Evolution and Time

I'm sorry if this is mentioned in someone else's post, I don't have time to read them all, but I'd like to direct you to the work of Dr. Phil Gingerich. He's the world's foremost authority on the evolution of whales, and I saw him give a presentation titled, "How fast is evolution?"

While you certainly can't have a solid answer for such a question in all cases (because of infinite possibilities for environmental changes for a living organism, and the possibility of the organism dying accidentally or in a fluke), it apprears as though evolution occurs at a maximum of 0.1 of a standard deviation per generation.

I know that sounds a bit odd to put it that way, so I'll have to ask you to check out Gingerich's work yourself as I can't write a novels worth on the post to explain it here.
Ophiolite said:
However,Well, it can't account for why England will lose the semi-final of the world cup on penalties, but apart from that what did you have in mind?
Probably the fact that it doesn´t explain how first lifeforms got around.
But should it explain that? Was that even evolution? Evolution of lifeless matter? Did Darwin ever tried to explain that?
Naat said:
Maybe this will help on that
from the link:
Frederic Cuvier and several of the older metaphysicians have compared instinct with habit. This comparison gives, I think, an accurate notion of the frame of mind under which an instinctive action is performed, but not necessarily of its origin.

i dare say instincts are not habits
habit is a learned behaviour.

Habits are different than instincts because they are obviously learned.
leopold99 said:
instincts for one
Instincts are a way to conform to environment, thus giving necessary advatage over others. Creatures with that instinct are more likely to mate etc.
Or is the question about something else?
leopold99 said:
it was in reply to ophiolites question
God gene? I don´t know any good evidence supporting the God gene in humans.
As I undertand, it became popular when genes became popular. Seems like a atheists try to kill God, demystify it.
If it exist, it´s easy to explain the advatage of it. Religion brought people together. Important cornerstone of society one may say...
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leopold99 said:
instincts for one
and unless it has been refuted the apparent god gene for another
Instincts are thoroughly explained by evolution, since they enhance the probability of survival by ensuring certain forms of favourable behaviour in certain circumstances.
The God gene is not a theory or hypothesis, but a sensational conjecture. As such it is irrelevant to the discussion.
Ophiolite said:
Instincts are thoroughly explained by evolution,
it seems to me that if evolution actually happens the there would be no need for instincts. furthermore instincts would be "bred out"
Then that is just you who has a problem with instincts and evolution.

Why couldn't instincts evolve? They are merely hardwired patterns.