Evolution, Dinosaurs and Genesis.. A New Take..


Staff member
Or apparently new proof that humans and dinosaurs co-existed. And this proof? Well, the 'great flood'..

A new exhibit of a 30-foot-long fossil skeleton of an Allosaurus, which resembles a Tyrannosaurus rex, is set to open at a Kentucky museum that asserts dinosaurs lived alongside humans a few thousand years ago.

A release from Answers in Genesis, the Christian ministry that owns the Creation Museum, said about 50 percent of the skeleton's bones were recovered when it was found in Colorado over a decade ago. Keeping with its Bible-themed approach, the Creation Museum says the dinosaur died in a worldwide flood about 4,300 years ago. Scientists say the last dinosaurs roamed the earth more than 60 million years ago.

Museum founder Ken Ham said the new exhibit "will help us defend the book of Genesis and expose the scientific problems with evolution." The new exhibit is called "Facing the Allosaurus," and has the skeleton as its massive centerpiece. It opens Saturday.

"Evolutionists use dinosaurs to reach children more than anything to promote their worldview," Ham said. "Our museum uses dinosaurs to help tell their true history according to the Bible."

I am going to assume that Noah was unable to fit the pesky reptiles on the Ark...

But yes folks, there you have it.. The great flood is what knocked out the dinosaurs less than 5,000 years ago.

While we may scoff at the stupidity of such displays and claims, keep in mind that many take their children to such museums to teach them about the origins of Earth and the universe.
And we're supposed to treat these people with respect?

Sorry, no. These morons are dangerous, and need to be treated as such.
Whether they are treated with respect or not is beside the point. Young Earther's are being appointed in positions where they do influence education. A few years ago in Texas, for example, Don McLeroy was put in charge of the Texas State Board of Education. Don McLeroy is an avid young Earther who did his best to change educational textbooks to reflect his religious beliefs of a 'young earth'. McLeroy, who touted himself as a defender of science, sought to challenge evolution and it being taught in schools.

These museums reflect a political acceptance and ideology that is permeating the education of many youngsters. And it isn't just in the US. In my home state in Australia, there was a recent brouhaha about the Government funding religious education in public schools, that amounted to right wing pastors teaching children that the Earth is less than 5,000 years old, to which the little children in the class scoffed and laughed and saw parents withdrawing their children from the opt out classes in droves. The program was supposedly designed to offer students education about a variety of religions. Instead, it was invaded by born again pentecostal religious groups that denied evolution and taught creationism. It was so bad in Victoria, that many principals there banned them completely. While we never really had a religious lobby in Australia, like the US has, we are noticing a higher input from those groups in public discourse, especially when it comes to education and health.

These kind of programs, even creation museums, have a lasting impact for future generations.

The founder of the creation museum in Kentucky, the one mentioned in the OP, is an Australian born (from Queensland) former science teacher who went there to open it because he realised that he would never be able to open one here. Frankly, most people would just laugh and it probably would not remain open for very long. But with the Bible belt being so ripe for the picking in the US, Ken Ham went to Kentucky and the abomination that is the Creation Museum was born.

I laugh at their stupidity, but I also recognise that they have a very big political voice and a large voice in the education of children. And it is a constant fight and battle to keep them out.
And we're supposed to treat these people with respect?

Sorry, no. These morons are dangerous, and need to be treated as such.

YEC's are an extreme bunch and yes, are dangerous as such, but no more dangerous than some of the fool pseudo quackery pushers we have here...
Whether they are treated with respect or not is beside the point. Young Earther's are being appointed in positions where they do influence education. A few years ago in Texas, for example, Don McLeroy was put in charge of the Texas State Board of Education. Don McLeroy is an avid young Earther who did his best to change educational textbooks to reflect his religious beliefs of a 'young earth'. McLeroy, who touted himself as a defender of science, sought to challenge evolution and it being taught in schools.

These museums reflect a political acceptance and ideology that is permeating the education of many youngsters. And it isn't just in the US. In my home state in Australia, there was a recent brouhaha about the Government funding religious education in public schools, that amounted to right wing pastors teaching children that the Earth is less than 5,000 years old, to which the little children in the class scoffed and laughed and saw parents withdrawing their children from the opt out classes in droves. The program was supposedly designed to offer students education about a variety of religions. Instead, it was invaded by born again pentecostal religious groups that denied evolution and taught creationism. It was so bad in Victoria, that many principals there banned them completely. While we never really had a religious lobby in Australia, like the US has, we are noticing a higher input from those groups in public discourse, especially when it comes to education and health.

