

Teenaged Transhumanist
Registered Senior Member
How easy would it be for a US citizen to gain citizenship from a foreign country (after university) and work and live there? Hard, mega hard, impossible? Depends? What do you think about the idea in general?
It is much easier than a foreigner trying to get US citizenship. It depends on what country you are talking about. The hardest country to immigrate in the world is probably Norway or Iceland. UK is tough because of the work permit rule. Germany is very easy if you have the skill they need.
Isn't it true that for member countries of the EU, there's only EU citizenship and not, say, French citizenship? Or do i understand the EU citizenship wrongly?
I believe Joeman left out one very difficult Euro nation to get into (and sorry, I'm not sure on the Euro citizenship thing) and that's Switzerland. You have to have a fair amount of wealth behind you to move to Switzerland or the ability to make such wealth.
How about Canada? Easy, not? Do they generally approve of foreigners living and working among them or no?
Isn't it true that for member countries of the EU, there's only EU citizenship and not, say, French citizenship? Or do i understand the EU citizenship wrongly?
Norway is NOT part of EU. UK requires a work permit in advance to even work there. Work permit has to be applied and renewed yearly. It is pain in the ass. That makes immigrating into UK very difficult.

Every country has its own immigration policy. French citizenship is the easiest. Germany opened up immigration to all skilled white collar workers in the areas which they really lack, so from what I heard it is piece of cake if you are in, for example, engineering or health. Denmark is tough. Sweden is easy. Holland is relatively easy. It depends on the country really.
Joeman i thought you were American? And thanks for the info.. i figured it would probably depend on the country but i wasnt too sure.

Edit: I knew Norway wasnt in the EU :D
I actually went to Italy taking advantage of foreign exchange program. That is why I know some of this stuff :D
Really? I'm trying to find out about doing it my senior year..I know my school accepts students (Hannah from germany in my h.chem class last year) But i'm not sure if they send student from our school, and if they do, i'm not so sure they'd send me

Do IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is great experience. You learn a lot in short period of time. I believe if you go to Germany, you don't need to pay tuition. College is free in Germany. If you like countries that look pretty, Italy is the best IMO. Italy is pretty much an outdoor museum. You don't even need to speak the language, but you really should.

After you graduate from schools, you won't get too many chances to live in a foreign country.
duno- I think it is easy to get into Latvia

noone really goes here and foreigners who live here are rare.. (tourists not so )

we have only maybe 10 blacks living in our entire country
not much more if not
Joeman: Sorry for the misunderstanding, i meant next year, senior year in HIGHSCHOOL. I should have mentioned that..I still hope they send me though.

PS Joeman where are you from, go to school etc?

Avatar: Not that many tourists to your country? Easy to live and work there eh? Awesome :cool:
Avatar, high prices AND low salary? From your postings about Latvia i gathered that most people lived comfortable lives? That's all i need, food, a place to sleep, meaningful work and good people - not an extravagant salary and luxuries etc.
of course we live better than in Africa lol

and there are ppl who live good lifes really, but not

teachers, doctors, nurses, cops etc
a teacher in primary school gets about 160$ sallary/month

no luxuries indeed

you need to have brain to have money here

nobody learns for a teacher- all economists, lawiers, computer guys

if you get good education then there are no real problems to have a good life

but I think we are progressing quite good, if to think that 12 years ago we had no money at all (collapse of ussr)
Like i said, luxuries aren't all that important to me. Sounds strange coming from an American i know, but its partly the reason i want to live somewhere different. People perceive Americans as being possessive, money crazy, etc etc..and its true. I just don't like it.

P.S. you never told us in your Latvia posts, what is the status of cannabis law in your country? ;) Just wondering of course

I plan to get Salvia Divinorum next spring though
(google for it)

oh- and I would not really suggest coming and living here
it good, nature is great, language is harder than chinese (so I've benn told by some of them), food is wonderful, prices are high

there is good and bad, but I don't really think ....
I know what Salvia is - i didnt know you were a psychonaut :D

Illegal huh? A pity. Good and bad to all nations of course, besides, i'm not too serious as to where i might wanna live. My plans for the future are relatively nil actually.