Evolution and Theism

Punctuated Equilibrium:

The theory of punctuated equilibrium is an inference about the process of macroevolution from the pattern of species documented in the fossil record. In the fossil record, transition from one species to another is usually abrupt in most geographic locales -- no transitional forms are found. In short, it appears that species remain unchanged for long stretches of time and then are quickly replaced by new species. However, if wide ranges are searched, transitional forms that bridge the gap between the two species are sometimes found in small, localized areas. For example, in Jurassic brachiopods of the genus Kutchithyris, K. acutiplicata appears below another species, K. euryptycha. Both species were common and covered a wide geographical area. They differ enough that some have argued they should be in a different genera. In just one small locality an approximately 1.25m sedimentary layer with these fossils is found. In the narrow (10 cm) layer that separates the two species, both species are found along with transitional forms. In other localities there is a sharp transition.

Eldredge and Gould proposed that most major morphological change occurs (relatively) quickly in small peripheral population at the time of speciation. New forms will then invade the range of their ancestral species. Thus, at most locations that fossils are found, transition from one species to another will be abrupt. This abrupt change will reflect replacement by migration however, not evolution. In order to find the transitional fossils, the area of speciation must be found.

Tests of punctuated equilibrium have been equivocal. It has been known for a long time that rates of evolution vary over time, that is not controversial.

Emphasis mine.

So it's part of evolution or not? Evolution states that it is a gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form.

Something can reach "perfect complextion"? So it doesn't need to evolve anymore?

Just need to research more about it.
I'll be back to answer your posts quote for quote. The possibility of "purple heart dragons" and "Godly lizards" is impractical. I'll get into that later.
Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~

Evolution states that it is a gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form.
Evolution does not state that at all. Evolution states that there are gradual changes and more sudden changes. As for the lack of transitional fossils, well, I suggest through these links:

road: http://www.talkorigins.org/

I believe there are transitional fossils about. I hope Paulsamuel can clear this up, since I believe this is his area of expertise.
Originally posted by Xev
Bah! We all stereotype. You've already stereotyped athiesm, no? "pessimistic" and all.

I shall refrain in the future from doing so. My apologies. :)

True. I believe athiesm to be pessimistic for mankind's existence. But individual wise? no.

Humans are too inferior. Don't you agree? Can science ever answer the origin of the universe?

So you don't believe in the Big Bang Theory? Why? Universe expanding?

First give me an argument for the existance of God.

Intelligent Design Theory. It doesn't TOTALLY cancel out evolution or a God. http://www.theory-of-evolution.org/ - go here, I'm curious about Chapters 5-6 of his book.

And thus not be around to ask the question. ;)

That's a circular argument...

Bad anology, sorry. It would be unnatural for such a thing to happen, given what we know of physics. The evolution of the universe as is is perfectly natural.

Yea highly unlikely they would all miss.

Any proof? This violates the law of Biogenesis. Why can't scientists nowadays construct the beginning of earth and try to create life from a small closed experiment?? Even if life may arise from non-life, it still doesn't disprove God ;)

They are good theories. Sounds good, but theory is not truth.

Oh well, too bad then.

A being that needs worship and will torture those who do not worship it is not deserving of worship.

Why do you assume God to be this type of God? There is a "chance" - I know, but let's throw out the religious human interpretations of God, and just think about the possibility of a God. No religion involved.

Cthulhu would be upset if you compared him to Santa. :p

LoL, well don't use it against me, I believe intellectually.

No, you more or less have to be religious to believe in a hell. Deism works well with Pascal's wager, but that's about it.

Truth is, atheists have a higher possibility of losing than theists.

Christian? Allah would not be pleased.....

Nor would Cthulhu be pleased if I stopped being his preistess. He'd probably cry....I hate it when alien monsters cry.

You see the problem here? You get into punishment and reward, you get into religion, thus you have the problem of "Which religion?"

I'm not religious. So I have a chance of losing also if the religions are correct :mad:. But I still believe in God. You don't and there's a possibility you could distance yourself from God.

The point I'm trying to make is, atheists have the largest chance of losing. They don't completely lose, but they have a better chance to than theists.

Meanwhile I ask all atheist answer these questions.

1) Are you an honest atheist?

2) Do you believe that God does not exist?

3) What is the percentage of all information in the universe that you think mankind possesses?

4) What is the percentage of all human knowledge that you personally possess?

it's not logical to be an atheist.
Last edited:
Originally posted by James R
The Chosen,

Ok, I propose to you that you should accept JR's Wager, which is based on belief in my purple dragon Herbert who lives in my garage. Herbert has the power to grant you eternal life, but you have to believe in him. Now, suppose you believe in Herbert but he doesn't really exist. That wouldn't be a waste of time, according to you?

Let's keep it intellectual :)

Yes, but Hawking himself is an atheist. He goes to great lengths to try to come up with a cosmology which has no need for God (see his "imaginary time" idea).

Oh really? Thanks. I'll look that up.

[/b]Why does it need a purpose?

Everything has a purpose.

What's that?

Biogenesis: The principle that living organisms develop only from other living organisms and not from nonliving matter.

I don't. I'm not claiming it's necessarily true. You'll have to ask Xev about that.

It's a theory.

You can say that about any number of things. You'll have to give me the details if you want an explanation of why there's no chaos in a particular instance.

I see, I don't know anything about radiation physics.

In our galaxy alone, there are about 100,000 stars (from memory). With a 0.001% chance of life for each one, that means we'd expect 1 planet with life in our galaxy purely by chance. And guess what? There is one - ours!

yes! But that approximation was made back in 1960 and it ignored many significant factors. Nowadays scientists have many more factors and this chance greatly drops.
True. I believe athiesm to be pessimistic for mankind's existence. But individual wise? no.

So NYAH!, Chosen, you do it too!

Neener neener neener. (Stop that Xev)

Can science ever answer the origin of the universe?

I think so.

So you don't believe in the Big Bang Theory? Why? Universe expanding?

I personally think that COBE proved the big bang model to be correct. Expansion of the universe is shown with observations involving the redshift and Hubble constant.

Intelligent Design Theory. It doesn't TOTALLY cancel out evolution or a God. http:// www.theory-of-evolution.org/ - go here, I'm curious about Chapters 5-6 of his book.

I find his arguments scientifically invalid, but I don't really have time to debunk the entire book.

His entire argument seems to rest on a strawman - namely, that natural selection will weed out ALL mutations. This is false. Nothing is perfect enough to weed out all mutations, thus, natural selection is still a good mechanism for evolution.

That's a circular argument...

Circular or not, it seems valid to assume that if I do not exist, I cannot question my existance.

Any proof? This violates the law of Biogenesis.

A law improperly so called.

Can your body convert glucose - sugar - into energy? (My body converts coffee into sleep!).

Yes it can. So why cannot such a process occur elsewhere?

Why can't scientists nowadays construct the beginning of earth and try to create life from a small closed experiment??

Stanley Miller came very close.

