Exodus Good news and Bad


Registered Senior Member
The good news for Bible Exodus believers is that there is some historical evidence for a Moses character who pushed for monotheism in Egypt descended of a Joseph character sold into Egypt. The bad news is the bible version of the story having the Hebrew enslaved and not descended of Caananites is wrong. Joseph sold into Egypt is historically Yuya and Moses is actually Akhenaten, the pharaoh himself. The Caananites such as them were rulers in Egypt at that time, not slaves. Akhenaten then the founder of what became Judaism seems then to be responsible for much of the Egyptian influence in the religion.
Hi Trilairian ,

Thank you for the info , which of course is a radical new thinking from everything that has been known or believed untill now.

Untill your limitless wisdom has enlightened us today , people thought, that it was the
israelites, who were enslaved, not the canaanites, (yes it is actually spelled canaanites not caananites) - also it is ofcourse interesting to hear that the canaanites were the actually rulers of Egypt at that time - since the Gods of canaanites were
Baal, Moloch and Astarte, which are not found very often depicted in Pharaoh tombs (actually I have never heard one single case of these Gods depicted in the Egyptian graves, but I now realise how wrong I must have been) ......

Untill now all other people had the idea, that the canaanites lived in the area of the Jordan River, where they actually paid tax to the Egyptian Pharao in stead of ruling Egypt, untill the Israelites came (under Joshua) and took part of their land, thus ending the exodus.

I now understand that all other people through history of mankind has been all wrong , and that you and your enlightened source for wisdom (no matter what it is) are absolutely right !!

Just to show, how wrong everybody else is , I hereby show a site about the canaanites, so everybody can see the obsolete and wrong information about them , just to compare it with your brand new wisdom and thoughtfull learning:

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1. I didn't say that the Canaanites were enslaved. I have maintained that there was a Caananite occupation OF Egypt, not that the Israelites or Canaanites were enslaved in mass by Egypt and that the Israelites are Caananites.
2. Just because you don't know what I am talking about doesn't mean that I don't. I have made nothing up myself that I have presented at this forum. This comes from recent scholors research and just because in your limited knowlege of history you don't know what the rejectionist archeologists have recently found does not mean that they haven't found this. Before you jump to the conclusion that this is comming from me just because you haven't heard of it save yourself some embarassment and look it up
Hint, Google:
+Akhenaten +Moses

3. Insulting spelling is a poor substitute for a valid arguement. Get one or admit you were wrong.
Trilairian said:
The good news for Bible Exodus believers is that there is some historical evidence for a Moses character who pushed for monotheism in Egypt descended of a Joseph character sold into Egypt. The bad news is the bible version of the story having the Hebrew enslaved and not descended of Caananites is wrong. Joseph sold into Egypt is historically Yuya and Moses is actually Akhenaten, the pharaoh himself. The Caananites such as them were rulers in Egypt at that time, not slaves. Akhenaten then the founder of what became Judaism seems then to be responsible for much of the Egyptian influence in the religion.
M*W: Good post, my friend. I haven't read this take on Moses. From what I've read, Moses and Semenkhaten (his brother Aaron) were both pharaohs (as well as brothers and lovers). The fact remains, Judaism is just another alias for the ancient Egyptian monotheistic religion of Ra worship.
Trilairian said:
1. I didn't say that the Canaanites were enslaved. I have maintained that there was a Caananite occupation OF Egypt, not that the Israelites or Canaanites were enslaved in mass by Egypt and that the Israelites are Caananites.
2. Just because you don't know what I am talking about doesn't mean that I don't. I have made nothing up myself that I have presented at this forum. This comes from recent scholors research and just because in your limited knowlege of history you don't know what the rejectionist archeologists have recently found does not mean that they haven't found this. Before you jump to the conclusion that this is comming from me just because you haven't heard of it save yourself some embarassment and look it up
Hint, Google:
+Akhenaten +Moses

3. Insulting spelling is a poor substitute for a valid arguement. Get one or admit you were wrong.
M*W: I stand for your research, since I've done my own. The "Hebrews" that were said to have been enslaved in Egypt were a tribe of Egyptian Abiru -- the ancestors of the Hebrews.

The Israelites didn't exist at that time, according to recent biblical scholars.

The Exodus never occurred, regardless of what tribal name they may have used. Moses could not have written anything post mortem as would be indicated in the Pentateuch. So, there are many discrepancies (i.e. lies) in the first five books of the OT.

Why is it so important for people today to believe there actually was an exodus? According to biblical scholars there were two exodi(?). (Is that a word?) Moses was only 17 or so during the first exodus, and probably about 19-21 on the second. He was too young to even know what time it was, much less lead some 600,000 plus men, women and children, to the "Promised Land." It just didn't happen. Moses was fleeing to save his own skin. He didn't care Jack Shit about leading anybody out of Egypt!

Most people (i.e. xians) don't know Jack Shit about the Exodus, so it's futile to even converse with them.
Hi Trilairian,
Ok - perhaps the bad spelling was a cheap shot - but on the rest you are pretty wrong !!
I checked your sources !!

1)The canaanites were NOT rulers of Egypt !!
I simply do not know where you have that from ?

