Expectation Causes Collapse in Double-Slit Experiment.


Note to Mods: This could be moved to Alternative Theories, but I feel the concept is worth more. This idea is already in a discussion groups at a noted University. I think this is very real science, however will understand when it is moved. I am asking James R that moving this to Alt theories be delayed by a few days, simply to hear real input as opposed to troll only input that predominates that area of sciforums.

This is a Theory that I have developed, but is supported by some scientific data. Due to its nature it cannot be conclusive at this time.

The Double-Slit Experiment.


Many may recognize this as the unpopular Fred Alan Wolf view of the experiment that seems to allow for "consciousness" to actually be involved in collapsing the wave. If you dislike the Fred Alan Wolf view then you may dislike my proposition even more.

The above experiment is however a commonly debated point in Quantum Mechanics. It is elegant in its simplicity, but harrowing in its translation.

One viewpoint that was commonly accepted was the "Copenhagen Interpretation".

The Copenhagen Interpretation held that while in wave form there is no ability to measure where the object is. The item was in mathematical Juxtaposition and could exist anywhere in the projected area. It holds that matter must be collapsed before measurements can be made.
Einstein Rejected the randomness of this proposal suggesting,
Einstein wrote: "I, at any rate, am convinced that He [God] does not throw dice.
Some others took to beliefs held by people such as Fred Alan Wolf. The Copenhagen Interpretation is "woo heaven" for anyone wishing to interpret the double slit to mean "Matter does not exist unless it is observed". This is a common belief however and although not popular on sciforums it should be deemed at least possible without evidence to the contrary.

I Agree with Einstein "God does not throw dice".

There is a missing element to the Copenhagen Interpretation. I think the missing element is Expectation. Expectation, Belief, "looking for", etc.

It is Expectation that causes collapse.

Let's look at Schrodingers "Cat in the box" Thought Experiment.


Simply put: My argument would be that if the person opening the box expected the cat to be dead it would be dead. If

the person expected the cat to be alive it would be alive. There are other aspects to this Theory such as "What does the

cat/(substituted person) expect, and would it influence the outcome"? How strong would the expectation of Wigner's friend (a thought experiment proposed by the physicist Eugene Wigner) affect the outcome?


I understand that there are many, many who will never accept my idea, however I think it is 100% correct. Even the common Interpretations of The Double-Slit Experiment are commonly rejected as woo.

For starters there are many who view the Fred Alan Wolf view as woo, yet many who agree with that version.

Let's briefly look at the "Many Worlds Interpretation"


The many-worlds interpretation is an interpretation of quantum mechanics that asserts the objective reality of the universal wavefunction, but denies the actuality of wavefunction collapse. Many-worlds implies that all possible alternative histories and futures are real, each representing an actual "world" (or "universe"). It is also referred to as MWI, the relative state formulation, the Everett interpretation, the theory of the universal wavefunction, many-universes interpretation, or just many-worlds.
The original relative state formulation is due to Hugh Everett in 1957.[2][3] Later, this formulation was popularized and renamed many-worlds by Bryce Seligman DeWitt in the 1960s and 1970s.[1][4][5][6] The decoherence approaches to interpreting quantum theory have been further explored and developed,[7][8][9] becoming quite popular. MWI is one of many multiverse hypotheses in physics and philosophy. It is currently considered a mainstream interpretation along with the other decoherence interpretations and the Copenhagen interpretation.[10]

This MWI was heralded worldwide as a great move forward in Quantum Theory. This is not something I am making up. This is history.

So many people believe that every decision you make, and every stubbed toe causes the Earth and all of its inhabitants to split into a completely different alternate reality. There is a reality (accoding to MWI); in which I am the skeptic revealing my intelligence by shooting down this theory with little understanding.

When it comes to choosing your Double-Slit Interpretation it can be difficult without crying "woo". I do not believe the MWI. I think it is woo. I think it is my theory that is correct.

Let's continue.

