Evolution theory debunked?!

Evolution theory =

  • A great heap of that brown, stinky stuff!

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • In some aspects true (wich ones?)

    Votes: 16 72.7%
  • In some aspects false

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • I'm not shure what evolution theory is

    Votes: 1 4.5%

  • Total voters
spuriousmonkey said:
Are we supposed to be familiar with the intracies of this so called flood theory?

I can't remember it being taught in school. Maybe you could give us some details.
Ballard, the guy who discovered the Titanic, as well as some geologists, have uncovered evidence of a "titanic" flood. The difference between their flood and the Biblical account is that their's was local - even though the people affected would think it "world-wide".

Apparently, towards the end of the last ice-age, the rising Mediterranean Sea overflowed an existing barrier between the Mediterranean and what is now the Black Sea (which was previously a fresh inland sea) covering many primitive villages. Coincidental with this were signs of massive floods in northern Iraq destroying more villages.

History was word-of-mouth so the story would have been passed down, together with embellishments and modifications, until the first written account in the story of Gilgamish which predated the Biblical account by centuries.
It is worth noting that the Gulf (Persian or Arabian at your preference) was largely dry land, watered by the combined Tigris/Euphrates until innundated by the same rising sea level that flooded the Black Sea.
marv said:
Ballard, the guy who discovered the Titanic, as well as some geologists, have uncovered evidence of a "titanic" flood. The difference between their flood and the Biblical account is that their's was local - even though the people affected would think it "world-wide".

Apparently, towards the end of the last ice-age, the rising Mediterranean Sea overflowed an existing barrier between the Mediterranean and what is now the Black Sea (which was previously a fresh inland sea) covering many primitive villages. Coincidental with this were signs of massive floods in northern Iraq destroying more villages.

History was word-of-mouth so the story would have been passed down, together with embellishments and modifications, until the first written account in the story of Gilgamish which predated the Biblical account by centuries.

In what way would that explain the fossil record or the diversity of life?

I was addressing the story of the "flood". I got into this thread kinda late; sorry about that.

Carbon dating, observations of geologic strata, the K-T boundary and iridium layer, all tell the stories of fossils and evolution.

You and I are each examples of micro-evolution, being the product of two different people, and neither of us is an exact replica of either parent. The terms kingdom, family, genus and species are arbitrary labels assigned to help us differentiate the significant changes in genetic makeup as required by gradual or punctuate changes in the environment or the simple need to survive.

Evolution is the result of both the need to change and the mechanism by which change can be accomplished. Consider the K-T boundary; fossils of dinosaurs below but not above, and fossils of very small mammals below but increasing in size above, shows what happens when there is insufficient time to adapt to change and other creatures then begin to fill the niche.
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