Evolution is wack;God is the only way that makes sense!

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Registered Senior Member
You guys say trying to fit the idea of God doesn’t really work out? Are you kidding me?

And trying to fit an idea of everything just happened from nothing works out?

If you really think our body, brain, internal organs, nature, animals, insects, scientific laws and so on is not the evidence of an intelligent design then you’re not an engineer.

Only reason why scientists don’t believe in creation is because most of religious creationists believe and teach literal 24 hours a day 6 day creation 6000 years ago.*

If they just come to sense that bibles ‘6 day’ creation is actually 4.5billion BC – 6000 BC divided into 6 phases, there will be a lot more scientist backing creation because everything in nature is just phenomenal.*

Scientists have tried for years to create life out of nothing but failed.
What makes you think if technology advances further that you can actually create life out of nothing?

And If we’re talking about biology why would you need technology to do that?*

It’s either you can or can’t.

Do you really believe this beautiful planet earth, that includes nature, eco system,* law of physics, gravity,* even wavelength so you can enjoy wireless and on and on and on just came out nowhere after some asteroid collision?

Then where did that asteroid come from? [I have this covered. Where did God come from? Of course. No need to state the obvious. Thanks. =D]

You’ll probably say “well the study is still going on and we haven’t found an answer yet”.

You can say that all you want but unless you put God into that equation it’s just an absurd non-sense and they’ll never find that answer.*

It takes bigger leap of faith NOT to believe in God.*

Do you think other scientists, physicist, chemists, biologists whose way way way* more smarter than you and more educated, also doctors, engineers, even the president of U.S believe in God and creation because they’ve never heard of some hominid fossils and seen other ‘supposed’ evidence presented by evolutionists?

If human evolution is true, why do humans have freewill but chimps dont?* Why do humans have morals and conscience but they don’t?* Why do humans emphasize so much in meaning of life but animals can’t?* Why are humans profoundly distressed by death? Where is scientific answer to that?

These are the things science can't answer but bible can.

But you know what?* It’s your life and you can believe in whatever you want.* That’s whats great about being human, that we have freewill unlike animals with instinct.
Some religious nutter said:
Scientists have tried for years to create life out of nothing but failed.
Who told you that? Was it a religious fundamentalist?
If human evolution is true, why do humans have freewill but chimps dont?
How do you know chimps or any other animals don't have free will? Where did you get this idea from?
Why do humans have morals and conscience but they don’t?
Again, how do you know chimps don't have morals? Certainly they don't have human morals, but then chimps don't have the complex social structure we do. Are you saying chimps are incapable of valuing each other, or for that matter, valuing anything?
Why do humans emphasize so much in meaning of life but animals can’t?
Why do humans have bigger brains that give them the capacity to value and even consider the meaning of their lives? Why don't chimps write books about philosophy? Is it because they have no need to?
Why are humans profoundly distressed by death?
Surely you don't think humans are the only animals distressed by the death of others in their group (that is, social group, family, etc)? Why are humans distressed by the death of their pets? Why do elephants appear to mourn the death of a member of the herd? Why do chimp mothers mourn the death of an infant, sometimes for days or weeks, carrying the dead infant around as if nursing it?

Why do religious nutters ignore well-known facts about animal behaviour, and why do they think humans are somehow "beyond" animals? We are, of course, animals. Mammals in fact, like a lot of other mammals we are warm-blooded, give birth to live offspring and have very similar body plans. Chimps and elephants are also mammals.

Just because we can think better, and are better at using tools doesn't mean we're better animals. We might be really bad animals--hence the need to invent a God to give us some sort of cart-blanche and a reason to think we're "special".

