Evolution and America

superluminal said:
Who knows? If we beat our kids into an apathetic stupor in school, what's to motivate them later in life? It's a good recipie for dumbing down the citizens to make it easier for you to gain office and push your own agendas, don't you think?

Seems all so terribly pointless somehow.

Is that all there is to life here?
samcdkey said:
Seems all so terribly pointless somehow.

Is that all there is to life here?
Of course not! It's just one of a million problems we have. We have a million good things too. There are plenty of people who know the situation and it will turn around. Of the best people we produce they match or exceed the achievements of other nation's best. Not that that should matter, but in a world of boundaries and national interests it's important for our security and prosperity.

Nighty night.
Absane said:
I think it's because the US, in general, "believes" that everyone is entitled to their opinion and that every viewpoint is to be treated with respect and that everyone is correct. And the majority of people are religious.

Like the respect Americans show Muslims?
Or the 500 nations?
Or African Americans?