Unfortunatly, we have not billions of gallons of solution, nor millions of years to work with. Damn reality interfering with the progress of science!

Even if life may arise from non-life, it still doesn't disprove God

Of course not, nothing can. It is not a disprovable proposition.

They are good theories. Sounds good, but theory is not truth.

No, but a correct theory explains and represents reality.

Why do you assume God to be this type of God? There is a "chance" - I know, but let's throw out the religious human interpretations of God, and just think about the possibility of a God. No religion involved.

Okay, so then what do I lose by rejecting Pascal's wager?

LoL, well don't use it against me, I believe intellectually.

Oh! I'm not trying to. Cthulhu is a sort of joke religion, especially for geeks.

I've found him usefull in arguing with theists on occasion. But that was Tony1, and you're no Tony1. (That's a good thing! - I still miss him though)

Truth is, atheists have a higher possibility of losing than theists.

Even assuming that, (and I tend to side with JamesR on this one), what exactly do I lose?

1) Are you an honest atheist?

I am a liar. (Xev, that was funny the first hundred times you said it!)

What do you mean by honest?

2) Do you believe that God does not exist?

I think it is unlikely that a God, as conventionally described, exists. I think it is illogical to believe in a vauge theistic God without evidence.

However, this does not make theists illogical.

H.P Lovecraft put it well:

"I certainly can't see any sensible position to assume aside from that of complete scepticism tempered by a leaning toward that which existing evidence makes most probable. All I say is that I think it is damned unlikely that anything like a central cosmic will, a spirit world , or an eternal survival of personality exist. They are the most preposterous and unjustified of all the guesses which can be made about the universe, and I am not enough of a hair-splitter to pretend that I don't regard them as arrant and negligble moonshine. In theory I am an agnostic, but pending the appearance of rational evidence I must be classed, practically and provisionally, as an atheist. The chance's of theism's truth being to my mind so microscopically small, I would be a pedant and a hypocrite to call myself anything else."

That's me, 'course, Gniaa Lovecraft put it better.

3) What is the percentage of all information in the universe that you think mankind possesses?

Mankind creates information. If there are other lifeforms on other planets, they will do the same.

Thus I cannot know. I do not regard the amount of information in the cosmos to be set.

4) What is the percentage of all human knowledge that you personally possess?

Scientifically or experience-wise?

5 billionths.

it's not logical to be an atheist.

On the contrary, it is more logical than theism. To quote myself:

There is just as much evidence against the existance of God as for.
Occam's razor states that 'entities must not be multiplied unnecessarily'.
Occam's razor is a valid logical tool.
God is an entity.
Therefore, believing in God is an unnecessary multiplying of entities.
Therefore, believing in God is irrational.

Irrational does not mean inferior or wrong.
Originally posted by Xev

So NYAH!, Chosen, you do it too!

Neener neener neener. (Stop that Xev)

Hahahahahaha, yea I'm not perfect. But now you know all theists aren't close-minded fools ;)

I think so.

All I know is the origin of the universe has to be supernatural.

But a wacky theory that I stupidly thought of :D (when in the shoes of atheists) is: when you get to atoms there is 99.9% space, then quarks, even more space, keep going until you get to nothing. But how can it be nothing? Must be supernatural, everything must relate to energy in some way...I'm dying to know! That is why I hate it when religious people state "How did man come about?" Them: "Oh God made them! Poof! Man comes about!"

Priest: "People who don't believe in God...are evil..." A baptist priest said that, and all the people in that stupid church clapped their hands! :confused:

Irritating, no? :mad:

The worst: "You aren't religious?" Them "Well you're going to hell then." :mad:^infinite

I personally think that COBE proved the big bang model to be correct. Expansion of the universe is shown with observations involving the redshift and Hubble constant.

How can we come from nothing? (a super small proton? where that come from?) Yea I believe in the Big Bang, but looking into Plasma Theory. I just need to go through all the courses Thed advised me to take :eek:

I find his arguments scientifically invalid, but I don't really have time to debunk the entire book.

More and more scientists nowadays are embracing IDT, you have any SOLID proof of them being TOTALLY wrong? (I want to know) One of the lead people behind the IDT movement is from Yale, Jonathon Wells.

And please don't be like other atheists and use Creationist thinking to debunk IDT. I'm cre-evolutionist. On the Science level, evolution vs IDT

IDT doesn't completely invalidate the entire theory of Evolution. But evolution invalidates IDT??

Circular or not, it seems valid to assume that if I do not exist, I cannot question my existance.

Of course you can! Why do you exist Xev!? Xev: by my God, chance! :D

A law improperly so called.

Can your body convert glucose - sugar - into energy? (My body converts coffee into sleep!).

Yes it can. So why cannot such a process occur elsewhere?

Stanley Miller came very close.

Unfortunatly, we have not billions of gallons of solution, nor millions of years to work with. Damn reality interfering with the progress of science!

Of course not, nothing can. It is not a disprovable proposition.

Interesting, I believe it is possible also...but the chances of it are slim.

chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x 10^100 more chances x some more chances = near impossibility. :eek:

I believe something supernatural was behind it all.

No, but a correct theory explains and represents reality.

Well..sometimes...observable reality. Epicycles! Flat earth! ;)

Okay, so then what do I lose by rejecting Pascal's wager?

Forget Pascal's theory based on religion.

Even assuming that, (and I tend to side with JamesR on this one), what exactly do I lose?

You could separate yourself from God.

I am a liar. (Xev, that was funny the first hundred times you said it!)

What do you mean by honest?

Honest as in '"strong athiest"

I think it is unlikely that a God, as conventionally described, exists. I think it is illogical to believe in a vauge theistic God without evidence.

However, this does not make theists illogical.

H.P Lovecraft put it well:

I see, so you are an agnostic by definition. Strong (honest) atheists don't believe in a God at all, period, no possibilities of one.

Mankind creates information. If there are other lifeforms on other planets, they will do the same.


Thus I cannot know. I do not regard the amount of information in the cosmos to be set.

Scientifically or experience-wise?

5 billionths.

On the contrary, it is more logical than theism. To quote myself:

honest athiestism is not logical, since you don't have anywhere near the right information to believe there is no God, period.

Meanwhile you are not this atheist, you are part agnostic, but consider yourself atheist because of all the religious BS. I believe this is mostly human fault. How can a human compare God to himself? Since they tried, God "gets jealous" and so on. Or else how would they interpret God?

God is eternal and unchangeable (if He isn't he doesn't exist), He can't "get jealous" like a human, that doesn't make any sense at all. There are alot of mistakes regarding religion.

Most atheists disbelieve emotinally because of how "stupid religion" can make people. (but not all religious people are stupid ;))

it's logical to disbelieve in a God with human feelings and ones that punishes people who don't believe and so on

But illogical to disbelieve completely in a possible God

All I know is the origin of the universe has to be supernatural.
Please show us any instance of some natural thing having a supernatural origin. I think you'll find that all natural things have a perfectly natural origin.

chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x 10^100 more chances x some more chances = near impossibility.
Now, for those who completely misunderstand the possibilities of life occurring... The organic compounds required for life are everywhere the universe is full of them, even in deep space. Obviously there are more on planets, and there are countless billions of planets. These molecules are being subjected constantly, throughout the universe, to the conditions which likely produced on Earth a certain form/reaction which gave rise to life. The ingredients are common; the conditions are common. The only difference between organic molecules and cells is time. The only difference between cells and us is time.

