Excellent article: The Sexual Rage Behind Islam

I'm going to stop debating you about the what "Egyptian" and where "Egypt" is. But I know what I meant when I said "non-arab". While I did not necessary mean egyptian--I was thinking on the lines of Nigeria--I was also not excluding egyptians.

I think Webster's definition suffices for the common definition of the word Arab being able to refer to race. Perhaps you are from UK or something?
shame of islam said:
You are quite naive to think because a government "signs" a piece of paper it will enforce it. Pity they don't teach history as rigorously as they should nowadays. The Munich and the Helsinki Accords come most dramatically to mind.

No. Arab countries signed it because it was an easy thing to do. Some may enforce it, but most don't. I've lived in the ME, you I assume haven't or you wouldn't be arguing this line of reasoning. If you seek "proof" try researching it. There are volumes of Arabic poetry about it. Sharia is pretty clear about it. And so on. If you don't believe it, you just don't want to be convinced.
Hmmm I guess one could say that I am hopeful that if they signed the conventions and ratified them, that they would be enforced. Call me optimistic. Now as to the point at hand.

I have spent a couple of the years of my early childhood living with my parents in Saudia Arabia and I actually called my parents this morning to ask them about this issue (it's been bugging me a bit), and my father who'd lived and worked in the country for nearly 5 years there told me that he had no idea what you were on about. Not once had he ever even heard that paedophilia was so commonly practiced as you claim it to be. He'd never once been approached and as he recounted to me, no one who he knew there, be they the natives or tourists were ever approached as you mentioned that your friends were. He visited Egypt several times and he never once was he or anyone else around him ever approached. Maybe you just hung out at the wrong place with the wrong people... who really knows? As in Thailand and Malaysia, in some areas, child abuse is accepted by the community as a form of income as parents and pimps sell the children to overseas travellers as prostitutes. The law has changed to deal with this vile practice, but again, it is hard to convict the bastards who do this when very few children come forth and the only way the foreigners and the perpetrators in Thailand or Malaysia can be caught is if the police set them up. As I'm sure you are aware, some disgusting individuals in these countries organise sex tours for paedophiles. But the sexual abuse of children in the Asian countries are widely reported. That is the difference here. If it is so prevalent in the ME, why is it not reported?

As for the enforcement of the laws. To my knowledge (having read a report on this last year), the majority of Arab countries had either already or were in the process of re-writing their laws to conform to the Conventions that were signed. Whether the perpetrators of this disgusting crimes are brought to court would depend on whether the child reports it. However, the law is in place to convict the abuser, similarly to the way it is here in Australia and I assume the US, Canada and the UK. But I guess, like here in the West, many children do not come forward. And seeing that child abuse is a taboo in just about every country on Earth, children may feel scared to come forward to seek help and justice.

And again you missed the point. Abuse exists in the West in schools, churches etc and is a pariah in our cultures. It's not condoned and it's criminalized [and enforced- a key point]. What it isn't- another key point- is culturally accepted by a large portion of the population as it is in the ME.
Again I ask, where is the proof that it is so widely accepted in the ME? Surely if it is so widely practiced, that human rights organisations would be reporting it, law journals would be reporting it and organisations such as the Red Cross and UNICEF would have a number of reports on it. I haven't found one as yet. I'm not denying that you are telling the truth, you may be and you may not be, only you know that for sure. All I ask is that you give me reports (even one) and a link, detailing this disgusting phenomenon.

I do understand. But, and here is the difference, the numbers aren't equal. It is FAR more prevailent in the ME than in the West. You're talking hundreds, maybe a few thousand in the West and hundreds of thousands in the ME. It's a matter of quantatative difference.
Having done a very brief research on this issue, I've found reports of incidents, much as one would find such reports in the West. I have not been able to find reports that sex abuse is as prominent as you've said it is. But please, if you have the sources of this disgusting phenomenon, post the site links as I'd be very interested to read up on this as if you are actually correct, I find it strange that it is never reported anywhere. Not even in human rights journals.
tiassa said:
Literally, it's a running theme in American history. Poke around in discussions of the Inquisition and you'll eventually come across the oddest theory, that the victims were carrying out some morbid psychosexual neurosis.

Anecdotal, public-rhetorical, statistical, electorally . . . it shows. It's permeating.

