Evolution, not a fact??????

Do you belive in evoloution?

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Jan Ardena said:
What/where is the scientific evidence that supports this claim?


At ground level cosmic rays are generally not a problem, and certainly no direct links have been made linking cosmic rays to cancer. Yet there is a small risk of a different nature. Like with the neon-helium gas in the spark chamber (see How does a spark chamber work - Stage 2) the passage of a cosmic ray through your body can leave various fluids within your body momentarily ionised. Noble prize winner H J Muller found that mutations and changes in human genes can be caused by ionising radiation such as cosmic rays. Therefore it is thought that cosmic rays may be capable of changing your DNA make-up by hitting individual cells, and may even have human evolution implications. However it should be stressed that this is a very rare occurrence as cosmic rays of an energy high enough to cause such changes are rare at ground level.


i answered your question jan
now, are you going to answer mine?
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U r still alive and kicking. What are U up to these days, I remember I had destroyed U last time when I was another Avatar. Your name gives me an Adreneal rush in anticipation of wining debate against the evil called GOD.

SO how are U these days, Did U had any new enlightnments ? I kinda like U like a pet perahaps.

Now, Dont get me worng. I have a lot of respect for U as U stand in favour of the Just, the Right, the Good, the Truth, the Holy except Equality.
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Why must there be an increase in information? I know of no reason why this should be so.

That depends on what you're talking about, bacterium has a genome of 4 million bases and a human has a genome of 4 billion bases, is it not
obvious that quantity (genetic) information has increased.

You are making the common error of assuming that there are good genes and bad genes.

Wrong. I am referring to complexity.

Why are we wasting our time with you Jan.

The true question is; why am I wasting my time with you?
The answer; Its entertaining.



U r still alive and kicking. What are U up to these days, I remember I had destroyed U last time when I was RawThinkTank.

I remember you well.
Illusion was always at the forefront of your delusions.?

your name
gives me an Adreneal rush in anticipation of wining debate against the evil called GOD.

Please.....be my quest.
This is why we are here..is it not?
Do you understand what evil is?
I ask this because you mistakenly attribute this purely human act to God. Or is it that you still have no intelligent idea as
to who or what God is?

SO how are U these days, Did U had any new enlightnments ?

I am fine, thank you very much, and all the better for you asking. I hope you are well.

I kinda like U like a pet perahaps.

What a nice compliment.

Now, Dont get me worng. I have a lot of respect for U as U stand in favour of the Just, the Right, the Good, the Truth, the Holy except Equality.

In some far out way, I believe you do.
There's alot to be said about reading between the lines.
We can start where we left off, or we can open up something new.

leopold99 said:
have you ever heard of cosmic rays?
do you know what they do to genetic material?
with those two facts in mind, tell me how evolution cannot occure

In order to answer you must explain how it impacts.

You link is ineffective.

Jan Ardena said:
... Anomalous,

Do you understand what evil is?

Evil is something that makes one unproductive, something that made me here in SciForms as I missed U gone from here. For U r so beautiful within but I was ignoring that fact.

I ask this because you mistakenly attribute this purely human act to God. Or is it that you still have no intelligent idea as to who or what God is?
Yes, I have a very good idea about what the GOD is. GOD is everything that makes things the positive way increasing ones productivity and contributions. Your effective presence is already transforming me, U r a saint, but I dont know why my heart is fluttering at your thoughts, may be its love, may be a mistake.

I am fine, thank you very much, and all the better for you asking. I hope you are well.
Glad to know that.

What a nice compliment.
That was a mistake, as I am used to look at humans that way. so Sorry I was just tryina get your attention as I thought U will ignore me due to my past harsh experiences towards U.

In some far out way, I believe you do.
There's alot to be said about reading between the lines.
We can start where we left off, or we can open up something new.
Yes we can start off a new relationship for U r so clearly present in my heart for so long even though I had been through big battels in my personal life.

Life with U should be a devine experience.
Jan Ardena:

I think you’re playing silly-beggars here. As an organism begins its (so-called) evolutionary journey (changing from one thing to an entirely different thing), either through long or short strands of time, there must be an increase in genetic information.

How would that be measured? Number of base pairs in the DNA? Or some other way? Please specify?

The increase must be favourable so that the organism functions through its journey, hence quality and quantity.

