Evidence there is no Heaven or Hell

quote from coolsoldier*****Still, even if it is possible, what does that prove? How could you tell if the soul in the revived body was the same as the one that was in it the first time around?******

how would it be the same soul...hmmm... gee if only we had a way to test if it was the same soul... i'd suggest asking the woken up person who they are, what they believe in, how they like their eggs in the morning, and just for good measure, if they ran a rat maze before they were frozen and found the cheese, make 'um run the maze again to see if they remember where the cheese is a second time.

free will to do as you choose...
these three sound like the same thing to me.

question is if you are unfrozen and some medical guy is asking you questions, are you gonna lie to him and tell him your name is frankenstien and you love to eat puppies and kittens? I doubt that. same soul. however you define soul.
when a person is cryogenical frozen are they even dead? or are they in a sleep like state? would the soul leave the body before there was absolutly no life left within the human?

why is every one trying to compare the brain to a single computer part. it is so much more complex than that and even if you could compare it the brain would be the whole computer working together. the harddrive is where our memory is. the OS is our concious and moral values. and the CPU is the nerve receptors that make the rest function properly.
Originally posted by AvatarOfWoe
when a person is cryogenical frozen are they even dead? or are they in a sleep like state?
People who are cryogenically frozen are very, very dead.
Originally posted by Cris
Cryogenics and cryopreservation are already established activities.[/url]
It's true that companies like Alcor are freezing people's bodies, but at the moment they have no idea how the people could ever be revived. Their explanation amounts to "In the future there might be some technology that allows us to somehow repair all of the extensive damage done to the body during the freezing process, as well as somehow restructure the person's brain to something like it's original state." While I suppose anything is possible, it's hardly an 'established activity'. No human (or any other complex animal) has ever been revived after being cryogenically frozen.
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Truth hurts,

free will to do as you choose...
these three sound like the same thing to me.
So let’s split them up.

Soul – an imaginative concept that has no basis in reality. The origin of the word means ‘breath’. It stems from the ancient observation that when someone is alive they have a breath but when they are dead there is no breath. This gave rise to the idea that the life of a person is encapsulated in their breath and that when they die their breath leaves the body. This was further extended to the idea of evil spirits who could enter the body by being breathed in. The bible is also full of the same idea and even God gave Adam life by breathing life into him.

We now know the role of breathing and know it has nothing to do with being a spirit. The concept of a soul is nothing more than an outdated fantasy.

Consciousness – this is an imprecise term that is probably better defined as mind. Or rather the result of a functioning brain.

Free will – The ability to choose between alternatives without obvious coercion.

They all seem incredibility different to me.

People who are cryogenically frozen are very, very dead.
And is that a problem or not? Is a preserved brain dead or merely inactive?

While I suppose anything is possible, it's hardly an 'established activity'.
Cryopreservation is a fact; it is an established activity with thousands of people registered for such programs and with many having been already frozen. The problem of restoration has yet to be solved, and that has indeed been left for future scientists.
Originally posted by Cris
And is that a problem or not? Is a preserved brain dead or merely inactive?
That's an interesting question, but I wouldn't describes a cryogenically frozen brain as 'preserved'.

It's true that companies like Alcor are freezing people's bodies, but at the moment they have no idea how the people could ever be revived.
Sure they do. In my case I expect to have my brain petrified. This is the latest process where no freezing damage occurs. I never expect to be revived into a biological form again but expect that when the technology is available that my perfectly petrified brain will be scanned, which will likely involve slicing it extremely thinly, and then digitizing the results and uploading the final data into a more resilient silicon based mechanism. Enter the age of Robo-Sapiens, or Transhumans.

That's an interesting question, but I wouldn't describes a cryogenically frozen brain as 'preserved'.
Providing the neural networks and their connections can be accurately preserved then the rest of the structures are largely irrelevant.
Ever see the film "the sixth day"
in that they make exact clones even when youre still alive,
arnie in the movie was wondering if he had a soul or not cos hes a clone of the other arnie.

I was wondering the same,although they obviously didnt answer it in the film.
Soul – an imaginative concept that has no basis in reality. The origin of the word means ‘breath’. It stems from the ancient observation that when someone is alive they have a breath but when they are dead there is no breath. This gave rise to the idea that the life of a person is encapsulated in their breath and that when they die their breath leaves the body. This was further extended to the idea of evil spirits who could enter the body by being breathed in. The bible is also full of the same idea and even God gave Adam life by breathing life into him.

That's why people cover their mouths when they yawn. The whole thing originated with the belief that upon yawning the devil would jump in your mouth and take up residence in your throat.

Groundless superstition is an integral part of human life. Thinking 13 is unlucky, crossing ones fingers, having a horseshoe on top of the door, throwing salt over the shoulder, 7 years bad luck when breaking a mirror, black cats running across your path, believing in big invisible beings. The list goes on and on. There is no basis in reality for the majority, if any of these. While yes, they are a prominent factor in human life there's nothing to show any of them as being even remotely close to 'fact'.