Evidence for the supernatural.

sorry my friend but you did not read my analogy of 'time'. A ghost is possibly a link to another track of time, and not religious but of physics.

edit: as to soul, read 'mind'. I think they are one and the same.
i think the tie in between religion and ghost is the spiritual aspect of them...

ghost are spirits
religion is spiritual..
Sorry but whisky is a spriit too if you wish to equate the word spirit with religion.
sorry my friend but you did not read my analogy of 'time'. A ghost is possibly a link to another track of time, and not religious but of physics

Sure - we can say that any supernatural object is anything we want to say it is. My point was not to suggest otherwise but to say that many supernatural elements are typically religious based concepts.

Ghosts and miracles are two such supernatural concepts that are typically religious. That's not to say they have to be, simply that they usually are.
We can argue the definition of supernatural till the ghost of the cow comes home BUT, supernatural does not equate to religion, thats my point. Supernatural is something 'outside nature' but is not necessarily of a religious spiritual nature. I suppose snakey, we should agree to disagree on the definition.

eg: not explainable by natural or physical laws, it does not have to mena religious. An athiest can believe in this phenomenon. We are not talking demons, devils angels or cherubs here, but the above.
We can argue the definition of supernatural till the ghost of the cow comes home BUT, supernatural does not equate to religion, thats my point

I don't think anyone has ultimately said it does, instead concentrating on specific supernatural elements that are religious in super-nature.

I suppose snakey, we should agree to disagree on the definition

Why would we do that, I have not said that such definition is wrong.

eg: not explainable by natural or physical laws, it does not have to mena religious

I know, I never said otherwise.

We are not talking demons, devils angels or cherubs here

Which are... supernatural and religious concepts, right?

OK, lets try this. I do not believe anything supernatural is in any way religious because I do not believe in religion - does that make better sense?
I do not believe anything supernatural is in any way religious because I do not believe in religion - does that make better sense?

What do you mean "I don't believe in religion". Religion exists - for sure. I can name several religions both extant and extinct.

What you seemingly mean is that you don't believe in religious supernatural concepts, (gods, demons, miracles etc).

Even if you don't "believe in religion", it does not negate the fact that there are supernatural religious concepts, (formerly mentioned).

Is it to say that you do believe in the supernatural, just not ones that are religiously focused?
I do not believe in any religion, to me its all a load of superstitious nonsense. I am open minded about the supernatural. Not having experienced it myself but I have experienced a UFO, but thats another story.
I say i believe in god..but i don't believe in religion..now that i have read the last few post..i know i really mean i do not agree with the way religion is. i don't think religion as it exists is what god wants.
religion has done so much to harm what god wants..

anyway..my point is the term 'i don't believe in religion' apparently is a subjective term, can mean many things..
I am open minded about the supernatural. Not having experienced it myself but I have experienced a UFO, but thats another story.

1. A UFO wouldn't be "supernatural".

2. I would submit that pretty much everyone has 'experienced' a UFO. (My eyesight is bad enough that just about anything in the sky happens to be a UFO).

3. I am unsure what you mean precisely by "open minded" to the supernatural. I almost get the impression that you want at least some aspects of it to be true. Needless to say, we're all 'open minded' in the sense that when given adequate evidence, we'd consider it true but people typically take it further than that - to such level of open mindedness that "the brain falls out" (to quote Dawkins).

4. I would assume that in a religion section, the supernatural elements under debate are religious based ones, (gods, demons, miracles, souls etc) but in either instance - be they religious based or not - the old posts explaining the difference between evidence for an assertion and lack of evidence for any assertion remain pertinent.

Snake: I did not say a UFO was spernatural nor did I infer, I simply stated that I have observed, along with others, something that did not behave naturally according to our current state of physics.

By open minded I mean that I am open minded enough to appreciate that many things labelled as supernatural are unexplained. My time track theory is not mine, but its a 'possibility'. I am open minded enough to realise it also could be totally incorrect.

If a UFO, for example, behaves in a manner not observing natural laws of motion, as we currently know them, is it not behaving 'outside' these natural laws of gravity and motion, ergo: 'super' naturally ??