I have come to believe in things like "Law of Attraction", and Telepathy, prayer power, and miracles based on Empirical Evidence based on strong possibilities. This point will be attacked strongly here, however there is constant and repeated success of these things occurring well above chance. It is a shame that many here will fail to see the significance of that, or attempt this sort of research themselves. I feel sorry for them as they lack the understanding I feel I have regarding these matters. I wish more people would look at the probabilities, as that is the only proof we can ever have until an ability to measure telepathy (etc) exists. Some hard heads will never accept probabilities no matter how pronounced.

This has led me to question how some of these things arise in nature. How is a miracle possible scientifically? Now I have a theory that fits.

As mentioned before I think that Schrodingers Cat will be alive or dead based on expectations of THOSE (more than just operator maybe) involved. Perhaps Wigners friend and his friend influence the collapse. This means....


It is okay to think of that statement as woo. Many would. It is a better view of Quantum mechanics than The Many Worlds Interpretation as far as I am concerned, and it would allow for some of my beliefs to be actual. This could help explain Miracles and "Law of Attraction"

In the example given here how would history need to alter in order to bring about the manifestation?


I could link a thousand videos about miracles or manifesting, but it will make little difference to those who doubt its reality. It does not matter to me.

Many miracles and manifestations seem to involve events that were already in play when the praying started.

a) A person on a life raft in the ocean prays for survival, and a boat that altered course or left early/late several days before the persons own boat was wrecked comes along and saves them.

b) A person in the desert prays for water, and stumbles upon a canteen that was lost by a tourist a few months earlier.

I know this will strike most as simple coincidences, but I see it as the past altering to suit the present.

If the past does not exist than neither can a timeline. This would mean that time does not exist as we know it.

This means that if you spend a week locked in your basement; anything you do could be anything (existing in superposition only). You could spend the week writing a great Novel, or playing your PS3. Nothing you do is actual until you are let out of your Schrodingers box (basement) by an observer. Your expectation must combine (unsure about how expectations mesh together still) with other observers to create your now real reality, however that reality is still subject to change.


I did develop and propose an experiment to prove this...
a) Perform real Schrodingers Cat Experiments where the person(s) opening the box thinks there is a 75% chance of the cat living.
b) Repeat experiment with operators thinking 75% chance of cat dying.
c) Have control groups where operators expects 50/50 outcome.
NOTE: Instead of killing cats we will just view if gas/explosion has occurred. Box would only contain mechanism as these would be real as opposed to thought experiments.

However: Would the above experiment be influenced by the expectations of the person running the experiment? If I was calculating the results of 1000 experiments would I influence the outcome. Would the world view alter my past and that of my test subjects to bring about a more worldly accepted result?

There are experiments that show probabilities that belief can effect outcome supporting my concept. One such Experiment is known as the "SHEEP-GOAT EFFECT"


But then again we must view probabilities. Such is the nature of this discussion unfortunately.

Actually I am not expecting a discussion here. I have a New Interpretation of The Double-Slit Experiment and have recently been making it public to people at the front lines of Quantum Mechanics. I wish to take credit for this Interpretation (me.. K.W.Hilborn). I wish to publish this concept before I start reading about it in someones Thesis.

This following quotation is accurate (imho) in that consciousness causing collapse may not be collapsed entirely as those who do the collapsing may themselves be in a superposition state. Also I would replace the idea of consciousness with expectations/belief as I feel these further decide the tides of fate.

In 1957, Hugh Everett proposed an alternative view. He thought the mathematics of quantum mechanics did describe

a straightforwardly deterministic system after all. There are quantum superpositions, but we observers are among the physical objects that can be in a superposition of states. Each such superposition pairs a particular state of the observed object with the corresponding observer-state, so each superposed version of the observer observes only one of the superposed states of the object, even though the superposition persists. Because there are multiple superposed versions of the observer too – each observing just one superposed state – the fact that (each version of) an observer sees only one such state does not imply that the superposition has (randomly) collapsed to just one such state.