These kind of programs, even creation museums, have a lasting impact for future generations.

The founder of the creation museum in Kentucky, the one mentioned in the OP, is an Australian born (from Queensland) former science teacher who went there to open it because he realised that he would never be able to open one here. Frankly, most people would just laugh and it probably would not remain open for very long. But with the Bible belt being so ripe for the picking in the US, Ken Ham went to Kentucky and the abomination that is the Creation Museum was born.

I laugh at their stupidity, but I also recognise that they have a very big political voice and a large voice in the education of children. And it is a constant fight and battle to keep them out.

Exactly...The YEC's are extreme, and in my opinion, can be likened to the Taliban.
They spit in the face of respect and being given a fair go from outsiders, and obviously and logically, a much harder line needs to be taken with them.
Exactly...The YEC's are extreme, and in my opinion, can be likened to the Taliban.

May I ask what attributes/qualities you find that are common to "the YEC's" and the "Taliban"?

They spit in the face of respect and being given a fair go from outsiders,
*** extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence! ***
Would you care to provide any supporting evidence of this claim ? : "They spit in the face of respect and being given a fair go from outsiders,".

and obviously and logically, a much harder line needs to be taken with them.

Could you elaborate as to what methods you would utilize in providing : "a much harder line"?
Would the methods include sanctions? ...economic/trade isolation? ...U.N. Resolutions? ...a coalition of the Willing to enforce Tolerance? ...Drone Strikes?

Honestly, I personally find the YEC's about as "extreme" and "dangerous" as "Hare Krishna's", or "Golfers", or "Macramé Enthusiasts".
Seriously, the YEC's are not, in my eyes, nearly as "extreme" or "dangerous" as, say... "Politicians", or "Corporations", or even some "Sports Fans".

But, from my point of view, concepts such as : "live and let live", or "understanding" and "open and honest discussion" go "hand in glove", so to say, with actually utilizing the "practice of Tolerance".
Whether they are treated with respect or not is beside the point. Young Earther's are being appointed in positions where they do influence education. A few years ago in Texas, for example, Don McLeroy was put in charge of the Texas State Board of Education. Don McLeroy is an avid young Earther who did his best to change educational textbooks to reflect his religious beliefs of a 'young earth'. McLeroy, who touted himself as a defender of science, sought to challenge evolution and it being taught in schools.

These museums reflect a political acceptance and ideology that is permeating the education of many youngsters. And it isn't just in the US. In my home state in Australia, there was a recent brouhaha about the Government funding religious education in public schools, that amounted to right wing pastors teaching children that the Earth is less than 5,000 years old, to which the little children in the class scoffed and laughed and saw parents withdrawing their children from the opt out classes in droves. The program was supposedly designed to offer students education about a variety of religions. Instead, it was invaded by born again pentecostal religious groups that denied evolution and taught creationism. It was so bad in Victoria,
The founder of the creation museum in Kentucky, the one mentioned in the OP, is an Australian born (from Queensland) former science teacher who went there to open it because he realised that he would never be able to open one here. Frankly, most people would just laugh and it probably would not remain open for very long. But with the Bible belt being so ripe for the picking in the US, Ken Ham went to Kentucky and the abomination that is the Creation Museum was born.

I laugh at their stupidity, but I also recognise that they have a very big political voice and a large voice in the education of children. And it is a constant fight and battle to keep them out.

Yeah, one can't help but wonder, why we in Australia would not really accept or condone such extreme carryings on, while they do in the US.
Still with the much larger overall population in the US, they probably only form a small percentage.

Most do laugh, but as you mention, they need to be watched carefully in their never ending endeavour to spread their crap.

All in all though, I still maintain an optimistic outlook.
As science progresses, and as it is shown to advance societies, people will see these folk for the charlatans that they are.
But science could do with some expert publicity agents, to get out there and tell it like it is.
Afterall they have the stinking Murdoch press to contend with.
Afterall if it wasn't for the lies, and general anti Labor propaganda from the Murdoch press, I still believe that Kevin may have got back in.
May I ask what attributes/qualities you find that are common to "the YEC's" and the "Taliban"?

