm sorry if I missed something cause I didnt read the whole thread but I just wanted to get my 2 cents in.
Tempted, but.... nay.

I usually try not to make it personal, but you rant. Try a valium. You are probably only one post away from taking an intellectual "beating."

Methinks this one's too wise to know when he's already beat. He says he rejects thought for feeling. Clearly, he does not have ears to hear. Funny... I always thought that true wise men spent their time doing more listening and thinking than ranting and ignoring what was said to them. Oops! I forgot. We're not worth listening to. We've spent too much time thinking the wrong things.

Posted by TruthSeeker:

Thank you for your attention.

You no longer have my attention.


It is when spirituality and science merge, that we will see true progress on all levels. Because they are both the same, but works as blueprints from differents perspectives of reality.

You appear to pre-judge people very quickly, you’ve done that numerous times with me already. I am British not American; I only live in the USA.

You seem to have real issues with the USA but feel free to throw abuse at the British as well if you like, I have no strong feelings about defending the actions of past or present politicians or political systems. And trying to associate me with past-alleged USA atrocities because you thought I was an American demonstrates a serious problem on your part. Feel free to apologize at any time

But please try to back up your criticisms with clear facts that can be referenced preferably with a web link. Requesting people to refer to history books without being specific is usually considered laziness on the part of the poster. If you have evidence then show it. Many of us here spend a great deal of time researching and finding references to support our arguments. You must do the same if you are interested in earning any respect here.

And this is NOT an intellectual discussion, as I'm not talking about intellect here. I'm just trying to wake you up to the reality that we are humans not because we think, but because we Love.
Debating through this media is very definitely an intellectual activity. You are confusing what you are doing with what you are talking about. Love on its own cannot create a reasoned discussion, you need to use your intellect for that. Love on its own is inadequate for human life to survive.

And you are still wrong about humans, we both think and love. Combine the two aspects and you will then be able to make progress.

But you seem to be taking these issues somewhat personally. There is a lot of abuse throwing in your recent posts, and upper case tends to mean you are shouting. Try to depersonalize your arguments a little, try to attack the argument and not the person otherwise you will appear to just rant and rave as goofyfish has already noted.

To counterbalance:
If you insist not to receive my message of Love, I can't do nothing. You have freewill to continue ignorant... I already said in my other posts that Love is Wisdom (and you can see it below, in my signature). I can't do nothing about you, I just wish that someone can open your eyes someday.

To Cris:
Sorry about called you an american... I didn't mean to insult you... But you really behaves like one of them...

Important To Americans:
I'm not generalizing. I'm not talking about all the americans. There are americans that are not like this such as a writter called James Redfield (that has the same ideas that I pass, or try too pass... here).

About links. I posted some links in some of my posts... but I don't have time to research that. Most of things I learned about what I'm teaching here is through books, wise people and my own life experience (usually from the bad ones... I don't have many good life experiences anyways...).

About this quote... if you want to speak with chinese people, wouldn't you speak in chinese? And would't you go to China (or wait they come, but you don't want anyways...). I use this forum because it's where people need more help... you worship too much Science, Rationalism and Materialism... I have to go to you, you won't come to me...

The intellect that you worship so much is what creates confusion in your mind. You can see that in Taoism (I'll put some links at the end of this post). What Loves do is to show you your Spirit, where the Truth lives.

It's important to note that I'm not totally against Science. As Bebelina said:

It is when spirituality and science merge, that we will see true progress on all levels. Because they are both the same, but works as blueprints from differents perspectives of reality.

I said this in my first post (with other words, of course). But as I saw people replying allways in the name of the Science and TOTALLY against Religion, I had to try to balance the situation emphasizing the Religion against Science. You can see it clearly in my other posts.

To Elbaz:
The end of the war was a pretext. I learnt this at school. I have no internet or book references, I'm sorry. You don't need to believe if you want.

You will learn through your own experience that you receive what you give. If you give Love you will receive Love. If you give hate, you receive hate. If you want to do an experiment (what scientists loves so much) you can step on a dog's tail (please don't do that!!!) But you know that he most likely will bite you instead of lick your face and shake his tail... :)

You want to know the secret of the Universe? Here it is... the secret of the Universe is...
You are alive!!... :p
That's everything you know anyways...
If you want hapiness, follow the advices I put below, in my signature...

Which dark ages are you talking about... :confused:???
You mean... feudal age? Well, there was some kind of order inside the castles with no violence (we have much more violence today). What do you mean by "dark"?

About eduacation... which one? I mean... for example, in the united states, people in the schools kill themselves... isn't it strange this education? That "protect" us and give us "freedom"...? And "intelligence"? Better look up in the dictionary to find out the true meaning of these words... You, like most of people in this world, have to review your own conceptions...

Well... I'm tired having to explain all this things... but continue to ask anyways... I don't mind explain things to people...

Some links:


The only thing i have to say here (although there is much i COULD say if i thought it would be worth it) is that if you believe everything they taught you in school in Brazil, Truthseeker, then i have a lovely tower in Piza I'm looking to sell ... :)
love your enemies?

In my experience, loving your enemies makes them think you\re stupid!
Best thing is to try not to make any enemies, but again, even when you love your friends some take you for granted and for a fool, because it seems everyone's got their own private agenda.