The very concept of a conscious observer in a superposition of states – some versions observing one thing, other versions observing another – is anathema to the view of consciousness as a unitary, transcendent, extraphysical, extramechanical phenomenon. But if consciousness is just an ordinary physical process, its superposition is no stranger than that of any other physical process…

Thus, the common argument [that the "observer dependency" of particle states shows that consciousness has special powers] gets things exactly backward. When a particle that had been in a quantum superposition is observed, the seeming collapse of the superposition into a single random state stems from failing to conceive of the observer herself as a physical object subject to quantum superposition. This failure smuggles the notion of nonmechanical consciousness into the very interpretation of quantum mechanics. If the smuggling goes unnoticed, it creates the false impression that quantum mechanics itself provides independent evidence for nonmechanical consciousness…

Commitment to a nonmechanical concept of mind distorts our intepretation of physics; thus distorted, physics seems to support a nonmechanical concept of mind.

Also this type of Interpretation would explain Synchronicity as outlined by Carl Gustav Jung,
Jung's works, such as The Interpretation of Nature and the Psyche, were received as problematic. Fritz Levi, in his 1952 review in Neue Schweizer Rundschau (New Swiss Observations), critiqued Jung's theory of synchronicity as vague in determinability of synchronistic events, saying that Jung never specifically explained his rejection of "magic causality" to which such an acausal principle as synchronicity would be related. He also questioned the theory's usefulness.

Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud were both advocates that Hypnotism allowed the abilities of patients to read minds so much so that Sigmund Freud addresed the issue and also was a member of various paranormal societies.

Carl Jung coined the term Synchronicity to discuss seemingly unrelated events that affect each other. It was his opinion that,
Jung coined the word to describe what he called "temporally coincident occurrences of acausal events." Jung variously described synchronicity as an "acausal connecting principle", "meaningful coincidence" and "acausal parallelism". Jung introduced the concept as early as the 1920s, but gave a full statement of it only in 1951 in an Eranos lecture[4] and in 1952, published a paper, Synchronizität als ein Prinzip akausaler Zusammenhänge (Synchronicity — An Acausal Connecting Principle)[5], in a volume with a related study by the physicist (and Nobel laureate) Wolfgang Pauli.[6]
It was a principle that Jung felt gave conclusive evidence for his concepts of archetypes and the collective unconscious,[7] in that it was descriptive of a governing dynamic that underlies the whole of human experience and history — social, emotional, psychological, and spiritual. Concurrent events that first appear to be coincidental but later turn out to be causally related are termed incoincident.
Jung believed that many experiences that are coincidences due to chance in terms of causality suggested the manifestation of parallel events or circumstances in terms of meaning, reflecting this governing dynamic.[8]
Even at Jung's presentation of his work on synchronicity in 1951 at an Eranos lecture, his ideas on synchronicity were still evolving. Following discussions with both Albert Einstein and Wolfgang Pauli, Jung believed that there were parallels between synchronicity and aspects of relativity theory and quantum mechanics.[9] Jung was transfixed by the idea that life was not a series of random events but rather an expression of a deeper order, which he and Pauli referred to as Unus mundus. This deeper order led to the insights that a person was both embedded in an orderly framework and was the focus of that orderly framework and that the realisation of this was more than just an intellectual exercise, but also having elements of a spiritual awakening. From the religious perspective, synchronicity shares similar characteristics of an "intervention of grace". Jung also believed that in a person's life, synchronicity served a role similar to that of dreams, with the purpose of shifting a person's egocentric conscious thinking to greater wholeness.

I have provided an answer to Carl Yungs Theory of Synchronicity.

Here is an example of synchronicity,
"The French writer Émile Deschamps claims in his memoirs that, in 1805, he was treated to some plum pudding by a stranger named Monsieur de Fontgibu. Ten years later, the writer encountered plum pudding on the menu of a Paris restaurant and wanted to order some, but the waiter told him that the last dish had already been served to another customer, who turned out to be de Fontgibu. Many years later, in 1832, Deschamps was at a dinner and once again ordered plum pudding. He recalled the earlier incident and told his friends that only de Fontgibu was missing to make the setting complete — and in the same instant, the now senile de Fontgibu entered the room."