I personally have no need to invent a God, because that's what I am--God. So are you, even if you don't believe it.
:crazy: You see! This is why I think we should move the Religion forum in with UFO sightings or pseudoscience.
Who told you that? Was it a religious fundamentalist? How do you know chimps or any other animals don't have free will? Where did you get this idea from?Again, how do you know chimps don't have morals? Certainly they don't have human morals, but then chimps don't have the complex social structure we do. Are you saying chimps are incapable of valuing each other, or for that matter, valuing anything?Why do humans have bigger brains that give them the capacity to value and even consider the meaning of their lives? Why don't chimps write books about philosophy? Is it because they have no need to?Surely you don't think humans are the only animals distressed by the death of others in their group (that is, social group, family, etc)? Why are humans distressed by the death of their pets? Why do elephants appear to mourn the death of a member of the herd? Why do chimp mothers mourn the death of an infant, sometimes for days or weeks, carrying the dead infant around as if nursing it?

Why do religious nutters ignore well-known facts about animal behaviour, and why do they think humans are somehow "beyond" animals? We are, of course, animals. Mammals in fact, like a lot of other mammals we are warm-blooded, give birth to live offspring and have very similar body plans. Chimps and elephants are also mammals.

It's true. Sorry, arfa brane...

He's right.

Chimps don't have morals...

Observed behavior of chimps include:
-Payment for sex - Prostitution.
-Deception and trickery- pointing to a distant food stash and when the other chimps go to investigate, stealing their food stash
-Theft. Obviously...
-They engage in oral sex.
-They engage in homosexual sex <gasp>
-Chimp tribes observed to go to battle with other troops
-trading shiny non edible things for food (Or sex, above. Perverts!)

This proves chimps need God!

ETA: Curiosity factor: What's with all the asterisks throughout the O.P.?
I'm aware that all animals have asterisks, but uncertain what they mean in that post...
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The design of the human body is not especially intelligently thought out. Our resporatory systems seem to be 'designed' to work best in a horizontal position. Then there's the appendix. And the little toe.

What would make you think that the human body was actually planned out?
Why don't you think we are the product of intelligent design?


Do you?

Yes, I know you don't care to read that all... your mind's made up. But for the benefit of other readers and Google Hits on this thread...
Intelligent Design fails on so many fronts it's amazing anyone ever took it seriously. Creationism, at least, makes sense. God did it. Simple- concise and to the point.
I.D., however, raises far more questions than it answers. An intelligent designer taking such extraordinary lengths of time?
Cross speciation?
Glaring flaws in "design?"
And that's just an overview... taking it to the Genetic level makes I.D. look like Noahs Ark.
The design of the human body is not especially intelligently thought out. Our resporatory systems seem to be 'designed' to work best in a horizontal position. Then there's the appendix. And the little toe.

What would make you think that the human body was actually planned out?

Thanks for your opinion.



I.D., however, raises far more questions than it answers. An intelligent designer taking such extraordinary lengths of time?
Cross speciation?
Glaring flaws in "design?"
And that's just an overview... taking it to the Genetic level makes I.D. look like Noahs Ark.

So it's just you're opinion?
I thought there may be something a little more scientific.

As you were.


What is going on in your life?
How's your dad, and the whole family situation in your home?
The design of the human body is not especially intelligently thought out. Our resporatory systems seem to be 'designed' to work best in a horizontal position. Then there's the appendix. And the little toe.

What would make you think that the human body was actually planned out?

I'll throw in: It looks designed, it acts like it has some kind of a purpose.
Most thing that have a function, and look designed, usually are designed, in my experience.

We would go crazy if we wouldn't think we are somehow designed and with a purpose.

True chaotism = instant madness.
I'll throw in: It looks designed, it acts like it has some kind of a purpose.
Most thing that have a function, and look designed, usually are designed, in my experience.


So it's just you're opinion?
I thought there may be something a little more scientific.
We would go crazy if we wouldn't think we are somehow designed and with a purpose.

True chaotism = instant madness.

So that's the cause! And here I thought it was just me...

If Intelligent Design is correct, then the fossil record should demonstrate no speciation.

