Evolution is wack;God is the only way that makes sense!

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@ Aqueous,
They exist no where on earth except on the Galapagos islands. You also know they came into existence after the volcanoes rose out of the sea floor and created the islands. You know that birds were flourishing on the mainland at the time the volcanoes were erupting.
I just noticed this in your post.
You say that the birds only exists on the islands and no where else and then immediately say that they were flourishing on the mainland at the time the volcano's were erupting.
Why should I not consider the above a serious contradiction or in the least a very badly worded question.
Maybe you shoud be asking why are the birds not found on the mainland any more? instead...
either way migration is the only solution...
@ Aqueous,

I just noticed this in your post.
You say that the birds only exists on the islands and no where else and then immediately say that they were flourishing on the mainland at the time the volcano's were erupting.
Why should I not consider the above a serious contradiction or in the least a very badly worded question.
Maybe you shoud be asking why are the birds not found on the mainland any more? instead...
either way migration is the only solution...

Not a poorly-worded question, merely a poorly read question. He does not say the birds were flourishing on the mainland, he simply says that birds were flourishing on the mainland.

You don't find it implausible to suggest that 13 species of finch up and disappeared from the mainland only to reappear at Galapagos? You're either suggesting that they all migrated there, or that some did and the rest died out on the mainland. You seriously find this easier to believe than the idea that the Galapagos finches were not evolved on the island?
Who said they evolved "from scratch"? :bugeye:
so if they didn't evolve from scratch I suppose you think God put them there yes?
Me ...I reckon they migrated there.. simple... but if you want to go with a God put them there then fine....:cool::rolleyes:
eh only kidding...
if they didn't evolve from scratch then they must have migrated... simple... 9 - 90 million years only is the time frame remember that...
Not a poorly-worded question, merely a poorly read question. He does not say the birds were flourishing on the mainland, he simply says that birds were flourishing on the mainland.

You don't find it implausible to suggest that 13 species of finch up and disappeared from the mainland only to reappear at Galapagos? You're either suggesting that they all migrated there, or that some did and the rest died out on the mainland. You seriously find this easier to believe than the idea that the Galapagos finches were not evolved on the island?
could you rephrase your questions in a way that allows a proper answer please , and I may bother to respond.
You are right by the way, the question was poorly phrased...
uhmm... what do you think my position is on this question?

you know....... the ...... question!!!!
If you can't answer, just say so. There was nothing wrong with the grammar of my questions.
what questions are you tallking about... or do you mean the statements with a question mark after them....

You don't find it implausible to suggest that 13 species of finch up and disappeared from the mainland only to reappear at Galapagos
You're either suggesting that they all migrated there, or that some did and the rest died out on the mainland
You seriously find this easier to believe than the idea that the Galapagos finches were not evolved on the island

maybe your into hypnosis or something,.... well you are no good at it, do try again...
You have been reading Alphanumerics posts too much...exact same technique...
or iis it the work of that skeptic magician guy ...watts is name... down over dat Jefferies place, the name starts with R and uz normally sees it in animals rutting....
oops.. Ifogot the ?
you are getting sleepy?
Your eyes want to close?
You know your a dog?
You want to speak?
Bark Belerion Bark?
"....and the audience all applaud and laugh at Balerion, as his lordship gets down on his hands and knees and starts barking like a dog... bow wow bow wow." Then suddenly he remembers he is not a dog but a dragon instead and turns his mocking audience in to carbon dust with the firey breath of his humiliation. - excerpt : a DOGOD called Balerion

The technique is way too obvious.. but no doubt you will try again as you have to...

"Hey Mommy, I just reached 11,000 posts thanks to Balerion, can I go now?"
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so if they didn't evolve from scratch I suppose you think God put them there yes?
Me ...I reckon they migrated there.. simple... but if you want to go with a God put them there then fine....:cool::rolleyes:
eh only kidding...
if they didn't evolve from scratch then they must have migrated... simple... 9 - 90 million years only is the time frame remember that...
Are you normally this dense or do you have to work at it? :bugeye:
what questions are you tallking about... or do you mean the statements with a question mark after them....

maybe your into hypnosis or something,.... well you are no good at it, do try again...
You have been reading Alphanumerics posts too much...exact same technique...
or iis it the work of that skeptic magician guy ...watts is name... down over dat Jefferies place, the name starts with R and uz normally sees it in animals rutting....
oops.. Ifogot the ?

Let it be known that Quantum Quack was too dishonest to answer the questions posed to him.