As I have stated My Interpretation allows for history to alter to suit the present. In this example de Fontgibu must have decided to leave his house and attend the restaurant prior to the comment by Émile Deschamps.

I mainly wish to publish this idea before anyone else. I am sure there will be highly educated people who disagree with what I have said, and also some trolling from people who have no idea what this post is about and cannot grasp the Double-Slit Experiment or its various interpretations.

I am not concerned as long as this post is "out there" both here and soon on other forums as well. I already have outlined it in various emails for proof of idea. If anyone has heard of this concept before. Let me down easy because I think it is all mine (Original thought) and much more realistic than other interpretations.


I suppose it might help if I was not expecting negative comments.
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That is one really long O.P. That's a lot to wade through to chime in, don't you think?
Ah well... I second the notion that it not be moved to alternate theories at this time since almost everything you're asking to be discussed is also not alternate- even if you may hold ATM or "alternate" concepts yourself.
Well,if expectations actually cause double silt experiment to collapse,then lets expect that we can see that wave interference with our own eyes.if that one actually works,then i agree with you.since you are so confident about your theory,the it is better that you itself try.because you can give more % to your outcome of seeing wave pattern itself!!! Best of luck!!! and even if you prove,then you will have to prove how our expectations can destroy those probabilities..i mean destroy because you said it works on our expectations,so other probabilities become useless!!! you would have to come up with equations united to your expectations and those probability equations. Because your expectations decide those probabilities.You will have to give some equations to your expectations that can combine with the probabilities!!

if our expectations actually decide then let us expect that at first we see wave interference pattern and the see particle property!!! if all this happen,your theory is correct. so best of luck friend!!
I too second the notion that it not be moved to alternate theories - but for a vastly different reason. That reason being that it's the WORST piece of nonsense that I have EVER seen on this site. Instead, it should be immediately moved to the CESSPOOL and locked!

You can bet your last penny that you'll never see me in this thread again - just having read through it leaves me with a nauseous, dirty feeling. Ugh!
I too second the notion that it not be moved to alternate theories - but for a vastly different reason. That reason being that it's the WORST piece of nonsense that I have EVER seen on this site. Instead, it should be immediately moved to the CESSPOOL and locked!

You can bet your last penny that you'll never see me in this thread again - just having read through it leaves me with a nauseous, dirty feeling. Ugh!

I completely agree.
Cesspool, quickly, before the stench permeates the entire site.
Hang in there, Kwilborn! . . . . . many here are reluctant to entertain any new or innovative thinking (interpretations) . . . . I enjoy your posts and believe that they have merit!
I think it is funny that someone could discuss the Many Worlds Interpretation here and it would need to be taken seriously because of its substantial support, however I think that the Many Worlds Interpretation makes little sense.

I was EXPECTING negative comments here. nudge wink. lol

I think some commenters do not grasp how messed up the Double-Slit experiment is and that the various Interpretations are hard to swallow. I think anyone casting their opinion here should in fairness outline the Interpretation they themselves support to allow others to ridicule their choice. Be brave enough to at least take a stance here.

Do you think people ridicule the Many Worlds Interpretation? NO.

Of course they do. The idea that people live out every scenario possible to them. Seems crazy. Yet it is heralded still as a great breakthrough in Quantum mechanics. This is historical fact.

I think my Interpretation will be proved the correct one. I hope you all live long enough to see it. Cheers.

@ Ash,

The Schrodinger Cat in the Box experiment was designed to show the absurdity of superposition math. I am using the same experiment in reverse to show that we live out alternate realities in waveform only. Once we ourselves are collapsed into a reality we would only recall particle existence. You would have no memory of waveform. A tiny Many Worlds would exist at a personal level whenever you are by yourself, and the actions you take in that time come from your expectations and the expectations of others.
Kwilborn: FYI, Found somewhere on the internet (Ref. needed)

Knowledge ---Three Kinds:

K1: Reproducible Knowledge (“Hard science”)
K2: Experiential Knowledge (“Induction”)
K3: Modeling (“Occam’s Razor”)

Faith = trust in another
Intuition = trust in oneself
I admit I knew how well the "consciousness causes collapse" themes that are well received elsewhere, never scored very well with the crowd here. My idea is an expansion of that, so was likely to stir up some attitude.