If intelligent Design is correct, should there be extinctions? Why would an intelligent designer design a creature that could not survive it's environment or changes to its environment?
A typical species becomes extinct within 10 million years of its first appearance,[3] although some species, called living fossils, survive virtually unchanged for hundreds of millions of years. Most extinctions have occurred naturally, prior to Homo sapiens walking on Earth: it is estimated that 99.9% of all species that have ever existed are now extinct.[3][4]


If Intelligent design is correct, we should not be able to trace lineage back through the fossil record.


If Intelligent Design is correct, why do we have genetic similarity throughout our family tree?

If Intelligent Design is correct, why are we so poorly designed? Could it be Unintelligent Design?

If Intelligent Design is correct, we should see no Extremophiles, in strange places such as high in the stratosphere, deep within the Earth or oceans.

If intelligent design is correct, why are the species so diverse and genetically traceable through the fossil record? Rather than all those extinctions, shouldn't a few basic designs have sufficed?

If intelligent design is correct, why are the earliest fossil so simplistic in design?

And why have some survived to this day when the vast majority of these creatures succumbed to death?

Please address each of these statements and questions at your earliest convenience...
Once we've covered this basics we can move on to the Good Stuff.
Genetics and Mitochondria.
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Evolution is an Art

God has the perfect answer to all our mysteries. Evolution is just an art of His creation i presume!

You guys say trying to fit the idea of God doesn’t really work out? Are you kidding me?

And trying to fit an idea of everything just happened from nothing works out?

If you really think our body, brain, internal organs, nature, animals, insects, scientific laws and so on is not the evidence of an intelligent design then you’re not an engineer.

Only reason why scientists don’t believe in creation is because most of religious creationists believe and teach literal 24 hours a day 6 day creation 6000 years ago.*

If they just come to sense that bibles ‘6 day’ creation is actually 4.5billion BC – 6000 BC divided into 6 phases, there will be a lot more scientist backing creation because everything in nature is just phenomenal.*

Scientists have tried for years to create life out of nothing but failed.
What makes you think if technology advances further that you can actually create life out of nothing?

And If we’re talking about biology why would you need technology to do that?*

It’s either you can or can’t.

Do you really believe this beautiful planet earth, that includes nature, eco system,* law of physics, gravity,* even wavelength so you can enjoy wireless and on and on and on just came out nowhere after some asteroid collision?

Then where did that asteroid come from? [I have this covered. Where did God come from? Of course. No need to state the obvious. Thanks. =D]

You’ll probably say “well the study is still going on and we haven’t found an answer yet”.

You can say that all you want but unless you put God into that equation it’s just an absurd non-sense and they’ll never find that answer.*

It takes bigger leap of faith NOT to believe in God.*

Do you think other scientists, physicist, chemists, biologists whose way way way* more smarter than you and more educated, also doctors, engineers, even the president of U.S believe in God and creation because they’ve never heard of some hominid fossils and seen other ‘supposed’ evidence presented by evolutionists?

If human evolution is true, why do humans have freewill but chimps dont?* Why do humans have morals and conscience but they don’t?* Why do humans emphasize so much in meaning of life but animals can’t?* Why are humans profoundly distressed by death? Where is scientific answer to that?

These are the things science can't answer but bible can.

But you know what?* It’s your life and you can believe in whatever you want.* That’s whats great about being human, that we have freewill unlike animals with instinct.

This is one of the wilder more rambling rants against science seen here lately. It's posted under religious philosophy but very little of either of those disciplines are found in your post.

One of the general problems with your post is that you packed it with troll bait for us to drag out and feed you, without much chance of latching onto and substance we might apply to "informed discussion".