But what is favourable in one environment may be unfavourable in another. Correct?

What genes do you have that differ from your parents?

It's impossible to say, without sequencing my entire genome. Any changes between my genes and those of my parents are likely to be very small, random changes. That's how evolution works.

E.g., From vertebrates to fish.

Fish are vertebrates.

What more evidence do you need hun ?
Stop attacking My Jan Ardena like a wolf pack, U all have failed to provide what she asked U for, a proof.

Jan Ardena said:
My questions;

Why is macro evolution (changeing of one type of organism to a completely different type) a scientific fact (something that is known to occur).

What/where is the scientific evidence that supports this claim?


So here it Jan dear. The proof of Macro Evolution by real human exprementations. http://www.kc.net/~wolf2dog/wayne2.htm

dont forget to zoom above links images.


Evil is something that makes one unproductive...

In what way?

...something that made me here in SciForms as I missed U gone from here.

You obviously wasn't looking as I have always been here since our last discourse.

For U r so beautiful within but I was ignoring that fact.

What makes you say that?

Yes, I have a very good idea about what the GOD is. GOD is everything that makes things the positive way increasing ones productivity and contributions.

Do you believe God is the Supreme Cause of everything we experience?

Your effective presence is already transforming me, U r a saint, but I dont know why my heart is fluttering at your thoughts, may be its love, may be a mistake.

Pull yourself together man.

That was a mistake, as I am used to look at humans that way.

You always did claim to be "not" human.
What are you, if not human and wherefrom do you originate??

Do you believe the theory of evolution to be the reason for the diversity of creatures we see on earth today?

Sorry I was just tryina get your attention as I thought U will ignore me due to my past harsh experiences towards U.

Why the sudden change of attitude?

...even though I had been through big battels in my personal life.

What battles?


James R,

How would that be measured? Number of base pairs in the DNA?

Read my recent response to Ophi-pooh, that should give some idea.

Or some other way? Please specify?

What's with the questions James?
You know what I'm asking.
It is taught in every medium that we decended from this who decended from that, so on and so forth. I simply wish to know where is the scientific evidence that renders this a scientific fact, to the point that nothing else can compete. Why don't you just cough-up? Don't worry whether or not I will understand, as I am not the only one who will be reading it.

Jan Ardena said:

In what way?

Something like pollution or something like damaging the fine balance that human society is based and succeded on, ie. religion. Destroy the religion and U turn humans into demons.

You obviously wasn't looking as I have always been here since our last discourse.
May be U r right, may be god punished me for what I did to U 1.5 years ago.

What makes you say that?
Nothing, its a feeling or a belief to be precise. Its what drives U to debate and take on the entire sciforums wolfpack biteing U from all sides without a budge from your stance, some call it stubornness, as I see it, U have a good reason behind it for sure.

Do you believe God is the Supreme Cause of everything we experience?
Its quite possible because we will never know how everything begun.

Pull yourself together man.
Thats possible , very possible if I want to, but I dont.

You always did claim to be "not" human.
What are you, if not human and wherefrom do you originate??
From MacroEvolution.

Just kidding, I think in todays world there two species of humans
1) Religious
2) Scientific

I am the third one by not taking anyone side.

Do you believe the theory of evolution to be the reason for the diversity of creatures we see on earth today?
Now thats a tricky question for some one like me. Heres what I have to say, ready carefully.

IF I were GOD and wanted to create the world instantly, then being GOD I would create the world along with the fossils that this thread is batteling with. So basically if god creates everything then that should include all the scientific theories too.

Why the sudden change of attitude?
Its becuase of U.

May be because of my battel of loosing my near and dear ones, after which I realized the true value of life is to support for what others value; like U value GOD. So I have learnt now that its not a good idea to hurt anyone based on their beliefs; everyone is free to believe and do what they want as long as it does not infrenge on others freedom. And also not to pull them into debate from other threads by hurting their ego.

What battles?
the egoistic battel where I argue just to prove that I am better, to prove my superioirty by supressing what others feel important and spreading unhappiness in the process. Hence now I am focused on happiness of mine and more than mine of others as thats the secret of true happiness.

Something like pollution or something like damaging the fine balance that human society is based and succeded on, ie. religion. Destroy the religion and U turn humans into demons.