I think this interpretation would be the only thing that would explain some coincidences / miracles / syncs / etc. Thinking our past can alter, and asking people to believe such a notion is a stretch for most.

I also think the Many Worlds Interpretation, (although heralded worldwide), would be torn to pieces on sciforums, so I feel I'm in good company.
I admit I knew how well the "consciousness causes collapse" themes that are well received elsewhere, never scored very well with the crowd here.
Because the crowd here knows that you're wrong. You have misconceptions and don't understand what you're going on about.
Hello friend,i do agree that i told was incorrect..i at first couldn't understand..but i understand quantum theory now very well.
Hello friend,i do agree that i told was incorrect..i at first couldn't understand..but i understand quantum theory now very well.
It almost appears this replies to my post above- I'm not sure. If it is, my response was directed at Kwhilborn, not you.

If your reply a response to kwhilborn, uhhh... ask him.
@ kwhilborn, "
I Can now actually prove that expectations cannot decide the probabilities that you just said while you said that scientists needed to add "expectations" also into their theory.
I will actually explain why your theory is incorrect.it is only according to my calculations and understanding.if you point any flaw in my understanding, OK. i now actually feel i have written nonsense earlier. it is because that was my first post here!! OK here i go. I will explain all my understanding and then explain what is wrong in my theory.
Quantum Mechanics is the understanding of how small subatomic particles move in space while classical mechanics explain the motion of heavenly bodies. all theories related to Quantum Mechanics is called Quantum Theory. Main Quantum theory which is needed for this discussion is Uncertainty Principle and Quantum Entanglement and Wave Particle Duality(Main Important one!!!)
OK. About the double slit experiment. First we need to observe that electrons have a wave function and the area where this wave permeates is the area where we can locate electrons.and various equations that decide where electron might exist can only where wave exist.That is why the point where electrons exist is given by wave function. So the possibility equations exist at those points of wave only. Now Let us move to double slit experiment. When there were Two slits,Electrons were shoot, it created interference pattern. What Exactly is seen on the screen? We find that electrons seems to be concentrated at a particular area.And that particular area is not consecutive.(in the video we saw white and dark bands white represents concentrated are and black represent less concentrated area).So why did this happen? Because of interference.if you carefully observe,You can see that waves interfere(interfere hitting the screen is actually were it meets at black areas).At that interference,waves actually {CANCELS OUT}.{SO THAT PROBABILITY IS ALSO GONE}. So some part of wave exist.Now when the waves actually hit the screen,All waves disappear. If you consider that again,you will see that the area where the wave exist at last will be where the electrons will be!!! Why? Because all other wave probability is lost and only the last part of wave is remaining.That wave is the only probability left.so electrons go there.Why more electrons are there is that are because wave interference cancels at a particular area itself. I am so sure that this understanding can explain why that result is observed. So there are only two ways in which the wave probability can collapse. One is wave interference and the other Interaction with Large objects(matter)!!! Trying to observe and interference of wave with object is same. If you carefully observe,the initial wave gets destroyed and new waves are created between gaps.Why Old ways get destroyed?? Interference with objects.Why our observation caused Total collapse of all wave function? because wave permeates around space.There was already an interference that is other areas except slit. and your observation,that is interaction of your eyes with waves cause total collapse.Now Double slit experiment is explained. Now let us move to that Schrodinger's Cat. Your opening of box and observing it causes some part of the wave to collapse,Other probability wave will remain and that is the only one probability left.So it happens.But think,if the other wave probability was collapsed ,then opposite events will happen.It actually depends upon which probability wave collapsed.I hope you have understood this. Now why there was total collapse in the double slit experiment and not in this? It is because all wave was canceled in double