Expectation Causes Collapse in Double-Slit Experiment.

Mr_Homm is an expert quantum physicist. What you think is wrong with what he said is nonsense. Pretty much like everything you've said to me. Starting with the nonsense about QM predicting that the cat is both alive and dead at the same time.
I think you missed the whole point of the Schrodingers Paradox. It is said to be a paradox because the cat would be both dead and alive at the same time until the act of observation, then the cat will either show up to be dead or alive. Just like a particle could be in two states at once, but when you make the observation it is only in one state or another. So then according to QM, cats act in much the same way particles do, there is no QM principle that really defines how the behavior of cats should differ from that of particles. You could pick up just about any book that explains the paradox and it will explain it in pretty much the same way I have here, if you can't take my word for it or watch the video on it at the start of this thread. The world of QM is a mysterious realm indeed. It just seems like Mr. Homms is working under the assumption that these multiple stats are purely mathmatical in nature and not how reality actually behaves at this level. I don't think he could draw accurate conclusions thinking about QM in this way. Particles have both wavelike and particle like properties in different situations, there is an interference pattern...