Evolution - True Or False


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On the contrary, it makes perfect sense that mammals would eat dinosaurs if they are the most common food source. Please explain how the theory of evolution depends in any way on our ancestors being tiny and defenseless.
Evolution doesn't rely on the assumption that mammals were tiny during the dinosaur age, but it's a fact that mammals in general did not become really diverse until the dinosaurs were gone.

That's wrong. A large diversity was already there during the dinosaur era.

Maybe I am going to retract my statement.

Have been reading a bit of stuff and it seems that the number of mammalian species increased after the KT boundary. But my reading has been minimal.
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Well, there was certainly little room for the large mammal predators that would come later.
For decades it was taught that the mammals during the "dinousaur age" were tiny and defenseless, like our suppsosed ancestor, the proto tree shrew, but now, we see that mammals eating dinos


And now we know more about that time than we did.

(and why?), because the fossil record indicates many deviations from the Darwinian scheme.
This does not follow from the rest of your post. There is no central holy text called "The Darwinian Scheme" that all fossils must adhear to. There is an idea that changes to the form and function of living things have over time occured because of natural selective pressuires. The discovery changes a tiny part of the understood world history to "*most* mammals were tiny and defenseless during the time of the dinos", and is in fact yet another instance of a type of animal that no longer exists today; supporting the idea that changes to the form and function of living things *have* occured over time.

Spur and spidergoat:
It might be difficult to coorelate species diversity with the success of Class Mammalia after the KT: it may not be that the # of species increased dramatically, but as the available environmental niches shot up, the qualitative range of body shape and function certainly jumped. As did the amount of mammalian biomass as a percentage of the whole animal kingdom.

from here:
Shows a significant increase in mammal diversity right after the KT

edit2: a starting point for possible further reading about rodentia diversity, and the methods used for determining trends:
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No reason to believe that from the Bible, I think many of the UFO's are spirit entities, as they go real fast, and then stop on a dime, defying physics.
Not unless they're alien fetuses.

Oh like you didnt jump on the bandwagon.:rolleyes:

Anyway back on topic.
I dont see why people scrutinizing specific cases so hard. Look at the bigger picture.

Archaeologists have thousands upon thousands of fossils of related ancestors which can be directly observed to change very slightly over time. Now if you were to take the first and last fossil from this line, you would claim it was a different animal altogether. However when viewed with all the pieces it is clear it is the same animal, it has just undergone change through evolution.

And its not like evolution applies only to living things! Galaxies, stars, deltas, climate, etc.. all change and evolve over time! Evolution is incorporated into the universe itself!
As I said, Spider Goat there are very intelligent and knowledgable individuals that maintain that the obvious design in life is self evident. Such is not an arguement of authority but the offering of perspective. On different from the established.

Lastly interviewed but not least is Paula Kincheloe

I have several years of experience as a researcher in the fields of cell and molecular biology and microbiology. I am presently employed by Emory Universy, in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

As part of my education in biology, I spent four years focusing on just the cell and its components. The more I learned about DNA, RNA, proteins, and metabolic pathways, the more amazed I became with the complexity, organization, and precision involved. And while I was impressed with how much man has learned about the cell, I was even more amazed at how much there is yet to learn. The obvious design evident in the cell is one reason I believe in God.

Young ones in school who are being taught evolution may be unsure of what to believe. This can be a confusing time for them. If they believe in God, this is test of faith. Buth they can meet that test by examining the many amazing things in nature that surround us and by continuing to grow in knoewledge of the Creator and his qualities. I have persoanly done this and have concluded that the Bible's account of creation is accurate and does not conflict with true science.

I agree with here. If I could post the pictures I have of these individuals I would. These are intelligent people who have given a great amount of thought to both science and God. They have extensive knowledge in science and in God. They are not uncreditable and unscrupulous as opposition would have you believe...

Later I'll illistrate the complexity which they've all seen with one example.
I share your fascination for the complexity for cellular structures and all of Nature but did God also design my intricately built highly complex laptop computer or my digital altimeter stop watch? Why make the complexity of Nature even more complex by attributing it to some unknowable supposedy omnipotent power? Pollution! Just complicates the search for more understanding of what's really there by attributing what we think we don't know, or don't yet know, to a ghost. Superstituous garbage. Remnants of past false learning. Jumping on the bandwagon.
They are not uncreditable and unscrupulous as opposition would have you believe...
I don't believe they are unscrupulous, simply misled and confused.

These are intelligent people who have given a great amount of thought to both science and God. They have extensive knowledge in science and in God.
They went into science with a solid base of religious belief and, therefore, must necessarily be viewed with a level of skepticism that I view all people with pre-defined agendas - to gain a greater understanding of the world that God created.
A scientist can still be an apologist.
An apologist, by definition, can't be completely honest and open-minded (regardless of their intentions).
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I think you're confusing about ten photos for your proposed motion picture of Darwinian evolution, lots of gaps, in fact, all gaps for that thesis.

Do you doubt a movie because the studio chose to edit a scene out for time?

Here is a good overview of the fossil record and its reality as a map of evolutionary history, from The American Scientific Affiliation: A Fellowship of Christians in Science (*shock*!)
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