slit experiment.So it was forced to go in the are which it first stood.But in the Schrodinger cat thought experiment,only some wave collapsed.now think if all the wave was collapsed in Schrodinger cat experiment.What will happen?The event that will happen is how it stood at earlier,it will remain like that itself,like what happened in double slit experiment. I am sure that this understanding is right.because this is so elegant and so simple that any observation can be answered with the help of this. Some of the one that i explained actually can explain all the question that the video asked!!! So it is as if i have invented something!!!! OK. Now i will say why you expectation thing is wrong. Expectation is only something that can be felt.You think that should happen.There is nothing in relation with matter.I said collapse only can happen if it interacts with objects.Expectation not at all a matter!!! OK.i tried to saiy that your interpretation is wrong.I think at some point you said all the superposition exist,We see only one superposition because one views in that way.Well,one thing.This is in direct violation of Quantum Mechanics and theory as a whole. Now I explained expectation why it cannot happen.well i have given two reasons how collapse happen. Other reason to explain is interference with wave. I will now have to prove that way in the way of expectation to say that it cannot happen. There is an important thing in Quantum Theory. Dual Nature of matter!!! Matter does have waves but they are small.This can be understood with the help of Schrodinger Wave Equation. So we can also say that expectation can cause brain to send complicated signals creating some change in the wave function of matter.We can also say this interference can cancel out the opposite wave in Schrodinger cat and gave us the expected probability. But one thing to keep in mind,these waves are actually very small,negligible.So the interference negligible. You can imagine this one like this. It is difficult to measure the motion of electron with our own eyes because we are big,electrons are small. And in the opposite case,Wave function of electron is big,ours is small.so interference low. SO NOW I HAVE PROVED THAT EXPECTATIONS CANNOT CAUSE WHAT YOU MENTIONED. SO AUTOMATICALLY YOUR INTERPRETATION IS WRONG. You said that anyone won't simple believe in your theories,But i have given actually the very scientific proof.It is as if i have invented something new!! I also find the World Interpretation also wrong.i will explain it later.I have some doubt regarding about it.
Main expectation is that i accept any Theory that is correct.Because i want to understand science more.So if you find anything wrong,Don't make fun of me because we are discussing to understand what actually is happening and i really like science and actually very interested in understanding world!!
@ kwhilborn, "
I Can now actually prove that expectations cannot decide the probabilities that you just said while you said that scientists needed to add "expectations" also into their theory.
I will actually explain why your theory is incorrect.it is only according to my calculations and understanding.if you point any flaw in my understanding, OK. i now actually feel i have written nonsense earlier. it is because that was my first post here!! OK here i go. I will explain all my understanding and then explain what is wrong in my theory.
Quantum Mechanics is the understanding of how small subatomic particles move in space while classical mechanics explain the motion of heavenly bodies. all theories related to Quantum Mechanics is called Quantum Theory. Main Quantum theory which is needed for this discussion is Uncertainty Principle and Quantum Entanglement and Wave Particle Duality(Main Important one!!!)
OK. About the double slit experiment. First we need to observe that electrons have a wave function and the area where this wave permeates is the area where we can locate electrons.and various equations that decide where electron might exist can only where wave exist.That is why the point where electrons exist is given by wave function. So the possibility equations exist at those points of wave only. Now Let us move to double slit experiment. When there were Two slits,Electrons were shoot, it created interference pattern. What Exactly is seen on the screen? We find that electrons seems to be concentrated at a particular area.And that particular area is not consecutive.(in the video we saw white and dark bands white represents concentrated are and black represent less concentrated area).So why did this happen? Because of interference.if you carefully observe,You can see that waves interfere(interfere hitting the screen is actually were it meets at black areas).At that interference,waves actually {CANCELS OUT}.