Before continuing to discuss atheism and "honest atheism", as you say, please read this.
Re: TheChosen

Originally posted by Adam

Please show us any instance of some natural thing having a supernatural origin. I think you'll find that all natural things have a perfectly natural origin.

Origin of the universe - you don't know if it's natural or not. I don't either.

Now, for those who completely misunderstand the possibilities of life occurring... The organic compounds required for life are everywhere the universe is full of them, even in deep space. Obviously there are more on planets, and there are countless billions of planets. These molecules are being subjected constantly, throughout the universe, to the conditions which likely produced on Earth a certain form/reaction which gave rise to life. The ingredients are common; the conditions are common. The only difference between organic molecules and cells is time. The only difference between cells and us is time.

Can you refute the claims made about how:

weak/strong nuclear forces
parent star mass/age/color/birth date
magnetic field
oxygen to nitrogen ratio
electron to proton mass ratio

and so on. They all must be at certain fixed "status/rates etc."

Do you agree or no? There is still probability involved. And as science progresses we wil find even more probabilities to be involved.

Why did Carl Sagan back in 1960 state that there is a 0.0001 percent chance of a planet capable of life support? Imagine what we know now? How about in 100 years?

Before continuing to discuss atheism and "honest atheism", as you say, please read this.

Sorry but let's stick to the definition of atheistism:

One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods.

Go to www.dictionary.com/ for it.

Adam you aren't God, so you can't make your own definition of atheists :)

Adam says atheist is one who does not believe in any religion!
Adam correct?

Why should we follow your definition?
"Humans are too inferior. Don't you agree? Can science ever answer the origin of the universe?"

Maybe, maybe not. Like I stated before, even if we can't does not prove or even suggest that a God is behind it. Four hundred years ago did anyone know about Pluto? No, but it still existed.

Simply because our own intelligence may hinder us from ever completely proving the origin of the universe does not mean or even suggest that a God did it. The way I see it, accepting that a god did it is not having the ability to admitt that we may not be smart enough ever to discover the origin.

"1) Are you an honest atheist?"
Yes. Though not in that I deny all possibility that god exists.

"2) Do you believe that God does not exist?"
Yes. I believe I may be wrong but as it stands I don't believe in a God. Way I see it, I was born into this earth not knowing the concept of god. Someone presents the idea to me. It's a claim and a huge claim. So I need huge evidence before I believe it. Same way that in court you are innocent until proven guilty, I see this claim as incorrect and illogical untill proven correct.

"3) What is the percentage of all information in the universe that you think mankind possesses?"
Very, very little.

"4) What is the percentage of all human knowledge that you personally possess?"
Even less!

"it's not logical to be an atheist."

Ouch. Care to back that up?

"But illogical to disbelieve completely in a possible God"

It's plain wrong to deny all possibility in a god. But as your definition said it is either one who denies or disbelieves in a god. To disbelieve leaves room for you to be wrong. Which is how I stand on it.

I'm very much enjoying your posts so far. Excellent to have such an intelligent theist among the ranks.
Originally posted by Tyler
Maybe, maybe not. Like I stated before, even if we can't does not prove or even suggest that a God is behind it. Four hundred years ago did anyone know about Pluto? No, but it still existed.

Will an ant ever understand Wall Street? Point taken :cool:

Humans will never be able to comprehend the origin of the Universe, I predict that we'd kill ourselves off before we ever reach such an intelligent potential to do so - maybe in 1000 years? :D

Simply because our own intelligence may hinder us from ever completely proving the origin of the universe does not mean or even suggest that a God did it. The way I see it, accepting that a god did it is not having the ability to admitt that we may not be smart enough ever to discover the origin.

Oh yea, I do admit we aren't capable of understanding the true origin of the universe. But I attribute some of my thoughts on faith ;) and not just logic.

Yes. Though not in that I deny all possibility that god exists.

You are agnostic by definition. (sorry for being so literal :))

Yes. I believe I may be wrong but as it stands I don't believe in a God. Way I see it, I was born into this earth not knowing the concept of god. Someone presents the idea to me. It's a claim and a huge claim. So I need huge evidence before I believe it. Same way that in court you are innocent until proven guilty, I see this claim as incorrect and illogical untill proven correct.

Yes, I understand how you feel. I was once atheist. Atheists believe they don't need to believe in a God to improve their lives or act as a moral absolute (from humans, I don't think moral absolute exists). And they're right!

You can't claim that it is "illogical" for a God to exist though, you don't have enough knowledge to state that. (against creationists and religious people you do)

Ouch. Care to back that up?

Sure :p What I meant is this. It's not logical to believe 100% that a God does not exist. Whether not believing or denying. Most atheists support this through emotional disbelief, and as we know it, emotions tend to be illogical (look at "love")

Therefore agnostic or theists are logical (well the open-minded one are!)

It's plain wrong to deny all possibility in a god. But as your definition said it is either one who denies or disbelieves in a god. To disbelieve leaves room for you to be wrong. Which is how I stand on it.

to disbelieve is to refuse to believe in and reject. And we can readily imply that it means "reject 100%" - it makes little sense to reject 50% correct?

You reject 50% that God exists? :eek:

Point taken?

I'm very much enjoying your posts so far. Excellent to have such an intelligent theist among the ranks.

I'm not intelligent, I have alot of common sense, but not intelligent. Open-minded, yes.
"Humans will never be able to comprehend the origin of the Universe, I predict that we'd kill ourselves off before we ever reach such an intelligent potential to do so - maybe in 1000 years?"

Science may do it. But I don't think we have anywhere near the ability to predict when or how at this moment. It's like scientists in the fifties predicting we would all be in flying cars by now!

"You are agnostic by definition. (sorry for being so literal)"

Agnostic; One who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God.
Atheist; One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods

I'm both, actually. I disbelieve that god or gods exist. If asked whether or not I think a god exists I would state 'no'....not 'neither yes nor no'. I believe there is no god. This is a logical belief because I look at god like a court case. If someone claimed you commited murder they would have to prove you commited murder, you would not have to prove that you were innocent first. Someone claimed there was a god, I believe that since they are making a claim they should have to prove their claim. I'm an atheist but not to the hardcore level of being so close-minded as to eliminate all possibility of a god. From what I've gathered from the little Stephen Hawking I've read, I'm something like him. Hawking seems to be an atheist but able to accept the fact that he may be wrong. An agnostic, by definition, does not believe there is no god. I believe there is no god.

"Atheists believe they don't need to believe in a God to improve their lives or act as a moral absolute (from humans, I don't think moral absolute exists). And they're right!"

