Evil God


Valued Senior Member

As it happens, the world is as we would expect it to be if the designer of life was evil. Ancient religious minds also realized this. Gnostic religions such as the Manicheans explained that this world was the creation of an evil God, and that we had to somehow escape from it. Some people criticize this, asking, if the world was designed by an evil God, why is there some happiness and goodness in the world? Why isn't the world purely evil, with only suffering?

“A Manichean might retort that this is the worst of all possible worlds, in which the good things that exist serve only to heighten the evils. The world, he might say, was created by a wicked demiurge [who] created some virtuous men, in order that they might be punished by the wicked; for the punishment of the virtuous is so great an evil that it makes the world worse than if no good men existed.”

"History of Western Philosophy" by Bertrand Russell (1946)1

“Look around this universe. What an immense profusion of beings animated and organized, sensible and active!... But inspect a little more narrowly these living essences... How hostile and destructive to each other! How insufficient all of them for their own happiness!”

David Hume2

I have witnessed many times beings (human?) that salivate and attack good people for the pleasure just because it is good. They so want to corrupt it or degrade it or make it obscure so that evil can have topdog status. They have contempt for good and mock and demean it. there are just so many people like this who have more power than good and honest people that it is more than peculiar and suspicous that you are living in a universe where evil is given more respect and POWER. when i do see good allowed, it is because it is in the service of benefiting evil people as well. yes, it may also benefit good people to some extent as well but i've found it always benefits evil people more. it's like they have more divine natural rights here and first in line. It also gives the illusion that society is mostly 'good' or not completely corrupt when it isn't, ringing alarm bells or people realizing the corruption.

Now i understand when i compile all that i've experienced and witnessed dealing with religious people who fervently believe in god which many logically should have joined satanism considering their real nature, opinions and actions, right? No, they know that nature favors them and immorality as well as hypocrisy just fine (it works, can be effective etc), so why wouldn't they believe in God? If there is a God, it allows it and if this is a design, it also allows it.

Once i asked a particular person why they were so obnoxiously proud of doing something harmful or evil toward another and they point blank stated, "just because i can!!!" with conviction. This was a woman theist. the reason was also because it was unethical and uncalled for so it was defensive but yet there was something obscenely base powerful, unapologetic and unashamedly depraved about it. the fact you can't stop them and so it is their divine right, even if it's unfair or even if it's unethical, does not matter. only god could and god made them that way. there was a divine, yet disgusting, understanding on a deep level of being able to do evil and to that person doing evil was their divine right whenever they felt like it. Makes perfect sense in that regard. why wouldn't unethical people not believe in god just as well.

there is just no way around it, when you weigh and add up all the pros and cons. when you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

God is evil.
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there is just no way around it, when you weigh and add up all the pros and cons. when you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

God is evil.

Way round it

god devil heaven hell and all the other 9,378½ supernatural beings and places


Way round it

god devil heaven hell and all the other 9,378½ supernatural beings and places



ironicly, doesn't matter in a religious context. this universe and nature exists and that is enough justification for theists to attribute it to a god. arguing whether a god technically exists is not something they care that much about, which you don't seem to realize. it's a way for them to justify when it suits them which is the point.

besides, YOU nor anyone knows emphatically what does or doesn't exist. your statement isn't even technically scientific.
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ironicly, doesn't matter in a religious context. this universe and nature exists and that is enough justification for theists to attribute it to a god. arguing whether a god technically exists is not something they care that much about, which you don't seem to realize. it's a way for them to justify when it suits them which is the point.

besides, YOU nor anyone knows emphatically what does or doesn't exist. your statement isn't even technically scientific.

Funnily enough I agree

god is not required for anyone to claim the title of being a bad ass brown sphincter

And technically speaking god or lack of is still in some sort of stupid debate - as you point out - as if it matters

And the existence or not of god is not a scientific technical problem

Way to go

If you are an atheist, you do not believe in God. Therefore, God cannot be evil, since atheists say God does not exist. If evil exists, to an atheist, it has to be attributed to something that exists.

Atheist like to have it both ways. They have God exist when they need a scapegoat, but he is not allowed to exist when they don't want an over dog. Atheism is a religion.

In the bible, evil is attributed to Satan and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Evil is a learned behavior subject to choice. Eve had a choice with consequences. The Obama Administrations alone generated tens of thousands of laws of good and evil. They fed a lot of apples to the masses with many willing to eat.

Twenty years ago, all the PC taboo words were not evil. This became evil only after it was defined by humans, who then asked and taught others to eat of this new tree of knowledge of good and evil. It was subjectively defined by humans, who then recruit others to mimic this subjective behavior.

Trump is chopping large branches off the Democratic party tree of knowledge of good and evil, so there are fewer apples to eat. This pruning is making Satan mad, causing the Democrats and media to generate fake knowledge of good and evil, based on unnamed sources. This comes from the inner Satan of the unconscious mind. They are trying to glue dead branches back on.