2) Historical facts : The historian Artapanus says that Moses was a an ADOPTED hebrew child , who became an army leader in Egypt during the reign of Pharaoh Khenephres (Khaneferre) - (which fits perfectly with Moses Birthday in 1527 BC) , Moses led an Egyptian army against the Ethiopians. Moses got too popular with the people - Pharaoh Khaneferre gets jealous
and Moses flee for a while to Arabia untill the Pharaoh dies - Moses returns and leads the isrealites to freedom.
Josephus (the jewish writer) writes in year 93 about the campaign of Moses against the Ethiopians giving credit to Artapanus ....

These are the historical facts in the links that pop up under a search for MOSES AKHENATEN at Google ...... Hardly proof of Moses beeing a Pharaoh himself ....

From that on your "PROOFS" gets a bid dodgy , here are your sources :
Some writer called Gardner: author of "Bloodline of the holy grail" , in this book a modern "Cairo born linguist and historian Ahmed Osman" indicates
without mentioning any sources, that Aminadab (born around 1394 BC - not exactly matching Moses birth in 1527 BC ) might be Moses because legend has, that he is an ancester of Josef , legend has, that he floated in a basket and that he became Pharaoh Akhenaten , and later known as Mosis (meaning born or heir) like his grandfather Pharaoh TuthMOSIS IV .......

I fail to see the proof .......... but it is a funny theory .... but unfortunately not historical evidence as you claim in the start of your thread ...........
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I checked this Ahmed Osman character on the web - he has funny theories , but so far no proof of them - it all depends on what you think (faith,believe) but the historical facts and dates are not adding up ........
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philosopher´s stone said:
I checked this Ahmed Osman character on the web - he has funny theories , but so far no proof of them - it all depends on what you think (faith,believe) but the historical facts and dates are not adding up ........
M*W: You need to read more of Ahmed Osman's research.
Oh - I love this character , check out this Ahmed Osman website :


He actually claims that Jesus is Tutankamun (the boy Pharaoh with the gold treasures in Cairo Museum - I like his goldmask ), and Jesus is also son of Moses , and that no traces of Jesus can be found in the first century´s history , so he must be right in this theory !!!!!

He is very entertaining - I must give him credit for that joke - Ha,Ha,Ha ...
I wonder if he is a muslim himself .....
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Oh sorry - I did not read all of it , he claims that Christ has appeared twice in history in this page - under "Historical Jesus " !!
I could imagine he would claim that , because in the Koran ,Muhammad claims that he is the last prophet, but some muslims believes Jesus can come back as a prophet a second time , and if he has allready been here for the second time - that means that Jesus can not come back anymore - then Muhammad really is the last Prophet ....
Very clever construction Osman !!!!
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philosopher´s stone said:
Oh sorry - I did not read all of it , he claims that Christ has appeared twice in history in this page - under "Historical Jesus " !!
I could imagine he would claim that , because in the Koran ,Muhammad claims that he is the last prophet, but some muslims believes Jesus can come back as a prophet a second time , and if he has allready been here for the second time - that means that Jesus can not come back anymore - then Muhammad really is the last Prophet ....
Very clever construction Osman !!!!
M*W: Not only are you ignorant, you are stupid.
philosopher´s stone said:
Oh - I love this character , check out this Ahmed Osman website :


He actually claims that Jesus is Tutankamun (the boy Pharaoh with the gold treasures in Cairo Museum - I like his goldmask ), and Jesus is also son of Moses , and that no traces of Jesus can be found in the first century´s history , so he must be right in this theory !!!!!

He is very entertaining - I must give him credit for that joke - Ha,Ha,Ha ...
I wonder if he is a muslim himself .....
Since you haven't read the book you can hardly be a critic. I have so I will just tell you it is actualy quite informative. I had already told you that Tut had set himself up as Horus which is what led him to the conclusion that he was Tut and the Yeshua of Moses, but I guess that statement just went over your head.
Oh and you can apologise now for making the sarcasic and false claim that it was me advancing this idea to the historical community, not the other way around.
philosopher´s stone said:
Well , if you say so Medicine Woman .........
Oh by the way , where did you read that exodus never occurred ?

They make it up after massing up hysteria from reading lies.

Notice everything he says is his interpretation. And there is no links for additional reading, or even solid Egyptian History/Mythology to compare what he is talking about. He's a liar, and a deceiver.
My dear Trilairian ,
You served this as news yourself - it is in the start of your first posting of this thread -: The good news !!
And you failed to mention your sources in your first posting - I am not a mindreader !!

By the way - where did you tell me : that Tut had set himself up as Horus which is what led him to the conclusion that he was Tut and the Yeshua of Moses ?
It is not here on this thread !!!
So Trilairian ,

I think you have been proven wrong on this one !!!
There is no historical evidence for your claim in this thread .............

Sorry - you lost the debate !!!!
Better luck next time ........
It was kind of funny at first how dumb this stuff sounded, unfounded, he can't believe so now his spirit is grounded. We're encompassed by devils and by serpents surrounded. He doesn't understand that every last hair on his head has been counted.

God's child while yet he speaks and utters these lies, he wears a disguise, he forsakes the truth to disdain and despise. But it doesn't matter to him, if his spirit now dies, it's just a deeper pit that he digs the harder he tries. While the servants of God witness and stand at all sides.
NisusI'm not agreeing with tril or M*W have not read the entire thread, however have you Noticed the irony of your words, ie "Notice everything he says is his interpretation. And there is no links for additional reading, or even solid Egyptian History/Mythology to compare what he is talking about." " It was kind of funny at first how dumb this stuff sounded" the same as the bible.