Useless myth driven propaganda and anti science preaching....Quite obvious actually.

*** extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence! ***
Would you care to provide any supporting evidence of this claim ? : "They spit in the face of respect and being given a fair go from outsiders,".

See the first answer.....

Could you elaborate as to what methods you would utilize in providing : "a much harder line"?
Would the methods include sanctions? ...economic/trade isolation? ...U.N. Resolutions? ...a coalition of the Willing to enforce Tolerance? ...Drone Strikes?

No no, nothing quite so severe....I'm quite tolerant.
We just need to keep them out of our schools and other places of influence where they can present there anti science propaganda.
Let them if they are of a mind to have their own school, funded by them.
And of course if you see the need to question that, we put it to a vote.

Honestly, I personally find the YEC's about as "extreme" and "dangerous" as "Hare Krishna's", or "Golfers", or "Macramé Enthusiasts".
Seriously, the YEC's are not, in my eyes, nearly as "extreme" or "dangerous" as, say... "Politicians", or "Corporations", or even some "Sports Fans".

You don't care about kids?
You don't mind them being told that the Earth is only 6,000 years old, ignoring the mountains and mountains of observational evidence that 100% falsifies that?
You don't mind your kids being given quotes as facts, from an obscure book, written 2000 or more years ago, by obscure men?
You don't mind them being brain washed with unsupported myth and fire and brimstone logic?
That's weird, quite seriously weird.
Oh, and I don't mind Hare Krishna's or golfers or sports fans or Politicians in general for that matter.
I also have Muslim neighbours who are quite reasonable.
It's the extreme's of societies that irk me and thankfully the general populace where I come from are reasonable.

But, from my point of view, concepts such as : "live and let live", or "understanding" and "open and honest discussion" go "hand in glove", so to say, with actually utilizing the "practice of Tolerance".

You fail to understand. Tolerance, a great quality, still has limitations.
You don't believe the world was tolerant enough with Hitler?
You don't believe we are tolerant enough with YEC's in their efforts to brain wash our kids willy nilly?

Obviously you confuse tolerance and sensibility, with extremism.
I have to agree with paddoboy on this... there are some things that fly so directly in the face of what is "right" and "fact" that it should not be allowed to be taught in schools... this silly idea of a "young earth" is one of them.
I have to agree with paddoboy on this... there are some things that fly so directly in the face of what is "right" and "fact" that it should not be allowed to be taught in schools... this silly idea of a "young earth" is one of them.

It's funny, here I am viewed by the extremist brigade as a science cheer leader, yet on another forum, I was viewed as somewhat of a Maverick for my views.
It's good being stuck in the middle...one can see the mistakes on both sides.
Same with religion. There is religion and there is religion.
I condemn no one that finds comfort in a supreme deity.
I do condemn those that believe in such, that see the need to then trash science.

Some of the greatest people in the world are religion orientated...Some of the worst people in the world are religion orientated.
Some of the greatest people in the world are scientists/Atheists. Some of the worst people in the world are scientists/Atheists.
Me? I'm Agnostic. :)
But the same thinking does apply. :)
Useless myth driven propaganda and anti science preaching....Quite obvious actually.

You are right, paddoboy, of course! One can only assume that that without any agenda or baggage, anyone would see it as..."Quite obvious actually".
Thank you paddoboy, for the open and honest answer.

See the first answer.....

Awesome evidence. I probably should have saw that all myself - except for my evidently obvious problem with not being able to "see the forest for the trees".

Thank you paddoboy, for the open, honest and evidence laden answer.

No no, nothing quite so severe....I'm quite tolerant.
We just need to keep them out of our schools and other places of influence where they can present there anti science propaganda.
Let them if they are of a mind to have their own school, funded by them.
And of course if you see the need to question that, we put it to a vote.

paddoboy, i would have to be even more of an imbecile than I obviously already am not to see the infinite tolerance that you constantly exhibit.
"And of course" no one could ever vote against such an intelligent and well thought out solution to such "Useless myth driven propaganda and anti science preaching."

Thank you paddoboy, for the open, honest, insightful and tolerance laden answer.

You don't care about kids?
You don't mind them being told that the Earth is only 6,000 years old, ignoring the mountains and mountains of observational evidence that 100% falsifies that?
You don't mind your kids being given quotes as facts, from an obscure book, written 2000 or more years ago, by obscure men?
You don't mind them being brain washed with unsupported myth and fire and brimstone logic?

paddoboy, though you claim only to be a "Layman", your ability to read peoples minds, and see people as they truly are is nothing less than amazing.