I think the arguement that religion instills morals and is the only way to ethical living is disgusting arrogant and stupid.

"You can't claim that it is "illogical" for a God to exist though, you don't have enough knowledge to state that. (against creationists and religious people you do)"

First of all, the god in religions of today is illogical. You already know this. Secondly, I don't claim that god is illogical. I claim that a belief in god is.

"to disbelieve is to refuse to believe in and reject. And we can readily imply that it means "reject 100%" - it makes little sense to reject 50% correct?

You reject 50% that God exists?"

disbelieve; Not to believe; to refuse belief or credence to; to hold not to be true or actual.

There's the key for me. I do not hold god to be true or actual. Therefore I disbelieve in god.

"Therefore agnostic or theists are logical"

How in the world are theists logical?

"I'm not intelligent, I have alot of common sense, but not intelligent. Open-minded, yes."

Start talking to some of the theists on these boards and you'll realize how smart you are.
Originally posted by Tyler
Agnostic; One who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God.
Atheist; One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods

I'm both, actually. I disbelieve that god or gods exist. If asked whether or not I think a god exists I would state 'no'....not 'neither yes nor no'. I believe there is no god. This is a logical belief because I look at god like a court case. If someone claimed you commited murder they would have to prove you commited murder, you would not have to prove that you were innocent first. Someone claimed there was a god, I believe that since they are making a claim they should have to prove their claim. I'm an atheist but not to the hardcore level of being so close-minded as to eliminate all possibility of a god. From what I've gathered from the little Stephen Hawking I've read, I'm something like him. Hawking seems to be an atheist but able to accept the fact that he may be wrong. An agnostic, by definition, does not believe there is no god. I believe there is no god.

I see, interpretations can really mess things up eh? Religion is one HUGE example of interpretations.

I think the arguement that religion instills morals and is the only way to ethical living is disgusting arrogant and stupid.

I give them *some* credit though. People were extremely stupid back then, religion united them! :rolleyes: Smart person(s) would create a cult or religion to control them. Being it belief in one God or many gods.

First of all, the god in religions of today is illogical. You already know this. Secondly, I don't claim that god is illogical. I claim that a belief in god is.

the "god in religions" prey on emotions....becareful....LOL

So if I believe in God, this means my belief is illogical?

Just because you can't "see" something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Back then people couldn't see there brains, did it exist? of course.

But in our time's reference: replace "see" with "have empirical proof of"

I believe in God because I believe in the supernatural. (extra dimensions/realms and so forth)

disbelieve; Not to believe; to refuse belief or credence to; to hold not to be true or actual.

I see, our dictionaries interpreted them differently. Same way with religion, which one is right? :rolleyes:

Disbelieve: To refuse to believe in; reject.

Excerpted from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition © 1996 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic version licensed from INSO Corporation; further reproduction and distribution in accordance with the Copyright Law of the United States. All rights reserved.

How in the world are theists logical?

They can still be reasonable (excluding religious and creationists).

Basically, as a theist, I look at science then link it to God. Just think of it as what you would do regarding science, I go the extra mile to link it with God.

Thinking this way does not limit my potential regarding science.
aaaaghr, I've missing a beautiful discussion

I see, interpretations can really mess things up eh? Religion is one H

I agree, religion(s) mess everything up:)

1) Evolution.

Ok, where do butterflies and finches come from? Common examples of natural selection acting on present genetic variation do not tell us how we have come to have horses, wasps, and woodpeckers, and the enormous varieties of living animals. Evolutionists will tell you that this is where mutations enter the picture. But then refer to the quote from above. Mutation doesn't improve the scenario for evolutionists either.
This entire p[aragraph is without substance, without backing or supporting evidence of any kind. Just wild and uneducated claims. Now, in response, and for your edification, I have provided some very interesting and useful links. The first in particular has some very interesting information.


2) The total failure of origin of life studies to produce a workable model.

Well, the heading for this point is in itself a falsehood. You can not produce a valid argument running from one point to the next if the initiating point is false. Why do I say the point is false? Again, look to those links I have provided. In particular, you might find this page and this page useful.

This type of atmosphere poses a much more difficult challenge and molecules pertinent for life would be much rarer.
I believe he should be talking here about cells rather than molecules. I see no reason the molecules required for life would be present in very different amounts in either of the two atmospheric models provided.

Molecular oxygen would poison any reaction leading to biologically significant molecules.
Perhaps you could explain precisely what is meant? Which reactions for which molecules would be damaged by the presence of molecular oxygen?

There is no source for the informational code in a strictly naturalistic origin of life.
Utterly false. Again, read through those links.

3) The inability of evolutionary mechanism to explain the origin of complex adaptations.

Some aspects of evolutionary theory describe accurately how existing organisms are well adapted to their environments, but do a very poor job of explaining just how the necessary adaptive structures came about in the first place. Evolutionary theory has failed to explain how certain structures (such as cytochrome c, the human eye, etc.) could arise by natural processes alone.
Again, for your edification, try these links:


4) The bankruptcy of the blind watchmaker hypothesis.

An assumpton is that bature can provide a whole chain of favorable mutations of the precise kind needed to change forelimbs into wings in a continuous line of development.
That is 100% silly and has never been an assumption of evolution. Here he misrepresents it all quite deliberately. Nature does not produce a whole chain of favourable mutations needed to change forelimbs into wings in a continuous line of development. Rather, nature produces countless mutations and gradual changes which do all sorts of things. Only one such change might produce wings from forelimbs, or maybe several million such changes occurred and only a few survived.

If an animal is "developing" wings, it has a much harder time to survive and utilize it, since you know, it's developing.
This is just meaningless babble. I suggest you have a look at fossils of creatures such as Pterodactyls. Tell me what you notice about their wings.

But artificial selection works because it incorporates foresight and conscious purpose, the absence of which are the defining qualities of the blind watchmaker.
So, what he's saying is:
artificial selection = a
foresight and planning = b
natural selection = c
no foresight or planning = d

Since a relies on b, and c relies on d, then a can not prove c.
Fair enough. Now you might just as easily replace those terms with:
a = horse
b = four legs
c = humans
d = two legs

And then say that horses have four legs therefore and humans have two legs so humans don't make sense. Notice this is completely nonsensical.

In other words, he says that artificial selection relying on foresight disproves natural selection which doesn't rely on foresight. No sense at all.

5) The biological evidence that the rule in nature is morphological stability over time and not constant change.

Rather than observing organisms gradually evolving into other forms, the fossil record speaks of sudden appearance and stasis. Darwin predicted that there should be innumerable transitional forms between species. But the reality of paleontology (the study of fossils) is that new forms appear suddenly with no hint of the gradual change predicted by evolution.
Read those links I provided at the start of this post. Evolution theory as proposed by Darwin has been continually refined over the years. You may wish to take particular note of Stephen Jay Gould, who died quite recently. I have also provided a link to some of his work. There are indeed transitional fossils, but migration and sudden, drastic environmental changes also produce sudden changes in species in any given area/time. Again, this is all covered quite extensively in those first links.