(I have to admit, I didn't think it would be this easy to stump you. This might be the first time a loon has disappointed me here at Sciforums. Wow. Touche, universe)
Is 8 million to 90 million years long enough to evolve according to the theory of evolution an entire family of flora and fauna to the state they evolved to? [from scratch?]
They didn't evolve "from scratch". They evolved from the birds that migrated from the mainland. The birds that stayed on the mainland evolved differently, which is why they are different species. It's a pretty simple example of evolution. It doesn't need any voodoo added to it.
They didn't evolve "from scratch". They evolved from the birds that migrated from the mainland. The birds that stayed on the mainland evolved differently, which is why they are different species. It's a pretty simple example of evolution. It doesn't need any voodoo added to it.

well of course , that is what I am saying.... they migrated unless you wish to think that they evolved from scratch..., which is OF COURSE an absurd propostion given the time limitations.
Let it be known that Quantum Quack was too dishonest to answer the questions posed to him.

(I have to admit, I didn't think it would be this easy to stump you. This might be the first time a loon has disappointed me here at Sciforums. Wow. Touche, universe)
Well I figure it this way Balerion, If you aren't prepared to write you questions in an appropriate manner then I am not prepared to take your desire for me to answer them seriously.
When you are begging for someone to answer you it pays to put the question in the right way so that you may get what you are begging for.
And I note the use of the word "Dishonesty"... are you sure you haven't got Alphanumeric jerkin' your gerkin'?
@ Aqueous,

I just noticed this in your post.
You say that the birds only exists on the islands and no where else and then immediately say that they were flourishing on the mainland at the time the volcano's were erupting.
Why should I not consider the above a serious contradiction or in the least a very badly worded question.
Maybe you shoud be asking why are the birds not found on the mainland any more? instead...
either way migration is the only solution...

You still misunderstand the question. I posed it in my earlier post.

Can you answer it?
You still misunderstand the question. I posed it in my earlier post.

Can you answer it?
uhmmm... natural selction is a well accepted theory that may be used to explain the diversity of the birds but not their existance in itself.

You asked a mixed up question.
Please explain in your own words how these birds came into existence
You did not ask how did their apparent diversity come in to existance.

You have specified that the population is unique on an newly formed island
the obvious answer is that they migrated to that island.
You wished me to explain the rational... I did..
As to their apparent evolved diversity... that is another question which you failed to ask.

a question that appears to be adequately resolved already by Darwinistic thought. I might add..

The way you could possibly have asked the question to get an appropriate repsonse would be to state it in a way that required the issue of diveristy within the group to be explained. Not just merely their existance.
I have explained their existance on the islands is due to migration . done!
Have I explained their diversity...Nope! I don't need to as Darwin did a pretty good job IMO.

If you don't like the result of your test maybe you should try to be a bit more careful with the way you put the test.
How ever regardless of balerion type BS you guys have pointed me to a very intriguing issue that is going to upset the lot of you once it is formalised. Regarding the other unique features of the island group and it's flauna and flora
I gotta thank you all for your kind inadvertant direction.

At the moment though the name of the game is called "Humiliation" and not "Evolution" and well I am up for it if you are...
There are HUGE and pretty obvious limitations to the current model of evolution. Until you work those out your conflict with religious thought is going to be constant.

So head down, bum on seat and get to it.... [ one of the benefits of religous fundamentalism is that it pushes scientist into working harder to justify their position.]
uhmmm... natural selction is a well accepted theory that may be used to explain the diversity of the birds but not their existance in itself.
I don't understand your reluctance to answer the question. How did these birds come into existence on the Galapagos?
You asked a mixed up question. You did not ask how did their apparent diversity come in to existance.
I merely asked how they came into existence. Why not just give it a go?

You have specified that the population is unique on an newly formed island
the obvious answer is that they migrated to that island.
Again, I am asking you how 12 species came to inhabit the Galapagos, and nowhere else on earth.

You wished me to explain the rational... I did..
You still have not answered.

As to their apparent evolved diversity... that is another question which you failed to ask.
I did not ask you to assume anything but the evidence.

a question that appears to be adequately resolved already by Darwinistic thought. I might add..

The way you could possibly have asked the question to get an appropriate repsonse would be to state it in a way that required the issue of diveristy within the group to be explained. Not just merely their existance.
I have explained their existance on the islands is due to migration . done!

No, from your following statement you have not answered:

Have I explained their diversity...Nope! I don't need to as Darwin did a pretty good job IMO.
All I asked you was how a dozen species came to inhabit these islands, and no where else in the world. You still have not answered, since you are differentiating the diversity from the fact of their existence.
If you don't like the result of your test maybe you should try to be a bit more careful with the way you put the test.
I am repeatedly asking the question only because you repeatedly demonstrate that you have not understood it.

Care to give it a shot?

How did a dozen species (commonly called finches) come to inhabit the Galapagos, and nowhere else in the world, given that the islands came into existence millions of years after birds were flourishing on the mainland?
I don't understand your reluctance to answer the question. How did these birds come into existence on the Galapagos?

I merely asked how they came into existence. Why not just give it a go?
last time:
currently I am more concerned about historical Earthquake trends...and what that may mean to your Finches continuing to exist...
news report this morning:
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