Existance of a higher power


Registered Member
I merely started this Thread to find out everyones views on the idea of an existant higher power.

I am a liberal christian, so as you can see by what I called myself my religious standpoint is hard to explain. My view on the concept of God is that exists, but religion corrupted him. I think that the concept of organized religion is lacking on its flexibility to the person following the belief. That would explain the numerous denominations of the Christian religion.

Anyway just post anything you feel is relavent in disscusing this issue.
"That would explain the numerous denominations of the Christian religion."

Indeed. God is constant. People change.

The only thing that's constant is the fact that humans are highly superstitious and prone to foolishness. Religions and gods come and go.
Religions come, but do they go??? Though personally I don't believe in one, but once they come they seem to stick.

Just check out Hinduism and how long its been round. It's the oldest of the major religions. And in my opinion, the most tolerant and wise. Like an old wise man.

Of course, such tolerance can backfire. "Hindu" extremists...ugh...
How many people do you see following the Zoroastrian, or Egyptian, or Roman religions?

Some have more lasting appeal than others, is all I can say to examples like Hindu.

So your saying that people stick to the easy the religions? Why not just stick with the one that works for you?

Im a theist, but not a christian or affiliated with any religion. Im pretty darn tolerant to, I think.

The problem is with human nature, not God's

The problem we have is not with God's self revelation, it is the problem of human nature. All humans are born rebellious by nature. It is not some that we are taught, or learn by observation, it comes innately in the human package; it is received innately from our human fathers.
The problems is not as some would say, because we have free will, but it because though we are free, we do not have liberty. Which means, though we have the freedom to choose what we want, we can not consistently choose to do good, because of our corrupt moral nature.
All humans by nature are rebellious towards the thought of the revealed God, becasue that is the way the species is born.
Curious, then, that God would design his creatures to be 'corrupt' and 'rebellious to the thought of the revealed god' if he was so eager for us to embrace his 'divine wisdom' :rolleyes:. Maybe he's a sadist that gets off on torturing lower creatures.
What makes humans 'rebellious'? The desire to achieve and know more? The religious concept of humans being 'rebellious' is somewhat shady here...
Reading some of the post I have another question is there such a thing as free will or are you predestined to do everything you will do in life. Because if God is Onniscient that would mean that he would know everything you are going to do before you do it. Or is free will merely true because we as humans do not know all that we will do tomorrow.
Originally posted by Maia
What makes humans 'rebellious'? The desire to achieve and know more? The religious concept of humans being 'rebellious' is somewhat shady here...

No, that is quite the opposite of what I mean. God wants humans to search out the universe, and to learn all that they can, but he wants them to hold on to what is true. An example of the type of rebellion I am talking about: Some geologists recently discovered that the strength of magnetic field of the earth has been decaying at a steady rate, with a half-life of 10,000 years. This means that 10,000 years ago, the earths magnetic field was twice as strong as it is at present. However, if we go back 5 half-lives, the earth's magnetic field would have been 32 times stronger than it is right now. That would have been 50,000 years ago. The problem with this is that the heat that would have been generated from such a strong electrical current (source of the magnetic field) flowing in the earth's core would have been sufficient to melt the earth.

Because this theory clashes with evolution, it is denied out of hand. Some say, that reversals have played a part in that, however, an open minded investigation has proven that reversals of the earth's magnetic field are impossible, but if they were possible, would prove absolutely catastrophic. The evidence shown for magnetic field reversal can be explained away by localized lightning strikes.

Let's look at further rebellious support for the "missing link" in the human family tree.

Piltdown man, put forward as a missing link, later found to be a human skull, about 600 years old, and an orangutan's jawbone.
That assumes that the decay rate fits an exponential curve. There have been times when the magnetic field has actually increased, however.


This shows the appallingly bad science that typifies creationist theories. This website is probably the single worst place in the universe to make such arguments. If you posted this in earth science you'd be wearing your ass for a hat.

Yes, Piltdown man was a hoax. Obviously you have discredited all of evolutionary theory.

Also this one

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Getting back to the original question, the existance of a higher power, I feel that until a higher power makes itself known to everyone in the world, at the exact same time, in the exact image, all things being equal and the same, will I then believe. I need empirical evidence, not testimonials.
You will never get that, that's not the way God works.
The realities of God are Hidden from the wise and prudent.
I am neither wise, nor prudent. I am human...*smiles*. I only ask questions. Ones that seemingly cannot be answered with faith being the basis.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
The realities of God are Hidden from the wise and prudent.
This is a memetic defense mechanism. If you shield your beliefs from critical analysis, then they are unverifiable and meaningless.
The burden of proof lies with both sides. My beliefs may or may not be analised. I cannot verify the existance of a higher being any more than one who believes that one exists. Any belief, whether it is verifiable or not, is not meaningless. Because one cannot analise a belief, does not make that belief unverifiable. Faith comes to mind here.
Faith comes to mind here.

Faith= Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.

Im sorry but some of us require more. Are we at fault for this? Have we sinned, have we gone 'against' god? You tell us all God wants us to search and then say we cant. You expect us just to cave in and accept a possibility. That's why the world moves so slow. Nobody is interested about truth, more about their own need for an answer pronto. Ah christianity sounds good, this will do. Everyone else becomes wrong and you're happy with your short sighted ignorance.

What i have problems with currently is a friend of mine who has been a devout christian since birth. She spoke in exactly the same manner you lot do now and wouldn't have ever said word of doubt, or even thought it. Now she is no longer a 'believer' and no longer is 'stamped' as a christian. Why would someone who has found god then realise otherwise?

Dont say devil tempted her/she was a false christian or something of such petty and unfounded manner. Im not interested in those silly little assumptions.

(I asked this on another post but people avoided answering it like it was the plague. Maybe i'll have better luck this time)