Evil or good?


1) The natural sciences are governed by a set of ubiquitous laws that dictate every cause-effect event in the universe. These laws are stable and absolute. Humanity will never fully understand or characterize fundamental laws of the universe.

2) There is no real difference between natural sciences and ethics.

3) Ethics then, must be governed by a set of ubiquitous laws that dictate every cause-effect event in humanity. These laws are stable and absolute. Humanity will never fully understand or characterize fundamental laws of ethics.
so far I am with you.

If statement #3 is true, we would expect that an action would be countered with a consistent effect - in every case.
Why is that?
I certainly do not think so.

We all know that this is not the case in this "realm". Innocent people are put to death for crimes they did not commit. Rapists, and murderers walk the streets free.
Unfortunately that is true. Unfortunately, people commit crimes.

belief in another "realm" coincides with the belief in the afterlife and God.
That also is not true. those two do not coincide.
For example, how about the Platonic realm of Ideas? (no God there)
That kind of realm of absolute truths is actually what I am thinking of.

4) God has one ubiquitous set of laws governing human ethics. These laws are stable and absolute. We can never hope to fully understand these laws. We can do whatever we wish here on earth but will be subject to the effects of our actions in the afterlife when we are judged.
I am not a believer in that sense.

My problem with statement #4 is this: if every person is subject to the same law for their ethical actions in life on earth, why is there so much dissent when it comes to agreement upon what those laws are?
If the above rationale you described were true, maybe because
"Humanity will never fully understand or characterize fundamental laws of ethics. "

More importantly, what evidence do you have that the ethical laws you believe are "correct" are more accurate that the laws somebody else believes are "correct"?
I do not have evidence for that, except for that which I defended in my piece on ethics (see thread in "philosophy>ethics, morals, justice>A basis for rational and objective ethics" ).
Again: my insight may be clouded. And it is the only insight I can trust. That applies also to you, and to everybody else. Therefor, I think Equality is very well defendable.
Relativism, however is not.
A question: do you love somebody?
Maybe you will understand my problems with relativism if you do.

May all your days be happy ones.
Evil is not born when a baby gets born.
Evil comes later in life.
Nobody is born with evil in his/her mind or body or what you may think.
Evil is something found out by humans.
That is the reason why there is so much paranoya in this world.
Why is everybody so afraid of other people??
You find that normal?
I think it is a shame......

People should care more for eachother in stead of being jealous of the new car from the neighbours or what so ever.
It is ridiculous people can feel that much dislike against another human.
Only humans are like this, not the animals, only humans.......
Thank You!!!

Thank you so much everyone! I know I'll write a great essay now! You guys have just saved my life! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Not quite, Glaucon, ethics is a normative field of study, morals is a descreptive/prescriptive (depeds on the situation) field.

Merlijn: not exactly. For Ethics to have any normative force whatsoever, it must necessarily involve some prescriptive elements.
Hi Glaucon,
Thanks for your remark. Unfortunately, I have to disagree.

Actually it is the other way around: a prescriptive theory is only valid when based on a normative theory. Normative theories may very well exist without any prescriptive elemments. Normative theories are about what "ought to be". For example:

My normative statment is "Life is holy".

My prescriptive statement "Killing is wrong"

Normative theories are purely theoretical and may very well be completely irrelevant to actual existence.
"If the basis of descriptive models is observation and the basis of normative models is reflection, then the basis of prescriptive models is design. "(p.27)
J. Baron. "Thinking and Deciding", 2nd edition, 1994.

May love and wisdom accompany you always

good must be balanced with evil, you cannot have pure good and so the same with evil. If there was no evil on this earth, there too would be no good, its hard to explain. Good creates evil and to evil, its not to say one good act here creates a bad act there, its as a whole. This won't help you, but just something to think about. To destroy all evil, you destroy all good, its the only way.

No Tom, I disagree.
Evil is made up in this world by humans.
And no other then by humans.
The Cosmos gives only Love...
The Cosmos, not the bible, be careful here.
All evil doing to eachother here on Earth is invented by humans and only by humans.

Because of their yealousy and their paranoia and so on.
i disagree

light creates dark
without light dark is not dark just the normal
light on/light off, 'oh its dark'
humans are only a bi-product off the universe, if the universe only holds love, then why are we so full of evil,
'because you cannot have good without evil..;/
"Your good Ashley... I'm Bad Ashley.... 'Goodie little two shoes... Goodie little two shoes'..... You make me Sick:p!"<BR>Ash Splits into two(good and bad Ash) in Evil Dead: Army of Darkness.
Energy is good.
Tom, you think in the wrong direction, you make it all eachothers opposite. That is not what they are, they are eachothers replenishments (I hope this is the good word).
Like, for instance, a man and a woman complete eachothers lifes, they are complementary to eachother.
That is how you have to look at all those 'opposites' you mention. Then the whole picture changes.
If you pay good attention, where ever you go, you will see this everywhere come back.
No human comes into this world with evil within.
The evil is brought to a child by its parents and the neighbourhood. Why? Humans nowadays are very hostile, paranoia, greedy, jealous at one another. All material 'worries'.

If you bring a child into this world and you give it love and no reason to be evil, the child won't feel evil. It comes to the child, as soon as it comes into the great, big world. At school, with friends.
You see? All evil is brought into human lifes by humans themselves, here, on Earth.
But you are never ever born evil.
Evil is human.

Then this, if you do evil to somebody, you will get that back. One way or the other. If you do evil, evil will come back to you.
You get what you give my friend, you get what you give, really.
If you are not evil, there will be less trouble in your life then you will have if you lie and cheat. Because it comes back to you, always, one way or another.
You do good, you get good. Think about it.
It is really no fun like this. I can't write it down the way I really want. My english is not good enough, sorry. I hope you understand what I mean. If not, then please, say so. Ok?