Good says one is innocent until proven guilty, while evil says one is guilty until they can proven themselves innocent. Evil needs victims therefore it will accuse one of guilt up front, so it can act in the name of evil, before it can become neutralized by goodness. White guilt is guilty before a trial so people can be explored before they can defend themselves. The conflict and lawlessness that has appeared in the US is due to too many laws having been created, which have amplified the evil within those who eat too much.
Another way around it - God is good, and has good things planned for us, but has allowed us free will so that we are more than mere puppets.

Because of this, bad things happen due to such things as temptation, human imperfection, a series of unfortunate events, and genuinely bad people that exist.

Cause, lets be honest - if you were an all powerful, all mighty Creator looking to make something interesting and unique, wanting the love of your creation... wouldn't that "love" be somewhat diminished and/or counterfeit if the creation had no choice but to love and obey you? Wouldn't it mean more if they loved you out of choice, rather than out of programming?
In the bible, evil is attributed to Satan and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Evil is a learned behavior subject to choice. Eve had a choice with consequences. The Obama Administrations alone generated tens of thousands of laws of good and evil. They fed a lot of apples to the masses with many willing to eat.

So you wish to assert that the concepts of "good and evil" in the laws Obama's administration passed didn't actually exist until they passed them? Ergo, that making unwise and risky investments that lead to the banking collapse wasn't actually a bad thing until the Administration decided to make it a "bad thing"?

Interesting... it explains a bit about your thought processes, to be honest.

Twenty years ago, all the PC taboo words were not evil. This became evil only after it was defined by humans, who then asked and taught others to eat of this new tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Demonstrably false - case in point, our Declaration of Independence asserts that "all men are created equal". The 14th amendment to our Constitution guarantees "equal protection of the laws", which recently has been flaunted by those with money and power.

It was subjectively defined by humans, who then recruit others to mimic this subjective behavior.
I guess you could call it subjective... after all, if you are the one with money and power, and you break the law and get away with a slap on the wrist, its a good thing. If you have little money and no power, and you break the same law to the same extent and wind up in prison for years... yeah, that TOTALLY seems fair... /s

Trump is chopping large branches off the Democratic party tree of knowledge of good and evil, so there are fewer apples to eat. This pruning is making Satan mad, causing the Democrats and media to generate fake knowledge of good and evil, based on unnamed sources. This comes from the inner Satan of the unconscious mind. They are trying to glue dead branches back on.

You are psychotic. Trump is attempting to chop large branches of our entire founding principles off... including the checks and balances. This is the tactic of a despot and wannabe dictator. No president in history has acted in such a blatantly corrupt manner, nor has any president I am aware of so obviously and blatantly ignored the system of checks and balances our Government has in place.

Good says one is innocent until proven guilty, while evil says one is guilty until they can proven themselves innocent. Evil needs victims therefore it will accuse one of guilt up front, so it can act in the name of evil, before it can become neutralized by goodness. White guilt is guilty before a trial so people can be explored before they can defend themselves. The conflict and lawlessness that has appeared in the US is due to too many laws having been created, which have amplified the evil within those who eat too much.

Which is exactly what Trump is doing - he is accusing anyone and everyone that doesn't agree with and extol him as trying to sabotage him. He and his cohorts are attempting to dehumanize their opponents, a tactic we saw used to absolutely terrifying effect by some of the worst "leaders" in history, including Adolf Hitler...

I guess it is no surprise you are so enamored with Trump...
Religion never made much sense to me not with all the cruelty that is going on in the world.

People are suffering and dying every day and many people are also committing suicide because of their problems and God does nothing to help these people and stop their suffering.

In my opinion it is impossible for a loving God to exist and that is why religion just doesn't make any sense and actually never made any sense to me.

This world is too cruel and Hellish for anything meaningful or loving to exist.
In the bible, evil is attributed to Satan and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Evil is a learned behavior subject to choice. Eve had a choice with consequences. The Obama Administrations alone generated tens of thousands of laws of good and evil. They fed a lot of apples to the masses with many willing to eat.

Twenty years ago, all the PC taboo words were not evil. This became evil only after it was defined by humans, who then asked and taught others to eat of this new tree of knowledge of good and evil. It was subjectively defined by humans, who then recruit others to mimic this subjective behavior.

That is crazy. words have meaning and are taboo for a reason. of course it's evil when it's defined as evil and that is why it's used for that purpose. whitewashing pretense does not make it okay. people use words for a purpose.

the tree of knowledge of good and evil is a metaphor for greater understanding as well as the ability to choose based on this understanding. humans are more aware of cause and effect as well as to others. that is a responsibility we have. obama had nothing to do with it.

you are saying that we should be mindless creatures that just run on instinct with total lawlessness. well, people are still animals too and do that as well pretty much, so what is your real argument? do you think we should let out all the prisoners? do away with laws and government? want total anarchy?

as is typical, conservatives reveal themselves to be the primordial and primitive ones. but i already knew that, did you know? it's like you are a type. do or say something to surprise me because it never happens. lmao
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I can honestly understand people who want to die because this world is way too cruel for them.

I can symphasize with that feeling of hopelessness and despair and just wanting to die to end the pain and the difficulties that life throws at you.

