Excellent article: The Sexual Rage Behind Islam

shame of islam

Registered Member
The Sexual Rage Behind Islam

By Jamie Glazo

ALL SERIAL KILLERS, almost without exception, are severely sexually abused as children. The kind of people who hijack a plane with innocent people and drive it into a building with thousands of other innocent people are related to this phenomenon.

When sociopaths rape and kill, they do not see their victims as human beings, but only as objects. This is because the sociopaths were themselves, at one time, used as objects – as their bodily integrity was repeatedly violated. The rage that results from sexual abuse is one thing, but when combined with living in a dysfunctional culture of sexual repression and misogyny, where love is reduced to violent domination, it is quite another.

Throughout the Islamic Middle East, men and women are taught to be vehemently opposed to pleasure, especially of the sexual variety. Men are raised not only forbidden to touch women, but to even look at them. Sex before marriage is not just a sin -- but a criminal offence. It is punishable by a severe beating at best, and an execution at worst.

The sexual privileges that are allowed in Islamic cultures are permitted to men. Women’s sexuality and social independence represent major threats to male supremacy and are tightly controlled. Thus, as the Moroccan feminist Fitna Sabbah reveals in her book Woman in the Muslim Unconscious, there is a disturbing conflict in the Middle East between sexual libido and repression. A deep-seated fear of, and hostility to, individuality prevails, and its main expression exists in misogyny.

Socially segregated from women, islamic men succumb to homosexual behavior. But, interestingly enough, there is no word for "homosexual" in their culture in the modern Western sense. That is because having sex with boys, or with effeminate men, is seen as a social norm. Males serve as available substitutes for unavailable women. The male who does the penetrating, meanwhile, is not emasculated any more than if he had sex with a wife. The male who is penetrated is emasculated. The boy, however, is not, since it is rationalized that he is not yet a man.

In this culture, males sexually penetrating males becomes a manifestation of male power, conferring a status of hyper-masculinity. It is considered to have nothing to do with homosexuality. An unmarried man who has sex with boys is simply doing what men do. As the scholar Bruce Dunne has demonstrated, sex in Islamic societies is not about mutuality between partners, but about the adult male's achievement of pleasure through violent domination.

There is silence around this issue. It is the silence that legitimizes sexual violence against women, such as honor crimes and female circumcision. It is also the silence that forces victimized Arab boys into invisibility. Even though the society does not see their sexual exploitation as being humiliating, the psychological and emotional scars that result from their subordination, powerlessness and humiliation is a given. Traumatized by the violation of their dignity and manliness, they spend the rest of their lives trying to get it back.

The problem is that trying to recover from sexual abuse, and to recapture one’s own shattered masculinity, is quite an ordeal in a culture where women are hated and love is interpreted as hegemonic control.

With women out of touch – and out of sight -- until marriage, males experience pre-marital sex only in the confines of being with other males. Their sexual outlet mostly includes victimizing younger males – just the way they were victimized. :eek:

In all of these circumstances, the idea of love is removed from men's understanding of sexuality. Like the essence of Arab masculinity, it is reduced to hurting others by violence. A gigantic rupture develops between men and women, where no harmony, affection or equality is allowed to exist. In relationships between men, meanwhile, affection, solidarity and empathy are left out of the picture. They threaten the hyper-masculine order.

It is excruciating to imagine the sexual confusion, humiliation, and repression that evolve in the mindsets of males in this culture. But it is no surprise that many of these males find their only avenue for gratification in the act of humiliating the foreign "enemy," whose masculinity must be violated at all costs – as theirs once was. :eek:

Violating the masculinity of the enemy necessitates the dishing out of severe violence against him. In the recent terrorist strikes, therefore, violence against Americans served as a much-needed release of the terrorists’ bottled-up sexual rage. Moreover, it served as a desperate and pathological testament of the re-masculinization of their emasculated selves. :eek:
Wanna bet? I'd like to see your Islamic Sexual Rage, and raise you Christian. There's something Fundamentally screwed up about focusing on just one religion's hangups in this Crusade. All the Abramist radicals want to fuck each other, and many nonbelievers among them are wrapping themselves in the flags and scriptures of their home teams for power. Fundy fascism is not any less operative in the Whitehouse or in the Knesset.
shame of islam:

Please read the forum rules regarding plagiarism and long cut-and-pastes from other sites.