Perhaps I was speaking from a personal standpoint, and not seeing the "big picture" :confused:

I don't see sex as "dirty", but then again I don't know what "dirty" is..
Im assuming you mean having sex for pleasure not procreation?

Im getting monstruously off topic here, but I have noticed that Christians surrounding me don't particularly talk about "intimate" sex (as in their own sex lives), and things seem to be awkward at times. In contrast, I read a reply somewhere up there that spoke of Islamic [male] students who were soliciting for sex, "sometimes the propositions were intimated; sometimes they were unusually blunt..".

I probably don't have a very good argument since I haven't had sex before
:p , but I think the Baptist Church I go to is relatively easy going compared to some of the scenarios you described. To make it short, not all Christians think sex is "dirty" [not me for one!], unless thinking sex is "dirty" makes one a heathen...

P.S. This thread seems to have nothing to do with "religion" anymore, was just trying to help, dont blame me for hijacking :D
okinrus said:
I'm responding to you both at the same time.

A recipe for confusion; again clear thinking and a clear writing style aren’t your strong points.

okinrus said:
As defined by Islam Arabs are a race decended from Abraham through Ishmael.

Boy you are a squirrely one. It's Islams definition is it? In your follow on post to me you claim it's the Webster definition. Clear thinking okinrus, clear thinking. :)

okinrus said:
I don't consider Egyptians Arabs and neither does courses I've taken in African culture. While the word "Arab" can refer to a culture, I use it to define a race unless otherwise noted. Sometimes in modern writings Egypt is refered to as an Arab country, but this is because of common political and religious idioms.

Neither do your courses? I’ve lived in Cairo, let me suggest to you that your community college replace whatever text it used in your “course”. Every Egyptian I know considers themselves Arab. Egypt has been Arab speaking to some extent or other for 1300 years. Only Coptic Christians and British colonizers put much into the Egyptians aren’t Arabs argument. There are few of either around nowadays. You might want to look up the words Nasser and "Arab nationalism". ;)
okinrus said:
I'm going to stop debating you about the what "Egyptian" and where "Egypt" is. But I know what I meant when I said "non-arab". While I did not necessary mean egyptian--I was thinking on the lines of Nigeria--I was also not excluding egyptians.

Of course you’ll stop. You’re wrong. You “knew what you meant” is a strange statement. The essence of communication is getting the message across to the receivers. Anything else makes you look juvenile, self absorbed or simply kooky. Thank you- again- for validating my points that clear thinking and writing are not your strong points. ;)

okinrus said:
I think Webster's definition suffices for the common definition of the word Arab being able to refer to race. Perhaps you are from UK or something?

Wrong definition. You want the definition of race; definition 2. An older definition which is less in use nowadays. I hate it when I have to assist the person I argue with in their own argument! [see definition 3 of race btw] ;)
Bells said:
Hmmm I guess one could say that I am hopeful that if they signed the conventions and ratified them, that they would be enforced. Call me optimistic. Now as to the point at hand.

I have spent a couple of the years of my early childhood living with my parents in Saudia Arabia and I actually called my parents this morning to ask them about this issue (it's been bugging me a bit), and my father who'd lived and worked in the country for nearly 5 years there told me that he had no idea what you were on about. Not once had he ever even heard that paedophilia was so commonly practiced as you claim it to be. He'd never once been approached and as he recounted to me, no one who he knew there, be they the natives or tourists were ever approached as you mentioned that your friends were. He visited Egypt several times and he never once was he or anyone else around him ever approached. Maybe you just hung out at the wrong place with the wrong people... who really knows? As in Thailand and Malaysia, in some areas, child abuse is accepted by the community as a form of income as parents and pimps sell the children to overseas travellers as prostitutes. The law has changed to deal with this vile practice, but again, it is hard to convict the bastards who do this when very few children come forth and the only way the foreigners and the perpetrators in Thailand or Malaysia can be caught is if the police set them up. As I'm sure you are aware, some disgusting individuals in these countries organise sex tours for paedophiles. But the sexual abuse of children in the Asian countries are widely reported. That is the difference here. If it is so prevalent in the ME, why is it not reported?

I can't comment as to your father's experience. Perhaps I was around the "wrong people" as you say. I spent much of my time in villages and smaller communities where these things are supposedly more prevelant. I was helping with, among other things, school and clinic building as well as water treatment facilities. Perhaps the wrong people, wrong place. Maybe we should have let them rot. I do know this, in my organization we have a section that focuses on the ME. My two Arab collegues confirm that this is common in more backward areas and less so in urban ones.