Thank you paddoboy for your open, honest, insightful and intelligent perspective on my obvious character flaws and disregard for "kids".

That's weird, quite seriously weird.

With all of my other obvious shortcomings...and my obvious failure to sense even the smallest of "truths" - it takes someone of your esteemed ability to sweetly point out further flaws in my character.
What I find "weird, quite seriously weird", is that you would go so far out of your way and spend so much of your valuable time and considerable intellect to point out the obvious shortcomings of someone as ignorant and "weird, quite seriously weird" as myself.

Thank you again, paddoboy, for your open, honest, insightful and intelligent perspective on my obvious character flaws and disregard for "kids".

Oh, and I don't mind Hare Krishna's or golfers or sports fans or Politicians in general for that matter.
I also have Muslim neighbours who are quite reasonable.
It's the extreme's of societies that irk me and thankfully the general populace where I come from are reasonable.

I obviously do not "come from" an area that has such a tolerant and reasonable populace, without the "extreme's of societies that irk".
I "evidently" come from a "general populace" that is "obviously" composed of the "ignorant" and the "extreme's of societies that irk" everyone else with all of our character flaws and blatant disregard for "kids".

So...once again thank you, paddoboy, for your open, honest, insightful and intelligent perspective on not just my obvious character flaws, but the obviously "Intolerant" and "Unreasonable" national Zeitgeist of my "general populace".

You fail to understand. Tolerance, a great quality, still has limitations.

Thank you kindly paddoboy, for so astutely pointing another example of my "failure to understand" such simple "truths".

Thank you again, paddoboy, for your patience and understanding that us "ignorant" people could benefit so much from your open, honest, insightful and intelligent perspective.

You don't believe the world was tolerant enough with Hitler?
You don't believe we are tolerant enough with YEC's in their efforts to brain wash our kids willy nilly?

I am literally awestruck by your esteemed and perfectly applied powers of "inference", paddoboy.

Your ability to discern my "support" of that Fine Example of a Human Being, "Hitler", is simply and unbelievably astonishing.

Thank you again, paddoboy, for letting us lesser individuals bear witness to your open, honest, insightful and intelligent perspective.

Obviously you confuse tolerance and sensibility, with extremism.


I only hope that you can find it in your heart to realize that to us "common", "lesser" and truly "ignorant" dregs of society..."tolerance and sensibility" are obviously very, very, very similar to and very, very, very, very hard, 'nigh impossible even, to distinguish from "extremism".

Thanks again, for all the help and insight, paddoboy.
You are right, paddoboy, of course! One can only assume that that without any agenda or baggage, anyone would see it as..."Quite obvious actually".
Thank you paddoboy, for the open and honest answer.

Awesome evidence. I probably should have saw that all myself - except for my evidently obvious problem with not being able to "see the forest for the trees".

Thank you paddoboy, for the open, honest and evidence laden answer.

paddoboy, i would have to be even more of an imbecile than I obviously already am not to see the infinite tolerance that you constantly exhibit.
"And of course" no one could ever vote against such an intelligent and well thought out solution to such "Useless myth driven propaganda and anti science preaching."

Thank you paddoboy, for the open, honest, insightful and tolerance laden answer.

paddoboy, though you claim only to be a "Layman", your ability to read peoples minds, and see people as they truly are is nothing less than amazing.

Thank you paddoboy for your open, honest, insightful and intelligent perspective on my obvious character flaws and disregard for "kids".

With all of my other obvious shortcomings...and my obvious failure to sense even the smallest of "truths" - it takes someone of your esteemed ability to sweetly point out further flaws in my character.
What I find "weird, quite seriously weird", is that you would go so far out of your way and spend so much of your valuable time and considerable intellect to point out the obvious shortcomings of someone as ignorant and "weird, quite seriously weird" as myself.

Thank you again, paddoboy, for your open, honest, insightful and intelligent perspective on my obvious character flaws and disregard for "kids".
I obviously do not "come from" an area that has such a tolerant and reasonable populace, without the "extreme's of societies that irk".
I "evidently" come from a "general populace" that is "obviously" composed of the "ignorant" and the "extreme's of societies that irk" everyone else with all of our character flaws and blatant disregard for "kids".