As the scholar Bruce Dunne has demonstrated, sex in Islamic societies is not about mutuality between partners, but about the adult male's achievement of pleasure through violent domination.
Look, nobody's saying Muslims aren't human. Well, some people are, I guess. But the point is that I don't understand the condemning tone attached to things that are not unique to Muslims. Even if Dunne's thesis is sound, for instance, "the adult male's achievement of pleasure through violent domination" is the sublimated leitmotif of American sexuality.

Great. So Muslims are sexually repressed. I could have told you that. It's f@cking redemptive monotheism! What?! What is so surprising about the idea of sexual repression in redemptive monotheism?

Have you ever looked at a nuclear missile? Western repressed sexuality can give us all to dust in a flash. America - the mother of all repressed sexuality. And you know what? That's insufficient. American repressed sexuality is a victimization of masculine-centered ritual violence in lieu of a creative endowment. It's as old as humanity, and refined like sugar. And it's oh so deadly. It won't just kill you, but also your children, and their children--we Americans can erase all humanity.

Viagra just may be the salvation of the world? Nah ... Ecstasy.
tiassa said:
Look, nobody's saying Muslims aren't human. Well, some people are, I guess. But the point is that I don't understand the condemning tone attached to things that are not unique to Muslims. Even if Dunne's thesis is sound, for instance, "the adult male's achievement of pleasure through violent domination" is the sublimated leitmotif of American sexuality.

Great. So Muslims are sexually repressed. I could have told you that. It's f@cking redemptive monotheism! What?! What is so surprising about the idea of sexual repression in redemptive monotheism?

Have you ever looked at a nuclear missile? Western repressed sexuality can give us all to dust in a flash. America - the mother of all repressed sexuality. And you know what? That's insufficient. American repressed sexuality is a victimization of masculine-centered ritual violence in lieu of a creative endowment. It's as old as humanity, and refined like sugar. And it's oh so deadly. It won't just kill you, but also your children, and their children--we Americans can erase all humanity.

Viagra just may be the salvation of the world? Nah ... Ecstasy.

Either you didn't read the complete article or you just completely missed the point of the connection between child sexual abuse in Arab muslim culture and terror attacks by adult male muslims.

Try re-reading it.

shame of islam said:
Either you didn't read the complete article or you just completely missed the point of the connection between child sexual abuse in Arab muslim culture and terror attacks by adult male muslims.

Try re-reading it.

Oh yay... it's DoctorNO under another name?

So by your reckoning, we are soon to start seeing a big rise in terror attacks by all the Christians boys and girls who have been abused by hmmm lets see... priests?

The Catholic priesthood... a society of sexually repressed males who can only satisfy their lustful thoughts by either bonking each other or if they are sick enough.. by bonking alter boys and girls or students in their schools. If you see a connection between child sexual abuse in Arab muslim cultures and terror attacks by adult male muslims, then surely you'll see a connection between child sex abuse and the Christian churches and terror attacks. Right?

Or are you actually silly enough to say that it's on terrorists who come from the Arab nations that are victims of sexual abuse and therefore sexual abuse in Arab nations is rampant? From your attitude, I'm guessing that you actually silly enough to believe that it's only Muslims who are terrorists and who have been sexually abused.. right?

Was McVeigh a victim of sexual abuse? Are the idiots who bomb abortion clinics victims of sexual abuse? Even moving away from Christianity, was Shoko Asahara (of the Aum Shinrikyo) a victim of sexual abuse? How about the members of the Basque Homeland and Freedom group... were their members who committed terrorist attacks victims of sexual abuse? There are many more non-Arabic terrorist organisations, but I can't be bothered typing them out... but I'm sure you get the gist of where I'm going..
Bells said:
Oh yay... it's DoctorNO under another name?

