Exodus Good news and Bad

And Medicine Woman , thank you for your info about Moses being homosexual - all news to me ....... I notice that you have chosen not to reveal your source on that one...
At least I am glad, that you at last has found something to believe in .....
I do not care if it is God, Prophets or Ahmed Osman or Tutankamon that has a place in your faith ..... you just showed us all , that also you need something to believe in .....
Thank you MW !!
Nisus said:
They make it up after massing up hysteria from reading lies.

Notice everything he says is his interpretation. And there is no links for additional reading, or even solid Egyptian History/Mythology to compare what he is talking about. He's a liar, and a deceiver.
You didn't ask for a specific link and you are the one who is lying here.
philosopher´s stone said:
My dear Trilairian ,
You served this as news yourself - it is in the start of your first posting of this thread -: The good news !!
And you failed to mention your sources in your first posting - I am not a mindreader !!

By the way - where did you tell me : that Tut had set himself up as Horus which is what led him to the conclusion that he was Tut and the Yeshua of Moses ?
It is not here on this thread !!!
I didn't fail to do anything. You just jumped to conclusions based on your preconceptions. And I said so at the link:
Trilairian said:
Also this wouldn't have been the first time. Krishna, and even Tutankhamun the latter of which is an actual historical figure did the same. This is what led Ahmed Osman to the conclusion that Yeshua/Jesus was derived from the Joshua under Moses character and that he was actually Tutankhamun.
philosopher´s stone said:
So Trilairian ,

I think you have been proven wrong on this one !!!
There is no historical evidence for your claim in this thread .............

Sorry - you lost the debate !!!!
Better luck next time ........
No you lost the debate and you still owe me that apology.
Nisus said:
It was kind of funny at first how dumb this stuff sounded, unfounded, he can't believe so now his spirit is grounded. We're encompassed by devils and by serpents surrounded. He doesn't understand that every last hair on his head has been counted.

God's child while yet he speaks and utters these lies, he wears a disguise, he forsakes the truth to disdain and despise. But it doesn't matter to him, if his spirit now dies, it's just a deeper pit that he digs the harder he tries. While the servants of God witness and stand at all sides.
Insults and lies don't substitute for a valid arguement. I proved you wrong.
Trilairian ,

After carefully having read all of this thread - I must conclude one thing :

You have lost this debate fair and square to Philosopher´s Stone !!!!!!!!!!!

You can say what you want - and no doubt you will - but the fact remains :

PS versus T : 1-0 (final score)
Paraclete said:
Trilairian ,

After carefully having read all of this thread - I must conclude one thing :

You have lost this debate fair and square to Philosopher´s Stone !!!!!!!!!!!

You can say what you want - and no doubt you will - but the fact remains :

PS versus T : 1-0 (final score)

No I haven't. Your uninformed opinion is irrelevent.
Paraclete said:
And Medicine Woman , thank you for your info about Moses being homosexual - all news to me ....... I notice that you have chosen not to reveal your source on that one...
At least I am glad, that you at last has found something to believe in .....
I do not care if it is God, Prophets or Ahmed Osman or Tutankamon that has a place in your faith ..... you just showed us all , that also you need something to believe in .....
Thank you MW !!
M*W: I did not say Moses was homosexual. At that time in that part of the world it was common and accepted behavior to have sex with family members whatever relation that might be. It has been written that Moses was known to have had sexual relations with all his wives, daughters, sisters, brothers and concubines. In that same culture, a mother-son, father-daughter sexual relationship was not uncommon. Sexual activity between brothers was also accepted. My source is the same: Ahmed Osman.
geeser said:
NisusI'm not agreeing with tril or M*W have not read the entire thread, however have you Noticed the irony of your words, ie "Notice everything he says is his interpretation. And there is no links for additional reading, or even solid Egyptian History/Mythology to compare what he is talking about." " It was kind of funny at first how dumb this stuff sounded" the same as the bible.