{SO THAT PROBABILITY IS ALSO GONE}. So some part of wave exist.Now when the waves actually hit the screen,All waves disappear. If you consider that again,you will see that the area where the wave exist at last will be where the electrons will be!!! Why? Because all other wave probability is lost and only the last part of wave is remaining.That wave is the only probability left.so electrons go there.Why more electrons are there is that are because wave interference cancels at a particular area itself. I am so sure that this understanding can explain why that result is observed. So there are only two ways in which the wave probability can collapse. One is wave interference and the other Interaction with Large objects(matter)!!! Trying to observe and interference of wave with object is same. If you carefully observe,the initial wave gets destroyed and new waves are created between gaps.Why Old ways get destroyed?? Interference with objects.Why our observation caused Total collapse of all wave function? because wave permeates around space.There was already an interference that is other areas except slit. and your observation,that is interaction of your eyes with waves cause total collapse.Now Double slit experiment is explained. Now let us move to that Schrodinger's Cat. Your opening of box and observing it causes some part of the wave to collapse,Other probability wave will remain and that is the only one probability left.So it happens.But think,if the other wave probability was collapsed ,then opposite events will happen.It actually depends upon which probability wave collapsed.I hope you have understood this. Now why there was total collapse in the double slit experiment and not in this? It is because all wave was canceled in double slit experiment.So it was forced to go in the are which it first stood.But in the Schrodinger cat thought experiment,only some wave collapsed.now think if all the wave was collapsed in Schrodinger cat experiment.What will happen?The event that will happen is how it stood at earlier,it will remain like that itself,like what happened in double slit experiment. I am sure that this understanding is right.because this is so elegant and so simple that any observation can be answered with the help of this. Some of the one that i explained actually can explain all the question that the video asked!!! So it is as if i have invented something!!!! OK. Now i will say why you expectation thing is wrong. Expectation is only something that can be felt.You think that should happen.There is nothing in relation with matter.I said collapse only can happen if it interacts with objects.Expectation not at all a matter!!! OK.i tried to saiy that your interpretation is wrong.I think at some point you said all the superposition exist,We see only one superposition because one views in that way.Well,one thing.This is in direct violation of Quantum Mechanics and theory as a whole. Now I explained expectation why it cannot happen.well i have given two reasons how collapse happen. Other reason to explain is interference with wave. I will now have to prove that way in the way of expectation to say that it cannot happen. There is an important thing in Quantum Theory. Dual Nature of matter!!! Matter does have waves but they are small.This can be understood with the help of Schrodinger Wave Equation. So we can also say that expectation can cause brain to send complicated signals creating some change in the wave function of matter.We can also say this interference can cancel out the opposite wave in Schrodinger cat and gave us the expected probability. But one thing to keep in mind,these waves are actually very small,negligible.So the interference negligible. You can imagine this one like this. It is difficult to measure the motion of electron with our own eyes because we are big,electrons are small. And in the opposite case,Wave function of electron is big,ours is small.so interference low. SO NOW I HAVE PROVED THAT EXPECTATIONS CANNOT CAUSE WHAT YOU MENTIONED. SO AUTOMATICALLY YOUR INTERPRETATION IS WRONG. You said that anyone won't simple believe in your theories,But i have given actually the very scientific proof.It is as if i have invented something new!! I also find the World Interpretation also wrong.i will explain it later.I have some doubt regarding about it.
Main expectation is that i accept any Theory that is correct.Because i want to understand science more.So if you find anything wrong,Don't make fun of me because we are discussing to understand what actually is happening and i really like science and actually very interested in understanding world!!
Expectations doesn't cause double slit experiment to collapse.