So by your reckoning, we are soon to start seeing a big rise in terror attacks by all the Christians boys and girls who have been abused by hmmm lets see... priests?

The Catholic priesthood... a society of sexually repressed males who can only satisfy their lustful thoughts by either bonking each other or if they are sick enough.. by bonking alter boys and girls or students in their schools. If you see a connection between child sexual abuse in Arab muslim cultures and terror attacks by adult male muslims, then surely you'll see a connection between child sex abuse and the Christian churches and terror attacks. Right?

Or are you actually silly enough to say that it's on terrorists who come from the Arab nations that are victims of sexual abuse and therefore sexual abuse in Arab nations is rampant? From your attitude, I'm guessing that you actually silly enough to believe that it's only Muslims who are terrorists and who have been sexually abused.. right?

Was McVeigh a victim of sexual abuse? Are the idiots who bomb abortion clinics victims of sexual abuse? Even moving away from Christianity, was Shoko Asahara (of the Aum Shinrikyo) a victim of sexual abuse? How about the members of the Basque Homeland and Freedom group... were their members who committed terrorist attacks victims of sexual abuse? There are many more non-Arabic terrorist organisations, but I can't be bothered typing them out... but I'm sure you get the gist of where I'm going..

Apparently you can’t be bothered with thinking your argument out thoroughly either. Unlike the small number of Catholic priests who committed abuse, in Islam the perpetrators are not brought to criminal justice. In one it is isolated cases of criminal misconduct, in the other widespread accepted practice. You missed that point.

If you bother to read the article’s first line, I don’t make the claim, the writer does. I’ve lived in the Middle East [Egypt, Kuwait, Saudi and Bahrain] and find his theory plausible. After years in the Mid-East it’s obvious that sexual abuse is incredibly rampant; to an extent unheard of in the West. You don’t have to believe it, but it doesn’t change the issue that it’s a fact.

Your mention of other terror groups has you out on a tangent. The article explains the psychological aspects of terror regarding only one subject: Arab Islamic male culture. The other terrorist groups may have their own pathology, or may not.

I must shake my head at this fiasco of a "report"

Let us see what God has to say:

Please read Judges 19 before continuing.

"As they were enjoying themselves, suddenly certain men of the city, perverted men, surrounded the house and beat on the door. They spoke to the master of the house, the old man, saying, "Bring out the man who came to your house, that we may know him carnally!"

Obviously perversion does not apply to Muslims more than Christians, more than Buddhist, homosexuals, atheists... it is a ravaging plage that affects all of humanity. To point figures at a particular group is hypocritical, to say the least.

As Paul clearly outlines in his epistle to the Romans, the rebelliousness of mankind, who refused to glorify God and became proud in their hearts, were left to their own contentions.
As a result, they turned to "vile passions", commiting what is shameful. No where in here, does Paul accuse any group in particular, nor does he say that homosexuality itself was more grave than any other sin.

In fact, the Bible has so little to say on the topic of homosexuality, due to God's knowledge of the fuss that would arise in later times, that we must conclude foremostly that homosexuality is NOT more vile than, say, murder.

To further prove my point, in Romans 2:29, Paul outlines all manner of sinfulness which is come as a result of human beings turning away from the Father of lights.

To sum things up without rumbling on and on :D, this text is horribly misguided and should be banned as misinformation. It is bigotry and immsense hatred towards the Muslim people because of an UNJUSTIFIED premise. I do hope you will come to see the point of my explanation and if there are any flaws, I invite you to help me rectify them.

Thank you.
§outh§tar said:
I must shake my head at this fiasco of a "report"

Let us see what God has to say:

Please read Judges 19 before continuing.

"As they were enjoying themselves, suddenly certain men of the city, perverted men, surrounded the house and beat on the door. They spoke to the master of the house, the old man, saying, "Bring out the man who came to your house, that we may know him carnally!"

Obviously perversion does not apply to Muslims more than Christians, more than Buddhist, homosexuals, atheists... it is a ravaging plage that affects all of humanity. To point figures at a particular group is hypocritical, to say the least.

