Evolution is wack;God is the only way that makes sense! - Part 2

Would a telepathic picture of a face suffice?
No. As I've been saying, my own pesonal experience would not suffice. It would have to be - as I said - photo ID, confirming that smebody else believes he is who he claims to be.
It's not "thinking backwards", it's "reverse engineering". If you want a universe that contains life, you have to plan for it.
But having a result isn't evidence that the result was planned. See my pile of rocks example above.

That's why personal experience is of little value in determining "truth".

On the contrary, the only way to know ''truth'' is through personal experience, and the human vehicle is the the means
to express that truth.

That's right.

So if something IS actually true, but not agreed upon by others, it becomes 'not true'?

As I've already said, it's evidence because it's evident to anybody.

So you accept it because others whom you deem credible accept it?

If nobody exists to admire its beauty, or complain incessantly, then what was the point in creating it?

Also, there is no scientific evidence that there are any other universes, there is only this universe. Therefore, this universe exists, we are alive, and life flourishes. What more evidence of a Designer do you need? I want you to address the issue that there is only one universe, and yet life formed ONLY BECAUSE carbon atoms exist.
I don't know that one example out of light years of universe constitutes "flourishing". Let's face it, the majority of the universe appears to be hostile to life as we know it.
So if something IS actually true, but not agreed upon by others, it becomes 'not true'?
The point is that there is no way to be absolutely certain that somethng "is" true. We can improve our confidence level by comparing our observations and conclusions with others.

So you accept it because others whom you deem credible accept it?
That's the way human knowledge works.
Organic life is a bit more sophisticated than just a bunch of rocks that look like a face or whatever.
Argueably, a mountain is "more complex" than any living thing - far more atoms in it, for example. The level of complexity isn't partcularly relevant. What matters is that the steps required to achieve that complexity are all very simple.
I don't know that one example out of light years of universe constitutes "flourishing". Let's face it, the majority of the universe appears to be hostile to life as we know it.
Well, it flourishes here on earth. I suppose that planets that can sustain a biosphere with flourishing life, might be rarer than we would like. In a galaxy of billions of stars, perhaps there are only a few dozen biospheres. Every one of these biospheres needs active volcanoes, a molten rotating core that generates a Van Allen belt, water, a moon, etc.
Argueably, a mountain is "more complex" than any living thing - far more atoms in it, for example. The level of complexity isn't partcularly relevant. What matters is that the steps required to achieve that complexity are all very simple.
Complexity in the sense that there are mechanisms that sustain life, 7 life processes and millions of mechanisms.
And all of those proceses and mechanisms are made up of simple steps, just like rolling rocks down a hill. Each step is natural.
Simple steps? I wouldn't call describe organic chemistry as simple. Organic chemistry is built upon quantum mechanics which is definitely not simple.
Simple steps? I wouldn't call describe organic chemistry as simple.
I said that the steps are simple. There are a lot of possible steps, which makes the sum total of organic chemistry somewhat complex. But the individual steps from simple chemicals to amino acids to peptides to polypeptides to proteins are all individually simple and perfectly natural. No voodoo required.
I said that the steps are simple. There are a lot of possible steps, which makes the sum total of organic chemistry somewhat complex. But the individual steps from simple chemicals to amino acids to peptides to polypeptides to proteins are all individually simple and perfectly natural. No voodoo required.
Even I can make a mountain. Just give me a dump truck and a work crew. There are mountains on Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars and various moons throughout the solar system. But life only exists on Earth. I don't know that anyone has created a living cell from its parts. Nobody can reanimate life once it's lost; but mountains are easy to make.
Even I can make a mountain.... I don't know that anyone has created a living cell from its parts.
Nobody can make a mountain. You're talking about a pile of rocks. A mountain has layers of solid rock that can be miles thick. We don't have the technology to do anything like that.

On the other hand, making a cell should be fairly easy with existing technology. We already know where all of the atoms go. It's just a matter of getting them to go there reliably.

Don't make the mistake of thinkng that something is impossible because it hasn't been done yet.
The point is that there is no way to be absolutely certain that somethng "is" true. We can improve our confidence level by comparing our observations and conclusions with others.

That's the way human knowledge works.
No that is the way ego centric humans work..... Jan, I feel is quite correct that regardless of consensus, the personal truth is always according to that which is experienced.

Jan Ardena said:
On the contrary, the only way to know ''truth'' is through personal experience, and the human vehicle is the the means
to express that truth.

the one you sideshowbob, talk about is truth by vanity and not even consensus. thus ego centric esteem focussed truth and not a lot to do about truth at all. IMO
Certainly not. As I said, the contradiction is between omnipotence and restraint. If one was omnipotent, there would be no reason for restraint. If I was an omnipotent God, I wouldn't take six days to make one universe. I'd make forty billion universes in the first nanosecond and another forty billion in every following nanosecond.

but if the universe was infinite how could you possibly create more than 1 of them?
Are you saying that the universe is somehow "finite" and that it has a boundary of some sort?
but if the universe was infinite how could you possibly create more than 1 of them?
Are you saying that the universe is somehow "finite" and that it has a boundary of some sort?

Have you never heard of the mutliverse theory? It's really not a problem from there to be more than one. Anyway, you're evading the point.