Not only that, but once these new forms have appeared, they remain relatively unchanged until the present day or until they become extinct. Some animals and plants have remained unchanged for literally hundreds of millions of years. These living fossils can be more embarrassing for the evolutionist than they often care to admit.
Actually, I think you'll find many "evolutionists" are quite happy to talk of these long-lasting forms of life. There is no clause in evolution theory, as far as I'm aware, which states that all things must evolve at an equal rate. If a certain type of tree develops to the stage at which it can perfectly survive in its environment, then it will face fewer pressures of natural selection and from that point on any changes in that type of tree will be very minor if they occur at all, unless there is some major environmental change - which would account for sudden changes in fossilised populations of that area at that time.

If Darwin were alive today, he'd be disappointed. There is less evidence for his theory now than in his own day.
Again, this is 100% false. There is much more evidence today than in Darwin's time. Again, the evidence is described in those first links I provided.

Punctuated equilibrium, i just hope they didn't "insert" this thouhgt into evolution to "make" it all fit...
Punctuated Equilibrium was "inserted" into evolution theory a while back, as a refinement. Many theories undergo such refinements over the years. We would be a sorry bunch if we accepted a theory one day and then never again examined it or improved it.

In our galaxy alone, there are about 100,000 stars (from memory). With a 0.001% chance of life for each one, that means we'd expect 1 planet with life in our galaxy purely by chance. And guess what? There is one - ours!
yes! But that approximation was made back in 1960 and it ignored many significant factors. Nowadays scientists have many more factors and this chance greatly drops.
Please provide any evidence to support your ideas about life on other worlds. Anything.

But a wacky theory that I stupidly thought of (when in the shoes of atheists) is: when you get to atoms there is 99.9% space, then quarks, even more space, keep going until you get to nothing. But how can it be nothing? Must be supernatural...
So, because you don't understand what you have been told or what you are saying, you leap to the conclusion it must be supernatural? That's just great. I shall try to explain something for you. Use the Sun and Pluto as a model of the nucleus and electron of an atom. If we did not know the actual path of Pluto, what would be the probability of it being at any point in space within the gravitational inlfuence of our Sun at any point in time? Without knowing its path, can you guess? It is the same with atoms and such. Since we do not know the exact path of an electron, but have some general idea of its size or area in relation to the maximum area it inhabits, we can only say that the region it occupies is the maximum area it inhabits divided by the size or area of the electron, and that region could be anywhere within the maximum area. This is what is meant when people say that it is 99.99% empty space. There is no "nothing" involved there.

More and more scientists nowadays are embracing IDT, you have any SOLID proof of them being TOTALLY wrong?
Very odd. Every university professor and researcher I know of has nothing whatsoever to do with Intelligent Design Theory. In fact, I recall hearing a cosmologist from the USA saying quite clearly that fewer and fewer scientists in that country give any credence at all to Intelligent Design or Creationism. Perhaps you could provide some form of evidence supporting your claim?

Please show us any instance of some natural thing having a supernatural origin. I think you'll find that all natural things have a perfectly natural origin.
Origin of the universe - you don't know if it's natural or not. I don't either.
However, the supernatural stuff has not a single shred of evidence, whereas all the commonly accepted scientific theories do have supporting evidnce.

Can you refute the claims made about how:

weak/strong nuclear forces
parent star mass/age/color/birth date
magnetic field
oxygen to nitrogen ratio
electron to proton mass ratio

and so on. They all must be at certain fixed "status/rates etc."
JamesR and other are more suited to the task, being far more knowledgable about physics and such.

Humans will never be able to comprehend the origin of the Universe...
Wonderful crystal ball you have there for seeing the future. Science is the pursuit of understanding the universe. It is occurring every day, all around the world. Can you actually give some reason why we might never understand the origins of the universe?

It's not logical to believe 100% that a God does not exist. Whether not believing or denying. Most atheists support this through emotional disbelief, and as we know it, emotions tend to be illogical.
Not at all. I have never absolutely discounted the possible existence of any single god or any pantheon of gods. It is simply very unlikely and has no supporting evidence and so does not take up any of my time.
All I know is the origin of the universe has to be supernatural.


But a wacky theory that I stupidly thought of (when in the shoes of atheists) is: when you get to atoms there is 99.9% space, then quarks, even more space, keep going until you get to nothing. But how can it be nothing? Must be supernatural, everything must relate to energy in some way...I'm dying to know! That is why I hate it when religious people state "How did man come about?" Them: "Oh God made them! Poof! Man comes about!"

What is supernatural about energy?

Priest: "People who don't believe in God...are evil..." A baptist priest said that, and all the people in that stupid church clapped their hands!

Psalm 14:1.

How can we come from nothing? (a super small proton? where that come from?) Yea I believe in the Big Bang, but looking into Plasma Theory. I just need to go through all the courses Thed advised me to take

How can somthing come from nothing? I do not think the big bang was exactly "nothing" - great quantities of energy were involved.

More and more scientists nowadays are embracing IDT,

Appeal to authority, sorry.

you have any SOLID proof of them being TOTALLY wrong? (I want to know) One of the lead people behind the IDT movement is from Yale, Jonathon Wells.

Shifted burden of proof.

Evolutionary theory is well backed up and and accepted on its merits by most of the scientific community. If you wish to argue against it, the burden of proof is on you, not me.

Of course you can! Why do you exist Xev!? Xev: by my God, chance!

Chance is not a God, let alone my God. I remind you that I am an athiest, thus do not worship any Gods.

That includes chance.

chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x chance x 10^100 more chances x some more chances = near impossibility.

You've yet to demonstrate any of this. You've yet to reply adequetly to my arguments involving the weak anthropic principle.

Thus you have yet to show this. You are still operating on faith, not reason.

Well..sometimes...observable reality. Epicycles! Flat earth!


You could separate yourself from God.

What God? Some vauge theistic conception? What harm is there in that?

Honest as in '"strong athiest"

Straw man. That would be like me calling the weather forcaster dishonest because he could not say, with 100% accuracy, whether it would rain.

I see, so you are an agnostic by definition. Strong (honest) atheists don't believe in a God at all, period, no possibilities of one.

A: I object to the characterization of dishonest and would ask you not to be insulting.

B: Where on earth did you get this definition? It certainly isn't the mainstream!

honest athiestism is not logical, since you don't have anywhere near the right information to believe there is no God, period.

Another straw man. Do you wish to retract that, or should I get the matches and lighter fluid? ;)

Meanwhile you are not this atheist, you are part agnostic, but consider yourself atheist because of all the religious BS. I believe this is mostly human fault. How can a human compare God to himself? Since they tried, God "gets jealous" and so on. Or else how would they interpret God?

No I am not, and have never met such.

Most atheists disbelieve emotinally because of how "stupid religion" can make people. (but not all religious people are stupid )

Evidence? Have you surveys showing such?