That, I must say, is a very deep answer, it goes to the very heart of the whole concept of evil, as opposed to the superficial, yet accurate, definitions commonly cited. Admitedly it did not directly answer my question, but the answer lies therein.
You don't come across as "religious" person in the ordinary sense of the word, yet you regard religion as one example as a fundamental, necessary requirement, of human beings.
Why/How have you come to that conclusion?

May be U r right, may be god punished me for what I did to U 1.5 years ago.

I'm not entirely sure what you did to me 1.5 years ago, but it could not have been anything bad as I did not recieve any damage during that time.
If you do something to someone, then it can only be, wholly, qualified when the recipient feels the consequence of the action, I would have thought.
Do you feel better as a result of your "punishnment"?

Nothing, its a feeling or a belief to be precise. Its what drives U to debate and take on the entire sciforums wolfpack biteing U from all sides without a budge from your stance, some call it stubornness, as I see it, U have a good reason behind it for sure.

The reason is that I really do want an explanation.
The "biting" as you call it, reveals a sense of desparation within the offenders, a sense of defending their patch. I get the feeling that these (sometimes violent) outbursts are gradually progressing, and will become a part of human society, eventually engulfing it.
In reality, I cannot be affected by their onslaught, because I know it is not directly aimed at me. How could it be? It is aimed at anyone who disagrees or dares to question their ideas and ideals, it is, or has become, their natural reaction.

Its quite possible because we will never know how everything begun.

That's completely fair enough, and also the purpose of religion.

Thats possible , very possible if I want to, but I dont.

I should inform you that I am a male not a female. Ordinarily it doesn't matter how people view me, but I do draw the line at males becoming romantically interested in me. I hope this revelation has no effect on our future discussions, as I find your position very interesting.
The name Jan Ardena comes from a name of God, Jannardana.

From MacroEvolution.

Just kidding, I think in todays world there two species of humans
1) Religious
2) Scientific

Is this situation the result of purely natural forces, or the result of design in your opinion?

I am the third one by not taking anyone side.

Then where do you reside in the subject matter?

Now thats a tricky question for some one like me. Heres what I have to say, ready carefully.

IF I were GOD and wanted to create the world instantly, then being GOD I would create the world along with the fossils that this thread is batteling with. So basically if god creates everything then that should include all the scientific theories too.

That's an interesting point. Why would you (as God) do that? Especially as fossilisation takes place naturally anyway, and man has the ability to seek knowledge outside his animalistic nature. It would be like predetermining your offsprings moves and leading them to believe they are doing it by their own merit. What would be the point of that?

May be because of my battel of loosing my near and dear ones, after which I realized the true value of life is to support for what others value;

That is a harsh reality, in (human) life, to lose nears and dears, it can cut you like a knife.
I hope you have come to terms with it.

So I have learnt now that its not a good idea to hurt anyone based on their beliefs; everyone is free to believe and do what they want as long as it does not infrenge on others freedom.

This is indeed a good philosophy, IMO.

And also not to pull them into debate from other threads by hurting their ego.

If you are referring to mountainhare?
He cannot hurt my ego, only my false ego, (the person that I think I am) if I let him. There is alot to learn from his and others hostility.

...the egoistic battel where I argue just to prove that I am better, to prove my superioirty by supressing what others feel important and spreading unhappiness in the process. Hence now I am focused on happiness of mine and more than mine of others as thats the secret of true happiness.

Good for you. ;)

Jan Ardena:

It is taught in every medium that we decended from this who decended from that, so on and so forth. I simply wish to know where is the scientific evidence that renders this a scientific fact, to the point that nothing else can compete.

Briefly, here's some of the evidence I can think of:

1. Genetic evidence, such as the similarity among all living organisms on Earth, with greater similarity between direct descendants.
2. Morphological evidence, such as the fact that close descendants have very similar bodily structures.
3. Fossil evidence, in that clear lines of descent can be traced through the fossil record.
4. Direct laboratory observation of speciation in bacteria and other organisms.
5. Direct observation of the effects of "artificial selection" on organisms.

The list goes on and on. I am not a biologist, but if I spent half and hour I'm sure I could quickly expand this list to 20 or more items.
The reason is that I really do want an explanation.
Liar. You DON'T want an explaination. You already think that you have the explaination... GODDIDIT! If you wanted an explaination, you would clarify your position, actually read the posts and articles provided, and contribute some thoughtful feedback. You have done nothing of the sort.