As Paul clearly outlines in his epistle to the Romans, the rebelliousness of mankind, who refused to glorify God and became proud in their hearts, were left to their own contentions.
As a result, they turned to "vile passions", commiting what is shameful. No where in here, does Paul accuse any group in particular, nor does he say that homosexuality itself was more grave than any other sin.

In fact, the Bible has so little to say on the topic of homosexuality, due to God's knowledge of the fuss that would arise in later times, that we must conclude foremostly that homosexuality is NOT more vile than, say, murder.

To further prove my point, in Romans 2:29, Paul outlines all manner of sinfulness which is come as a result of human beings turning away from the Father of lights.

To sum things up without rumbling on and on :D, this text is horribly misguided and should be banned as misinformation. It is bigotry and immsense hatred towards the Muslim people because of an UNJUSTIFIED premise. I do hope you will come to see the point of my explanation and if there are any flaws, I invite you to help me rectify them.

Thank you.

I'm not sure if anyone is really reading the original post before posting. It clearly discusses the sexual abuse of boys, not grown men. My own opinion of homosexuality is that it's just a non-issue. The abuse of boys- children- on the other hand is a different topic. The article is quite clear on this.

As one who has lived in the ME I have seen men offer young boys for sex. It's jaw-droppingly appalling and accepted by Arab [Islamic] males. That is the truth, like it or not.
As I was saying, and IF you had read my post, homosexuality is something that may face ALL of humanity as a result of rebelliousness. Not a particular group, NOT just boys, NOT just men, NOT just Muslims.

That does not mean it's not a problem. It is a problem, since a curse is a problem. The curse is NOT homosexuality, but God leaving us to our own selfish devices as a result of rebelliousness.

Im also assuming as a result of shame of islam's post, he did not read the text's I had employed.
Hmm, the article is false, a whole bunch of lies and worms.

Muslim men succumb to homosexual behavior? Evidence? Considering the punishment for fornication is 70 or so lashes under strict Shariah law and the punishment of the homosexual act death, I find this difficult to believe.

Female circumcision is not practiced by any Arab country, and is not mentioned in the Qur'an or Hadith.
§outh§tar said:
As I was saying, and IF you had read my post, homosexuality is something that may face ALL of humanity as a result of rebelliousness. Not a particular group, NOT just boys, NOT just men, NOT just Muslims.

That does not mean it's not a problem. It is a problem, since a curse is a problem. The curse is NOT homosexuality, but God leaving us to our own selfish devices as a result of rebelliousness.

Im also assuming as a result of shame of islam's post, he did not read the text's I had employed.

The post is about sexual abuse of young boys and its acceptance in Islam. You seem hung up on homosexuality for some reason or other. That isn't the topic; but you may start a new thread if you'd like.

okinrus said:
Hmm, the article is false, a whole bunch of lies and worms.

Muslim men succumb to homosexual behavior? Evidence? Considering the punishment for fornication is 70 or so lashes under strict Shariah law and the punishment of the homosexual act death, I find this difficult to believe.

Female circumcision is not practiced by any Arab country, and is not mentioned in the Qur'an or Hadith.

You lead a sheltered and naive life.

I've lived in the ME [Egypt, Kuwait, Bahrain]. It is an accepted part of life there among certain groups of men from what my Arab acquaintances have told me. If you choose not to accept it that's fine. Some people still believe the world is flat. Such is the duplicity of life there. I know personally of two guys from the states who were offered young boys by Arabs. They were stunned at the openness of it.

Female circumcision is practiced in [Arab] Egypt. You miss the point on Islam, homosexuality, its punishment, and the abuse of boys. It was covered in the article. Re-read it and it will explain it to you.

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you idiot, Islam is against homosexuality and having sex with anyone male. Islam however doesn't see sex as dirty like Chistians do. sex is a RIGHT of marragie and sex is seen as a blessing if both parties are willing and if it is in marrage.

