Not when born with an open cranium, or living in a vegetative state, or any of countless other ways that life is made conditional, that contemplation is made conditional, based upon a complex set of random processes.
If you posit that one bodily life is all there is to a person, then you indeed end up with such problems ...
But since you are the one claiming
The evident purpose is survival. To say otherwise is to overrule the evidence.
you need to explain how this
The evident purpose is survival. To say otherwise is to overrule the evidence.
goes hand in hand with evidence like
born with an open cranium, or living in a vegetative state, or any of countless other ways that life is made conditional
If the evident purpose is survival, then why
- is quite a percentage of living beings spontaneously aborted,
- the majority of living beings that were born, die before they reach sexual maturity,
- is a considerable percentage of living beings born with severely deformed bodies or other life-threatening complications,
- are they subject to aging, illness and death
- ?