Evolution theory debunked?!

Evolution theory =

  • A great heap of that brown, stinky stuff!

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • In some aspects true (wich ones?)

    Votes: 16 72.7%
  • In some aspects false

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • I'm not shure what evolution theory is

    Votes: 1 4.5%

  • Total voters


-meta consciousness-
Registered Senior Member
On August 4th, 2004 an article by Dr. Stephen C. Meyer, Director of Discovery Institute's Center for Science & Culture appeared in a peer-reviewed biology journal published at the National Museum of Natural History at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C., the Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington (volume 117, no. 2, pp. 213-239).

In this article, entitled “The Origin of Biological Information and the Higher Taxonomic Categories”, Dr. Meyer argues that no current theory of evolution can account for the origin of the information necessary to build novel animal forms. He proposes intelligent design as an alternative explanation.

This article represents a major breakthrough as being published in a peer reviewed journal, it can be used as a reference and free the numerous scientists who were obligated to refer to evolution in explaining their discoveries.

I say it's the beginning of the end for the evolution theory, no?

It's also a great way to circumseize some of the etical dillemma's towards bio-engineering. N'est pas?

Like this for example, (simple) "Oh, well, if we where made on a bleu-print,...then why shouldn't we mess around with our own genetical code?

What you think?
It appears their argument is based on the mathematical improbability of the Cambrian explosion of "new animal body plans" due to lack of "complex specified information required to build the Cambrian animals and the novel forms they represent" they feel cannot be inherent to Darwinian theory.

About CSC:

The Center for Science and Culture is a Discovery Institute program which:

• supports research by scientists and other scholars challenging various aspects of neo-Darwinian theory;
• supports research by scientists and other scholars developing the scientific theory known as intelligent design;
• supports research by scientists and scholars in the social sciences and humanities exploring the impact of scientific materialism on culture.
• encourages schools to improve science education by teaching students more fully about the theory of evolution, including the theory's scientific weaknesses as well strengths.
how can they know what information was present before the cambrian explosion.

And apparently the cambrian explosion is not as explosive as people used to think.
What horrible poll options.
How come everytime a thread comes around saying "evolution debunked" or "sinetist says evolution wrong" I just know that evolution has infact not been debunked, before even opening the thread. I must have esp.
Simple question - does corn exist? Did corn exist prior to the selective breeding by Native American farmers?

Wow, evolution exisits. Shocking.

As for the Cambrian explosion, I'd recommend reading up on chaos theory. It takes care of this issue. In particular, the button+thread experiment which you can do in your very own home:
Lay out 100 buttons and a spool of thread.
Connect two of the buttons at random. You now have 98 free buttons and 2 connected buttons.
Randomly connect two more. You now have either 98 free buttons and 2 connected, or 97 free and 3 connected, or, most likely, 96 free and 4 connected.
Continue connecting buttons at random, and record the number of connected buttons, and more importantly, the number of connected buttons in the largest inter-connected group.
Graph these numbers over time, and pay close attention to the growth of the avergae connected mass - "explosions" are quite possible by random chance when a non-random act (choosing buttons or reproduction) exerts a continual force.

As for the poll's options - item # 2 and item #3 are exactly the same. In order for "some" of evolution to be true or false, then the rest must be false or true, respectivley. You are giving us both sides to a boolean choice there.
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It is actually rather simple why there was an explosion. If you understand how development works you will also understand that you need a minimal amount of genetic information for making a complex multicellular organism. Evolution needed time to build up to the required level of genetic information. Once it was there it was a piece of cake to radiate like crazy into new multicellular species and phyla.
i agree with the original poster.

to think that we came into existance from out of space dust and particles BY ACCIDENT is so naive and even quite stupid.

Evolution can only do so much, ONLY AFTER intelligent design has set forth the motion.

any way you look at it.
Shut up. Don't start calling someone else stupid if you don't even understand what evolution is about.

Accident he says. Read a book.
Evolution can only do so much, ONLY AFTER intelligent design has set forth the motion.

It's rather quite funny people are unable to see past their noses. If we are a product of Intelligent Design, who designed the Designer?
I notice the poll doesnt have an option for evolution being completely true? Not bias at all is it :rolleyes:
How about the beginning of the end for the evolution theory debunking?
It makes so much sense that its now impossible that it will ever be proven wrong. It couldn't be, for that to happen we'd have to ignore so much. Whatever tried to prove it wrong couldn't possibly have as much evidence as evolution has.
I'd seriously give up if I was trying to fight evolution. Start saying how its part of god's devine plan or something because you will never discredit evolution.
hah. thats the way scientists think. until some guy stumbles upon something else, and everything is re-written.
I don't think this is a 'flat-planet' example. We have a pretty good bird's-eye-view of evolution and it's not flat.

Obviously, I would vote for 'Evolution iz completely rite' if he had given the option.

Life is ludicrously complicated - I wouldn't rule out the idea that it was seeded by bacteria on a metorite.

Anyone read 'The Blind Watchmaker'?