So...once again thank you, paddoboy, for your open, honest, insightful and intelligent perspective on not just my obvious character flaws, but the obviously "Intolerant" and "Unreasonable" national Zeitgeist of my "general populace".
Thank you kindly paddoboy, for so astutely pointing another example of my "failure to understand" such simple "truths".

Thank you again, paddoboy, for your patience and understanding that us "ignorant" people could benefit so much from your open, honest, insightful and intelligent perspective.
I am literally awestruck by your esteemed and perfectly applied powers of "inference", paddoboy.

Your ability to discern my "support" of that Fine Example of a Human Being, "Hitler", is simply and unbelievably astonishing.

Thank you again, paddoboy, for letting us lesser individuals bear witness to your open, honest, insightful and intelligent perspective.

I only hope that you can find it in your heart to realize that to us "common", "lesser" and truly "ignorant" dregs of society..."tolerance and sensibility" are obviously very, very, very similar to and very, very, very, very hard, 'nigh impossible even, to distinguish from "extremism".

Thanks again, for all the help and insight, paddoboy.

So you agree with the YEC that the earth is a few thousand years old? Do you agree that dinosaurs and people lived together until the biblical flood? Do you agree that these ideas should be taught in out public schoos as the YEC believe? Or are just trolling paddoboy trying to get a rise out of him?
So you agree with the YEC that the earth is a few thousand years old? Do you agree that dinosaurs and people lived together until the biblical flood? Do you agree that these ideas should be taught in out public schoos as the YEC believe? Or are just trolling paddoboy trying to get a rise out of him?

Has a precedence been set?

It is now fine to ask "Rude", "Offensive" and "Insulting" questions?

Or, were those "Rhetorical Questions"?

So you agree with the YEC that the earth is a few thousand years old? Do you agree that dinosaurs and people lived together until the biblical flood? Do you agree that these ideas should be taught in out public schoos as the YEC believe? Or are just trolling paddoboy trying to get a rise out of him?

I actually had a roaring belly laugh at that post of his origin.
Takes all kinds I suppose.
I actually had a roaring belly laugh at that post of his origin.
Takes all kinds I suppose.

Okay Paddoboy, starting to push it a bit. Stick to the argument itself, not the person arguing it please.
I am an atheist & I could provide a better argument for a recently created universe than the theories used by Creationists. Logic is not one of their best abilities.

My argument is based on the concept of god having created a mature Universe. This concept is as follows.

When god created the universe & the Garden of Eden, there were trees which appeared to be perhaps a hundred years old, even though they had just been created.

If you cut one down & polished the stump, you could count the tree rings & might decide that they indicated the age of the tree that had just been created.

Similarly, the mature universe contains all sorts of evidence of extreme age, even though it was recently created.

When created, there was light from distant stars created at the same time & indicating that it had been traveling for thousands/millions/billions of years.

If I believed in the mature Universe concept, I would choose to believe that it was created last week or perhaps when I was ten years old.

All this evidence does not indicate that the universe was created eons ago: It indicates that god is a practical joker. He & his heavenly host are chuckling about how he fooled the unbelieving scientists.

I am an atheist & I could provide a better argument for a recently created universe than the theories used by Creationists. Logic is not one of their best abilities.

My argument is based on the concept of god having created a mature Universe. This concept is as follows.

When god created the universe & the Garden of Eden, there were trees which appeared to be perhaps a hundred years old, even though they had just been created.​

You seem to think that God created the universe and the garden at the same time. Where did you get such an idea?
The Bible's reference to time regarding the creation of the heaven's and the earth (not the universe) is limited to ''In the begining''.

An atheist has just thought of another argument in favor of a recent creation.

In the old testament, there are many accounts of people living extremely long lives: Methuselah & others. It has been suggested that Adam, Eve, & other early creations were perfect or almost perfect. Sin caused deterioration of the initial creations.

Hence, dinosaurs probably still exist, considering that many reptiles keep growing as long as they live.

Little salamanders & lizards are brontosaurs & T-Rex types who have not lived long enough to get as big as they were in ancient times.
You seem to think that God created the universe and the garden at the same time. Where did you get such an idea?

"This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created, when the Lord God made the earth and the heavens. . . . Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed."

Earth and heavens created by the same act per the Bible.

People often forget that the Bible contains two creation stories.