Evil God

Everyone sees this right? It's like old testament biblical pulled out the arse, stretching logic.

it's quite revealing in how many ATHEISTS reveal themselves to be no more ethical or just as amoral as arcane religious conservatives....

which means god is a jerk, hence the thread topic. thank you for illustrating the obvious conclusion. lmfao
No, silly; it means God doesn't exist.

All these paradoxes about good and evil go away.

The only stretchy logic being pulled out of anyone's arse is that of a supernatural entity that's supposedly loving, yet promulgates evil.

Atheists are the only moral ones of the lot, because they are the only ones who take responsibility for their own behavior.

See how elegant being rational is?
The proof of human depravity as nature 's depravity to favor and promote inferior and malignant while obscuring quality is in the most common and prevalent religions such as islam and christianity. their books are disgusting smut and atrocious, insane nonsense and irrational or perverse reasoning and actions. but is an indication of the level and type of consciousness of the inferiority and fallability of nature. even the agnostics tried to revise a better book but they were outnumbered and shot down. that would have been a higher road but of course, the majority lower nature rules.

Maybe machines will take over in the future, clean up and make people obsolete. can't say that would be any real loss.
Maybe machines will take over in the future, clean up and make people obsolete. can't say that would be any real loss.

Will never work

Female machines will think it is far below them to clean up

So they will soon will be buryed in rubbish

Male machines will break down and the other male machines will not read the instructions books on how to fix them

With the rubbish laying around and the broken machines ideal conditions for bacteria to grow and evolve over a long time into bipedal upright mammals

the strange thing is, i have a sense that even after i leave this world, the evil entities that surrounded me in this life was for a purpose, in that it penetrated closer to my soul through predation and that is to take control and send me to a hell again in the next or torture me in some type of hell. and the worst is it all started because i was good, it's mission was to make sure none would be left at all so that in the end, there would be no me left. i already know this and it's not because of being good or evil, it has nothing to do with deserved or undeserved. it just has to do with power to do so. that's the peculiar and horrifying truth of this place. whatever or wherever this is, it doesn't care if you are good or not or if you are guilty or not or deserve it or not. just like when people are victims of crime, they just have it out for you whether it's jealousy, differences, power or anything or they can because of vulnerability. if you are far from where you come from and end up here either tricked or trafficked, you can be trapped and it will be hard to be able to escape the entities/demigods that run this place.

for some people, it is like being stranded or an orphan here. it makes sense, even in this realm sometimes good people can be targets of evil, sometimes bad people may have power etc.
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the strange thing is, i have a sense that even after i leave this world, the evil entities that surrounded me in this life was for a purpose, in that it penetrated closer to my soul through predation and that is to take control and send me to a hell again in the next or torture me in some type of hell.
You know, concluding that there is no soul and no God is extremely freeing. A great weight will be lifted from your shoulders.

You will realize that your path through life is completely up to you; there's no fate, no kismet, no "lot", no "deserve". There's no over-arching good or evil, there is just individual people, no more or less powerful than you. And your death will result in no horrible punishment; just eternal peace and quiet.

Of course, with freedom comes responsibility too. Your motivation for being good to your fellow man will have to come from self-discipline and character alone, and your path through life will come from hard work alone.
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People are suffering and dying every day and many people are also committing suicide because of their problems and God does nothing to help these people and stop their suffering.

You do know that dying is a natural follow - on to living. Don't you?

Suffering is as much a part of our condition, as is prosperity, and good fortune.

Committing suicide is an individual state of mind.

Religion never made much sense to me not with all the cruelty that is going on in the world.

If it never made much sense to you, why equate it with "ALL THE CRUELTY THAT'S GOING ON IN THE WORLD"?
Don't you think you should make sense of it first? :?

You know, concluding that there is no soul and no God is extremely freeing. A great weight will be lifted from your shoulders.

You will realize that your path through life is completely up to you; there's no fate, no kismet, no "lot", no "deserve". There's no over-arching good or evil, there is just individual people, no more or less powerful than you. And your death will result in no horrible punishment; just eternal peace and quiet.

Of course, with freedom comes responsibility too. Your motivation for being good to your fellow man will have to come from self-discipline and character alone, and your path through life will come from hard work alone.

but life experience seems to indicate otherwise, i think there is a over-arching evil as in some conscious force. just as the idea of if you do bad, there will be 'hell to pay', the often secret truth is if you do good, there will be 'hell to pay' too. this isn't just on the physical plane where we can really witness it such as blatant examples like ISIS.

i think there is a lot of truth to the demiurge. the worst part of it is that oftentimes good people running around trying to better the world are actually better than the demiurge which is secretly working against them or don't care, indifferent to the good they do. it cares about the old, corrupt seedy ways but at the same time, it doesn't want to blow it's cover that is what is it's real opinion so it allows some pockets of good here and there so good people don't lose all hope and bad people's facades are unexposed.

everytime i have tried to do something good in a 'moral' sense, i have been punished 'unseen' like by a more powerful and stealth evil force moving events around and the loss was much more magnified in comparison. that also, again, confirms what has more power here. i could sense it palpably and viscerally.