You have also failed to answer my very simple questions in the thread I made for you, Jan.


1. What do you believe constitutes as a 'fact'?

2. What evidence do you require to convince you that 'macroevolution' (ergo. common descent) is a fact?

3. What mechanism prevents small genetic changes ('microevolution') from accumulating to produce 'macroevolution' (a large change)?
No vague answers, Jan. What specific evidence would convince you that common descent + macroevolution, is, at the very worst, the best explaination for the diversity of species?

The fact that you refuse to give a specific and coherent answer points to only one simple conclusion. And that is, you aren't interested in honest debate, or finding the truth. You are merely interested in poking holes in the 'demonic' theory of evolution.

Once again:

1. What do you believe constitutes as a 'fact'?

2. What evidence do you require to convince you that 'macroevolution' (ergo. common descent) is a fact?

3. What mechanism prevents small genetic changes ('microevolution') from accumulating to produce 'macroevolution' (a large change)?
It is impossible to have a discussion regarding the evidence for evolution, if you refuse to give examples of what you would find convincing evidence of common descent.
What do you have to say and how do you scientifically explain endogenous retrogene insertions without evolution by common descent?

Endogenous retroviral insertions are arguably the best example of molecular sequence evidence for universal common descent. Endogenous retrogene insertions are molecular remnants of a past parasitic viral infection. Occasionally, copies of a retrovirus genome are found in its host's genome, and these retroviral gene copies are called endogenous retroviral sequences. Retroviruses, like HIV, make a DNA copy of their own viral genome and insert it into their host's genome. If this happens to a germ line cell (i.e. the sperm or egg cells) the retroviral DNA will be inherited by descendants of the host. This process is rare and fairly random, so finding retrogenes in identical chromosomal positions of two different species indicates common ancestry.

There are at least seven different known instances of common retrogene insertions between chimps and humans, indicating common ancestry. I'll say it again, the same insertion occurs at the same DNA marker in two totally different species at a rate that is far far greater than chance. There are numerous know examples across other species as well.

What do you have to say about the biochemical similarity of all life on earth, and how do you scientifically explain this without evolution?

The only organic polymers used in biological processes are polynucleotides, polysaccharides and polypeptides - chemists have mades hundreds, if not thousands of additional organic polymers, but only these three contribute to biological life as we know it.

In addition, all the proteins, DNA and RNA in every organism known to man use the same chirality (twist), so for example out 16 different possible isomers of RNA, all organisms use one and only one, and they all use the same one.

There are something like 300 (forget the exact number) naturally occuring amino acids in nature. Only 22 acids are used in life as we know it, and all organisms use the same 22 acids to build proteins and carry out biological processes.

All of this points to a, as in ONE, common ancestor to ALL life on earth. The fact that no known organisms differ from this fundamental scheme when countless other schemes could work equally well should smack anyone who examines it in the face. If evolution were NOT true the odds that ALL organisms would use the same biochemical schemes is utterly astronomical.

Oh, and another example, all organisms use the same 4 nucleotides to build DNA - out of something like 100 naturally occuring nucleotides.

Oh, and all life on earth derives metabolic processes from ATP, plenty of other natural compounds would have worked equally well.

The biochemical evidence for evolution is some of the strongest evidence for evolution we have.

What do you have to say about the hominid fossil record? Do you still think there are no fossilized “missing links” now?

We should expect related species to look similar.

What do you have to say about these observed speciation events?

Salamanders and Songbirds

More details on the salamanders, with additional links

London mosquitos

Another article on Himalayan song birds

Speciation by reinforcement

Lots of examples here

More examples

Speciation models

Links on examples and models

More on the London mosquitos

Ringed-speciation model and examples, plus links

In Drosophila (fruit flies)
Jan Ardena said:
you regard religion as one example as a fundamental, necessary requirement, of human beings.
Why/How have you come to that conclusion?

Because I have been denying the truth, the truth that I have instincts to pray god in the times of helplessness, and that actually was hurting my ego, which in trun used to provoke me to bashout at religious people. But over last year now I have learnt to control my instincts, instincts to lashout and instincts to pray god. Now that I dont pray god or even remember it, I dont have to think about how unjust god and his universe is. Above all it will be really stupid to hurt people in name of god who could actually been greate friends. The loneliness is a killing/teaching experience.