But illogical to disbelieve completely in a possible God


Sorry but let's stick to the definition of atheistism:

One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods.

Dictionary.com is a veritable philosophical giant, no? :rolleyes:

Go into athiesm in depth. You'll be suprised.
Re: TheChosen

Originally posted by Adam
This entire paragraph is without substance, without backing or supporting evidence of any kind. Just wild and uneducated claims. Now, in response, and for your edification, I have provided some very interesting and useful links. The first in particular has some very interesting information.


Well, the heading for this point is in itself a falsehood. You can not produce a valid argument running from one point to the next if the initiating point is false. Why do I say the point is false? Again, look to those links I have provided. In particular, you might find this page and this page useful.

I believe he should be talking here about cells rather than molecules. I see no reason the molecules required for life would be present in very different amounts in either of the two atmospheric models provided.

Perhaps you could explain precisely what is meant? Which reactions for which molecules would be damaged by the presence of molecular oxygen?

Utterly false. Again, read through those links.

3) The inability of evolutionary mechanism to explain the origin of complex adaptations.

Again, for your edification, try these links:


4) The bankruptcy of the blind watchmaker hypothesis.

That is 100% silly and has never been an assumption of evolution. Here he misrepresents it all quite deliberately. Nature does not produce a whole chain of favourable mutations needed to change forelimbs into wings in a continuous line of development. Rather, nature produces countless mutations and gradual changes which do all sorts of things. Only one such change might produce wings from forelimbs, or maybe several million such changes occurred and only a few survived.

This is just meaningless babble. I suggest you have a look at fossils of creatures such as Pterodactyls. Tell me what you notice about their wings.

So, what he's saying is:
artificial selection = a
foresight and planning = b
natural selection = c
no foresight or planning = d

Since a relies on b, and c relies on d, then a can not prove c.
Fair enough. Now you might just as easily replace those terms with:
a = horse
b = four legs
c = humans
d = two legs

And then say that horses have four legs therefore and humans have two legs so humans don't make sense. Notice this is completely nonsensical.

In other words, he says that artificial selection relying on foresight disproves natural selection which doesn't rely on foresight. No sense at all.

5) The biological evidence that the rule in nature is morphological stability over time and not constant change.

Read those links I provided at the start of this post. Evolution theory as proposed by Darwin has been continually refined over the years. You may wish to take particular note of Stephen Jay Gould, who died quite recently. I have also provided a link to some of his work. There are indeed transitional fossils, but migration and sudden, drastic environmental changes also produce sudden changes in species in any given area/time. Again, this is all covered quite extensively in those first links.

Actually, I think you'll find many "evolutionists" are quite happy to talk of these long-lasting forms of life. There is no clause in evolution theory, as far as I'm aware, which states that all things must evolve at an equal rate. If a certain type of tree develops to the stage at which it can perfectly survive in its environment, then it will face fewer pressures of natural selection and from that point on any changes in that type of tree will be very minor if they occur at all, unless there is some major environmental change - which would account for sudden changes in fossilised populations of that area at that time.

Again, this is 100% false. There is much more evidence today than in Darwin's time. Again, the evidence is described in those first links I provided.

Punctuated Equilibrium was "inserted" into evolution theory a while back, as a refinement. Many theories undergo such refinements over the years. We would be a sorry bunch if we accepted a theory one day and then never again examined it or improved it.

WOW :cool: You must be quite an intellect also. Are you a scientist/biologist or something of that sort? :)

As for those claims, you rebunked them alright, with all those links - I'll make sure I'll read them. The problem with that article is it was published in 1993.

Alright Adam, you've convinced me more about evolution!!

Please provide any evidence to support your ideas about life on other worlds. Anything.

Well, there are parameters. I need someone here who is an expert and very well-educated to answer such claims as...

oxygen to nitrogen ratio in atmosphere

if larger: life functions would proceed too quickly
if smaller: life functions would proceed too slowly

carbon dioxide and water vapor levels in atmosphere

if greater: runaway greenhouse effect would develop
if less: insufficient greenhouse effect

ozone level in atmosphere

if greater: surface temperatures would become too low
if less: surface temperatures would he too high; too much uv radiation at surface

And so on, there are many many parameters. Check the link at my very first post considering those parameters. Are they just voodoo science? Or they make sense. (they only problem I have is where the hell did he get those numbers, he could have exagerated quite a bit.) - that is why i'm asking people's opinion here.

Judging from what I already know I think most of them make sense - not all

To simplify it, of any planet in the universe originates at the wrong position in its respective solar system, it won't be capable of life. Also if its too small, an atmosphere would not be possible. But if the planet were any bigger the planet would contain free hydrogen like Jupiter.

Correct me if I'm wrong on any of these.

My point is, back in 1960 they found some parameters. Today they find more and more. Until it keeps in that direction.

Question is: Do we know of all possible parameters?

Answer: of course not

So, because you don't understand what you have been told or what you are saying, you leap to the conclusion it must be supernatural? That's just great.

Um, no. I accept the inferiority of science and human's. Science isn't God :D so it's not capable of answering everything.

Do you accept this inferiority? Or you letting your ego drive you?

First of all we won't get to the bottom of "what matter really is" How do we know there isn't more other than quarks and gluons? Then if we do discover something else, what's after that? after that?

You see?

I shall try to explain something for you. Use the Sun and Pluto as a model of the nucleus and electron of an atom. If we did not know the actual path of Pluto, what would be the probability of it being at any point in space within the gravitational inlfuence of our Sun at any point in time? Without knowing its path, can you guess? It is the same with atoms and such. Since we do not know the exact path of an electron, but have some general idea of its size or area in relation to the maximum area it inhabits, we can only say that the region it occupies is the maximum area it inhabits divided by the size or area of the electron, and that region could be anywhere within the maximum area. This is what is meant when people say that it is 99.99% empty space. There is no "nothing" involved there.

Yep almost "nothing" now as for that 0.01% something, there's more space within the quarks and gluons. Keep going and when % * % * % = very very very low %

What the hell is space anyway? :confused:

Very odd. Every university professor and researcher I know of has nothing whatsoever to do with Intelligent Design Theory. In fact, I recall hearing a cosmologist from the USA saying quite clearly that fewer and fewer scientists in that country give any credence at all to Intelligent Design or Creationism. Perhaps you could provide some form of evidence supporting your claim?

Odd, the ID movement is growing, correct?. The International Society for Complexity, Information, and Design

Origin of the universe - you don't know if it's natural or not. I don't either.

If the Big Bang were true, dimension-less? explosion creates space-time and so forth, Thed knows.

Let's get something straight.

1) I'm cre-evolutionist and embrace science every bit.
2) I don't believe in creation as in "poof" it appears, there is not one proof that you can "create/poof" something out of nothing. Not any system we know of. Matter being created would defy the conservation laws.
3) God is responsible for organizing the Universe, you can call it creating also, but not in the sense that He "poofed" everything there.
4) Just because I believe in a God, does not mean I am handicapped in some way regarding science ;)
5) I accept human inferiority.