Christianty is not as practical however,
not only are Christians not allowed to have pre-marital sex but they cant even have normal sex even when married unless for reproductions. kissing, fondiling etc is discouraged aswell. masturbating is also strictly forbidden no matter the circumastances (in Islam if a man cannot control himself he can mastrabate or get married so he can have a free normal sex life.
Preacher_X said:
you idiot, Islam is against homosexuality and having sex with anyone male. Islam however doesn't see sex as dirty like Chistians do. sex is a RIGHT of marragie and sex is seen as a blessing if both parties are willing and if it is in marrage.

Christianty is not as practical however,
not only are Christians not allowed to have pre-marital sex but they cant even have normal sex even when married unless for reproductions. kissing, fondiling etc is discouraged aswell. masturbating is also strictly forbidden no matter the circumastances (in Islam if a man cannot control himself he can mastrabate or get married so he can have a free normal sex life.

I see you've resorted to name calling. Hmm, already unable to form a cohesive logical argument out the gate! :D I'm glad to see I've gotten a rise out of you!

I suspect you know what I say is true, which is why you are so angry. I mean really, who likes they're dirty laundry aired in public! :eek:

I've lived in Manama, Bahrain as well as Kuwait City and Cairo. Adult male Arabs regularly go after young boys. Islam or not, they make the claim that Islam "allows" it. I'm sorry the truth doesn't fit well with you. Oh well, the earth being round took several years to be accepted as well.

Hmm, Its the vicars that are gay nowadays :bugeye: not the Imams of the Mosques.

Islam is against homosexuality and it has very harsh punishments.

Female circumcision is not mentioned in the Quran and is not practisced by any Arab country, it is mainly practisced in African countries who are predominantly Christian (although it isnt mentioned in the Bible either) or tribal religions.

Although Christianty is against homos the Christian countires are still filled with gay Christians. California even lets them get married. No islamic coiuntry, city etc. does or even allows them to be gay.

It is the vicars who are resorting to homsexulaity not the Imams may i add :eek: . this is because in Islam sex is not forbidden after marrage but Vicars are never allowed to have sex except for reproduction so theyhave become very desperate.
Preacher_X said:
Hmm, Its the vicars that are gay nowadays :bugeye: not the Imams of the Mosques.

Islam is against homosexuality and it has very harsh punishments.

Female circumcision is not mentioned in the Quran and is not practisced by any Arab country, it is mainly practisced in African countries who are predominantly Christian (although it isnt mentioned in the Bible either) or tribal religions.

Although Christianty is against homos the Christian countires are still filled with gay Christians. California even lets them get married. No islamic coiuntry, city etc. does or even allows them to be gay.

It is the vicars who are resorting to homsexulaity not the Imams may i add :eek: . this is because in Islam sex is not forbidden after marrage but Vicars are never allowed to have sex except for reproduction so theyhave become very desperate.

Islam is against homosexuality; and that is the point. Many muslims- clerics and laypersons define homosexuality as sex between ADULTS not between a boy and a man. That is the justification many muslims in the ME use to commit this crime against children. When vicars go after children in the West they go to jail when caught. Not among muslims in the ME; young boys are fair game for them.

You don't believe it, that's fine. I lived there, I've spoken with Arab acquintances who tell me it occurs often. I know guys from the states who were offered young boys.

As for female circumcision in Arab countries a quick google reveals:


[You'll see many references to female circumcision in Egypt and Sudan. They are both Arab muslim countries of course].
Preacher_X said:
you idiot, Islam is against homosexuality and having sex with anyone male. Islam however doesn't see sex as dirty like Chistians do.

One of the more ignorant statements of our time. I consider a reply, but I am sure fellow members have already stepped to our challenge.

Then again, the temptation is persuasive:
Please tell me how Christians "see sex as dirty". I beg of you.
shame of islam said:
The post is about sexual abuse of young boys and its acceptance in Islam. You seem hung up on homosexuality for some reason or other. That isn't the topic; but you may start a new thread if you'd like.


I believe the Topic is: A Sexual Rage Behind Islam. Forgive me for submitting my input if it has offended you. I suppose you would prefer that I succumb to the path you would like this topic to follow.