that kid looks wierd in your pic...
I think this history is fascinating. And man is the Bible geaneology off. No wonder there is no historical evidence for the bible version of history prior to Omri and Ahaz. Abraham who married his half sister Sarah seem to correspond to Tuthmosis III and his half sister wife Meritre. Isaac corresponds to Amenhotep II. Jacob to Tuthmosis IV, Yuya/Tuya was Joseph minister to Tuthmosis IV and Amenhotep III. Tiye part Hebrew gives birth to Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten/Moses who was ordered to be put to death upon birth if male out of fear that one part Hebrew would inherit the throne so she sends him by river to escape. He became monotheistic and introduced the Aten to Egypt as the symbol for God which was a sun with rays ending in hands and holding an Anch a round toped cross. He married his half sister Nefertiti who is Mirium sister of Moses in the bible which name comes from the Godess Meh. Nefertiti's image was used by Akhenaten in the place of the image of Isis in the tomb and apparently this was taken to seriously by Tutenkhamun who then set himself up as Horus. Though tut was really Akhenaten's son, it was said that he was the son of the god Ra, Pa-Neter-Ra, Pandera from the Talmud. Isis was impregnated by Osiris, but as with Meh was impregnated by supernatural means according to late tradition in which the announcement was that the star MeSSeH strikes. That word sounds familiar. Akhenaten shut down the polytheistic priests and when he was warned of an army rebellion and assasination plot fled to Sinai and built a tabernacle and used a brass serpent toped staff as it was the symbol for the authority of the Pharoah. Akhenaten used an Anch symbol with a serpent to represent life still worn in some sects by deacons and bishops. When Tut died that cross became a symbol for ressurection. Tut was also monotheistic and worshiped only the god represented by the aten but made the mistake of allowing the worship of the old gods and reopening the anchient temples. Horemheb abolished the worship of the aten god and tried to erase the history of it even forbidding anyone to even speak the name Akhenaten. So Akhenaten became refered to as Mos which signified rightful heir.
Trilairian said:
I think this history is fascinating. And man is the Bible geaneology off. No wonder there is no historical evidence for the bible version of history prior to Omri and Ahaz. Abraham who married his half sister Sarah seem to correspond to Tuthmosis III and his half sister wife Meritre. Isaac corresponds to Amenhotep II. Jacob to Tuthmosis IV, Yuya/Tuya was Joseph minister to Tuthmosis IV and Amenhotep III. Tiye part Hebrew gives birth to Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten/Moses who was ordered to be put to death upon birth if male out of fear that one part Hebrew would inherit the throne so she sends him by river to escape. He became monotheistic and introduced the Aten to Egypt as the symbol for God which was a sun with rays ending in hands and holding an Anch a round toped cross. He married his half sister Nefertiti who is Mirium sister of Moses in the bible which name comes from the Godess Meh. Nefertiti's image was used by Akhenaten in the place of the image of Isis in the tomb and apparently this was taken to seriously by Tutenkhamun who then set himself up as Horus. Though tut was really Akhenaten's son, it was said that he was the son of the god Ra, Pa-Neter-Ra, Pandera from the Talmud. Isis was impregnated by Osiris, but as with Meh was impregnated by supernatural means according to late tradition in which the announcement was that the star MeSSeH strikes. That word sounds familiar. Akhenaten shut down the polytheistic priests and when he was warned of an army rebellion and assasination plot fled to Sinai and built a tabernacle and used a brass serpent toped staff as it was the symbol for the authority of the Pharoah. Akhenaten used an Anch symbol with a serpent to represent life still worn in some sects by deacons and bishops. When Tut died that cross became a symbol for ressurection. Tut was also monotheistic and worshiped only the god represented by the aten but made the mistake of allowing the worship of the old gods and reopening the anchient temples. Horemheb abolished the worship of the aten god and tried to erase the history of it even forbidding anyone to even speak the name Akhenaten. So Akhenaten became refered to as Mos which signified rightful heir.
M*W How refreshing to know you've read scholarly research! A couple of comments:

I'm wondering if Pa-Neter-Ra is another spelling of Peter or Petros?

Some research has concluded that Tut may have died of a broken leg which got infected. I believe this is an interesting analogy to breaking the legs of the crucified, with the exception of Jesus's legs which weren't broken. Do you have an opinion on this?
I think the biblical story specifying that his legs weren't broken in the traditional manner may be the mythological survival of a statement that a previous Jesus character did not die of his broken leg, that someone had killed him I suspect by peircing his heart. Both Jesus and Chrishna have been depicted as crucified with a spear or arrow peircing. I think the hanging on the cross was incorporating that the cross was a symbol for the sun god.