However, the supernatural stuff has not a single shred of evidence, whereas all the commonly accepted scientific theories do have supporting evidnce.

Ok, ok, I rest on FAITH! Great Cthulhu! Does having faith in something handicap my intelliegent potential!? :D

Stop criticizing me :) It's all boils down to how you look at things to become close-minded and restrictive in learning.

JamesR and other are more suited to the task, being far more knowledgable about physics and such.

Yep I hope they answer to either validate the claims or invalidate them.

Wonderful crystal ball you have there for seeing the future. Science is the pursuit of understanding the universe. It is occurring every day, all around the world. Can you actually give some reason why we might never understand the origins of the universe?

Human inferiority. All we can do is theorize. That's it, we can't go traveling around the universe and finding information. (unless you can warp space) but still, that won't be enough to discover the origin of the Universe.

Plasma to Big Bang, we don't know for sure if those theories are absolutely correct.

Can you give me a reason why we might understand the origins of the Universe?

Not at all. I have never absolutely discounted the possible existence of any single god or any pantheon of gods. It is simply very unlikely and has no supporting evidence and so does not take up any of my time.

Good, you don't dwell on questions like "What is God waiting for?" LMAO
The Chosen,

<i>Let's keep it intellectual.</i>

I thought I was. My dragon example is precisely analogous to your God example re Pascal's wager. See my point?

<i>Everything has a purpose.</i>

What's the purpose of a rock? What's the purpose of a particular grain of sand on a beach in the Bahamas? What's the purpose of Mar's moon Phobos?

<i>Biogenesis: The principle that living organisms develop only from other living organisms and not from nonliving matter.</i>

That's not an established scientific principle.

<i>[Punctuated equilibrium]'s a theory.</i>

Yes, it is. So?

<i>I don't know anything about radiation physics.</i>

Well then it won't mean much to you if I tell you that I see no evidence of a creator in radiation physics. Yet, strangely, it seems to mean something to you when your friend tells you he does see such evidence. Why is that, do you suppose?

<i>yes! But that approximation was made back in 1960 and it ignored many significant factors. Nowadays scientists have many more factors and this chance greatly drops.</i>

Oh? Why did you quote the "old" estimate then, if you have a newer, more accurate one?

Oh, by the way, I made a mistake. The number of stars in our galaxy is actually estimated to be 400,000,000,000 (400 billion). With a 0.001% chance of life for each one, that would give 4,000,000 (4 million) life-bearing planets in our galaxy.

I've read a more detailed recent analysis of this which concluded there could be around 500,000 life-bearing planets in our galaxy.
Originally posted by Xev


Because that's what I believe.

What is supernatural about energy?

No, I didn't say energy was supernatural. I was refering to my "stupid" hypothesis about "space"

Psalm 14:1.

I don't read the Bible due to how inaccurate it can be about the translations x interpretations. Why waste my time?

How can somthing come from nothing? I do not think the big bang was exactly "nothing" - great quantities of energy were involved.

Yes, I'm still very skeptical about "poofing creation" Matter being poofed into existence? (partially why I'm cre-evolutionist, but I don't have all the knowledge in the universe to prove it wrong)

Why would the universe originate from such a small "space"?

My conclusion is something out of the natural world must have constructed the universe. What the hell caused the explosion then?

Leave a dynamite and don't lite the fuse, let's see if it explodes :D

"Appeal to assumptions" sorry :D

How do you know I believe IDT because all these other scientists do? Did I explicilty state that? Logical fallacy that and this, I hate them "Appeal to popularity" and so on.

"Hey guys, these scientists believe in IDT, so it must be true! Just as how many people believed the earth was flat, so it must be true!!!"

Please don't use logical fallacies against me (unless you're 100% sure it applies to me), I been in countless arguments with them. I use them too when appropiate.

I don't buy IDT 100%, neither evolution 100%, but I believe in both of them.

Shifted burden of proof.

Evolutionary theory is well backed up and and accepted on its merits by most of the scientific community. If you wish to argue against it, the burden of proof is on you, not me.

Let me get back to you when I become a very famous scientist in 30 years :D

Once again, I'm not arguing against evolutionary theory, I'm arguing against the validation of IDT.

IF anyone here can show me SOLID proof of how IDT is so wrong, then I'll believe them. But this proof has to be infallible and can't be debunked.

Chance is not a God, let alone my God. I remind you that I am an athiest, thus do not worship any Gods.

That includes chance.

Haha! I was just joking! :p So do you know how I feel when you joke on me??

Thanks for understanding. (you do right?)

You've yet to demonstrate any of this. You've yet to reply adequetly to my arguments involving the weak anthropic principle.

Thus you have yet to show this. You are still operating on faith, not reason.

WAP just says that there could be an exhaustively random and infinite number of worlds.

So if you believe in the WAP you must embrace the Plasma Theoy which allows that. (From atheistic viewpoint ;)) True the mere improbability of our own universe is not evidence of divine design. And without divine design, there is no rational foundation to believe in a designer.

Once again, it's how you perceive things. I believe that probability did not lead to our existence. Other than that the WAP is a good argument.

atheists say it's irrational to believe in a God (well some say), but they can only say this if they know for sure (100%) that a God does not exist. So theists are not irrational (at least my type of theists aren't)


Yep! Of course they are disproven. Why? Becaue we got to observe MORE and obtain MORE knowledge.

For the Big Bang, if we observe MORE knowledge it could either lead to 1) more support for it or 2) invalidation of it.

What God? Some vauge theistic conception? What harm is there in that?

Think about it, you aren't giving any credit to God whatsoever based on extremely minuscule amount of knowledge that you possess. You are rather, giving credit to pure chance.

I give God credit and chance credit, but this chance was intentionally guided by God.

Straw man. That would be like me calling the weather forcaster dishonest because he could not say, with 100% accuracy, whether it would rain.

I see, but I'm sure an atheist would be accurate in stating why he truly believes or not. But with the reference to God, we don't know if it would rain or not. Get it?

But this already has been seen with my discussion with Tyler.

Another straw man. Do you wish to retract that, or should I get the matches and lighter fluid? ;)

Explain straw man.

Evidence? Have you surveys showing such?

I know people that disbelieve because of how "unfortunate" they are and so on. People believe because of how "fortunate" they are and so on.

Do you disagree with my very general claim here? I hope not.

Dictionary.com is a veritable philosophical giant, no? :rolleyes:

Go into athiesm in depth. You'll be suprised.

We need an abosulute for athiesm. There are several atheistism sites and they all claim different viewpoints on atheistism.

Who's correct? :rolleyes: What/who is our absoulte to judge it on? Hmmm...let's just stick to what the dictionary says, and everyone accepts the dictionary, sorry.

Unless, you know, you don't? :D

WOW :cool: You must be quite an intellect also. Are you a scientist/biologist or something of that sort? :)
No, I am a monkey-trainer at Silver's Grand Magic Circus.