You have missed the point; it isn't considered "abuse". Homosexuality is forbidden but defined as between two men NOT between a boy and a man. Like it or not they use this as the legalistic justification. Read Sharia law sometime.

Bells said:
As for the enforcement of the laws. To my knowledge (having read a report on this last year), the majority of Arab countries had either already or were in the process of re-writing their laws to conform to the Conventions that were signed. Whether the perpetrators of this disgusting crimes are brought to court would depend on whether the child reports it. However, the law is in place to convict the abuser, similarly to the way it is here in Australia and I assume the US, Canada and the UK. But I guess, like here in the West, many children do not come forward. And seeing that child abuse is a taboo in just about every country on Earth, children may feel scared to come forward to seek help and justice.

Again, it's not considered abuse in their eyes. Disgusting to you and I indeed.

Bells said:
Again I ask, where is the proof that it is so widely accepted in the ME? Surely if it is so widely practiced, that human rights organisations would be reporting it, law journals would be reporting it and organisations such as the Red Cross and UNICEF would have a number of reports on it. I haven't found one as yet. I'm not denying that you are telling the truth, you may be and you may not be, only you know that for sure. All I ask is that you give me reports (even one) and a link, detailing this disgusting phenomenon.
Having done a very brief research on this issue, I've found reports of incidents, much as one would find such reports in the West. I have not been able to find reports that sex abuse is as prominent as you've said it is. But please, if you have the sources of this disgusting phenomenon, post the site links as I'd be very interested to read up on this as if you are actually correct, I find it strange that it is never reported anywhere. Not even in human rights journals.

I didn't come to this problem by finding it on the internet so I don't have relevant links. I came at it by visiting the ME and a lot of time researching the region for my work. Look it up using google. Also try looking up Sharia law on homosexuality. I've done a quick search and found several allusions to this.
Paula said:
"Christianty is not as practical however,
not only are Christians not allowed to have pre-marital sex but they cant even have normal sex even when married unless for reproductions. kissing, fondiling etc is discouraged aswell. masturbating is also strictly forbidden no matter the circumastances (in Islam if a man cannot control himself he can mastrabate or get married so he can have a free normal sex life."

Preacher X,

That may be old-style Christianity but is certainly not the case anymore. In fact many Christian clerics encourage married couples to display affection (OK not in church and not making out in the streets) and just last week our church's sermon focused on marriage partners showing love, affection and respect for one another to ensure a happy marriage.

I read several online Middle East newspapers and I have read advice columns where Islamic experts have told people writing in for advice that public displays of affection and masturbation are strictly prohibited in Islam. One advisor told a reader to get a second wife to avoid masturbating. This is something no Christian would ever condone and is considered a great deal more disrespectful than masturbation.

I do not claim that this represents the whole of Islam but it certainly indicates there are holes in your theory

People need to understand Christianity in its modern, moderate form before they start passing judgments on it.

that is NOT Christianty. that is a man made change of views in religion. Christianty remains the same. so what does this vicar do? make all of these new claims and when hes there on Sunday in Church readin the Bible he just "misses out" the verses in the Bible (GOD'S word) that say that this particualr preacher is wrong?
this thread is total crap. Islam is completely against Homosexulaity and it is punished severaly. And men aren't allowed to take "young boys" as you are saying becasue men are not allowed to kiss/shag etc ANYONE before marrage whether be boy/man,girl/women otherwise they will be punished severly.


okay your question is answered Islam is against all of the things you said. so it is NOTHING to do with Islam. they are just people who happen to be Muslim who happen to be phedos just like some people happen to be Christian and happen to be a phedo! :D

now your stupid argument is that because a few Arabs shag boys then it is Islamic. well like i said it is nothing to do with Islam, they are the ones doing it and not becasue of religion. BUT ANYWAY, YOUR ARGUMENT IS STUPID BECAUSE, WHAT ABOUT ALL OF THE PHEDOPHILES IN THE WESTERN COUNTRIES? they shag kids and i bet a lot of the are Christians (most probably) but does that mean they are Christian acts? are they desperate Christians? NO, there just people doing things out of THEIR views and not becasue of their religion and what about the VICARS who are phedophiles and gay? WELL!!?? these people CHOSE to represent CHRISTIANTY and they still do these things but it still doesnt mean they are Christian phedo acts!!
also what you are saying about this phedo thing doesn't exsist at all. it is illegal in these countries to have sex/abuse minors or have any homsexual relation of boys/men of any age.

infact it is the western countries that are packed out with cases of phedophiles/rapes etc. (and these countries happen to be mainly Christian)
§outh§tar said:
In order for your post, to be pointless and fully void, tell me: how does California letting "them get married" correspond with Christianity? Is California a Christian?