Thats why I am no longer in religion forums batteling the crusade I had taken to destroy GOD. Instead I have begun a crusade against all wrong dids of humans with or without GOD; I mean it can help me if it wants to, I dont care.

I'm not entirely sure what you did to me 1.5 years ago, but it could not have been anything bad as I did not recieve any damage during that time.
Good, thanks.

If you do something to someone, then it can only be, wholly, qualified when the recipient feels the consequence of the action, I would have thought.
I would disagree with U on that. Hope U seen Matrix the movie. No one in that world knew that they been used, but they were all slaves in the matrix, so U see ....

Do you feel better as a result of your "punishnment"?
I feel sorrow like no one can imagine without being there, so no way I can feel better about it but yes I did learn a lot about life.

The reason is that I really do want an explanation.
The "biting" as you call it, reveals a sense of desparation within the offenders, a sense of defending their patch. I get the feeling that these (sometimes violent) outbursts are gradually progressing, and will become a part of human society, eventually engulfing it.
In reality, I cannot be affected by their onslaught, because I know it is not directly aimed at me. How could it be? It is aimed at anyone who disagrees or dares to question their ideas and ideals, it is, or has become, their natural reaction.
Sounds like the priest of christianity who used to brun people alive for questioning whats there in the bible. The bibles have changed but people have the same genes yet.

That's completely fair enough, and also the purpose of religion.
But I believe its an outdated approach which actually leads to clashes in Religion forums, its only a matter of time when the number of Atheist rise and we get to see another Hitler. May be thats where I should keep an focus after being aware of it.

I should inform you that I am a male not a female. Ordinarily it doesn't matter how people view me, but I do draw the line at males becoming romantically interested in me. I hope this revelation has no effect on our future discussions, as I find your position very interesting.
The name Jan Ardena comes from a name of God, Jannardana.
Thats not fair. Now how will I get my Adreneal rush.

Is this situation the result of purely natural forces, or the result of design in your opinion?
What are the origins of natural forces. I am too small to comment if it were a devine design, no idea why would god do something like that. But I do believe in freewill. But U must also keep in mind that all that U remember can be instantly created by someone like GOD. So U will never know if the world was created before U were born or just before a second with all the memories with it, its should also be possible for GOD to change everything without our notice by changing everybodys memory.

Then where do you reside in the subject matter?
I am still a rationalist, thats the difference between me and humans, I never rule out any possibilities and thats includes me being wrong everytime I claim something; that in turn gives me an edge over egoManiacs.

That's an interesting point. Why would you (as God) do that? Especially as fossilisation takes place naturally anyway, and man has the ability to seek knowledge outside his animalistic nature.
The natural ways U r talking about are brought about by random set of events which may be controlled by god at its will. So all the mutations , micro or macro evolution can be controlled by GOD in theory.

It would be like predetermining your offsprings moves and leading them to believe they are doing it by their own merit. What would be the point of that?
U say this because U want to believe in fixed future where everything is predetermined, but if thats true then we dont have any freewill and GOD will miss his point in creation of humans.

That is a harsh reality, in (human) life, to lose nears and dears, it can cut you like a knife. I hope you have come to terms with it.
It has changed all of my lifes priorities. I am doing things that I never thought I will do.

- The Anomaly (similar to the Matrix one).
But I believe its an outdated approach which actually leads to clashes in Religion forums, its only a matter of time when the number of Atheist rise and we get to see another Hitler.

What reason does an atheist have in the 21st century to go on a mass murder killing spree, resulting in another world war?

It seems the 21st century, like any other century, will be dominated by violence stemming from religion.
KennyJC said:
What reason does an atheist have in the 21st century to go on a mass murder killing spree, resulting in another world war?

The reason is called Greed. Remember he words "They are a threat to our way of life" that just a preview of things to come. Dont forget who are gona die the most, those who are not so greedy are the religious people with no technology, the high tech against the religious has already begun in name of terrorism. What else can thoes poor religious people do when U bomb them far from above planes ?

It seems the 21st century, like any other century, will be dominated by violence stemming from religion.

Nope, its stemming from Bulling the weak by the powerful, less of religious activities more of technology so more the capability to kill religious non greedy people. That will be the view that will go down history as seen by future generations who will have no issues left of it, i.e. if there remain any humans after 21st century.