To simplify it, of any planet in the universe originates at the wrong position in its respective solar system, it won't be capable of life. Also if its too small, an atmosphere would not be possible. But if the planet were any bigger the planet would contain free hydrogen like Jupiter.
A few very important points relevent to this matter.


Earth's own orbit varies by about 3% over the course of a year, so we do in fact have quite a wide range for suitability for life.


Many people expect to find life on Europa, possible fossils on Mars, maybe basic life on a few other bodies in this system alone.


Life on our own planet proves that life can exist in conditions once thought totally inhospitable for life. For example the sea creatures living in the otherwise incredibly toxic environments around undersea volcanic vents.


Organic molecules exist everywhere. Even sugar is floating around freely in deep space. These molecules and all other organic molecules are obviously far mproe concentrated on planets. And how many planets are there outside our star system? More than 70 so far, in the very limited amount of space so far scanned for such things.


As stated, organic molecules are everywhere, and the conditions qhich may force those molecules to become acids and gease and slime and eventually RNA strands and other things, are very common. Such conditions exist on several planets in this system alone. Most likly they exist on planets in other star systems too. These molecules and conditions interact constantly, throughout the universe, more times every second than anyone could possibly ever count. It only takes one successful interaction out of all those countless tries for life to begin. The only difference between organic molecules and cells is time, and the only difference between cells and us is time.

These five points add up to this: Life is indeed quite likely in many other parts of the universe.

Oh, by the way, I made a mistake. The number of stars in our galaxy is actually estimated to be 400,000,000,000 (400 billion). With a 0.001% chance of life for each one, that would give 4,000,000 (4 million) life-bearing planets in our galaxy.
JamesR, thanks very much for that.

My point is, back in 1960 they found some parameters. Today they find more and more. Until it keeps in that direction.
Question is: Do we know of all possible parameters?
Answer: of course not
No, we don't know all possible parameters. However, we do know those five points I outlined above. I personally don't know much at all about the parameters of aerodynamics, nor the parameters involved with the durability of the human body, but I know I'll most likely die in a messy way if I leap from the top of a forty-level building. In other words, we know enough to have a fair degree of certainty that life exists elsewhere in the universe.

Do you accept this inferiority? Or you letting your ego drive you?
Please explain how ego comes into the matter at all. Also please explain what we humans are inferior to.

First of all we won't get to the bottom of "what matter really is" How do we know there isn't more other than quarks and gluons? Then if we do discover something else, what's after that? after that?
You see?
Indeed, now and then we find ourselves able to quantify matter down to smaller and smaller scales. This does not indicate anything except that our science is improving.

Please show me where exactly on that website there is evidence of the ID theory growing.

2) I don't believe in creation as in "poof" it appears, there is not one proof that you can "create/poof" something out of nothing. Not any system we know of. Matter being created would defy the conservation laws.
5) I accept human inferiority.
2) That's why theories of the Big Bang involve incredible density.
5) Again, inferior to what?

Human inferiority. All we can do is theorize. That's it, we can't go traveling around the universe and finding information. (unless you can warp space) but still, that won't be enough to discover the origin of the Universe.
Actually we can do more than theorise. Mass*Acceleration=Force is well proven, as are many other theories.

Can you give me a reason why we might understand the origins of the Universe?
Absolutely. We have for thousands of years been learning, and we know more of the nature of the universe now than ever before. I see no reason why that trend would not continue.
No, I didn't say energy was supernatural. I was refering to my "stupid" hypothesis about "space"

Sorry then, I was confused.

Yes, I'm still very skeptical about "poofing creation" Matter being poofed into existence? (partially why I'm cre-evolutionist, but I don't have all the knowledge in the universe to prove it wrong)

But is there not evidence for such "poofing"?

Why would the universe originate from such a small "space"?

Why shouldn't it?

My conclusion is something out of the natural world must have constructed the universe. What the hell caused the explosion then?

What caused this "something"?

How do you know I believe IDT because all these other scientists do? Did I explicilty state that? Logical fallacy that and this, I hate them "Appeal to popularity" and so on.

I find fallacies to be usefull. I am sorry if I misinterpreted you - you said:

More and more scientists nowadays are embracing IDT,

I interpreted this to be an argument for IDT. I pointed out that such an argument was fallacious. My apologies for the error.

Please don't use logical fallacies against me (unless you're 100% sure it applies to me), I been in countless arguments with them. I use them too when appropiate.

I should consider it a favor if you point out any fallacies I commit.

As Marcus Aurelius said:

"If anyone can show me, and prove to me, that I am wrong in thought or deed, I will gladly change. I seek the truth, which never yet hurt anybody. It is only persistence in self-delusion and ignorance which does harm." -Marcus Aurelius

IF anyone here can show me SOLID proof of how IDT is so wrong, then I'll believe them. But this proof has to be infallible and can't be debunked.

That is not common in science, you realize....?

Haha! I was just joking! :p So do you know how I feel when you joke on me??

Sorry. We don't know each other, and you cannot see my reactions.

Usually, I am grinning as I type. I have a very thick skin - which makes it difficult for others to offend me and easy for me to offend others.

WAP just says that there could be an exhaustively random and infinite number of worlds.

Umm, ah, I don't think so? Perhaps you could expand on this a bit more?

So if you believe in the WAP you must embrace the Plasma Theoy which allows that. (From atheistic viewpoint ;)) True the mere improbability of our own universe is not evidence of divine design. And without divine design, there is no rational foundation to believe in a designer.

Plasma theory? Sorry, I'll have to google and get back on that - however, I don't think that the big bang is inconsistant with the WAP.

atheists say it's irrational to believe in a God (well some say), but they can only say this if they know for sure (100%) that a God does not exist. So theists are not irrational (at least my type of theists aren't)

You seem to crave absolute certainty...I do not think that such a thing exists. In fact, I know it does not.

Thus, I do not think certainty is necessary for athiesm.

For the Big Bang, if we observe MORE knowledge it could either lead to 1) more support for it or 2) invalidation of it.

Aye, such is the way of science.

Think about it, you aren't giving any credit to God whatsoever based on extremely minuscule amount of knowledge that you possess. You are rather, giving credit to pure chance.

I am a skeptic. I have yet to see evidence for God. I do, however, see evidence for chance.

To be absolutely clear, and I don't mean to put words in your mouth or imply anything, but you do realize that evolution is not pure chance, right?

I give God credit and chance credit, but this chance was intentionally guided by God.

This remains a personal belief.

I see, but I'm sure an atheist would be accurate in stating why he truly believes or not. But with the reference to God, we don't know if it would rain or not. Get it?

Oh, I am not so sure. I admit of the possibility that a God or Gods might exist.

Explain straw man.

Caricituring an argument in order to attack it. Another fallacy.

I know people that disbelieve because of how "unfortunate" they are and so on. People believe because of how "fortunate" they are and so on.

I've not met such, but I am sure they exist.

We need an abosulute for athiesm.

Why? All veiws change over time, they grow, they evolve....

Why set such strict standards? Democracy means somthing different today than it did 200 years ago, do you agree?