Your statement about Vicars having "become very desperate" is also very shocking and disturbing. Please show me what evidence you have to show that Vicars have "become very desperate". I encourage you to reply soon. Thanks.

No california isn't Christian but it is predominantly Christian. and the majority of those gay people are Christian.

and as for examples of these vicars i dont know how many countless times i have seen reports of Vicars and priests turning gay in the news or having sex with little kids in the altars (i haven't seen as much of the latter). i'll start writing down names when i hear them on the news from now on.

especially in the UK where many vicars have become gay despite strong objection from the church. a recent one is about three months ago in the UK there was a vicar who advertised him self naked on an internet site, requesting people for "staright sex". ill find out his name for you soon.

(one going on now is not a vicar but a vicars daughter. im sure you know about all of the things that David Beckham is getting accuse d of now in the media by that girl. well 2 other girls have come out. girl no three who had a sexual affair with becks is a vicars daughter.
Preacher_X said:
also what you are saying about this phedo thing doesn't exsist at all. it is illegal in these countries to have sex/abuse minors or have any homsexual relation of boys/men of any age.

infact it is the western countries that are packed out with cases of phedophiles/rapes etc. (and these countries happen to be mainly Christian)

You are incredibly naive and plain wrong. For one example, Sharia law allows men to have sexual relations with young boys. I just returned from a year's stay in the Middle East. I assure you in the back Arab muslim villages [especially shia] it's accepted practice.

You can deny reality if you like. Perhaps this denial makes you sleep better at night, I don't know. But it is a fact, sexual relations between men and young boys is allowed by several interpretations of muslim law.
Preacher_X said:
this thread is total crap. Islam is completely against Homosexulaity and it is punished severaly. And men aren't allowed to take "young boys" as you are saying becasue men are not allowed to kiss/shag etc ANYONE before marrage whether be boy/man,girl/women otherwise they will be punished severly.


okay your question is answered Islam is against all of the things you said. so it is NOTHING to do with Islam. they are just people who happen to be Muslim who happen to be phedos just like some people happen to be Christian and happen to be a phedo! :D

now your stupid argument is that because a few Arabs shag boys then it is Islamic. well like i said it is nothing to do with Islam, they are the ones doing it and not becasue of religion. BUT ANYWAY, YOUR ARGUMENT IS STUPID BECAUSE, WHAT ABOUT ALL OF THE PHEDOPHILES IN THE WESTERN COUNTRIES? they shag kids and i bet a lot of the are Christians (most probably) but does that mean they are Christian acts? are they desperate Christians? NO, there just people doing things out of THEIR views and not becasue of their religion and what about the VICARS who are phedophiles and gay? WELL!!?? these people CHOSE to represent CHRISTIANTY and they still do these things but it still doesnt mean they are Christian phedo acts!!

Several Islamic sect consider homosexual relations to be those between adult males. Read parts of the Sharia from shia areas of the ME. Boys are not considered adult men and are treated like women, hence allowing the practice. Try living in the Middle East; you haven't or you wouldn't be commenting. As for the news in the West it's because Western society has relatively open journalism and actually enforces its laws. Try saying that about Egypt,Saudi, Syria or any other country in the ME. Try saying that about any country controlled by Islamic laws. You can't.

Sorry Preacher Z, I suspect you know the truth and it hurts. HTH! :D
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Preacher_X said:
also what you are saying about this phedo thing doesn't exsist at all. it is illegal in these countries to have sex/abuse minors or have any homsexual relation of boys/men of any age.

infact it is the western countries that are packed out with cases of phedophiles/rapes etc. (and these countries happen to be mainly Christian)

The following comes from:


"In some Muslim societies where the prohibition against premarital heterosexual intercourse is extremely high--higher than that against sex between men--you will find men having sex with other males not because they find them most attractive of all but because they find them most attractive of the limited options available to them," Richardson says.