This Universe is way too Hellish, cruel and sadistic in order to deserve anyone to be actually alive in it.

If I could be done and disappear from existence completely just by pushing a button then I would have chosen that option immediately.

Lets face it This universe is a Hellhole and so is this planet and they both to deserve to rot in the lowest and darkest abyss and most Hellish underworld as possible.
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[...] there is just no way around it, when you weigh and add up all the pros and cons. when you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. God is evil.

INTERVIEWER: "So how do you feel about God? Er, the author John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, I mean."

SMÉAGOL: "He's an evil, sadistic creator. Look at how he destined me to encounter the Ring and fall under its influence, becoming the slimy creature Gollum. With Middle-earth he produced a wonderful, enchanted land. But merely to sporadically interrupt its history with seizures of bloodshed and horrors via the Dark Lord Sauron and the Orcs. He's a wicked maniac, I tell you. Only interested in falling / rising tensions, drama, violent conflicting interests, personal struggles, and adventurous plot twists of epic, high-fantasy storytelling. To the detriment of all us inhabitants who dwell in his cursed realm."

- - -
INTERVIEWER: "So how do you feel about God? Er, the author John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, I mean."

SMÉAGOL: "He's an evil, sadistic creator. Look at how he destined me to encounter the Ring and fall under its influence, becoming the slimy creature Gollum. With Middle-earth he produced a wonderful, enchanted land. But merely to sporadically interrupt its history with seizures of bloodshed and horrors via the Dark Lord Sauron and the Orcs. He's a wicked maniac, I tell you. Only interested in falling / rising tensions, drama, violent conflicting interests, personal struggles, and adventurous plot twists of epic, high-fantasy storytelling. To the detriment of all us inhabitants who dwell in his cursed realm."

- - -

heh, God is not even this lofty. his perversion is rape, mutilation, deformity, mental illness, disease, child abuse, and all manner of depravity in life's narrative. God has a mind of the lowest scum.
heh, God is not even this lofty. his perversion is rape, mutilation, deformity, mental illness, disease, child abuse, and all manner of depravity in life's narrative. God has a mind of the lowest scum.
Gotta differ here. If God exists in the sense most people think he does, and thus is the creator of mankind, then God's idea of morals are - by definition - moralistic. There is no one to judge - no standard to what existence is - except his. Full stop.

It would be humans who have perverted God's creation to somehow deign to judge such activities as bad.

(Again, though, that is only the case were God to actually exist. If he does not exist, all such paradoxen just never arise.)
It would be humans who have perverted God's creation to somehow deign to judge such activities as bad.

even insane disingenuous excuses.. well, that's to be expected.

rape, mutilation, deformity, mental illness, disease, child abuse, and all manner of depravity in life's narrative

sure, all that can be rendered non-existent by ignoring it. i guess drugs may help to numb too.
even insane disingenuous excuses.. well, that's to be expected.
rape, mutilation, deformity, mental illness, disease, child abuse, and all manner of depravity in life's narrative
sure, all that can be rendered non-existent by ignoring it. i guess drugs may help to numb too.
There's no doubt that humans will view all these things as terrible.
But if God created humans, then their judgement is simply ... wrong.

Interesting. Whoever wrote this came to a similar conclusion I did. This is the most honest breakdown of religion and actually the truth (but with religious terminology) of where we reside (laws of nature/universe) that i have read.

Note that the acknowledgement does not translate to unequivocal condonement.
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There's no doubt that humans will view all these things as terrible.
But if God created humans, then their judgement is simply ... wrong.

Everyone sees this right? It's like old testament biblical pulled out the arse, stretching logic.

it's quite revealing in how many ATHEISTS reveal themselves to be no more ethical or just as amoral as arcane religious conservatives. You only have one bone of contention with them and that is a technical evidence for existence of god or not. But that is really irrelevant as long as they do not block scientific progress. Good on you, as if that is all that is needed to have a good society. Hopefully, your wishes may come true and will have the wonderful experience of a psychopath/sociopath to torture you and realize how your judgement is simply..wrong and praise god in his supposed unerring wisdom. lmao

excuse me??? what the hell are you talking about? you mean on one side of your mouth? people who abuse and rape and steal etc where they gain, do not think it is wrong because they are not having to be victimized. It is a very simple concept to grasp, DAVE? so you are saying they are better in alignment with God? okay, good on you then. that makes total sense in a predatorial universe.

which means god is a jerk, hence the thread topic. thank you for illustrating the obvious conclusion. lmfao
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People want you to “be happy” so that you don’t have questions about double standards, unfairness or lack of accountability.

lol. there is a lot of truth to that. remember back when CONservatives had most power? they were the ones who were the most upset if people weren't cheerful and happy. act, act, act, front, front, front. always commanding you to smile etc. be happy while you are screwed over, okay? i refuse to acknowledge guilt or have to change a damn thing. you have no choice, got it?

That story of Job where people taunt him and tell him he must have done something wrong or deserves it is common among theists and also extreme naturalists. It's very insulting and a perversion of truth.

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