@ kwhilborn, "
I Can now actually prove that expectations cannot decide the probabilities that you just said while you said that scientists needed to add "expectations" also into their theory.
I will actually explain why your theory is incorrect.it is only according to my calculations and understanding.if you point any flaw in my understanding, OK. i now actually feel i have written nonsense earlier. it is because that was my first post here!! OK here i go. I will explain all my understanding and then explain what is wrong in my theory.
Quantum Mechanics is the understanding of how small subatomic particles move in space while classical mechanics explain the motion of heavenly bodies. all theories related to Quantum Mechanics is called Quantum Theory. Main Quantum theory which is needed for this discussion is Uncertainty Principle and Quantum Entanglement and Wave Particle Duality(Main Important one!!!)
OK. About the double slit experiment. First we need to observe that electrons have a wave function and the area where this wave permeates is the area where we can locate electrons.and various equations that decide where electron might exist can only where wave exist.That is why the point where electrons exist is given by wave function. So the possibility equations exist at those points of wave only. Now Let us move to double slit experiment. When there were Two slits,Electrons were shoot, it created interference pattern. What Exactly is seen on the screen? We find that electrons seems to be concentrated at a particular area.And that particular area is not consecutive.(in the video we saw white and dark bands white represents concentrated are and black represent less concentrated area).So why did this happen? Because of interference.if you carefully observe,You can see that waves interfere(interfere hitting the screen is actually were it meets at black areas).At that interference,waves actually {CANCELS OUT}.{SO THAT PROBABILITY IS ALSO GONE}. So some part of wave exist.Now when the waves actually hit the screen,All waves disappear. If you consider that again,you will see that the area where the wave exist at last will be where the electrons will be!!! Why? Because all other wave probability is lost and only the last part of wave is remaining.That wave is the only probability left.so electrons go there.Why more electrons are there is that are because wave interference cancels at a particular area itself. I am so sure that this understanding can explain why that result is observed. So there are only two ways in which the wave probability can collapse. One is wave interference and the other Interaction with Large objects(matter)!!! Trying to observe and interference of wave with object is same. If you carefully observe,the initial wave gets destroyed and new waves are created between gaps.Why Old ways get destroyed?? Interference with objects.Why our observation caused Total collapse of all wave function? because wave permeates around space.There was already an interference that is other areas except slit. and your observation,that is interaction of your eyes with waves cause total collapse.Now Double slit experiment is explained. Now let us move to that Schrodinger's Cat. Your opening of box and observing it causes some part of the wave to collapse,Other probability wave will remain and that is the only one probability left.So it happens.But think,if the other wave probability was collapsed ,then opposite events will happen.It actually depends upon which probability wave collapsed.I hope you have understood this. Now why there was total collapse in the double slit experiment and not in this? It is because all wave was canceled in double slit experiment.So it was forced to go in the are which it first stood.But in the Schrodinger cat thought experiment,only some wave collapsed.now think if all the wave was collapsed in Schrodinger cat experiment.What will happen?The event that will happen is how it stood at earlier,it will remain like that itself,like what happened in double slit experiment. I am sure that this understanding is right.because this is so elegant and so simple that any observation can be answered with the help of this. Some of the one that i explained actually can explain all the question that the video asked!!! So it is as if i have invented something!!!! OK. Now i will say why you expectation thing is wrong. Expectation is only something that can be felt.You think that should happen.There is nothing in relation with matter.I said collapse only can happen if it interacts with objects.Expectation not at all a matter!!! OK.i tried to saiy that your interpretation is wrong.I think at some point you said all the superposition exist,We see only one superposition because one views in that way.Well,one thing.This is in direct violation of Quantum Mechanics and theory as a whole. Now I explained expectation why it cannot happen.well i have given two reasons how collapse happen. Other reason to explain is interference with wave. I will now have to prove that way in the way of expectation to say that it cannot happen. There is an important thing in Quantum Theory. Dual Nature of matter!!! Matter does have waves but they are small.This can be understood with the help of Schrodinger Wave Equation. So we can also say that expectation can cause brain to send complicated signals creating some change in the wave function of matter.We can also say this interference can cancel out the opposite wave in Schrodinger cat and gave us the expected probability. But one thing to keep in mind,these waves are actually very small,negligible.So the interference negligible. You can imagine this one like this. It is difficult to measure the motion of electron with our own eyes because we are big,electrons are small. And in the opposite case,Wave function of electron is big,ours is small.so interference low. SO NOW I HAVE PROVED THAT EXPECTATIONS CANNOT CAUSE WHAT YOU MENTIONED. SO AUTOMATICALLY YOUR INTERPRETATION IS WRONG. You said that anyone won't simple believe in your theories,But i have given actually the very scientific proof.It is as if i have invented something new!! I also find the World Interpretation also wrong.i will explain it later.I have some doubt regarding about it.
Main expectation is that i accept any Theory that is correct.Because i want to understand science more.So if you find anything wrong,Don't make fun of me because we are discussing to understand what actually is happening and i really like science and actually very interested in understanding world!!