EVP Digital Recorder

The lowest pitch humans can generally hear is around 20hz. MP3 standards filter out anything under 20hz or over 20Khz. And I can't imagine a cheap built in microphone that picks up anything anywhere near that low. So I seriously doubt your MP3 recorder can capture sounds lower than you can normally hear... Plus, as Michael asked, what do you expect to hear when you play it back?

If you can export the file to a computer and examine it in some recording software, you can look at what frequencies are there. I'll be surprised if there is anything under 50hz.
I heard sounds of the air conditioner, which is normally silent,
Ooooooo the ol' ghost of the silent air-conditioner

Wait until you hear the ghost sound of the fridge turning on

Or the tormented ghost sound of next door vacuum cleaner

Have fun and sleep well

Oh! As someone who owns a recording studio I can tell you air conditioners are NOT silent. You just tune it out.
The lowest pitch humans can generally hear is around 20hz. MP3 standards filter out anything under 20hz or over 20Khz. And I can't imagine a cheap built in microphone that picks up anything anywhere near that low. So I seriously doubt your MP3 recorder can capture sounds lower than you can normally hear... Plus, as Michael asked, what do you expect to hear when you play it back?

If you can export the file to a computer and examine it in some recording software, you can look at what frequencies are there. I'll be surprised if there is anything under 50hz.
It came with a USB cable for transferring data...so, I'm going to try that later today, to see what you're talking about in terms of frequencies, etc. That might tell me something more.

In response to Michael's question ''what do you expect to hear back?'' Hmm...a ghost? lol

Quasi-serious. That is what supposedly can be picked up on these things, paranormal sounds/activity. Maybe it's all just woo...but it could be fun.
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Wegs, your bringing back memories. Make of this what you will.

Back in the old days(80s), two friends and I set about trying to see and take a picture of the Green Flash of a sunset. There was an old disused church, the spire of which was removed due to ww2 blitz damage. This left a very tall tower with a now flat roof. A new church stood not very far away up the road, and there we got permission from the vicar to use the old church roof for a couple of summer nights.
We went up a little time before sunset and over an hour or so tried our luck at seeing the Green Flash. We never did see it, and I have never seen it.
Waiting for the sun to set, and sitting on top of an old church, we talked abouts ghost, as you do.
The twilight made the setting, to use a girly word, beautiful.
The next day my friend brought along his cassette player, the idea was to leave it downstairs on a pew at the front, so as to record any spooks. Even though this was London it was very quiet within the stone building.
Coming down from the tower and passing the bells was tricky, a wooden ladder job.
Anyway, there were no light switches up top to turn the lights on below, we descended in dark and quiet. I had to feel along the wall to find the door that opened into the main church area.
So, what was on the cassette? On the tape at about 5 minutes in, there were bells sounds, as if someone was up there tapping the bells. We were about four feet above on the roof and would have easily have heard this noise had someone gently pulled the ropes. I reckon that vicar had a sense of humour.
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Wegs, your bringing back memories. Make of this what you will.

Back in the old days(80s), two friends and I set about trying to see and take a picture of the Green Flash of a sunset. There was an old disused church, the spire of which was removed due to ww2 blitz damage. This left a very tall tower with a now flat roof. A new church stood not very far away up the road, and there we got permission from the vicar to use the old church roof for a couple of summer nights.
We went up a little time before sunset and over an hour or so tried our luck at seeing the Green Flash. We never did see it, and I have never seen it.
Waiting for the sun to set, and sitting on top of an old church, we talked abouts ghost, as you do.
The twilight made the setting, to use a girly word, beautiful.
The next day my friend brought along his cassette player, the idea was to leave it downstairs on a pew at the front, so as to record any spooks. Even though this was London it was very quiet within the stone building.
Coming down from the tower and passing the bells was tricky, a wooden ladder job.
Anyway, there were no light switches up top to turn the lights on below, we descended in dark and quiet. I had to feel along the wall to find the door that opened into the main church area.
So, what was on the cassette? On the tape at about 5 minutes in, there were bells sounds, as if someone was up there tapping the bells. We were about four feet above on the roof and would have easily have heard this noise had someone gently pulled the ropes. I reckon that vicar had a sense of humour.
lol Aw, I just love this story. :smile:
I used to hear what sounded like human voices coming out of my old guitar amplifier. Just a random word here and there, very rarely. It was a bit frightening because it happened so rarely and so unexpectedly. But it was probably just picking up some kind of radio communication, under just the right circumstances.
I used to hear what sounded like human voices coming out of my old guitar amplifier. Just a random word here and there, very rarely. It was a bit frightening because it happened so rarely and so unexpectedly. But it was probably just picking up some kind of radio communication, under just the right circumstances.

Yea, it's like when I'm using bluetooth headphones with my cell phone, and there's a minute or two sometimes of ''dead air'' while I'm waiting for the connection to happen, and I've heard voices but, it's due to my headphones picking up others' phone conversations through my wifi signal.

I googled your guitar amplifier issue, and apparently...it's pretty common. (radio signals)

In other news, I've been meaning to plug my new gadget into my laptop through a USB cord, but I can't find the cord, now. I'm not a very efficient ghost hunter. :rolleye:
Ghosts are disembodied, right? They die, the body is still in the casket and their "spirit" is what is supposedly moving around. People see through them but I'm not sure what is supposed to give them any mass for light to reflect off for one to see them at all.

For them to make sounds, low frequency or high frequency, they have to be made of something that vibrates enough to make a sound. They are disembodied. There is nothing to see or to vibrate.

How is all this even supposed to work? Even just in theory?

If you can't hear them in person, how to you hear them in playback?
Ghosts are disembodied, right? They die, the body is still in the casket and their "spirit" is what is supposedly moving around. People see through them but I'm not sure what is supposed to give them any mass for light to reflect off for one to see them at all.

For them to make sounds, low frequency or high frequency, they have to be made of something that vibrates enough to make a sound. They are disembodied. There is nothing to see or to vibrate.

How is all this even supposed to work? Even just in theory?

If you can't hear them in person, how to you hear them in playback?

Good questions. It's worth the read. You might still come away a skeptic, but it's interesting. :smile:

lol Aw...I posted the wrong link in reply ^^

That one supports skeptics. :oops:
A ghost probably mixed your links up and made you pick the wrong one! So, that actually supports you view that ghosts exist! :)

Hmm...you could be right. ;)

I do like that article in the link, though - in that it goes into a thorough explanation of why skeptics are skeptics. It illustrates an experiment where a 'mock' haunted environment was created to prove that the sounds we hear, aren't ghosts...the visions we see, aren't ghosts. And what they actually are, and how our minds play tricks on us, at times. It's pretty interesting.
The "Amazing Randy" is a big time skeptic. He got very ill once and though he was leaving his body and was on the ceiling looking down at himself. Even with his skeptic nature he thought for a moment that it was all real.

He could describe what the pattern was on the bed covers. His "partner" reminded him that cover wasn't on the bed that day. Oh well.
You will hear something, and it won't be evidence of anything except the human capacity to try and find intelligible sounds in random noise.
You will hear something, and it won't be evidence of anything except the human capacity to try and find intelligible sounds in random noise.
That's the bottom line behind all of this. We are great at pattern recognition even when there is none (think clouds).