i remember that time i stood up for myself when i was being lied to and shafted on a cell phone purchase by a shady seller and their store was investigated and they had to change their policy and were fined. though they were doing this to others all along, the seller knew it was me who blew the whistle.

shortly after this i went through hell trying to get my deposit back (legally could not because of poor laws) as well as being harassed by someone who was eerily similar to that seller, even in looks and character. i was harassed so much and an onslaught for awhile, i just knew something was awry spiritually in my life because this person seemed to come out of nowhere to have an irrational sense of unrelenting competition with me and to put me in my 'place'. then it was a few others just to drive the point home. there was a sexist, egoist undertone to this. how dare you expose using integrity. you are a nobody here. the theme seems to be when it comes to good and evil a perverted mix of attraction/covetous to a positive (fruit) strength at the same time a hatred of it (good ethics) which is required to develop/gain it and so want to degrade/destroy it. the motive to destroy good is because if evil can't be usurped or huge ego bruised if it's shown to be inferior if there is a comparison. if it is destroyed, there is no competition. it showed me, again, who has power and who god really was.

evil prospers because god will make sure his children/followers are taken care of secretly, since man's laws are higher and more ethical coming from a higher consciousness elsewhere than the demiurge. the creator of this domain views higher ethics as an invasion and example to usurp the power and entitlement of it's minions/followers as well as embarass /expose corruption. this is why it degrades ethics as if it's an egofest. those who are in league with this power/spirit are protected and gain. man's ethical idealism (stemming from a higher source) is more advanced and abstract than god/demigod. but the demigod/demiurge rules here.

i knew deep in my knowing, sense or whatever, it was as if some type of revenge was exacted through another because obviously he couldn't himself as in this is all spiritual. i also knew this wasn't enacted by the devil but THE god which is the evil and corrupt demiurge but everything was in reverse. what i got a sense of was a very spiteful message being driven home to me that if i had accepted meekly being screwed over, then i wouldn't have caught the ire of the hidden power and controller here which is evil. i lost more and more was taken than what i had gained or lost at the cell phone store. people may not think the events are not connected but i did know they were on the spiritual realm. but just as other past experiences showed me, good can just as well be punished as bad can be.

one thing i agree with is there is no good or evil here in the sense it is amoral, though here evil has an upperhand. the universe was showing me emphatically that the good values, ethics or plans of people still do not have as much power as the spiritual powers that be that work in mysterious (code for corrupt and covert) ways and can alter or pervert our ideas of 'ethics' because it is the real primordial and evil power. this is why god is considered evil by some is because evil people can always resort to the lowest actions and it be condoned by the laws of nature itself. it's the very base of existence here.

this universe is perverted in the way it operates. you can reap evil (theft, loss) for good that you sow just as well evil can reap good (benefit, gain) for the evil (pain, loss) that it sows.

the universe has been showing me that you will be punished if you do justice in the wrong place, not by man, but by the powers that be who can see all. this has to do with unseen spiritual politics and turf. this is how the spirit world works unseen or undetected by some but some are intuitive and realize it.
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. But those who believe the goodies end up in a metaphorical Heaven and the baddies in hell are in for a disappointment, says David Lorimer. "A positive or negative NDE is in no way related to the moral character of the person involved." According to his "ethics of interconnectedness", we're all in it together and we will all experience empathetically the experiences, good and bad, of others. "It's an elaboration of the golden rule, you reap what you sow."

He may be right. The hell supposedly glimpsed by the cyclically depressed, Heavy Metal addict Angie, who had been sexually abused and emotionally deprived as a child, is peopled not by some three-headed Cerberus but by her own psychic ghosts. The first person she encounters is a self- obsessed and wild-haired, black-clad biker "fixed in a thoughtless stupor".

Nobody doubts the authenticity of an experience such as Angie's. But whether it proves the existence of an afterlife is, as Kevin Thomas of the Catholic Media Office puts it, one of life's "non-provables". In the light of Angie's earthly life, Jean-Paul Sartre's theory seems more plausible. In Huis Clos, three newly dead find themselves trapped in a hot, windowless room with no distractions save their own bickering.

"So this is hell," concludes Garcin. "I'd never have believed it. You remember all we were told about the torture chambers, the fire and brimstone, the 'burning marl'. Old wives' tales! There's no need for red-hot pokers. Hell is ... other people!"

You have been warned.

ugh..just like here.

if after we die, it really is the end, that would be heaven. to have to relive against your will over and over again in some other existence and have harmful things done to you is hell. it is just so...wrong and that is why we want to know who is in charge of all this
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Maybe God is actually evil.

If God is evil then that would explain the large amount of severe pain, suffering and death on this planet.

Perhaps the original creator of the Universe was good but an evil God came along and killed him and now this evil God is just torturing the inhabitants of the Earth.

Another possibility is that maybe God just doesn't exist or just doesn't care about humanity, it's also a possibility.
Is it?
According to some scriptures, people spend the vast majority of their existence in an afterlife, so death doesn't really exist.

I seem to recall not being alive since the Big Bang about 14 billion years ago

I don't expect to know anything of the eternity following my death