If you want to talk about evolution as it applies to religious philosophy, it might help to start with classifying your beliefs. I can do that for you. You are a Christian fundamentalist. You use Intelligent Design to shield yourself from the barrage of scientific information that is everywhere around you, telling you you have made a mistake. Unlike a scientist, you are not interested in the best evidence to support a logical conclusion about the actual workings of nature:

Geological stratification and radioactive dating provide information on archaeological, palenotological and geological events; and astrophysical theory provides data on the ages of planetary surfaces, stars, and the Milky Way Galaxy, as well as an estimate of the time that has elapsed since that extraordinary event called the Big Bang, an explosion that involved all of the matter and energy in the present universe. The Big Bang may be the beginning of the universe, or it may be a discontinuity in which information about the earlier history of the universe was destroyed. But it is certainly the earliest event about which we have any record. The most instructive way I know to express this cosmic chronology is to imagine the fifteen-billion-year lifetime of the universe (or at least its present incarnation since the Big Bang) compressed into the span of a single year. Then every billion years of Earth history would correspond to about twenty-four days of our cosmic year, and one second of that year to 475 real revolutions of the Earth about the sun. I present the cosmic chronology in three forms: a list of some representative pre-December dates; a calendar for the month of December; and a closer look at the late evening of New Year's Eve.

It is disconcerting to find that in such a cosmic year the Earth does not condense out of interstellar matter until early September; dinosaurs emerge on Christmas Eve; flowers arise on December 28th; and men and women originate at 10:30 P.M. on New Year's Eve. All of recorded history occupies the last ten seconds of December 31st

-Carl Sagan, The Dragons of Eden

Because there is a law such as gravity, the Universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the Universe exists, why we exist.

It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the Universe going.

-Stephen Hawking, The Grand Design

None of this matters to you because you have built a protective bubble around yourself, to keep the Flood of information from drowning you. Yes, I said Flood. We have taken all the species with us, known and unknown, in virtual form of course, and boarded an ark called knowledge, to avoid a death from ignorance.

When you get tired of holding your breath, go ahead and come up for air. There are millions of people who can give you a hand.
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You guys say trying to fit the idea of God doesn’t really work out? Are you kidding me?

And trying to fit an idea of everything just happened from nothing works out?

If you really think our body, brain, internal organs, nature, animals, insects, scientific laws and so on is not the evidence of an intelligent design then you’re not an engineer.

Well, we don't usually permit such types on a decent scientific forum.

Only reason why scientists don’t believe in creation is because most of religious creationists believe and teach literal 24 hours a day 6 day creation 6000 years ago.*

If they just come to sense that bibles ‘6 day’ creation is actually 4.5billion BC – 6000 BC divided into 6 phases, there will be a lot more scientist backing creation because everything in nature is just phenomenal.*

Meaning what?

Scientists have tried for years to create life out of nothing but failed.
What makes you think if technology advances further that you can actually create life out of nothing?

Scientists have already created amino acids and proteins from inorganic material. Took em about two years, I think. That's pretty far.

And If we’re talking about biology why would you need technology to do that?*

It’s either you can or can’t.

No; and no one knows what you mean.

Then where did that asteroid come from? [I have this covered. Where did God come from? Of course. No need to state the obvious. Thanks. =D]

OK, so where did God come from?

You’ll probably say “well the study is still going on and we haven’t found an answer yet”.

No, we've collected enough evidence that it's pretty obvious now.

It takes bigger leap of faith NOT to believe in God.*


Do you think other scientists, physicist, chemists, biologists whose way way way* more smarter than you and more educated, also doctors, engineers, even the president of U.S believe in God and creation because they’ve never heard of some hominid fossils and seen other ‘supposed’ evidence presented by evolutionists?

The bizarre syntax of this sentence leaves me to wonder what your direction is. But sure, I'll take 'smarter than the president of the U.S.' for $400, Alex.

If human evolution is true, why do humans have freewill but chimps dont?*

Who says they don't?

Why do humans have morals and conscience but they don’t?*

Human morals and conscience have their roots in reciprocal fitness, inbreeding avoidance and self-preservation.

Why do humans emphasize so much in meaning of life but animals can’t?*

Why are humans profoundly distressed by death? Where is scientific answer to that?

Simple psychology of a more complex brain.

But you know what?* It’s your life and you can believe in whatever you want.* That’s whats great about being human, that we have freewill unlike animals with instinct.

Animals have free will also. They're probably as likely to random actions that don't directly influence long-term survival trends.
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